Glazed terracotta tile. Nimrud. 875-850 BCE Protective spirit. Northwest Palace at Nimrud. 865 BCE Human headed winged lion, formerly flanking a doorway in the Northwest Palace at Nimrud. Time of Ashurnasirpal I, 865 BCE The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III, showing scenes of tribute bearers from many lands. 858-824 BCE Gates from Shalmaneser III’s palace at Balawat. Embossed bronze strips over wood (reconstructed). 858-824 BCE. Winged human headed spirits. Northwest Palace at Nimrud. These may have guarded the entrance to the King’s private apartments. 865 BCE. Horses & grooms leaving Sennacherib’s palace at Nineveh, 700 BCE Protective spirits, Nineveh, 645-635 BCE. These figures are not fighting but are protecting against any evil that might approach from two directions.
Strategies and Apps for Personalized Learning in Early Elementary (PreK-2) Have you ever considered shifting to personalized learning for your early learners, but weren't sure the best ways to go about it? Do you want to keep play alive and well, while maintaining high expectations and academic performance? Join Dr. Courtney L. Teague as she covers some great instructional strategies, along with apps and tools that will help transform your teaching and young learners. Come learn how you can use personalized learning to engage and inspire your future-ready learners! |Last aired on: ||Tuesday, October 3, 2017 @ 6:00 PM EDT ||Differentiation & Personalization, Early Learners, Learning Theories & Strategies ||apps, Early elementary, early learners, personalization, personalized learning, pre-K-2, PreK, strategies
Roles of G-protein-coupled receptor signaling in cancer biology and gene transcription. - PMID: 17188489[PubMed]. G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are ubiquitous mediators of signal transduction across mammalian cell membranes. Among other roles, GPCRs are known to regulate cellular motility, growth and differentiation, and gene transcription, three factors central to the biology of cancer. Because GPCRs are tractable drug targets, mechanisms by which receptors and their associated proteins impact cellular transformation and metastasis might lead to novel cancer therapies. Recent work has elucidated mechanisms explaining correlations between cancer progression and the expression of GPCRs, such as a protease-activated receptor (PAR1), and G-proteins, such as Galpha(12/13). Of special interest, the discovery of novel nuclear roles for heterotrimeric G-proteins expands the direct impact of G-protein signaling on processes fundamental to the pathology of cancer.
Efik Morphological Processes AbstractMorphological processes are operations by the forms of words which are derived from technical concepts used to describe new words. We are therefore inquiring into the operations of human communication trying to reveal the phenomenon of language universality and view the parametric variation found in the language of resource. This work is neither a contrastive nor a comparative one, but Efik copious examples are used as the major resource of the study, then drawing from the examples of English derivational and inflectional morphology. The morphemic analysis is the underpinning behind the semantic and grammatical proportionality which is the reference point that expresses what happens in Efik morphology. This discussion agrees with the various types of morphological processes which are affixation, borrowing, calquing, compounding and reduplication. We are coming up with the justification that there are peculiar morphological processes found in Efik that are not found in English or other languages and also there are those found in the two languages. This reveals the peculiarity of the different languages. LWATI: A Journal of Contemporary Research, 8(4), 86-98, 2011 Copyright for articles published in this journal is retained by the journal. The journal content is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons License [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0]
Plush pet toys are produced in a largely automated factory in standard lots of 100 toys each. A standard cost system is used to control costs and to assign cost to inventory. Variable overhead, estimated at $5 per lot, consists of miscellaneous items such as thread, a variety of plastic squeakers, and paints that are applied to create features such as eyes and whiskers. Fixed overhead, estimated at $24 000 per month, consists largely of depreciation on the automated machinery and rent for the building. Variable overhead is allocated based on lots produced. The standard fixed overhead allocation rate is based on the estimated output of 1000 lots per month. (a) Prepare a production budget for the coming year based on planned production of (b) Compare the budget prepared in (a) with a flexible budget based on actual activity of
Essay Writing Tips The quality of your essay plays a crucial role in determining your chances of securing a scholarship or admission. Contrary to what a lot of students believe, essay writing is not a daunting task. With careful research and planning, anybody can write a good essay. An essay is a big project. The easiest way to tackle it is to break it down into manageable parts. Here are some essay writing tips. Choose a topic Sometimes you are given the topic. In this case, you have no option but to write on it. If no topic is given, you have the opportunity to choose a topic that is interesting to you. Before you start writing, identify the purpose of your essay. Is it going to be persuasive or informative? If you find the topic intriguing, you will have to do some research on it. Prepare an outline of ideas Before you start writing, jot down your ideas. This will allow you to see connections between ideas. Write your thesis statement. Once you have chosen a topic and created an outline of your ideas, you must write your thesis statement. The thesis statement tells your readers the point of your essay. It is the last sentence in your introduction. Write the body Argue, explain and describe your topic in the body paragraph. Each main idea should become a separate section. Write the introduction Once you have written the thesis statement and developed body paragraphs, you must write the introduction. Make sure that it grabs the attention of the reader. You can use an attention grabber such as a piece of dialogue, quote, story or shocking information. Write the conclusion Sum up your overall ideas in the conclusion and provide a final perspective on the topic. The conclusion should have three to five sentences.
BUS 300 Week 3 Quiz 2 Chapters 3 and 4 1. ________ is a role played by media and public relations professionals.2. Feedback is critical to communication because from it3. The “father of the communication satellite” is4. When the media use terms, such as Gen-Xers, policy wonks, bankers, and feminist, they are resorting to using5. Pat Jackson’s models of communication for public relations emphasized6. The overall study of how communication is used to direct and control is called7. Which of the following is critical to the communication process?8. Andy picked up a brochure at the checkout counter in a sporting goods store because the cover had what appeared to be a logo for his favorite team. Upon a closer look, he realized the logo was for a team in a different sport, a sport he did not follow. He interpreted the message incorrectly because of9. Typical goals for communication include10. Which of the following is true about public relations models introduced by Grunig& Hunt?11. The professor listened to the student’s explanation why the paper was late. The student claimed that the campus-wide computer system crashed overnight. Upon checking, the professor confirmed what the student had said, illustrating that a message initially12. Professor Everett Rogers is associated with which of the following theory of communication?13. Which of the following does NOT pertain to Wikipedia?14. The reason opinion leaders are targeted as primary receivers for critical messages is15. Which of the following occurs if a message is coherent?16. Most public relations programs are said to be designed17. Using your experiences, especially when they reflect how you’ve overcome obstacles, is an appeal based largely on18. If your parents have owned only SUVs since you can recall, when you go to purchase your first vehicle as a new parent, it is likely that you will first consider buying an SUV because your attitude has been influenced most by the ________ characteristic.19. Social judgment theory suggests20. To indicate what your organization believes about a clean environment, you need to provide indisputable21. In the 21st century, ________ is a front-line responsibility of public relations.22. From classic persuasion theory, we learn that a person who skims the surface and doesn’t focus on the intricacies of an argument is23. For the longest time, scholars believed attitudes were24. Google, The Coca-Cola Company, and Microsoft Corporation have25. “Being all you can be” is what Abraham Maslow would likely describe as fulfilling the ________ need.26. Which of the following is NOT a prediction made by futurist John Naisbitt in his book, Megatrends 2000?27. Political activist Saul Alinsky said that if you expect to persuade people28. As a general rule, those who examine public opinion recognize that29. In the hierarchy of needs theory, the second level focuses on30. The ________ model tackles what motivates people to change their attitude.. - Assignment status: Already Solved By Our Experts - (USA, AUS, UK & CA PhD. Writers) - CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS, GET A NON PLAGIARIZED PAPER FROM OUR EXPERTS
We will learn how to calculate loss and selling price of an article. We know, S.P. is the price at which an article is sold and the seller suffers a loss when the S.P. is less than the C.P. 1. James purchases an article for $450 and sold it at 20% loss. Find the loss and selling price of the article. Given, C.P. of an article = $450 and loss% = 20% Therefore, loss = loss% of C.P. = 20% × $450 = (20/100) × $450 And, S.P. = C.P. – loss = $450 - $90 Therefore, loss is $90 and selling price is $360. 2. A dealer losses $200 when he sells an article at a loss of 10%. Find the selling price (S.P.) of the article. Let the cost price (C.P.) be $ 100. Therefore selling price (S.P.) = cost price (C.P.) - loss = $100 - $10 If the loss is $10, then the S.P. is $90. If the loss is $1, then the S.P. is $90/10. If the loss is $200, then the S.P. is $ (90/10) × 200 = $(90 × 200)/10 Hence, the selling price (S.P.) of the article is $1800. Discount and Discount Percent ● Profit And Loss - WorksheetsWorksheet on Calculating Overhead Charges
The TMJ is the joint that connect your jaw to your lower skull. TMJ disorder is caused by chronic stress on the TMJ. Common causes of TMJ disorder include: - Bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching) - A misaligned bite - Previous dental work - Trauma or injury to the teeth or jaw - Inflammation caused by illness (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) TMJ disorder can produce an array of symptoms. One of the most common is pain, soreness or tenderness around the TMJ, especially when opening the mouth. Excessive tooth wear caused by bruxism is another common symptom. Chronic teeth grinding or clenching of the jaw while sleeping can also cause you to experience headaches, especially first thing in the morning. Other symptoms include clicking or popping noises when opening the jaw, or the jaw locking in place. If left untreated, TMJ disorder can interfere with daily life. TMJ pain can limit the range of motion of the mouth, making it difficult to chew and speak properly. Excessive tooth wear can open the door to an array of serious dental issues. And because the jaw muscles and joints are connected to those in your neck and back, it is not uncommon for some individuals with TMJ disorder to experience neck and back pain, which can lead to posture problems.
Predicting virus growth tells us much about the pluses and minuses of data-based decisions. That’s because panels of virus experts consistently do better than the best computational models at predicting virus growth. Predicting Virus Growth To be clear, many experts have their own models. Yet, they still integrate their experience and analysis into a final prediction. Moreover, by tapping the wisdom of crowds their predictions are integrated with other experts. This yields a final prediction. Predicting virus growth via data models works in the same way but without the experts. Data modeling experts weigh the collective wisdom of the various data models. They merge this wisdom into one data model or prediction. Problems Predicting Virus Growth The problem predicting virus growth comes because viruses don’t always behave the same way. This is especially true of mutations of existing viruses and true of new ones like the coronavirus. Whether it’s the historical data behind data models or the experience behind experts, newness raises uncertainty. Generally, the newer and more unique any event is, the harder it is to predict. Viruses are no different. Making Predictions and Decisions In the end, predicting virus growth sheds light on how to make better predictions and decisions in our businesses and lives. That light says that unless the future will tap the same trends as history did, data will need expert human input. Data-driven decisions alone won’t yield good predictions and decisions. Now, those who think simply, in black-white terms will see this as reason for overriding data. That’s false. Again, think of the virus. Experts use their own models and overlay their expertise. In fact, the biggest obstacles to data are human biases. This is especially true if the data conflicts with people’s views. It’s true when stories dominate thought processes. Stories beat data in the space of influencing humans. Stories form some of the greatest defenders of the status quo. Thus in making predictions and decisions, neither ignoring the data nor relying totally on them works best unless the future will run on the same tracks as the past. Remember the coronavirus. Yes, it’s a virus. It’s like other viruses in some ways. It’s also different. The more different an event is the more likely experts’ experience, analysis and intuition become.
Bringing plants into the house can make the atmosphere fresher and cooler. There are many types of plants that can be used as ornamental plants, but choose indoor plants that produce oxygen. That way, your home will be fresher and more beautiful to the eye. This is due to the presence of these ornamental plants. Who doesn’t like ornamental plants? Surely everyone likes it, including me and you. Let’s beautify and make our homes healthy with various oxygen-producing ornamental plants. In choosing ornamental plants, make sure to also choose plants that are not difficult to care for. Keep in mind that the plants will be placed indoors so they are not exposed to direct sunlight. In addition, plants still need to be watered so that they are moist and can grow well. So choose plants that can grow easily but can also produce oxygen. For those who are confused about choosing the type of oxygen-producing indoor plant as well as being an ornamental plant, then the following can be an option. 1. Betel Ivory |Photo by| Another advantage of the ivory betel is its green-yellow leaves. This color is certainly different from the color of the leaves in general which are only green. So that it can give additional color to the room in the house. 2. Paris Lilies (Spider Plants) Many people know this plant as the spider plant because of its long, hanging shape like spider legs. Even so, this is precisely what makes this plant unique and beautiful compared to other plants. Besides being beautiful, this plant is also able to produce oxygen and remove toxins from wall paint and furniture. How to care for paris lilies is very easy because it does not require a lot of water or sun. It can also be placed anywhere as long as it is watered regularly every 2-3 times a week. In order to keep getting sunlight, then put the plant outside once a week for 10 minutes. 3. Chrysanthemum Plants If you are looking for a versatile plant then buy a chrysanthemum plant. This plant is able to produce oxygen and clean the air around it. So, all harmful substances in the room such as ammonia, benzene will be cleaned by the chrysanthemum plant. Therefore, this type of plant is highly recommended for those who live in the factory area that emits harmful substances. Chrysanthemum plants can also be used as a useful supplement to prevent various diseases such as phosphate cancer and diabetes. So do not be surprised if chrysanthemum plants are widely used as indoor ornamental plants. 4. Sri Fortune The next oxygen-producing indoor ornamental plant is Sri Fortune. NASA has determined the Sri Rejeki plant as one of the effective plants capable of removing household pollutants such as benzene. So, this plant is highly recommended to have in the house. Not only its function, but the color of the Sri Fortune plant is also very beautiful and unique. If many only know the colors are yellow, green, then some are red-green. So, choose a unique plant color so that the atmosphere in the room will also be different. If you have trouble sleeping, then try using your mother-in-law’s tongue in the room. Researchers state that the oxygen produced by the mother-in-law’s tongue can improve the quality of one’s sleep. In addition, oxygen and fresh air from these plants can reduce the level of stress and prevent shortness of breath. Ornamental plants have many benefits other than as a decorative garden in the room. One of them is a producer of clean air oxygen. With oxygen-producing indoor plants, owners can get two benefits at once. Namely a healthy and fresh home atmosphere, as well as a beautiful view. Let’s beautify our homes with various oxygen-rich ornamental plants!
Sarracenia Rhizome Special (Seasonal availability) Ease to Grow: Easy Dormancy: Required Native Range: Wet acidic bogs of Eastern and Southeastern ...View full details American Pitcher Plants, Sarracenia spp. typically grow in the bogs, pocosins and fens of the coastal plains of the southeastern United States. They grow among the sedges in the open sun, where the moist soil is generally a sand/peat mix, usually dominated by sand. The climate is warm and temperate. Sarracenia x Red Bug Ease to Grow: Easy. Dormancy: Recommended. Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of the Gulf Coast and Southeastern North Americ...View full details Sarracenia x Juthatip Soper Ease to Grow: Easy. Dormancy: Recommended. Parental Native Range: Wet Pocosins of northern Florida and southern Alabama...View full details Sarracenia x Judith Hindle Ease to Grow: Easy. Dormancy: Suggested. Native Range: Hybrid - not native, but parents are from Eastern USA. Zones: 6-8...View full details
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Coupling is a convenient word that describes a wide variety of interactions or feedback processes, including those that we do not fully understand. Examples in Earth science include ocean-atmosphere coupling, climate-tectonics coupling, and core-mantle coupling. The word is also very popular in discussions of plate boundary earthquake processes. As a vague expression, fault coupling is a perfectly adequate term, describing some kind of mechanical interaction between rocks of each side of a fault. For those of us who try to infer fault processes from geodetic measurements, coupling usually indicates a state of no or low current slip. If a fault is fully locked, we may say it is “coupled” or “fully coupled.” If a plate boundary fault is slipping at the long-term plate convergence rate, we may say it is “decoupled.” Fault segments that are slipping more slowly than the plate convergence rate are then “partially” coupled. To avoid awkward expressions such as “negatively” or “overly” coupled, an equivalent description has been used in the literature; that is, to define a “coupling ratio” with values ranging from negative to greater than unity. For describing kinematics, these expressions would not be wrong. However, with one additional step, our usage of the word coupling can lead to confusion. That step is to describe a fault that is not slipping as “strongly coupled.” Was this content written or created while at USF? Citation / Publisher Attribution Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 85, issue 18, p. 180-181 ©2004. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Scholar Commons Citation Wang, Kelin and Dixon, Timothy H., "“Coupling” Semantics and Science in Earthquake Research" (2004). School of Geosciences Faculty and Staff Publications. 463.
(Click on an image to learn more) Watch our Videos: (View Posts From Italo Labignan Who Uses K100) Cleaner Engines Operate More Efficiently All engines suffer from a build-up of sludge, varnish and carbons. As fuel ages, asphatimes form, darken the fuel and eventually settle out of the fuel to form sludge at the bottom of the tank. These sediments will clog fuel lines, leave deposits in the carburetors and may cause sticking rings.
U.S. History Classroom Based Assessment Sacco and Vanzetti Trial Read the Digging Deep – Analyzing Sources CBA. Make sure you understand the directions and requirements you need to accomplish in order to successfully complete the project. Read the Digging Deep – Analyzing Sources rubric. You will need to meet a level 3 or be proficient. In order to successfully pass the Classroom Based Assessment you will need to complete the following requirements. Read the powerpoint and take notes on the Sacco and Vanzetti Trial. I. Develop a Historical Question and State a Position on the Question that Outlines a Reason in Support of the Position a. Write an introduction. Introduce the topic to the reader and give a brief amount of background information. The last sentence in the introduction should be your thesis. b. Restate the following Historical Question: Due to National Security was it justifiable to execute Sacco and Vanzetti? Make sure you State a Position in your thesis. II. Body Paragraph #1. Read the Article The Red Scare. a. In a well supported paragraph answer the following prompt: Due to the nationwide hysteria in the U.S. was it justifiable to condemn Sacco and Vanzetti because of their background? b. Make sure you State a Position in your opening statement. i. You need to include two quotes from the text to support your answer. III. Body Paragraph #2. Use Notes and Research. a. In a well supported paragraph answer the following prompt: Due to the available evidence do you think Sacco and Vanzetti were guilty of the crime? b. Make sure you State a Position in your opening statement. Use the powerpoint and research to answer the question. i. You do not need quotes in this paragraph. IV. Body Paragraph #3. Read the Article The Report of Governor Fuller. a. In a well supported paragraph answer the following prompt: In the Sacco and Vanzetti case, should the U.S. officials granted them the right for a retrial? b. Make sure you State a Position in your opening statement. i. You need to include two quotes from the text to support your answer. V. Conclusion. Wrap up the paper. a. Discuss the Historical Significance of the trial. i. What can we learn from this? What other historical examples can you relate this too?
|Elevation||799 m (2,621 ft)| |Prominence||175 m (574 ft)| |Parent peak||Caisteal Abhail| |Location||North Ayrshire, Scotland| |Parent range||Isle of Arran| Cìr Mhòr (Scottish Gaelic, usually with definite article, A' Chìr Mhòr) is a Corbett known as the Matterhorn of Arran. Its name means the "big comb", referring its resemblance to a cockscomb. It is separated from the island's highest peak, Goat Fell, by a col called The Saddle.
Download this Past Tense PPT and use it in class today. This PowerPoint presentation is for teaching past tense regular verbs in English. Included in the slides are the past tense rules and examples of past tense verbs. See below to download this past tense PPT and see the bottom of the page for related resources. For more lesson materials for teaching the past tense, check out these related resources:
Plant Id : 26 Plant Name : Madhu Kamini Scientific Name : Murraya paniculata Family Name : Rutaceae Location : Ojasvi Hostel Properties : The species is widely grown as an ornamental tree or hedge because of its hardiness, wide range of soil tolerance and suitability for larger hedges. Traditionally, it is used both in traditional medicine as an analgesic and for wood (for tool handles). The plant flowers throughout the year and produces small, fragrant flowers clusters which attract bees, while fruit attracts small frugivorous birds.
The students in my class are active, kind, talented, and curious students who love learning. My students are kids who love to learn. Technology is always something that interests them. They get to use iPads to practice different skills that we are learning in Kindergarten. I have noticed my students wanting to do more and more with technology everyday. My students a great thinkers who love learn new things. I love to see their eyes light up when we are learning something new! My students would use the Dash & Dot Robots to become better problem solvers. While using the the Dash & Dot Robot, students will also be practicing coding and math skills. Dash & Dot will help my students become great problem solvers while practicing important math skills! Technology and math skills are important for 21st century students to have. These robots will be able to be incorporated into many different parts of our day. These skills will help them all throughout school. These resources will spark creativity and interest in my students. I can't wait to see wait to see what they will do. If you donated to this project, you can sign in to leave a comment for Ms. Olson. DonorsChoose is the most trusted classroom funding site for teachers. As a teacher-founded nonprofit, we're trusted by thousands of teachers and supporters across the country. This classroom request for funding was created by Ms. Olson and reviewed by the DonorsChoose team. DonorsChoose makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. Public school teachers from every corner of America create classroom project requests, and you can give any amount to the project that inspires you.
In Greek, “apnea” means “without breath.” Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is defined by repeatedly stopping and starting breathing while you sleep. OSA is the most prevalent sleep-related breathing disorder and affects 37% of men and 50% of women. OSA can lead to increased tooth decay, TMJ disorder, cardiovascular disorders, and other physical conditions if left untreated. In this guide, we go over four sleep apnea red flags and explain why they happen. Saliva is vital for keeping the mouth moist and clean. However, inadequate saliva production can lead to mild symptoms such as a hoarse voice or sore throat, but can also lead to more severe complications, such as: One study published by the Journal of Sleep Research indicates that over 30% of patients with OSA experience dry mouth upon waking. Researchers hypothesized that this prevalence might be due to sleeping with the mouth open to force breathing. Many people consume caffeinated beverages to fight daytime tiredness. At the same time, others boost their energy levels by exercising, eating a more balanced diet, and losing weight. While the latter is better for the body at improving energy, there is no substitute for a good night’s sleep. People who suffer from OSA lack quality sleep and may awake anywhere from 5 to more than 30 times per hour. Sleep disruptions at night are likely to decrease energy throughout the day and may cause people to feel sleepy during inappropriate times, including: Dreams are hallucinations during sleep and are the strongest during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. Do you wake up without remembering what you just dreamt on most days? If you answered yes, then you may have obstructive sleep apnea. According to the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, multiple studies suggest that OSA patients may report lower dream recall frequency. Furthermore, patients with higher AHI (apnea-hypopnea index) report a lower nightmare frequency, which indicates that patients with OSA suppress nightmare recall for most patients. Are you experiencing a simple snore or something more? Snoring occurs when the air can’t move freely through the nose and throat during sleep, making the surrounding tissues vibrate. This vibration causes the snoring sound and can be generally caused by: Beyond these reasons, snoring can indicate obstructive sleep apnea (especially if you snore with the mouth open or in all sleeping positions). If you experience snoring and one other previously mentioned warning sign, it’s essential to speak with a medical professional to rule out sleep apnea. If you suspect that you may have sleep apnea, the first step to treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea is visiting the dentist. After investigating changes in your teeth (such as excessive grinding), Dr. Lee recommends a customized oral appliance for mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea in Grant Park. If further treatment is needed, Dr. Lee can suggest a sleep specialist in your area for more intensive OSA treatment. Learn more about gentle sleep apnea treatment right now by calling 404-328-7177 or contacting us online.
A first draft is the initial working document that emerges as you transform your notes and ideas into a piece of writing. As you write your first draft, don't expect perfection. Focus on your ideas rather than spelling, grammar, word usage, and other writing mechanics. Stopping to fix every error will only slow your progress and interrupt your train of thought. Here are some other tips that will help you write a quick and efficient first draft: - First, collect all your prewriting materials. Your planning and research can provide a roadmap for your first draft. Read your notes to get an overall feeling for the information you’ve gathered. Arrange key points in a sensible order. - Mark important ideas. Note the specific data, facts, or statements you want to include in your work. - Develop a logical flow. You may have used a graphic organizer during your prewriting, anything from a simple list to a full-sentence outline. Whatever organizational plan you’ve made, follow it; but feel free to veer from that plan as you draft. New ideas will often occur to you as your work takes shape. - Write to the end. If possible, write your first draft in one sitting, from beginning to end. Avoid dwelling too long on one section, and don’t start revising. Just get it all down. After a break, pick up the thread by rereading what you’ve written so far, but avoid polishing that part. Instead, move ahead to complete the first draft. When you’ve finished, you may read through your draft to add an idea you have obviously missed, or to delete anything distracting. But it is not time for a full revision, or to look for spelling, grammar, or usage errors. Instead, set your draft aside and take a break. You can come back to it later, with a fresh eye. How is drafting different from writing? Drafting is just one step of a larger writing process. Without giving due attention to the other steps, your writing may not achieve its full potential. Watch this brief video to understand how drafting fits within the overall process.
About 'Grand March from Aida' Verdi, Giuseppe (biography) October 10, 1813 January 27, 1901 Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (October 10, 1813 - January 27, 1901) was one of the great composers of Italian opera. A composer of romantic music, his work was already very popular during his lifetime and remains so today. |Score Key:||Eb major (Sounding Pitch) (View more Eb major Music for Oboe )| |Tempo Marking:||Maestoso = c. 100| |Time Signature:||4/4 (View more 4/4 Music)| |Number of Pages:||2| |Difficulty:||Easy Level: Recommended for Beginners with some playing experience| |Style:||Classical (View more Classical Music)| © Copyright 2000-2022 Red Balloon Technology Ltd ( |
Just how much automation do we need today? It seems as if more and more work could be done better, if not more efficiently, by robots. Years ago, we never would have imagined the possibility of bots taking over the tedious everyday tasks we experience in the office. Yet here we are in a day and age where the Matrix is beginning to look more realistic. This begs the question, how far should we let AI take over the humanity required for the economy? Robotics simplifies the human workload and no one can deny the impact it has on the global job market. Oxford Economics predicts that over 20 million jobs will need to be redeveloped to upkeep with the surge in AI. With society constantly improving on efficiency, is the redevelopment of jobs really an opportunity cost we can afford? Maybe, with the growing global population, it wouldn’t be so bad to keep some processes simple? After all, such practices merely improve cost efficiency in organizations, meaning the rich save more money and the poor lose out. The inequality of who benefits the most from such automation is largely skewed towards the upper class. The lack of human conscience has been a point of debate for the development of AI. Communications between sentient beings imply a sense of intimacy between the entities. The ability to understand each other on a non-logic-based level. John R. Searle famously points out how a computer, if programmed appropriately, is a mind, (Searle, 1980, p. 417). But the issue is, do we even know the extent of how human minds are programmed? If so, how can we possibly know the complexity of how robots should be programmed? Next must consider the security of AI. As we know, AI is non-discriminatory. Anyone can use it. But what if it falls into the wrong hands? A chief envisioning officer at Microsoft UK, Dave Coplin, indicates that priority goes to ensuring “the right people are making these algorithms.” With more organizations expanding their AI capabilities, it becomes increasingly available to the public. In the future, such a tool may even become more treacherous than firearms have been historical. Finally, this begs the question of whether we can, ultimately, keep AI in control. Researchers at L’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne point out how learning protocols have been developed that “prevent machines from learning from interruptions and thereby becoming uncontrollable.” Machines have been built to replace humans in tasks. Eventually, with AI being developed to increasingly resemble humans, who are to say it will not eventually be able to outsmart them. I feel that a sense of humility should be adhered to when dealing with the advancement of robotics, that eventually we must determine the point at which where humans have the last word. As of today, technology has had a rampant influence on society. With the onset of COVID-19, these advancements can be felt in our everyday lives. Although it is another step forward into a futuristic society, it is paramount that we understand the purpose and capabilities that AI presents to ensure that it does not bring about more harm than good. It is also in our interest to remember the human aspects of our lives, and that some work shouldn’t be done by robots. Whether it is teaching children or understanding nature, some experiences in life just don’t require AI, but human touch. Business Analyst – Robotic Process Automation
What are some of the current trends that may affect the study and/or practice of educational technology? According to the Northwest Council for Computer Education (N.C.C.E.), "The President's proposed FY09 Budget again calls for the total elimination of critical education technology funding. Specifically, the President's Budget would zero out the Enhancing Education Through Technology (EETT) program, cutting education technology funding by $267.4 million." With a zero budget for 2009, compared to a $496 million budget for 2005, priority for educational technology has taken steps backward. This will have a serious impact on the amount of technology that school districts are able to purchase. With the economy being such as it is, technology is being put on the back burner, deemed less important than other aspects of education. California's Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program ended its (nearly) 2-year stint on June 30, 2008. This funding was the result of a lawsuit, and districts had to apply for the program on behalf of all their eligible schools. Only Title I schools were eligible to apply for these vouchers, and the total amount available through the program was 400 billion dollars. Now that these funds are no longer available, technology that has already been acquired will lack the funding for upgrades. New technology will also be largely out of the question, with a weak economy and other funding sources quickly being reallocated. Teachers are burdened with the task of creating the workforce of the that will require significantly different skills than those of decades past. With funding and the importance of educational technology being set aside, teaching students the skills they will need to compete in a global market is becoming increasingly difficult. By the time most schools get technology in the classroom, it is already becoming outdated. Tools of the Future Last, but not least, is the technology that has yet to be invented. At the rate new technology is being created and upgraded, educational technologists will have to continuously learn and upgrade their own skills. When most of today's teachers were going to school, they could not have imagined the advances that would take place in technology in the past ten or so years. They are now training their students to enter a workplace for which the tools have not even been invented yet. Educators must be flexible and able to adapt to the dramatic changes in technology as they become available.
Insect Inspired LAURON Robot Designed for Planetary Exploration Posted on August 1, 2017 LAURON is an insect inspired robot developed at the FZI (Research Center for Information Technology) in Karlsruhe, Germany. The robot was initially created for studying six-legged walking robots and as a search and rescue robot. The FZI is now looking at the use of developing robots for planetary exploration. The robot has legs with 3D force sensors and a spring-damper system. A protective green shell covers its back. It is capable of navigating rocky and uneven terrain. It uses multiple camera systems. The robot also has a mechanical claw on one of its legs that can be used to grasp small objects. FZI also wants to develop robots that know when to take risks through a project called intelliRisk. The intelligence could be used on autonomous missions in situations where the robot encounters a steep slope or a trench. Should the robot make the attempt or act more cautiously and explore a different area. The researchers say this is particular important in situations where mission success is more important than hardware retention. It might be useful to program the robot to be less risk adverse if scientists think a big discovery could be made. At the same time you don't want the autonomous robot going for it at every obstacle it encounters. Here's a recent video of the lauron robot grabbing a plush frog. Take a look: - Hexapod Robots Walk Faster With Flexible Feet - Giant Hailstone From Argentina Could Set New World Record - It Rains Liquid Iron on Exoplanet WASP-76b - Study Reveals 3-D Structure of Ultra-Black Butterfly Wings - NASA Image Shows Lake Mega Chad Remnants
We'd like to suggest that you reach beyond the obvious definition of exile as you explore this theme in Dreaming in Cuban. In addition to the political exile suffered by Lourdes and Pilar (and possibly Javier), there is also a sense of wandering or homelessness on the personal and familial levels. Even Celia, the staunchest of Cuban revolutionaries, feels the isolation and loneliness of being cast out or forgotten by the larger collective. Felicia's failure to thrive, despite finding her place in Herminia's religious community, may be due in part to an "internal exile": she doesn't fit into the Revolutionary plan for personal happiness. For those outside Cuba, exile goes one of two ways: the Puente family way or the Lourdes del Pino way. While Lourdes' forceful character allows her to adapt and thrive, that's not the case for Rufino and his family. Pilar is left somewhere in the middle, not really feeling at home in either place, or with either family. Exile, it seems, is an internal condition as well as a national one. Questions About Exile How is exile defined over the course of the story? Does the definition change? In what ways does personal isolation and a sense of abandonment mirror political exile? How does it differ? Pilar realizes that she can never be fully herself in either Cuba or the U.S. What other characters find themselves caught between one world and another? Why does Pilar go along with Lourdes' plan to get Ivanito out of Cuba? Chew on This Ivanito's journey out of Cuba marks the beginning of a crisis of identity for Celia. She can no longer support the Revolution for the future of her family and she is left with only Luz and Milagro (the "Double Helix" twins) to "grandparent." In García's Dreaming in Cuban, exiles come in a variety of categories and situations. Although the refugees from Cuba are the obvious focus of the work, there are groups in both the U.S. and Cuba who suffer alienation from the powers in control of individual destinies.
Houses! Skyscrapers! Bridges! Tunnels! Shopping malls! Offshore oil rigs! Utilities! Construction Surveyors are among the first professionals on the job. They provide high accurate reference points to facilitate construction and advice architects, engineers, and contractors throughout the entire project. Construction Surveyors are very precise. They have to be. Their measurements pinpoint the exact location where an underground tunnel, road or bridge begins and ends. When building a factory, business park or housing development, they also determine the location for utility lines, roads, parking spaces, buildings, etc. Construction Surveyors also aid in rebuilding after natural or man-made disasters occur. Construction Surveyors provide guidance for reconstruction of damaged roads, buildings, bridges, power lines, etc.
Not TOO Scary Stories for Halloween ~ Stories for Kids These NOT TOO scary stories for kids are based on folktales. These "scary" stories are perfect for the classroom at Halloween time since they are not really scary but focus on folklore surrounding Halloween, including "witches, goblins and ogres". These scary stories can be used in the classroom to teach literary elements or can be read at home around the campfire for some not so spooky storytelling. Happy Halloween!
Using Curiosity for Career DevelopmentApr 08, 2021 Using curiosity for your career development can help propel you when you're feeling stuck. Mitchell, Levin, & Krumboltz (1999) state that it is important to use curiosity to explore new learning experiences and opportunities. Curiosity helps you look for opportunities in unlikely places. As well as allowing you to explore without the pressure to produce something. Here are FIVE ways to explore a new learning opportunity or experience: - Pick up a book - for example, if you're interested in marine biology - pick one up at your local library. Any book may lead you to something you love or hate. Whether you love or hate it, it will put you a step closer. - Watch a documentary AND then discuss it with at least 1 person- a documentary is an easy way to learn more about any topic. But, don't just watch it, share what you learned with a friend, a stranger, or even on the internet. You might be surprised what happens next! - Journal - this may not sound like a way to explore your curiosity but it is the perfect way to flesh out all those ideas you have floating around in your head. By seeing your ideas, it will lead to more. The more you create the closer you will be to knowing your calling. Take a 7-day journal challenge and see where it leads you! - Go outside and do something different - go outside what does that mean??? It means exactly that "go outside." This can be eating in your lunch break room instead of your desk. It might mean walking to the corner and saying hi to a neighbor. Just go outside of your comfort zone and say "Hi" to anyone that you DON'T know, you might find your next friend, boss, or career ally. Just give it a try! - Try that thing! You know that thing you've ALWAYS wanted to try but haven't ever dared to do it. DO IT. There is nothing stopping you and you never know where it might lead you. "but I don't have the money" If you are at a place where that "thing" cost more money than you have at the moment; then start talking to others about it. For example, if I wanted to try bungee jumping but wasn't sure I had the funds for it today. I could start talking about it to others via text, social media, blogging, etc, and see where it goes. Trying new things doesn't have to cost money and by talking about them you'll attract them into your lives. If you're ready to work with a career coach 1:1 or in group coaching. Check out my services here. Have you downloaded your Career Clarity Guide yet? Click here to download. Listen to the Manifest Your Career Podcast for more career advice & tips.
In this topic, we described about the <em> tag along with detailed example. Emphasized text is used to display the text as in emphasized text, with added semantic importance. Emphasized text uses <em> tag. <em> is also called as pharse tag. Any text in between <em>..</em> displays as in Emphasized. <em> element is nested element. <em>.. text here.. </em> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Emphasized text example.. </title> </head> <body> <p>This is <em> Emphasized </em> text</p> </body> </html> This is Emphasized text
Welcome to this website about railways and public transport. Millions of people worldwide use different forms of public transportation. These include travel by road, air and railway transport. The choice of one type or the other is dictated by various factors such as speed, convenience and the environment. Railway transport is one of the oldest forms of moving people from one point to another faster, safely and in a cost-friendly way. Railway mode is used mostly for intra-city shuttling and cross-country movement of people and goods. This website offers some information on public transportation. Advantages of Public Transport Unlike private means, public transport has several advantages. The use of private transport increases the pressure on the infrastructure and leads to clogged urban roads. Public Transport has the following benefits: - Saves the planet through reduced carbon footprint. - Reduces traffic jams in urban areas. - Less costly than fueling a private car. Public Transport and the Environment Public transport contributes to a significant level of emissions. Several initiatives have been implemented in a bid to cut these emissions, including airlines cutting down on plastics, achieving better fuel efficiency and efforts towards sustainability. Rail transport is excellent for the environment. Trains emit less emissions and therefore reduce carbon in the atmosphere. For the huge numbers who use public transport, using railway transport is a brilliant way of saving the battered planet. High-speed railways are poised to complement air transport over shorter distances. Benefits of Railway Transport Rail transport has some advantages over some other forms of public transportation. Read about them here which include: - Cheaper than air or private car. - Great for sightseeing.
What do the hand ligaments do? Ligaments in your wrist and hand joints help to keep the bones joined together. These fibrous bands make sure that the joint is fully stabilised and mobile for everyday functions. Hand Ligament Sprains and Tears Hand ligaments are vulnerable to injury and usually tearing because of overworking the joints or direct trauma. When an injury occurs to these ligaments, it is often referred to as a sprain. This is especially common in people who lift heavy weights or an impactful fall. Severe ligament tears can occur in vehicular accidents or fall from great heights. When this happens prolonged treatment or surgery might be the only choice. How do I know if my hand is sprained? The first few signs and symptoms of ligament injury are swelling and pain in the affected joint. This occurs because of the underlying inflammation. If the tear is not extensive then simple icing or splinting will do the trick combined with anti-inflammatory medications. When the injury is extensive, your joint might have dislocated which could cause abnormal movements. If this happens, you will need to check in with the doctor as soon as possible because untreated ligament injuries could become chronic. How will we diagnose hand ligament injuries? Complete history and physical examination are required to conclude. The diagnosis can further be confirmed through imaging techniques such as an x-ray and MRI or CT scan. The latter will provide a complete assessment of the extent of the injury. Hand Ligament Surgery If the injury is severe, you will be advised to undergo a minimally-invasive hand ligament surgery. This is a reconstruction surgery that repairs the torn ligaments of the hand. Patients usually recover completely with good post-op care and
Your child has an assignment due tomorrow. He wants you to help. In fact, he wants you to do it. Homework battles frequently occur at these kind of times. They may even occur more now when school is trying to keep youngsters up on each subject, despite the pandemic. So how much should you help? It’s a tough question. There are no right or wrong answers, except if you do the work for him. Remember, there are some things you can do to help your child complete his own homework: Understand how much homework is expected of your child. Many times this information is given out at the beginning of the year. But if it isn’t totally clear to you, call his teacher and find out what is expected. Knowing exactly what is expected helps keep your child on track. When you know what is expected it helps you do a good job of following through with him. Make sure your child has enough time to do the work. Don’t let other activities prevent him from doing homework. Homework should be a high priority. Have a specific place for your child to do his work. The dining room table is great. Sometimes it is difficult for a child to complete work in his own room. It also helps to have him close by so you can talk about how he is doing. Let your child see your interest in how he is doing. Ask questions about what he is accomplishing. Make comments to him when you see him doing a good job. We all need to hear when we are doing well. Ask about his outcome. We frequently ask our children why they did something that was wrong. Perhaps it would be better to ask the question, how did his homework assignment turn out. Pay attention to his successes and let him know that “I am proud of the work you did. I’ll bet you felt good about what you did.” Asking about his assignment success helps him build positive feelings about himself and makes him feel more like doing the next assignment. Just these few ideas will help get things started in a good way. Your child needs you to be involved. When he sees you think homework is important, it becomes more important to him. It is also likely to cause him to put more into the next assignment. As a parent, one of your tasks is to pay attention to the positive not just the negative. Help your child become excited about the many new things he learns at school and at home. Praise each new skill. Smile at him as he tries new tasks. Talk about it at dinner. Let him hear and see your delight as he learns the excitement of learning. Cynthia Martin is the founder of the First Teacher program and former executive director of Parenting Matters Foundation, which publishes newsletters for parents, caregivers and grandparents. For more information, email to [email protected] or call 360-681-2250.
Throw 2 dice and multiply the scores. Investigate! [Click on the dice pictures] What about 3 dice? What about adding? Here are some tables that you can type into. They may help with your investigation. Do you have any comments? It is always useful to receive feedback and helps make this free resource even more useful for those learning Mathematics anywhere in the world. Click here to enter your comments. A mathematical investigation is quite different to other mathematical activities. The best investigations are open ended and allow students to choose the way they work and how they record their findings. It is one of the few occasions when 'going off on a tangent' is not only acceptable but actively encouraged (within reason). Students may ask for 'the answers' but this supposes that the activity is closed. Investigations can always be extended by varying the initial instructions or asking the question 'what if...?'. Sometimes students point out that the instructions are ambiguous and can be interpreted in different ways. This is fine and the students are encouraged to explain how they interpreted the instructions in their report. Some students may benefit from a writing frame when producing the reports of their investigations. Teachers may suggest sections or headings such as Introduction, Interpretation, Research, Working and Conclusion or something similar.
- (a.) Toothed; especially, with the teeth projecting straight out, not pointed either forward or backward; as, a dentate leaf. - (a.) Having teeth or toothlike points. See Illust. of Antennae. Click or tap here to find out how this works Tip: insert a question mark by pressing your spacebar. Definition of: ATTENDED - (imp. & p. p.) of Attend
Functional Materials for Next-Generation Rechargeable Batteries (Hardcover) Warning messageMean Menu style requires jQuery library version 1.7 or higher, but you have opted to provide your own library. Please ensure you have the proper version of jQuery included. (note: this is not an error) On Our Shelves Now Over-consumption of fossil fuels has caused deficiency of limited resources and environmental pollution. Hence, deployment and utilization of renewable energy become an urgent need. The development of next-generation rechargeable batteries that store more energy and last longer has been significantly driven by the utilization of renewable energy.This book starts with principles and fundamentals of lithium rechargeable batteries, followed by their designs and assembly. The book then focuses on the recent progress in the development of advanced functional materials, as both cathode and anode, for next-generation rechargeable batteries such as lithium-sulfur, sodium-ion, and zinc-ion batteries. One of the special features of this book is that both inorganic electrode materials and organic materials are included to meet the requirement of high energy density and high safety of future rechargeable batteries. In addition to traditional non-aqueous rechargeable batteries, detailed information and discussion on aqueous batteries and solid-state batteries are also provided.
When you recycle scrap metal, you give the metal to the people at the yard. Here, they will weigh and categorize it, and then they pay you. But what happens after that? As far as you're concerned, the transaction is done, but the metal you just dropped off truly does go through recycling in a couple of different ways. In fact, depending on what you do, you may want to stay and see what the yard has. Copper metal is an excellent conductor of electricity. Additionally, copper is highly ductile and malleable, making it highly valued in different industries. That's why recycling copper is essential to avoid wasting this non-ferrous metal. Here are the FAQs about the copper recycling process. What Are the Pros of Copper Recycling Copper recycling is beneficial since the process helps protect the environment. The process of mining and processing copper ore is energy-consuming. With how quickly technology changes and improves, you may have old phones or computers that you are no longer using. Fortunately, many cities across the United States offer free computer recycling, where you can turn in your old electronics instead of throwing them away. This is a responsible way to get rid of things you are no longer using, without letting them sit in a landfill for years to come. However, there are a few things you should know before recycling your computer.
Manage episode 306883888 series 3005633 Today, there are an estimated 10 million stateless people in the world. They either had to flee their country or have been denied citizenship. Without a passport or ID, they don’t have access to healthcare services, cannot vote or participate politically, cannot travel, drive or open a bank account. In sum, they are invisible and excluded from society. What is the responsibility of states in this regard? What has been done by the international community to address this issue? This first episode offers a discussion with Eva Wuchold, programme director of the Social Rights Programme at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung in Geneva. For further readings: - Atlas of the Stateless - Facts and figures about exclusion and displacement, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Oct. 2020 - I Belong Campaign, UNHCR "Shaping the future" is a podcast produced by the Think Tank Hub Geneva and recorded by Cornland Studio.
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Frequent things my students say: – “She said she had a boyfriend, what do I do?” – “I couldn’t approach because she saw me.” – “She’s gone into the shop. It would be weird.” – “She said another guy just came and said the exact thing.” One of the first things I teach is “lemons, lemonade!” It means this – everything is useful, everything is positive and everything is material! Here are some examples: Problem? She sees you approaching. No problem! “Hi, I just saw you noticing me approaching you, it’s because I just wanted to say…” Problem? She says “someone just came up to me and said the exact same thing!” No problem! “Oh, and what happened?” Then talk about it! Problem? She says “I have a boyfriend.” No problem! “Oh, what’s his name?” Then just carry on! Problem? She says: “stop negging me!” (this happened to me the other week) No problem! “Ha! That’s not a neg, this is a neg…” (I’m now sleeping with her) Problem? “But she went into a shop…” No problem! “Excuse me, I just saw you coming into this shop and…” Problem? “But there are two of them!” No problem! That means one of them can qualify the other for you! Whoop! Problem? “I’m too hungover to approach.” No problem! “Hi, I just saw you and despite being hungover, I had to run over and say…” Problem? She says “I have to meet my friends.” No problem! “Yeah, me too.” then carry on! And it goes on and on and on and on. Whatever happens, use it. Call out the elephant in the room, things going “wrong” is just a matter of interpretation! The main thing to realise is that these are all just limiting beliefs and bullshit rationalisations. Just spot them, embrace them, pat them on the head condescendingly and carry on! Join me for the next and last Gamechanger of this series and subscribe to my fucking blog already. Click follow over there —–> Follow me on twitter @Gay_Dame
The Lasting Impact of COVID-19 on the Social Determinants of Health Despite reduced COVID-19 casualties, the pandemic has substantially impacted social determinants of health. Inadequate housing, unemployment, poor nutrition, and poverty can have lasting impacts on one’s physical and emotional well-being. The Healthcare Association of New York State and the State University of New York at Albany are hosting a monthly Understanding and Eliminating Minority Health Disparities webinar series which examines COVID-19’s impact on racial and ethnic inequities affecting New Yorkers. The next webinar on December 14, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. ET will discuss the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on social determinants of health and the value of partnering with communities to achieve the most effective interventions. You may also like.. - Supportive Services - Health/Behavioral Health Referrals and Supports - Special Populations
Is m1 the same as increase 1 in knitting? To get more stitches in knitting, an increase is needed. A common method of increasing stitches is known as a make-one, abbreviated as M1 or M1L, for make-one-left. The most basic way to increase is knitting in the front and the back of a stitch. Does M1R leave a hole? Right-leaning Make 1 (M1R) — Knit Side Lift the bar between the two stitches with your left needle, coming from the back to the front of the work. … Just knit or purl it as usual when you come to it again. Here there is an M1R every 4 rows—and no holes.
✅ Related keywords: radical innovation, drastic change, disruption Innovation that changes the way that an industry or a market operates. This type of innovation can be highly profitable for the company that creates them, and devastating for their competition. An example of a disruptive innovation is the car that made horse carriages obsolete or also the internet, which changed many industries completely. The opposite of disruptive innovation is incremental innovation, which is a process of step-by-step improvement. More innovation terms explained. Your account has been created! You can vote for the resources! Help others find the best innovation resources by upvoting. Collections are a way to save and organize resources. Many people use collections to save inspiration for future use or for inspiration. You can create as many collections as you like. Innovators need your help! Resource reviews help the rest of us make great decisions. Please describe your overall experience with this resource.
Introduces the Constitution of the United States, discussing topics such as its history and formation, the significance of the Bill of Rights and other amendments, and how it has been interpreted in the past and present. The “living” document that changed the world. One of the most revered, imitated, and controversial government documents in the world, the U.S. Constitution serves as the foundation for the American government and shapes the lives of Americans every day. But how many know its history and the impact it’s had on American laws and practices throughout history? This guide serves as the most current and accessible handbook to this all-important document. —Covers the document itself, as well as controversial interpretations and decisions Download a sample chapter.
Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web (Ferguson's Career Biographies), Melissa Stewart (Ferguson Publishing Company, 2001), ISBN 0-89434-367-X children's biography How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web , Robert Cailliau, James Gillies, R. Cailliau (Oxford University Press, 2000), ISBN 0-19-286207-3 Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the software program known as the World Wide Web in 1989, is a scientist in the true sense of the word—idealistic, interested in the pure pursuit of knowledge, and uncomfortable in the media spotlight. In 1989, while working at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, Tim Berners-Lee proposed a global hypertext project, to be known as the World Wide Web. Based on the earlier "Enquire" work, it was designed to allow people to work together by combining their knowledge in a web of hypertext documents. 1 2 Berners-Lee, Tim. 1998. The World Wide Web and the "Web of Life". ↑ Stephanie Sammartino McPherson. 2009. Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web. Twenty-First Century Books, p. 83: "A Church Like The Web". ↑ Eden, Richard. 22 May 2011. "Internet pioneer Sir Tim Berners-Lee casts a web of intrigue with his love life", The Telegraph. Nov 14, 2018 · Tim Berners-Lee: Imagine if all your current apps talked to each other, collaborating and conceiving ways to enrich and streamline your personal life and business objectives? That’s the kind of innovation, intelligence and creativity Solid apps will generate. Tim Berners-Lee’s Life, Education, and Career. It was on June 8, 1955, when Tim Berners-Lee was born in London, England, United Kingdom. His parents were Mary Lee Woods and Conway Berners-Lee who both worked in the first commercially built computer which was the Ferranti Mark 1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee was born on June 8, 1955 in London, England to Mary Lee Wood and Conway Berners-Lee. Mary Lee and Conway met while they were both working on the first commercially-built computer, the Ferranti Mark 1. As a boy, Sir Berners-Lee was an avid train spotter and developed a knowing for train and railway parts by tinkering with Mar 12, 2017 · Tim Berners-Lee: Here's How You Fix the Web. In an op-ed for The Guardian, Tim Berners-Lee outlines what he and the Web Foundation want to address on the Web: privacy, fake news, and transparency. Tim Berners-Lee on why open data is important 11 4. At the moment, the opening of data might seem like a nice gesture. Tim Berners-Lee explains why it's much more significant than that. PERSONAL LIFE. Tim's parents were named Mary Lee Woods and Conway Berners-Lee. The meaning of the name Lee: Field. FUN FACTS. Scientist Tim Berners Lee were born on Wednesday, birthstone is Pearl, the seaon was Spring in the Chinese year of Goat, it is 323 days until Tim Berners Lee next birthday. June 08 Horoscope. Oct 12, 2018 · Tim Berners Lee is the inventor of the World Wide Web and creator of Computer language named HTML born on 8 June 1955, In England. Family Background: He is the son of Conway Berners-Lee and his wife Mary Lee Woods. He has three siblings. His parents worked on the first commercially-built computer. Personal Life: Sir Tim Berners-Lee was born on June 8, 1955 in London, England to Mary Lee Wood and Conway Berners-Lee. Mary Lee and Conway met while they were both working on the first commercially-built computer, the Ferranti Mark 1. As a boy, Sir Berners-Lee was an avid train spotter and developed a knowing for train and railway parts by tinkering with Mar 11, 2019 · Tim Berners-Lee first envisioned the World Wide Web 30 years ago. In a letter published Monday, Berners-Lee said he understands concerns that the web is no longer a "force for good." Sir Tim Berners-Lee is an intimidating interviewee. It’s not so much the worry about keeping up with the brain that invented the world wide web; it’s that when you Google him (in the Tim Berners-Lee thinks the world can be better after Covid-19. Master this transition in your work and personal life through direct access to our journalists and the rest of our community.
The blockchain technology and its underlying use case cryptocurrency is making waves across the world. The technology aids in tracking and storage of data that will be immutable. It is a secure way of storing data and industries around the world are adopting the technology at the speed of lightning. From insurance and real estate to crowdfunding and data management, the potential applications of blockchain technology are numerous. The technology also allows for many other uses and applications as well. It’s likely that the blockchain technology will be of use to some of the world’s most impoverished nations who will benefit from integrating the blockchain technology to their systems. The economy of Venezuela has been suffering from hyperinflation which worsen after the US sanctioned the Venezuelan Government. The situation prompted dramatic shortages of basic necessities such as food, health amenities and the rest. However bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies had been used to help ease the strain. With Venezuelans turning to mining and bitcoin trading. Even more, the government of the nation even made their own crypto called Petro. Since the value of Venezuelan fiat had fallen so low that local artist now resort to using the money in making crafts. With crypto, the failing economy is able to sustain itself. The blockchain technology can be used as a means to help the defenseless such as the children of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The central African country which has mined 54% of the 123,000 tons of cobalt generated around the world has child miners working at informal mining structures. A project is however working to launch a platform to protect children there from forced labor. The project aims to provide global manufacturers of high-tech devices like smartphones with cobalt used in lithium-ion batteries that the colbats was not mined by children. This way protecting children labourers. This project will protect the right of the children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A country that has been ravaged by wars and has a significant amount of problem causing informal mining sites where many of the workers are child workers. Countries such as Haiti which is still affected by the damages caused from hurricane and earthquake over the last decade. This country has a lot to benefit from the blockchain technology. Also, EatBCH a charity arm of Bitcoin Cash launched a feed South Sudan project. The country had been ravaged by civil war for the past four years and was equally suffering from hyperinflation. There are many struggling nations that could benefit from the blockchain technology. Governments can apply it in their database, enhance their services and collate information about citizens identity. But regardless the use case, the blockchain technology is definitely the way forward and forward thinking government should employ it. What do you think about struggling nations employing the blockchain technology? Share your opinion with us in the comment section below. Image credit: pixabay, The Information provided on the website is designed to provide helpful information regarding cryptocurrency subjects. The content is not meant to be used, nor should it be used as a basis, foundational knowledge or prerequisite for decision making regards trading. Always do your own research and due diligence before placing a trade. We are not liable for any outcome based on any content found on the site. Polygon (MATIC) Integrates Ethereum’s EIP-1559 Upgrade Layer-2 blockchain Polygon has launched an EIP 1559-like upgrade, which integrates a burning mechanism for MATIC. According to Polygon... Walmart Might Be Readying itself for the Metaverse Retail giant Walmart might be bracing itself up for a foray into the Metaverse. Recent developments suggest that Walmart is... Will Coinbase and Yield Game Guild Partnership Drive the Next Play-to-earn Bull Run? Yield Guild Games (YGG) has announced a partnership with leading US crypto exchange Coinbase on its Sponsor-A-Scholar program. The program... Top 6 Metaverse Projects below $50M Marketcap on Ethereum The Metaverse is a connected, online universe explorable via 3D avatars. Users can work, socialize, create, and learn all... VIN-FAST: Introducing the World’s Biggest Electric Vehicle NFT Program Blockchain innovation has been the most amazing and life-changing since its existence. Lives, Establishments, and companies have joined the innovation....
Neubraa (Nowa Brda) Neubraa of Kreis Schlochau is in the forest, just north of Pollnitz. It is important to Remus family history because it was the home village of the Nehrings. Also the Michael Remus and Dorothea Schacht family was milling here between 1798 and 1801 before moving on to Doringsdorf. Click here for that genealogy. The Nehring family was one of the most successful families in West Prussia in terms of land and power. They were schultz of Tarnowke, schultz of Lanken, schultz of Zakrzewo, and schultz of other villages. One of the daughters of Franz Remus married Jacob Nehring and thus into the family; this Nehring-Remus family lived in Lanken, Kreis Schlochau. The Nehring descendents prepared a fine article in Deutsche Geschelterbuch (vol 140) about their family. Neubraa was the home of Peter Nehring. His manor house, now destroyed, looked like this: The modern village is quite small and isolated on the Brda River. Here is the bridge to the village: And a picture of a village house: There is also a monument celebrating Pope John Paul's canoe excursions that began in this village. Michael Remus' likely mill site is on the stream back in the trees behind the monument. It is not clear if Michael worked as a grain miller, a saw miller, or at the Nehring paper mill in this village. The paper mill was owned by the Nehring family until 1845 and continued to function till 1925. The cemetery that I didn't see has well-preserved graves. Click here to go to other West Prussia Villages. Please send any queries to Bill Remus at September 18, 2006
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the programming language used by browsers to render the webpage. It is an essential language that all web developers must know. The content of a webpage is a collection of HTML elements. There are many different types of HTML elements. Some elements show text, others show images and videos, and another class of elements are used to control the layout of the webpage. Becoming an expert in HTML requires you to know the most popular HTML elements and how they function. Resources for learning more about HTML
If you teach or work with kids, you probably know about STEM. It stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, and we hear about it a lot in terms of preparing students for the jobs of the future. But did you also know that we can use STEM to teach HEPA? If HEPA makes you think of filters and allergies, think again! It’s a handy way to say Healthy Eating and Physical Activity. HEPA-focused STEM activities give kids the skills they need to make healthy choices. That’s why STEM is on our list of hot topics for 2020. There are many ways to incorporate HEPA into STEM programs. Here are just a few ideas: - Use food for hands-on nutrition activities that engage students, like this simple activity from the Children’s Museum of Houston about fat in food: - Teach cooking. Learning how to cook healthy food is a skill that will last a lifetime. Check out our Learn to Cook Workbook. Students will learn STEM-related concepts like food safety, cooking methods, and how to follow a recipe. There are even cooking-related math problems! - Sharpen math skills with nutrition and physical activity lessons. We have the all the materials you need to combine math with HEPA: - Talk to students about HEPA-related STEM careers. Find information on these jobs at - Professional food forager - Food scientist - Health teacher Be sure to check out our entire collection of STEM-related materials. Use nutrition science and math to teach students of all ages (including adults) to make healthy choices!
C5.2 Shared vision planning Recent advances in interactive modelling tools now allow parties to create jointly sophisticated yet inexpensive models of, for instance, the river basin and rivers and groundwater. Such models produce a simulation tool which is owned by the parties and is manipulated and used in a visual way. Since the stakeholders themselves create the model, they are more willing to engage in scenario analyses. Optimisation modelling goes beyond simulation and produces ideas on the best investment or best options given certain assumptions. It should be used carefully in conflict situations. Valuation is an important tool to support conflict management, and can facilitate the process of sharing benefits (rather than simply sharing water). Even if valuation may not be possible in monetary terms, the exercise of benefit estimation, even if only qualitative, helps to indicate better solutions. Shared vision modelling is best used in multi stakeholder, multi- issue situations. As parties begin to confront the need to plan for growing scarcity of water under competing demands, it is highly useful to bring sectors together. The process of building a shared vision helps to build a common language about the water resource issues among parties. It is also useful where there is no common database and data sharing is difficult, and where there is little shared knowledge of the resources. For material on the use of models for information, knowledge and awareness raising see C1.3, C4.2, and C8. See also tools A1 (policy formulation), B1.2 (transboundary organisations), C1 (Water resource assessment and demand assessment), and C2 (plans for IWRM).
From Earth's point of view, eclipses can be: Partial eclipses occur at places where only part of the luminary is covered (solar eclipses), or when only part of a body is eclipsed by the shadow (lunar eclipses). For solar eclipses, the viewer is in the penumbra part of the moon's shadow. An annular eclipse is a total eclipse of luminary where a thin ring of light is visible around the intervening object. It is sheer coincidence that the Moon and Sun have nearly equal apparent sizes, making annular eclipses possible. Annular eclipses are ideal times for observing solar prominences. As seen from Earth, an eclipse can only occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon are in a line. Because the plane of the orbit of the Moon is tilted with respect to the plane of the orbit of the Earth (the ecliptic), eclipses occur only when the three bodies are near the intersection of these planes: these are nodes. The Sun passes either node once a year, and eclipses occur in a period of about 2 draconic months around these times. There can be from 2 to 7 eclipses in a calendar year. They repeat according to eclipse cycles. Eclipse is also a open source IDE (Integrated Development Environment) platform developed by IBM.
To learn and develop, all children need to feel safe and be safe at school. This is especially true for children who have suffered from the effects of domestic violence. Restraining orders can provide crucial protection for children and their non-abusive parent at school. They can prohibit an abusive parent from: - coming on school grounds and - into school buildings, rooms, and offices. School officials, administrators, teachers, and other staff can make schools safe for children affected by domestic violence and their non-abusive parent. They can: - learn about restraining orders, - work with parents to understand the effect of each restraining order issued to protect a student or the student's parent, - adopt strategies to insure compliance with restraining orders in schools.
Sergejs Osipovs, Aleksandrs Pučkins, Sandra Mežaraupe, Artūrs Zariņš, Dainis Lazdāns Pyrolysis dissolves waste and also produces useful by-products. In this case, gas, liquid and solid phases are formed. Gas mixture containing tar, among other components. Water scrubbing technology is used for pyrolytic gas purification. The disadvantage of this technology is that tar components gradually accumulate in the water. Most exposed to this process the readily soluble light heterocyclic aromatic compounds of tar, as well as heavy polyaromatic compounds of tar. Some light aromatic tar compounds, the content of which is usually very high in the pyrolytic gas, are present in small amounts in the cooling and cleaning water. In the pyrolytic gas purification process, not only does the total amount of tar in the cooling and cleaning water increase, but also the ratio of the individual tar compounds to each other changes, especially the heaviest polyaromatic tar compounds accumulate, which leads to problems. further purification and use of the cooling and rinsing water itself. gas chromatography, pyrolysis, pyrolytic gas, scrubber, tar Cite this paper Sergejs Osipovs, Aleksandrs Pučkins, Sandra Mežaraupe, Artūrs Zariņš, Dainis Lazdāns. (2021) Development of an Analytical Method for the Determination of Pollutants in Industrial Water Used for Cooling of Co-produced Gases in the Waste Pyrolysis Process. International Journal of Environmental Science, 6, 528-532
Going back to school can spark many emotions. Going back to school during a pandemic can make adjusting take some time. It’s tough having to deal with new schedules and ways of learning, even tougher to figure out how to make new friends. Here are some quick tips: Smile. Smiles make you seem friendly and approachable. They make others feel special. Make eye contact. When you look people in the eye, they feel like you’re interested in them and what they are saying. People like being respected. Say hello. Greet classmates you haven’t talked to before – hello is the first step toward making a new friend. Be involved. Extracurricular activities are opportunities to meet others who like the same things you do. Ask for advice. If you’re having trouble making friends or keeping friends, turn to people you respect for helpful suggestions to solve your difficulties. Be a good friend. Treat others the way you want them to treat you. Trust is key. Keep your friends’ secrets and confidences, no matter how tempting telling others might be. Be truthful. Lying might feel less scary, easier, or even better but more often than not, the truth eventually comes out and makes the situation much worse than if you initially told the truth. Speak up. If you hear others talking negatively about a person or group, tell them you feel uncomfortable and stand up for the victim. Apologize. If you hurt someone or mistakenly do something you shouldn’t have, a sincere “I’m sorry,” without excuses, is the first step to moving forward. Relax. Nobody does friendship perfectly or knows exactly what to do when it comes to making and keeping friends. Take a deep breath and jump right in!
Guidebook for the Design of ASME Section VIII Pressure Vessels 7 Design of Heat Exchangers Heat exchangers are considered the workhorse in chemical plants and refineries. They come in all shapes, sizes, and configurations and are essential in extracting or adding heat to various process fluids. Figure 7.1 (TEMA, 1999), shows various shapes of commonly used heat exchangers. Design rules for heat exchanger components are covered in various parts of VIII-1. Details of tube-to-tubesheet welds are given in non mandatory Appendix A. Mandatory rules for tubesheet design are given in part UHX for U-tube and fixed tubesheets. Three types of tubesheets are covered by the design. They are simply supported, integral, and extended as a...
Saturation Meter (Pulse Oximeter) A pulse oximeter (saturation meter) uses a sensor to measure the oxygen content of the blood. The sensor is placed on the hand or foot. It has diodes that emit light at two different wavelengths. On the opposite side is a receiver that captures the light that has passed through the tissue. Subsequently, the oxygen saturation is calculated. It is the pulsating oxygen-enriched arterial blood upon which the calculation is made. If the baby is moving around a lot, the calculation can be temporarily disrupted.
This free resource will encourage pupils to recall and record their past learning experiences. This will help teachers gain an understanding of pupils’ individual learning preferences Worksheets to record learning experiences of pupils Written by Margaret Sutherland and Colin Sutherland The aim of the free worksheets is to invigorate pupils’ learning by reinforcing their positive learning experiences. This will also help to recognise influential learning moods. Revisiting and remembering those moods can help motivate pupils to learn more effectively. This concept is at the very heart of this free resource and the mechanism for doing this is timelining. Understanding past learning achievements, setting goals and getting a sense of how to work towards these learning milestones can be a significant motivational factor in your pupils’ development. Allowing pupils to think and record what they have enjoyed learning can give them a strong sense of responsibility and ownership over their own learning. Without this ownership of learning, pupils can feel disillusioned and despondent. This resource is an extract from Strategies for Learning. Click here to order your full copy today or read more about how this publication can help you.
When our Lord says, “judge not,” in Matthew 7:1, He is using the term only in its negative sense—as the Pharisees judged. Certainly, we are to have discerning judgment, as to who is a false prophet and who is a true one, and to judge doctrine. And the state has judges and magistrates that are appointed by God to judge. And the church also is to judge its people in certain matters of discipline. The kind of judgement our Lord is speaking of when He says “judge not” is a condemning judgement—a judgment we see in the Pharisees. This negative, condemning judgment can be seen in six ways. - It has an evil spirit attached to it. I would say that, for this reason, it is of the devil and it works to destroy us. - It condemns and despises others for no good reason. We have seen this toward the Samaritans… View original post 180 more words
Prime objective of this lecture is to present on History of Rockets. The first rockets that were used in modern rocketry was invented by Dr. Robert Goddard. For this he is known as the Father of Modern Rocketry. He created the first successful liquid fuel rocket, adding the nozzle design that is so common today. Pioneers of Modern Rocketry: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935).
Facts for Question 1 All the boats in a race, with the exception of boat A, sailed to the finishing line from the last mark and then finished by crossing the line from its course side leaving the committee vessel to starboard and mark F to port. As shown in the diagram, A left mark F to starboard, bore away, sailed completely to the course side of the finishing line, and, shortly after position 3, finished. A then sailed into the harbour. Members of the race committee observed A sail the track shown in the diagram. The rules of Appendix A applied. What should the race committee do in this situation? To comply with rule 28.1 a boat must ‘sail the course’, and therefore a string representing her track must, when drawn taut, pass mark F on the required side. A made an error under rule 28.1 at the line because the string representing her track, when drawn taut, passes mark F on the wrong side. A did not correct that error as permitted by rule 28.2 , and therefore she broke rule 28.1. Because A did not ‘sail the course’, rules A 5.1 and A 5.2 require the race committee to score A for the finishing place one more than the number of boats entered in the series. The abbreviation for her score is ‘NSC’ (see rule A Facts for Question 2 The race committee observes boat B touch the finishing mark as she crosses the finishing line. B does not take a penalty and sails into the harbour. What should the race committee do? B finished when her bow crossed the finishing line just before position 2. The race committee is required by rule A4 to score B points for the place in which she finished. As rule 60.2 (a) states, the race committee may protest B. If it decides to do so, it must inform her that it intends to protest and deliver its written protest within the time limit of rule 61.3 (see rule 61.1(b)). In addition, the protest committee, the technical committee or a boat, if the boat saw B touch the mark, may protest B (see rules 60.1 (a) and 60.4 World Sailing 2013, revised 2021
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. February 24, 1999 Explanation: Most bright stars in our Milky Way Galaxy reside in a disk. Since our Sun also resides in this disk, these stars appear to us as a diffuse band that circles the sky. The above panorama of a southern band of the Milky Way's disk was taken from Australia. A 40-minute exposure was used, and the colours were digitally enhanced. Visible are many bright stars, dark dust lanes, red emission nebulae, blue reflection nebulae, and clusters of stars. In addition to all this matter that we can see, astronomers suspect there exists even more dark matter that we cannot see. Authors & editors: NASA Technical Rep.: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply. A service of: LHEA at NASA/ GSFC & Michigan Tech. U.
How to Make a Straw-Bale Garden Build a veggie bed that requires no digging, no weeding, and no crop rotation Why build a straw-bale garden? For starters, it’s the perfect solution if you only have a small space to garden. This whole concept was fairly straightforward and comes together easily. Unlike most other types of veggie gardens, there is no digging, no weeding, and nothing but a pile of compost left over at the end of the season. Supplies you will need: 4 straw bales 4 bags of compost 25-ft. soaker hose Step 1: Arrange the bales into a square Clear out a 6½-foot-square area, pulling weeds and leveling the ground. Make a square using four sterile straw bales, leaving a hole in the middle. Step 2: Put fertilizer and compost on to the top of the bales Sprinkle the bales with granular organic fertilizer, then top with a 2- to 3-inch-deep layer of compost. Fill the hole in the middle with loose straw, compost, or potting soil. This is where you’ll plant root crops that need loose soil to grow. Step 3: Add water to help the bales “cook” Water the bales thoroughly every day for 10 days, using a liquid organic fertilizer, like kelp meal or fish emulsion, every time you water. The fertilizer will help the bales “cook”; in fact, if you have a soil thermometer, you’ll see them heat up considerably during that time. This 10-day composting period allows the bales to break down a bit, getting them ready to accommodate plant roots. Step 4: Plant the bales After 10 days, you’ll notice that the bales have cooled and started to decompose. You can now plant directly into the straw bales, using a trowel to pry holes into the bales. Plant a variety of vegetables and herbs directly into the bales. Direct-sow the center hole with root crops, like carrots, beets, potatoes, or onions. Step 5: Keep the bales moist until harvest Installing a soaker hose or drip-irrigation system over the top of the straw-bale garden will make watering easier once the garden is planted. Unless you’re getting regular rainfall, water your straw-bale garden every day or two to keep the bales from drying out. At the end of the season, after you’ve harvested bushels of veggies, you’ll have a wonderful pile of rich compost to spread around the garden. Get our latest tips, how-to articles, and instructional videos sent to your inbox.
Area + simple proportion - practice problems Number of problems found: 6 - The cost 4 The cost to tile a floor that measures 7 x 6 square feet is $ 2,100. How much will it cost to tile a floor that measures 11 x 13 square feet? - Hectares of forest 12 workers plant 24 ha of forest in 6 days. In how many days will 15 people and 12 people plant the same area? - Eight masons Eight masons will plaster a wall with an area of 1440 m² in 9 days. They work 8 hours a day. How much area will plaster 6 masons in 4 hours? - Two brothers The two brothers were to be divided according to the will of land at an area of 1ha 86a 30m² in a ratio of 5:4. How many will everyone get? - Trapezoid - intersection of diagonals In the ABCD trapezoid is AB = 8 cm long, trapezium height 6 cm, and distance of diagonals intersection from AB is 4 cm. Calculate the trapezoid area. At the glass shop we have to cut 8 sheets of glass. Each was shaped a square with sides of 18 cm. We paid 44 CZK. How much is a 1 m² of glass? Area - practice problems. Simple proportion - practice problems.
Making a Cornet A cornet is a small piping bag made from parchment paper. It is usually used to make fine decorations. Tools and Materials Scissors or sharp knife 1. Cut an 8-by-12-by-14 1/2-inch triangle from a sheet of parchment paper. 2. Hold the middle of the long side of the triangle between two fingers of one hand. With the other hand take the tip of the triangle on the short, wide end, and roll it toward the other tip of that same end, while simultaneously pulling it in an upward motion. The tip of the cone will form where your thumb and finger hold it on the long side. 3. Release your grip from the long side, so that you are now holding the two corners where they meet. The paper will already resemble a partially formed cone. 4. Roll the remaining tail until it is completely rolled into a cone. There will be one point sticking up from the open end. Fold it inside toward the center, and crease the fold. Now you should have a cornet. 5. Fill the cornet with filling. To close the cornet once it has been filled, fold it away from the seam; this will keep the seam from opening. Use a pair of scissors or a sharp knife to cut an opening at the tip of the cornet to the desired size. You can get parchment paper at most grocery stores. Scissors are available at
September 8th, 2020 Promoting Reading Comprehension in Secondary Students with LD Reading comprehension is “the process of simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement with written language” (Snow, 2002, p.11). Extracting meaning from text is to understand what the author has explicitly or implicitly stated. Constructing meaning is to interpret what the author has written based on the reader’s background knowledge, experiences, capabilities, and abilities. Tell Congress: Pass the RISE Act We need your help! Ask your member of Congress to support students with learning and attention issues. Thanks to support from generous partners like you, we are able to create programs and resources to support the 1 in 5 individuals with learning and attention issues nationwide.
Inspection & Assessment The air and surfaces samples are taken by certified technicians. The samples sent to a certified and accredited laboratory for testing. Results are then processed. Air Particulate Analysis The goal of this air quality monitoring is to protect humans and the environment from harmful air pollution. TSI Particle Instruments enable real-time air quality measurements of important metrics to help people better understand air quality. Samples are taken by air, as well as bulk samples. The samples sent to a certified and accredited laboratory for testing. Results are then processed. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can exist as structurally-diverse liquids and solids and vapors, and are thus a significant airborne consideration when biomonitoring human exposure levels, for analyzing odor issues. VOCs are measured by collecting samples and submitting for analysis in the laboratory. Water testing is a description for various procedures used to analyze water quality. Water quality tests are carried out to fulfill regulatory requirements and to maintain safety. Moisture Intrusion Inspection Indoor Air Quality Assessment This is what happens when air ducts aren't cleaned!
I wonder if we ever actually stop to appreciate what a perfect creation a seed is. The potential within it is immense. Every seed is encapsulated such that it contains the promise of life. From a huge yellow cedar to a tiny watercress, all the genetic information of the parent uniquely comes together to create a plant of like characteristics. Seeds are alive, although dormant. Every seed from the dust-like begonia to the hefty coconut is a time capsule of life to come. The mission from time immemorial is the same: go forth and multiply. It’s when we try to grow things where they do not naturally grow that the trouble begins. Naturally, plants don’t even grow in a straight row… sheesh! Not many common vegetables are indigenous to these islands, so we have to develop ways to cause them to grow, and straight(ish) rows and greenhouses work for us. The term ‘viable seed’ means ones that will grow rather than rot in the ground. Some seeds remain viable for many years under perfect conditions, most are good for three years. Seeds on ‘sale’ are often older seeds. They will germinate less reliably, but then again, they do cost less! Seeds have specific needs that cause them to stir within the husk, then burst out into warmth and moisture. They have reactionary instincts based on the surrounding factors, which trigger growth. If it’s too cold, they grow stunted — a pause in their growth pattern (but they do toughen up). If it’s warm but too dark they grow spindly, searching for light. If they are pinched or deer-munched they grow side shoots, giving a bushier plant that is not all bad — unless they are taken to ground level… that’s bad! As a seed germinates, the sprouting process cannot be stopped. If it continues to receive moisture, warmth, air and light it keeps growing. Allowing it to dry out or be waterlogged will kill it. Try not to blame the ‘poor seeds’ for poor seed husbandry. When a seed packet says “60 days” on it, that is the time from true leaves to first fruit, under ideal conditions. I always have to add a month or so because our conditions are less than ideal. The West Coast has less heat, more moisture, and more wind than most of Canada, so naturally many heat-seeking plants will not thrive without a lot of bother. If you like the bother… well that’s your privilege, celebrate if it works out, but don’t complain if it doesn‘t! Left to grow in its natural environment, a plant will continue because the seeds are spread where their needs are met, as did the parent plant. Except coconuts. Coconuts fall in the ocean, bob around for years, touch new volcanic islands and proceed to germinate, thus starting a new island of living plants. Then birds land on the coconut trees and droppings with seeds in them are left behind. Voila, a newly vegetated tropical paradise! Buy a time share NOW… ‘cuz you never know.
The government of Myanmar issued a Cyclone Warning for the western coastal region of the country. Rainfall totals are expected to exceed 10 inches in many locations near the path of Bijli. Along the immediate coast of western Myanmar and southeastern Bangladesh, a dangerous storm surge of 3-6 feet is possible the next several hours. There can also be an isolated tornado or two from Bijli. Myanmar was struck by powerful Cyclone Nargis on May 2, 2008, resulting in the worst natural disaster in Myanmar's recorded history. Nargis struck the Irrawaddy Delta, an area farther south than where Bijli is expected to make landfall. Bijli is not expected to be as strong as Nargis, and some of the terrain is more hilly in the forecast strike area. However, there is potential for devastating flooding this weekend, lasting into early next week. The storm also has potential to displace thousands of residents, and there is a significant risk for loss of life in western Myanmar and southeastern Bangladesh. Story by Senior Meteorologist Alex Sosnowski We apologize for the inconvenience.
The number 10 food on the list which you think is healthy is corn flakes. If you will check the nutritional information label at the back of the corn flakes packet, you will find that one serving of corn flakes has about 100 calories which are very less. It has almost zero grams of fat which is great. It has about 27 grams of carbohydrates which is fine because it is actually a carbohydrate source. So what is the problem? The problem is that it has only 1 gram of fiber. Now, a complex carbohydrate source that is a whole grain has just 1 gram of fiber. Isn’t it odd? Well, you will get the answer to this if you will check the ingredient list. Apart from all the artificial flavors, it contains high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is nothing but a synthesised form of sugar. In my opinion, if you find a product that has high fructose corn syrup in it, just stay away from it. So most of the carbohydrates that you find in the corn flakes are coming from this. Because it is a simple form of carb, it will give you energy for a very short duration. It will spike your insulin and ultimately will get stored as fat. It is much better to switch to healthier options like whole-wheat porridge and natural oats. Food items you think are healthy, but aren’t Number 9 is brown bread. Now you might be thinking about how brown bread is unhealthy? It is whole wheat bread. Well, it should be but unfortunately, it isn’t. If you ever go through the ingredient list of brown bread you will find that the ingredients are mentioned in this way. Wheat flour, whole wheat flour. Now, what is the need of mentioning it separately? Well, this is because the former is refined flour which is nothing but maida. So, if you will have this so-called whole wheat bread on a daily basis, it will lead to fat storage. So next time when you buy brown bread, make sure you check the ingredients carefully. Unfortunately, in the Indian market, it is very hard to find a 100 percent whole-wheat bread. So you may want to keep this in moderation and stick to whole wheat roti. Number 8 on the list is peanut butter. Now don’t get me wrong. Peanuts are a source of essential fatty acids that are great for the heart, brain, and other body functions. And so is natural peanut butter. However, most of the peanut butter that you get in the market are adulterated with hydrogenated oils, salt, sugar, preservatives, and additives. Hydrogenated oils are the main villain here. Hydrogenated oils are vegetable oils whose chemical structure has been altered by an excessive amount of heating at high temperatures. Doing this will increase the saturated fats and trans fats in the product. Such peanut butter will do more harm to you than good. Actually, why would you want to buy such peanut butter when you can make all-natural peanut butter at home in just 15 minutes. Yes, the recipe to this is on the channel. I will link it down in the description. Foods you think are healthy but actually aren’t Next on the list is Act 2 popcorn. Popcorn is an ideally low-calorie great snack option. However, act 2 popcorn which we are generally used to eating is not a great option. Act 2 popcorn packets are loaded with partially hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, and colors. Eating Act 2 popcorn on a daily basis can increase the fat in your body and may also lead to heart diseases in the long run. My suggestion to you to not to go for such shortcuts. You can make popcorn at home with little or no oil whatsoever. It hardly takes any time. Next are energy bars. Energy bars were actually made for long-distance runners and endurance athletes. These were designed to give them quick energy. So they contain a lot of simple sugars. It will not be an exaggeration if I call these energy bars as sugar bars. Because most of the carbohydrates in these energy bars come from simple sugars. In my opinion, these are not made for normal people like us. So our body can not utilize all these sugars and they will spike the insulin and ultimately get stored as fat. So, if at all you want to have something like this on the go I would suggest you have peanut jaggery chikki. It is a much better option. Next is full cream milk. Full cream milk also known as whole milk or full-fat milk is not a great option when you are looking for fat loss or lean muscle gains. This is because 100 ml of whole milk has about 5 grams of fat. And most of it is saturated fat. Now, the daily recommended intake of saturated fat is not more than 20 grams. So if you are consuming 500 ml of full cream milk, you might be consuming too much-saturated fat. Too much-saturated fat can lead to clogging of arteries and other heart diseases. Moreover, full-fat milk is costlier than low-fat milk. So, why would you want to buy something which is expensive and which may also hinder your fitness goals? Now white rice is a staple food of India. It is eaten almost everyday especially in south India. So, is white rice unhealthy? Well, they are not healthy either. If you finding it hard to reduce your weight, there are chances that you are having white rice on a regular basis. Do you know that white rice is formed from brown rice? When the husk of brown rice is removed and polishing is done, we get white rice. And in the process of this refining, we lose essential vitamins, minerals, omega 3 and fiber. And all we are left is a simple form of carbohydrate. Simple carbohydrates give you energy for a very short duration. Eating white rice on a regular basis will spike your insulin and get stored as fat. It may also become a reason for obesity and diabetes in the long run. So what to do? Well, it’s simple. Switch to brown rice. These days loose whole grain brown rice is very easily available in the supermarkets at about 50 to 60 rupees per kg which are not expensive at all. Foods You Thought Were Healthy That Really Aren’t Next on the list are packed soups. Now packed soups are one of the best low-calorie starters which fill your tummy and make you eat less in the actual meal. However, packaged soups are the worst soups that you will ever have. They have so many ingredients that your body doesn’t need. Moreover, they are loaded with a lot of sodium. One small pack has about 2400 mg of sodium which is way above the daily recommended intake. Too much sodium leads to water retention in your body which makes you put on weight. Also, it leads to medical conditions like hypertension and high blood pressure. So it is always recommended to make soups at home with fresh ingredients so that they provide all the benefits that they are meant to provide. Next is masala oats. Now, when people hear oats, they automatically relate it to being healthy. Well, it’s not the case when it comes to masala oats. They also have the same problem as we discussed with the packaged soups. They are also loaded with unwanted additives, preservatives, coloring, and flavor. No doubt, oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates. They are rich in soluble and insoluble fibers which help you lose weight. So, I would suggest you buy natural oats and make them masala at home. You can customize them with your favorite vegetables and spices. Last but not the least, processed meats. Now, these are probably the worst of all foods that we have discussed today. The normal meat is chemically altered to increase the shelf life, enhance the flavors, and make it more stable. Meats undergo a lot of processes like salting, curing, fermentation, and smoking to get the desired results. These are so unhealthy that the world health organization has added them in group 1 list of foods that cause cancer. So make sure you avoid bacon, ham, sausages, and other forms of processed meats at all costs. So, friends, that’s all for this video. My idea of making this video was that you should be aware of what you purchase and what you eat. So next time when you go for grocery shopping, don’t judge a product with what is written on it’s front. Go at the back and check the nutritional information and ingredients and buy it accordingly.
Taking Acting as a Hobby Can Help People Study – Here’s Why Updated on August 31, 2021 by Alina Boskar In this post we might recommend products that we find helpful or cute. Read our full disclosure here. Did you know that various art activities can improve comprehension as well as non-verbal and verbal communication? Even more – taking acting as a hobby can be very beneficial for your cognitive abilities, including learning. Here are five interesting ways to use theater performances as studying motivation. 5 Ways Acting in a Theather Can Help You To Study 1. You can learn to work in the teamwork Theater performances involve rehearsals and exercises, all of which require cooperation and collaboration among the participants. The members must learn the basics as a team and continue improving their skills over time. Learning how to perform entails sharing ideas and thoughts, exchanging constructive feedback, and encouraging your colleagues in the journey is key. If one of the actors is facing challenges or is weaker than others, this may affect the whole show. The idea of teamwork and collaboration also applies to the area of academics. You need to apply logic and reasoning when solving academic problems and support each other when participating in any group activities. 2. You can learn how to manage time Theater people are required to manage their time effectively right from the time of preparation to the time of performance. As a theater student, you must learn and appreciate the value of deadlines and the importance of meeting deadlines. There is nothing like delaying or postponing a show on grounds of lack of enough time. The time for rehearsals is set in advance and all the participants must always be there on time. One of the most important lessons to learn is the importance of managing time and the need to respect deadlines for essay submissions. Theater performances influence the learners’ ability to study because they learn about the importance of time management. Seeking students help in essay writing may help you to be good in art performances and write compelling essays. If you want to write well-structured and quality essays about plays, find help by exploring essay examples about plays on Samplius. You will access many essay examples through which to find inspiration and motivation on how to write essays and excel in performing arts. 3. It can improve your self-awareness Theater teaches about self-awareness because you need to be conscious of what is happening around you and within yourself. You must be aware of your facial expression, tone, and physicality during the performances. Self-awareness is important for productivity, not only in theater performance but also in your studies. Theater performances can greatly motivate you to study and write essays or other assignments. If you are looking to be a pro writer in the field of arts, use essay examples on “Macbeth” play on WritingBros for inspiration! The essay examples will offer some insights into essay topics, categories, word usage, and the logical structure of essays. As such, you will be able to write any kind of essay in your area of study and get good grades. 4. It teaches you what it means to be realistic and open After participating in drama rehearsals and subsequent performances, you gather self-confidence and make peace with yourself. This teaches about being realistic regarding your talent and in real life. Drama can motivate you to learn about how to approach things differently and to avoid being personal when solving problems. It is difficult to be perfect in performances, meaning that it is important to be prepared to receive constructive criticism. Feedback can make you receptive to comments and taking the comments seriously enhances your listening skills. Being a good listener enhances your ability to study and find solutions to problems. 5. It improves reading comprehension Theater performances require studying detailed literature, which can play a role in the development of reading comprehension skills. In addition to the ability of drama to aid understanding of the work involved, it also allows learners to understand the expression and work in general. There is a strong relationship between performing arts and the improvement of verbal and non-verbal skills. Performing relevant texts motivates you to get to the next level and enhances an understanding of other disciplines such as math and science. As compared to group discussions, theater performances can encourage reading and improve understanding of a text. Learners who participate in theater performances are more encouraged to study and achieve their academic goals better. Being motivated to study is a sure way to academic excellence and achieving your goals! To be motivated, use theater performances by participating in teamwork, managing time effectively, self-awareness, being open, and understanding reading materials. Have time for drama and your studies because you don’t want to overdo one activity at the expense of the other. Like these tips? Scroll down for more!
Relevant online resources – Fallacy and bias: - Cochrane methods. Assessing Risk of Bias in Included Studies - Common Fallacies in Quantitative Research Methodology. Oxford Handbooks Online. - ADEA. Logical fallacies in Critical Thinking skills Optional papers- references: - Higgins JPT, Altman DG, Gøtzsche PC Jüni P, Moher D et al. The Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias in randomised trials. BMJ 2011;343:d5928B - Faggion CM. Evaluating the Risk of Bias of a Study. J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2015 Dec;15(4):164-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2015.09.002. - Viswanathan M, Ansari MT, Berkman ND, Chang S, Hartling L Assessing the Risk of Bias of Individual Studies in Systematic Reviews of Health Care Interventions. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Methods Guide for Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. March 2012. AHRQ Publication No.12-EHC047-EF. - Hollister C. Reading the Dental Literature: Just the Basics. Nashville Area Dental Support Center United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. Page 10
The other four valence electrons in oxygen are in pairs at the bottom. The Lewis dot structure of water begins with a single O atom in the center. H2Os Lewis Dot Structure gives it many unique properties mostly due to the two lone pairs on the central oxygen atom. Lewis dot structure for h2o. On the right and left sides are a singly bonded H atom. There is an atom of oxygen in the center and two atoms of hydrogen around the central atom. To get the valence electrons of oxygenwe need to look at the electronic configuration of oxygen. 70 More Lewis Dot Structures. This increases electron-electron repulsion and therefore creates a bent structure as opposed to CO2s linear structure. Make sure you have two hydrogens and one oxygen in H 2 O. O 81s²2s²2p⁴ The highest value of principal quantum number here is n2. In order to determine the molecular geometry for H2O observe the Lewis structure of the same. Each pair consists of one electron provided by oxygen and one by hydrogen. There are also two pairs of electrons around the oxygen which you can see at the Lewis structure. Complete the following for H2O. It is four for one water H2O molecule according to the octet rule. To draw the lewis dot structure of H2O we have to find out the valence electrons of oxygen and hydrogen firstWe express valence electrons as dots in lewis dot structure. In a water molecule oxygen has two shared pairs of electrons and two unshared pairs of electrons which bond with one valence electron in hydrogen. The H 2 O Lewis dot structure is seen fairly frequently. This bent molecular structure gives it many unique properties such as being polar. Here we need to understand how the Lewis structure is drawn for the H2O molecule. I quickly take you through how to draw the Lewis Structure of water H2O. Of course oxygen will be the central atom in the H2O molecule. The structure on the right is the Lewis electron structure or Lewis structure for H 2 O. Look for how many electrons are needed. The Lewis dot formula for H2O shows that each hydrogen shares a pair of electrons with the oxygen atom. Find the total number of. The Lewis dot structure of water begins with a single O atom in the center. Be sure that you dont use more than the eight valence electrons available. Look for the total valence electrons. With two bonding pairs and two lone pairs the oxygen atom has now completed its octet. A common error it to put two oxygen atoms and one hydrogen making HO 2. You have a total of 8 valence electrons available to fill the octets of Oxygen and Hydrogen. With the Lewis Structure for Water H 2 O remember that water only needs two valence electrons to have a full outer shell. We can illustrate the formation of a water molecule from two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom using Lewis dot symbols. The Lewis dot structure for water shows the electron from hydrogen and an electron from oxygen being shared in a covalent bond. If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device. The exception of course being the hydrogens. Lewis DOT Diagram Lewis DOT Diagram Final Quiz – Atomic Structure And Chemical Bonding Final Quiz – Atomic Structure And Chemical Bonding Chemical Bonding MCQ Trivia. On the right and left sides are a singly bonded H atom. They follow the duet rule 2 electrons. The arrangement of the valence electrons for oxygen and hydrogen when they bond show that the Lewis dot structure represents. Draw a second structure with bonds drawn. Draw the Lewis dot structure. I also go over hybridization shape and bond angle. Drawing the Lewis Structure for H 2 O Another straight forward Lewis structure. Look at the questions before watching the video. Tell the shape using. A step-by-step explanation of how to draw the H2O Lewis Dot Structure WaterFor the H2O structure use the periodic table to find the total number of valenc. Remember that Hydrogen only needs two electrons to have a full outer shell. O is the central atom in H2O H 2 O molecule which is bonded to two hydrogen atoms via single bonds two shared electrons and there are two lone pair of electrons on the O atom. It is eight to form a single H2O molecule. The O atom then has one pair of dots on the unbonded sides. Lewis Dot of Water. Since all the atoms are in either period 1 or 2 this molecule will adhere to the octet rule.
|Lamantan Quick Facts ||It is endemic to Indonesia. ||Globose drupe, smooth, 10 cm diameter ||Pale yellow, fibrous Lamantan scientifically known as Mangifera similis, an evergreen tree growing to the height of 18 meters though specimen’s upto 32 meters have been recorded. The bole is 7 meters and upto 80 cm in diameter which can be free of branches. Sometimes the tree is harvested from wild for the edible fruit which is consumed locally. Species is scattered in Borneo- Sabah (Sandakan, Tawau), Sarawak and Kalimantan (Kutei, Samarinda, Balikpapan). It is also found in Sumatra (Palembang, Bangka and Bengkalis). - Ripe or green fruit is used for preparing ulam with sambal belacan and pickles. - Ripe fruit has pleasant flavor and consumed raw. - Astringent fruits are pickled.
Dealing with Aggressive Children and Reasons Why Children Act Out Aggressive behavior in children is always troublesome. Psychologists and experts have worked for years developing ideas on how to curb this all-too natural instinct. Here are some guidelines. 1. Be careful not to let the child think aggression is acceptable. 2. Do not be aggressive yourself, but rather always maintain your self-control. 3. Do not subtly condone violence by not setting strict enough limits on behavior. 4. Prevent aggressive action before it arises. Then reinforce alternate, positive behavior. 5. Close supervision is paramount. For example, it is far easier to prevent grabbing and to reinforce sharing than to halt aggressive behavior. 6. Explain to the child in very clear terms that violence WILL NOT be tolerated. Explain to them that it is painful and wrong. 7. When you see aggressive behavior, intervene immediately. Be consistent. 8. Help a child to understand that there are other outlets other than harmful aggressiveness. 9. It will not be easy, but in the long run, your child and you will reap the results.
Solid State Batteries Are Safer While they are a relatively new technology, solid state batteries are safer and more stable. These batteries do not suffer from the same issues as lithium ion batteries. However, they are less conductive and difusible in their electrolyte. Hence, they are safer and have a longer lifetime. You should always check the manufacturer’s warranty before using a solid state battery, because it may get damaged during a power surge. In fact, solid state batteries have significantly fewer parts and are safer to use. They do not contain flammable liquid and can be made of materials commonly found in homes and other equipment. Furthermore, a solid state battery will charge and discharge much faster than a traditional battery. Therefore, it is safer and more stable to use than a conventional battery. And, it is easier to replace a lithium-ion battery. The team led by UC San Diego’s Meng, an assistant professor of electrical and mechanical engineering, and her research team, successfully developed a new anode material using a machine learning model. They then used this new material to construct the anode and tested it to ensure that it could support the electrode’s weight and shape. They hope to manufacture solid state batteries that are more cost-effective in the near future. Solid State Batteries Are Safer and More Stable Than Lithium Ion Batteries In addition to lowering the costs, solid state batteries have several other advantages. The main one is safety. As a result, they have a longer life and are safer to handle. In fact, solid state batteries are more stable than liquid li-ion batteries, which means a faster charging time and less bulky safety equipment. So, the next step is to explore other substitutes for halide batteries. As a result, solid state batteries are more stable. However, there are a few disadvantages to this technology. For instance, they are more expensive than lithium ion batteries. They have many other disadvantages, such as being very light and heavy. But, they are a lot safer and more reliable than lithium ion batteries. This is especially true in applications that require large amounts of energy. While the two technologies have many advantages, they are not without their disadvantages. As a result of these benefits, solid state batteries are becoming more common in small devices. They are safer and more reliable, which is why they have been used in small devices for a long time. In addition, solid state batteries are more durable, have fewer parts, and have a lower price tag. They are also more efficient, which means that they can last for longer. They are also more efficient, meaning they can save money.
Witnessing the Holocaust by Henry Greenbaum Henry Greenbaum was born in Starachowice, Poland, on April 1, 1928, the youngest of nine children. In 1939, he and his family were sent to the Jewish ghetto in their town. Throughout the war, he would be moved to various slave labor and concentration camps, including the infamous death camp of Auschwitz. He was liberated by American soldiers in Germany on April 25, 1945, and moved to the United States the next year. I am honored to be standing here today with the American veterans of World War II, their families, and friends. No one appreciates the sacrifices you made more than the survivors of the Holocaust; the survivors who lost so many of their friends and family to this evil that you helped to defeat. I was not quite 12 years old when it all started. I came from a family of nine children, six girls and three boys. Out of the nine, only four survived: myself, my two brothers, and one sister who had come to the United States in 1937. We had a normal life. I went to public school, played sports, and did all the things that the kids would do here. But that all turned upside down the minute the Germans invaded my town, Starachowice, in Poland, on September 10, 1939. Right away, they started paying extra attention to the Jews, ordering them around, forcing us to wear the yellow Stars of David. When we would walk down the sidewalk, if we passed any German in uniform, whether it be SS or Wehrmacht, we had to take our hats off, step off the sidewalk, and stand at attention. If you did not obey, they would beat the heck out of you—knock you down, kick you with their boots—they could be brutal. We made sure to obey all of their rules, at all times. It came to the point that we were afraid to go out on the streets. People did not want to come out of their homes. So the Nazis started coming into our homes to look for us. What were they looking for? They wanted some free labor. Any able bodied person over about 12 years old was taken from their home and forced to dig trenches on the outskirts of town, which they claimed were to be used as defenses from tanks. They watched you constantly while you worked—you didn’t stop for a second. If somebody started talking, or decided to take a rest, the German supervisor would call them over and beat them up. Sometimes they would take somebody into a truck and drive them off into the forest. We could hear shots going off, then the truck would come back empty. We all knew what had happened. We also knew that these trenches we were digging were going to be used to bury these people who were being shot. After awhile, they rounded us all up, to keep us in one area—they didn’t want to have to look for us all over town. They surrounded the area, about 3 or 4 blocks, with barbed wire about four feet high. Families from all over were crowded in there. We had to wait for food to be brought to us by the SS, because no longer was anybody allowed to go out to shop. Every day, the already meager rations would become less and less. We ran out of soap to wash with. In already overcrowded conditions, being unable to keep clean led to an outbreak of typhoid in the ghetto. One day, a special unit came in, which the Germans called the “Einsatzgruppen,†which was basically the killing unit. They would come into this ghetto every day to check on us. If somebody was too sick to go work in one of the ammunitions factories, they would take you away in one of their trucks. Where did they take you? They took you to the outskirts of town where we had dug the trenches supposedly for the tanks. In reality, we were digging our own graves. Every day, the trucks would drive in and out, until the typhoid had subsided. In October of 1942, the Germans decided that they were going to get rid of the ghetto. They ordered us all out of the ghetto and into a large marketplace. That is where the selection started. Women with children were sent to one side; very old people to the same side; people who could not walk well, or were on crutches, or enfeebled, all to the same side. The healthier ones who would be able to work in the factory, including myself and three sisters, were kept on the other side. I could see the cattle cars off in the distance, where they were taking the women, children, and old people. The Germans never told any of them that they were going to be killed, which is why they had gone so peacefully. They were constantly lying to us. They would say that we were going to be “relocated,†and that we would have more food to eat or better jobs. So everybody was eager to go, and went willingly on the train. But when they boarded the train, their baggage was left behind.
What Does Accumulator Mean? An accumulator is a functionally rechargeable device that is used for harnessing electrical energy stored in the form of chemical energy. Accumulators typically consist of one or more separate cells depending on the amount of energy they are required to store and/or dispense. Corrosionpedia Explains Accumulator Accumulators are sometimes referred to as a type of battery. Its functional unit contains a cell that is composed of electrodes and electrolytes. The electrolyte is a chemical substance that undergoes ionization when dissolved in water or other polarizing solvents. This generally includes all soluble acids, bases and salts, as well as gases such as hydrogen chloride. Some examples of accumulators are: - Steam accumulators - Flywheel energy storage - Hydraulic accumulators - Rechargeable batteries - Compensated pulsed alternator - Pumped-storage hydroelectric plants
waterbird; migration; wetland; conservation; satellite tracking; integrated catchment management Biodiversity Conservation and Ecological Civilization The linkage created by migratory birds in time and space and between different global ecosystems, local biodiversity and diverse human culture epitomises the concept of “All Life on Earth”. The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, referred to as the Ramsar Convention below, uses bird abundance as a means to identify the relative significance of Wetlands of International Importance, tightly linking the most threatened wetlands on our planet with waterbird conservation. Wetland loss and degradation in Asia has caused a dramatic decrease in waterbird abundance and diversity, underlining the critical need for monitoring and conserving those natural systems that remain. Through close cooperation with 10 other countries, the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has established the largest migratory bird movement ecological database in Asia, with independent intellectual property rights. It contains basic data on the migration strategies and flyways of large-bodied birds in Asia. Analyses of these data have shown that migratory large-bodied birds from over 20 Asian countries have all used wetland habitats in China, and the area of intensive use accounts for less than 1.5% of China's total land area, mainly concentrated in the floodplains of just six river systems. Furthermore, we have identified critical relationships between wetland area, inundation area, hydrological process and bird abundance, diversity and behaviour. Large-scale development of wetland and water resources has caused loss and degradation of waterbird habitat, resulting in dramatic decreases in waterbird numbers. From a global perspective, the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats represents a common challenge for all human beings. In recent years, China has pioneered the successful conservation of its most threatened typical wetlands, which provides valuable practical experience and confidence for global biodiversity conservation. Finally, we make recommendations as to how China can take the lead in organizing global migratory bird monitoring and conservation. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences Original Submission Date 1 Bauer S, Hoye B J. Migratory animals couple biodiversity and ecosystem functioning worldwide. Science, 2014, 344:54-62. 2 Yong D L, Heim W, Chowdhury S, et al. The state of migratory landbirds in the East Asian Flyway:Distributions, threats, and conservation needs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.613172. 3 Ramsar Convention Bureau. Wetlands Values and Functions. Gland:Ramsar Convention Bureau, 2001. 4 Mitra S, Wassmann R, Vlek P. Global Inventory of Wetlands and Their Role in the Arbon Ycle. Bonn:Center for Development Research Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, 2003. 5 Mi X, Feng G, Hu Y, et al. The global significance of biodiversity science in China:An overview. National Science Review, 2021, doi:10.1093/nsr/nwab032. 6 Finlayson C M. Forty years of wetland conservation and wise use. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2012, 22(2):139-143. 7 Davidson N C. How much wetland has the world lost? Longterm and recent trends in global wetland area. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2014, 65(10):934-941. 8 Wetlands International. Waterbird Population Estimates, Fifth Edition, Summary Report. Wageningen:Wetlands International, 2012. 9 Kirby J S, Stattersfield A J, Butchart S H M, et al. Key conservation issues for migratory land- and waterbird species on the world's major flyways. Bird Conservation International, 2008, 18(S1):S49-S73. 10 Nathan R, Getz W M, Revilla E, et al. A movement ecology paradigm for unifying organismal movement research. PNAS, 2008, 105(49):19052-19059. 11 Cao L, Deng X Q, Meng F J, et al. Defining flyways, discerning population trends and assessing conservation challenges of key Far East Asian Anatidae species:An introduction. Wildfowl, 2020, (S6):1-12. 12 冯晓娟, 米湘成, 肖治术, 等. 中国生物多样性监测与研究网络建设及进展. 中国科学院院刊, 2019, 34(12):1389-1398. 13 Rees E C, Fox A D. Wildfowl Special Issue No.6:Flyway, Population Trends and Conversation Challenges for the Anatidae in Far East Asia. Slimbridge, Gloicestershire:Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, 2020. 14 Wang X, Cao L, Fox A D, et al. Stochastic simulations reveal few green wave surfing populations among spring migrating herbivorous waterfowl. Nature Communications, 2019, 10:2187-2198. 15 Wang X, Cao L, Bysykatova I, et al. The Far East taiga forest unrecognized inhospitable terrain for migrating Arctic-nesting waterbirds?. PeerJ, 2018, 6:e4353. 16 Zhang J J, Xie Y B, Li L X, et al. Assessing site-safeguard effectiveness and habitat preferences of Bar-headed Geese (Anser indicus) at their stopover sites within the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau using GPS/GSM telemetry. Avian Research, 2020, 11(1):49-61. 17 Meng F J, Wang X, Batbayar N, et al. Consistent habitat preference underpins the geographically divergent autumn migration of individual Mongolian common shelducks. Current Zoology, 2020, 66(4):355-362. 18 Barter M, Chen L, Cao L, et al. Waterbird Survey of the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Floodplain in Late January and Early February 2004. Beijing:Forestry Publishing House, 2004. 19 Yu H, Wang X, Cao L, et al. Are declining populations of wild geese in China ‘prisoners’ of their natural habitats? Current Biology, 2017, 27(10):R376-R377. 20 Jia Q, Wang X, Zhang Y, et al. Drivers of waterbird communities and their declines on Yangtze River floodplain lakes. Biological Conservation, 2018, 218:240-246. 21 Meng F J, Li H B, Wang X, et al. Size matters:Wintering ducks stay longer and use fewer habitats on largest Chinese lakes. Avian Research, 2019, 10(1):27-34. 22 Aharon-Rotman Y, McEvoy J, Zheng Z J, et al. Water level affects availability of optimal feeding habitats for threatened migratory waterbirds. Ecology and Evolution, 2017, 7(23):10440-10450. 23 Cao L, Meng F J, Yang W, et al. Effects of length of growing season on biomass accumulation and reproductive investment of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) H. Hara. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 2011, 179(2):115-120. 24 Fox A D, Meng F, Shen X, et al. Effects of shading on Vallisneria natans (Lour.) H. Hara growth. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2013, doi:10.1051/kmae/2013062. 25 Fox A D, Meng F, Liu J, et al. Effects of the length of inundation periods on investment in tuber biomass and sexual reproduction by Vallisneria spinulosa S.Z. Yan Ramets. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2014, doi:10.1051/kmae/2014014. 26 Chen Y, Zhang Y, Cao L, et al. Wintering Swan Geese maximize energy intake through substrate foraging depth when feeding on buried Vallisneria natans tubers. Avian Research, 2019, 10:6-13. 27 Fox A D, Cao L, Zhang Y, et al. Declines in the tuber-feeding waterbird guild at Shengjin Lake National Nature Reserve, China-A barometer of submerged macrophyte collapse. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2011, 21(1):82-91. 28 Niu Z G, Zhang H Y, Wang X W, et al. Mapping wetland changes in China between 1978 and 2008. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2012, 57(22):2813-2823. 29 Xu W H, Fan X Y, Ma J G, et al. Hidden Loss of Wetlands in China. Current Biology, 2019, 29(18):3065-3071.e2. 30 Wang W J, Fraser J D, Chen J K. Wintering waterbirds in the middle and lower Yangtze River floodplain:Changes in abundance and distribution. Bird Conservation International, 2017, 27(2):167-186. 31 羊向东, 董旭辉, 陈旭, 等. 长江经济带湖泊环境演变与保护、治理建议. 中国科学院院刊, 2020, 35(8):977-987. 32 尹发能. 洪湖自然环境演变研究. 人民长江, 2008, 39(5):19-22. 33 杨桂山, 马超德, 常思勇. 长江保护与发展报告2009. 武汉:长江出版社, 2009. 34 Zhao M J, Cong P H, Barter M, et al. The changing abundance and distribution of Greater White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons in the Yangtze River floodplain:Impacts of recent hydrological changes. Bird Conservation International, 2012, 22(2):135-143. 35 Jia Q, Cao L, Yésou H, et al. Combating aggressive macrophyte encroachment on a typical Yangtze River lake:Lessons from a long-term remote sensing study of vegetation. Aquatic Ecology, 2017, 51(1):177-189. 36 Zhang Y, Jia Q, Prins H H T, et al. Effect of conservation efforts and ecological variables on waterbird population sizes in wetlands of the Yangtze River. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5:17136. 37 星球研究所. 10万座大坝的诞生!. (2021-01-13)[2021-03-01]. 38 马柱国, 符淙斌, 周天军, 等. 黄河流域气候与水文变化的现状及思考. 中国科学院院刊, 2020, 35(1):52-60. 39 Murray N J, Clemens R S, Phinn S R, et al. Tracking the rapid loss of tidal wetlands in the Yellow Sea. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2014, 12(5):267-272. 40 Studds C E, Kendall B E, Murray N J, et al. Rapid population decline in migratory shorebirds relying on Yellow Sea tidal mudflats as stopover sites. Nature Communications, 2017, 8:14895-14991. 41 Zhang B X, Wang X, Meng F J, et al. Contrasting changes in abundance of Falcated Duck Mareca falcata wintering in the Yangtze River floodplain and on the eastern coast of China. Wildfowl, 2020, (S6):267-292. 42 Liu J G, Ouyang Z Y, Pimm S L, et al. Protecting China's biodiversity. Science, 2003, 300:1240-1241. 43 Cao L, Meng F J, Zhang J J, et al. Moving forward:How best to use the results of waterbird monitoring and telemetry studies to safeguard the future of Far East Asian Anatidae species. Wildfowl, 2020, (S6):293-319. 44 Curry A. The Internet of animals that could help to save vanishing wildlife. Nature, 2018, 562:322-326. 45 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Science/AAAS. 125 questions:Exploration and discovery. (2021-04-08)[2021-04-10]. 46 Gu Z R, Pan S K, Lin Z Z, et al. Climate-driven flyway changes and memory-based long-distance migration. Nature, 2021, 591:259-264. 47 Cao L, Fox A D. Birds and people both depend on China's wetlands. Nature, 2009, 460:173-173. 48 Cao L, Wang X, Fox A D. Letter to the editor regarding:Sponge Wetlands:Restoring functional flood relief to China's great rivers. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2018, 26(5):729-731. 49 Xu W H, Xiao Y, Zhang J J, et al. Strengthening protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services in China. PNAS, 2017, 114(7):1601-1606. 50 史自强. 让"华北明珠"重绽光芒——《白洋淀生态环境治理和保护规划》解读. (2019-01-12)[2021-03-01]. 51 Yan M, Yi K P, Zhang J J, et al. Flyway connectivity and population status of the Greylag Goose Anser anser in East Asia. Wildfowl, 2020, (S6):157-180. CAO, Lei; MENG, Fanjuan; and ZHAO, Qingshan "Understanding Effects of Large-scale Development on Bird Migration and Habitats Through Cutting Edge Avian Monitoring Techniques," Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version): Vol. 36 , Article 12. Available at:
Often Confused Words: OVOCE vs OVCE One letter can make a big difference. In this series of articles we will introduce the words which confuse our students the most. Do you make the same mistakes? Test yourself! OVOCE and OVCE Take a moment to think of what these two words mean. Whichone can you eat with ice-cream? And which might possibly lick your ice-cream? Yes, you were right if you answered “ovoce” (fruit) to the first question, and “ovce” (sheep) to the second one. And surely without much effort you could even use them both in one sentence. How would you say: “The sheep is eating fruit?” Well done: “Ovce jí ovoce”. Both words behave slightly differently in both languages. Unlike the English word “fruit”, the Czech “ovoce” appears only in the singular form even if you talk about kinds of fruit (“I like oranges and other citrus fruits” – “Mám rád pomeranče a jiné citrusové ovoce”). And “ovce” has a special set of forms for singular and plural. In English there is no plural form for “sheep”. And now let’s see if you feel more confident about using our two words. Add “ovce” or “ovoce” to these sentences. You will find the correct answers below the questions. ………………. je chytré zvíře. Mám ráda tropické ………………. . V supermarketu často kupuju ………………. . Na farmě jsou krávy a ………………. . Did we help you to digest this Czech soup a bit? Send us your experience, tips on how to remember Czech words, and examples of the ones which you sometimes confuse!
Name : Vedagiri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple (Narasimha Konda) Vedagiri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy temple was built on a small hill, popularly known as Narasimha Konda, by the banks of river Penna about 15 km from Nellore. Legend goes that the sage Kasyapa established the temple on the bank of Pinakini. And the vedic scripture 'Brahmapurana' reveals that the seven sages (Saptarishis) performed 'yagnam' (Sacrifice) on the top of Narasimhakonda. Vedagiri Lakshminarasimha Swamy devasthanam came into being nearly 500 years ago, on the summit of Narasimha konda. According to the rock inscriptions, this temple was built by the Pallava king Narsimha Varma in the ninth century. There are seven tanks (Koneru) around the temple with a great hill top view of the river Penna and the Nellore city. Jonnawada is just a couple of kilometers from here on the other side of the Penna river. You can also find two wind mills atop this hill where you can get to see them from close. Good for students and clean energy enthusiasts. Bramhotsavams gets conducted at this temple very grandly in the month of May of every year.
These are the words of Mary McLeod Bethune. She worked her whole life to make the world a better place. As a child, she loved to read. As a woman, she loved to teach. She started a school; she founded a hospital. Everywhere she saw a need, she searched for a solution. Age Range: 5 - 7 Grade: 3 - 5 Guided Reading: O Lexile level: 560L4th
Class 2 Autumn term Find out what we have been doing this half term. In Class 2 we have had a great half term filled with lots of learning and fun! In English we have been focusing on narrative. We have read lots of quality texts and unpicked the vocabulary and the ways in which authors engage readers. Then the children planned, wrote and published their own stories, which they enjoyed sharing with the younger children in school. In Maths, we have been consolidating our place value knowledge with numbers up to 1,000 (Y3) and 10,000 (Y4). The children have tackled some new problems and have really developed their thinking and reasoning skills, especially making their written answers clear and succinct. In Geography, the children have been learning about the UK and using maps to locate different counties and cities. The children have also started learning about rivers, which we will revisit again next half term. Our Science work has led us to learn about the digestive system and teeth. The children have mastered some new vocabulary and have learnt to ask scientific questions. We also carried out a science experiment to investigate how different drinks affected our teeth. I am looking forward to next half term where we will be exploring rocks and soils, looking into non-fiction texts and going on our first class trip!
A number of corporations have converted to digital data instead of physical paper files. This means banks, doctors offices, lawyers, and many other industries are storing their info on the computer. This becomes an issue if the pc dies and is replaced with out proper hard drive destruction by a licensed shredding company. What is Hard Drive Shredding? Hard drive shredding is the process of completely destroying a hard drive from being able to extract any info from it. Criminals and data thieves seek for old hard drives and different devices that store data. With the right software, previously stored info can still be extracted from the hard drives, even after they’ve been wiped clean. Why is Hard Drive Shredding Necessary? Deletes Your Data for Good Most individuals think merely erasing a hard drive is sufficient enough; however, that is not the case. Hard drive shredding is way more reliable than erasing or wiping old hard drives. Without shredding, you are putting your enterprise, your shoppers, and your self at risk of getting your confidential data stolen. Helps Protect the Environment We live in a technology-pushed world. Persons are constantly upgrading their electronics more than ever before. Most of those unwanted mobile gadgets and computers end up in our landfills inflicting them to replenish with hazardous chemicals. Hard drive shredding is a good way to responsibly get rid of your digital waste while making certain that vital data is safe. Follows Privacy Laws Just like paper shredding, data that is stored electronically must be properly destroyed as soon as it is no longer necessary. There are laws set in place that require the protection of confidential data within the workplace. Hard drive shredding ensures personal info is safely destroyed while helping you keep in compliance with regulatory laws. For more in regards to electronics recycling look into our own webpage.…
parseFloat() returns the first valid floating point number from the current position. parseFloat() is terminated by the first character that is not a floating point number. The function terminates if it times out (see Stream.setTimeout()). This function is part of the Stream class, and can be called by any class that inherits from it (Wire, Serial, etc). See the Stream class main page for more information. stream : an instance of a class that inherits from Stream. lookahead: the mode used to look ahead in the stream for a floating point number. Allowed data types: SKIP_ALL: all characters other than a minus sign, decimal point, or digits are ignored when scanning the stream for a floating point number. This is the default mode. SKIP_NONE: Nothing is skipped, and the stream is not touched unless the first waiting character is valid. SKIP_WHITESPACE: Only tabs, spaces, line feeds, and carriage returns are skipped. ignore: used to skip the indicated char in the search. Used for example to skip thousands divider. Allowed data types:
Bore da pawb 😊 Thursday 11th June Today we are going to write a fact file on a famous Welsh person. You can choose any welsh person that you want. You will need to find out about their life. This term we are going to be reading 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King-Smith. The book is available to read on the link below (I have borrowed it from the online library until 11th June plese read it) We are continuing to look at graphs. We are going to fill in our graph about the foods we like to eat. First of all you need to fill in the numbers…. Roast chicken-0 beans on toast-5 spaghetti Bolognese-13 sausages and mash-1 curry-7 pizza-23 Then plot the results on the graph. Remember each square is worth 2. So how much is half a square worth? Then colour in the graph, with each food being a different colour. Today I would like you to go for a walk or even just around your garden and collect a variety of leaves. Then can you create a picture. It can be of anything you like-your brother or sister, , an animal your house etc. Here are some examples to help you…. Then send me a picture by email or share it on teams 😊
By Harry Winter, OMI Feb. 2020 edition of Oblate Missiologists, A Workbook, features the mention of the first Oblate martyr, Brother Alexis Reynard (1828-75). Our first Oblate martyr died defending a young 14 year old orphan girl, Genevieve Duquette, from their guide, Louis Lafrance, on a journey in the Arctic in 1875. Brother Alexis Reynard (1828-1875) and the girl both were murdered by Louis. Details are given by Ileana Chinnci, COMI (Oblate Missionary Cooperator), in Oblatio Studia 8, “Oblation and Martyrdom,” pp. 161-64.
As a result of climate change and overfertilization, excessive amounts of brown algae ‘Sargassum’ reach Caribbean shores every year. A long term research of scientists shows that the amount of Sargassum increased tenfold in the last decade and forecasts indicate that the number will increase in the next years. Offshore, Sargassum serves as an important natural habitat for sea dwellers. But when it hits the coastline, it has several negative consequences: 1) ‘Dead Zones’. Areas with poor oxygen levels in the ocean establish when bacteria decompose the algae. This has deadly consequences for marine and coastal wildlife. 2) ‘Fishermen suffering’. Local fishermen suffer as dead zones lead to low fish yields and excessive amounts of algae get tangled up in their nets and rotors. 3) ‘Tourism Decline‘. Ashore, the rotting algae emit sulphur dioxide. Non-lethal, but still harmful and unpleasant, the smell and look of algae is causing a sharp decline in toursim numbers. Because most Carribeans are working in the tourism sector, they are facing increasing losses each year. Our project refers to the following Sustainable Development Goals: Sargassum seaweed is rich in nutrients (nitrogen, phosphate and potassium) and biostimulants. SeaSoilution wants to fight the Sargassum plague by producing organic fertilizer from the algae. The supply chain is short and environmentally friendly: We collect the algae in local cooperation and process it to organic fertilizer by drying and shredding it. The packaged fertilizer is sold to local farmers. The effectiveness of our fertilizer in improving soil quality and long-term plant growth has long been proven by scientists (Louime et al., 2016). Our price is competitive and seaweed-based fertilizer fits the demand of organic farmers in the Dominican Republic. Maria Magdalena Rochkova Reynaldo Valdez Garcia Andres Tapia Suasnavas
Harmonica Almanac – November 12 Blues singer, guitar and harmonica player Booker T. “Bukka” White was born on this day in 1906. White began playing music when he was nine years old and was working professionally by 1921. Folk singer-songwriter, guitar and harmonica player Neil Young often plays the harmonica on a neckbrace to play fills during his songs. Young has been a force in music since the 1960’s and is still very active. Neil Young was born on this day in 1945. Blues singer and harmonica player Lester Butler was born on this day in 1959. Butler had a short career but managed to work with Billy Boy Arnold, R.L. Burnside, Mick Jagger and others as well as recording his own music. That’s it for today. Have fun and practice!
Shaman--Painting of an African Mask Tikar-Bekorn People, Master of Bamessi Guild, Cameroon The ancestors of the Tikar came from the Sudan to the Adamawa Northern Region of present-day Cameroon. They settled in a village they named Ngambe (present-day Bankim District) where they intermarried with selected grassland farmers and animal herders. During the mixing with selected grassland residents, a powerful chief and eventually king came to power. With the skills brought from the Sudan, the Tikar king was able to rule most of northern and central Cameroon. After the death of the king, his oldest son inherited the throne and his other children expanded Tikar authority. The Tikar Empire had strong political traditions. At the height of the Tikar Empire, fifteen kingdoms or clans existed; the Ngambe was the largest. Future kings and the ruling class always came from this clan and all clan were headed by a Fon who supervised nobles, large farm producers, military leaders, merchants, and town leaders. The Tikar People developed a higher culture than surrounding peoples. They were gifted in all the arts and excelled in wood work, metal work and ceramics. Many Tikar people became victims of the slave trade and their power and numbers declined drastically. One in a series of eleven paintings inspired by tribal African Masks in museum and private collections. This mask was on view in the collection of the de Young Museum, San Francisco. They were in use during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Custom Sizes available. Please email desired dimensions for a quote.
Written by Walter Dean Myers Illustrated by Christopher Myers Through the poetry of blues lyrics, bits and pieces of the African American experience from the end of slavery through the beginning of the civil rights movement is shared in this book. A remarkable tribute is paired with beautifully striking artwork. Also included is a time line of the history of the blues and a glossary explaining some of the words in the blues lyrics found within the text. Read more >> Originally posted on February 4, 2021.
Poems are not referenced in the same way as book chapters. In-text you need to mention the poem and poet and page number, but in the Bibliography you will need to reference the source (book, etc.) where you found the poem. FAMILY/SURNAME, Initials. (ed.) or (eds.).-in brackets for editor(s). (Year of publication – in brackets). Book Title – in italics. Series title and volume – if available. Edition – if not the first. Place of Publication: Publisher. If you refer to a poem in your work from a book, for example a poem from the following book, you will need to reference the source (book) where the poem can be found: FISH, J. (2004). The Art of Poetry. London: Fish and Sons. The poem Spring Time by Bloggs (Fish, 2004, p.67) shows… This was highlighted in Bloggs’ Spring Time (Fish, 2004, p.67). ‘Direct quotations are placed in single quotations marks’ (Author’s Surname, Year of Publication, p. – followed by page number – in brackets).
The Ports table contains all the ports of the design which can be GMIO ports, PLIO ports and input, inout, and output ports on a kernel . Note: FileIO is displayed as PLIO in the Vitis analyzer. Figure 1. Ports Table |Name||The port name of the input, inout, output ports on a kernel, GMIO, or PLIO ports.| |ID||The unique ID the AI Engine compiler designates the port.| |Type||Port type. PLIO ports can contain Stream, Packet Switching, GMIO ports contain Global Memory, Function can contain Memory, or Stream.| |Direction||Port direction. Can be: IN, OUT, INOUT.| |Data Type||The type definition of the port for kernels. For |Buffers||The number of buffers instantiated for the connection. For streaming connection, no buffers are used. For a window connection, it is a ping-pong buffer.| |Connected Ports||The number of ports the specific port is connected to. Ports can multicast to more than one port. For more information see Multicast Support.|
The Art of Concentration can be a game, and it can a experience in the creation of art. The purpose is to help you focus while creating a masterpiece. The rules are: - Draw black lines on a page. Circles, squares, squiggly lines, it does not matter. - Color every other section. Start anywhere. Use any color. - If you desire, use multiple colors. Sections of the same color can not touch. Circles and Swirls is probably one of the easiest, even though it may look complicated. Today, was the first day, I did not turn the tile over and start again on the reverse side. This is a fun line drawing. For today’s coloring, I decided to use the same line drawing to create two pieces.. One, I did in gray scale. The other was colored in shades of red. Yes, I believe pink to be a shade of red. The grayscale version appears to me that everything is falling into a funnel. Where the shades of red piece, has a different effect. Both were created in Corel Draw, export as a bitmap, and colored in Microsoft Paint. My hand drawn piece was done on a Studio Series Artist tile with brush marker and a Micron pen.
Private Moments in the Open Air: Landscapes (1890–1944) Published by Silvana Editoriale. Edited by Mathias Chivot. The French painters Édouard Vuillard (1868–1940) and Ker-Xavier Roussel (1867–1944) had a singular relationship, sharing similar artistic trajectories and interests in careers that bridged the 19th and 20th centuries. One such shared interest was the landscape genre, which both artists returned to again and again, in paintings and drawings, as a site for stylistic experimentation. In the 1890s, the two artists painted landscapes in order to renew the genre, filtering it through the radical, anti-naturalistic colors of the Nabis group. By the 1920s and 1930s, Vuillard and Roussel were swept up in the “return to order,” painting the landscape in a classicizing, decorative style. This new volume examines the theme of the landscape in the oeuvres of the two painters, offering a new perspective on the evolution of European painting over the course of half a century.
The Jewish custom was for the first-born son to receive the largest inheritance, with some notable exceptions: Ephraim was chosen over Manasseh (Genesis 48:14, 20, 26), Isaac over Ishmael (Genesis 17:19-21 [25-28]), Jacob over Esau (Genesis 27:19:41), and Joseph over Reuben (1 Chronicles 5:1-2). [Zarahemla Research Foundation, Study Book of Mormon, p. 7] “Inasmuch As Thou Shalt Keep My Commandments, Thou Shalt Be Made a Ruler and a Teacher over Thy Brethren” In the Lord's first recorded speech to Nephi, He explained the conditions surrounding some special promises to him: 1. Nephi would be led to a land of promise and would prosper (1 Nephi 2:20). 2. Nephi would be made a ruler over his brethren (1 Nephi 2:22). 3. Nephi would be made a teacher (minister) over his brethren (1 Nephi 2:22). 4. If Nephi's brethren rebelled against the Lord, they would be cursed with a sore curse (1 Nephi 2:23). These promises all came to be dramatically fulfilled. Nephi's testament to the fulfillment of these promises might be a reason why the writings of Nephi were divided into two books (First Nephi and Second Nephi). Nephi could have very easily written just a single book, therefore he must have had some purpose behind his decision to write two books. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [For further discussion of this situation, see the commentary on 1 Nephi: Title "His Reign and Ministry"]
This is a speaking activity to practice phrasal verb TURN. Use it after doing some written exercises to help your students use this material while speaking. Can be also used as an icebreaker or warmer. For more worksheets go here: or subscribe to me here -> or go to my channel here -> Hope you'll like it!
I’ve heard that on May 19, 1780, in the northeastern part of North America, there was a period of “extraordinary darkness,” which began between 10 A.M. and 11 A.M. and lasted until the middle of the next night. Also, the full moon rose at 9 P.M. that evening but was not visible until midnight, when it had the “appearance of blood.” I’ve checked records of solar and lunar eclipses for that date, and none was close enough to have caused the phenomenon. Do you have any information about such an event? Could you provide an explanation for it? For a generation of New Englanders, Friday, May 19, 1780, was a date never to be forgotten. The Sun was blotted out by a strange darkness, varying in intensity and length from place to place, but extending from New Jersey and New York across Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and southeastern New Hampshire into Maine. For several days prior to the “Dark Day,” the Sun was obscured by smoky clouds, and the Moon took on an unusual reddish color. Darkness began around 10 in the morning and lasted throughout the day. (When the Connecticut legislature proposed adjournment following the belief that the day of judgment was at hand, a Colonel Davenport declared: “I am against an adjournment. The day of judgment is either approaching, or it is not. If it is not, there is no cause for an adjournment; if it is, I choose to be found doing my duty.”) The night that followed was no comfort to the fearful, being unusually black and impervious to any artificial light. The next day, a fine sulfurlike substance was noticed on the edges of water, but the only reports of adverse effects concerned the death of a number of birds. The first theories of a comet or solar eclipse were ruled out, and the earliest guesses regarding smoke from forest fires turned out to be accurate. Out-of-control forest fires, extending from New Hampshire into New York State, burned furiously for a week preceding the dark day, creating great suffocating clouds of smoke. An unusual atmospheric condition trapped the smoke until it reached sufficient density to blot out the Sun. However, for many New Englanders, the Dark Day was an inexplicable mystery, never recalled without a feeling of awe. More Like This
Find a great geography lesson on your floor! When you study the United States, this puzzle offers an excellent opportunity to learn the placement, shape, and relative size of the different states. This big puzzle has 55 extra-thick pieces. The border interlocks, and then the pieces, shaped like states, nest into place. (From Virginia up through New England, three of the pieces have more than one state. The rest of the states are one state per piece.) Includes the state capitals. Many pieces have pictures symbolic of their respective states (a peach in Georgia, skiing in Colorado, cowboy and armadillo in Texas). Your family will enjoy learning United States geography as they put the pieces in place. 30" x 18". Advertised as for ages 4 and up. (But because the pieces don't interlock, most young children will appreciate help.)
First breeding of the Willow Warbler in Bulgaria. - D.N. Nankinov, N.D. Nankinov. - Berkut. 7 (1-2). 1998. - P. 134-135. The south border of breeding range of the species passes to the north from the territory of Bulgaria. A nest with 6 eggs was found in the mountain of Ljulin, to the west from the city of Sofia, in 1996. One of the reasons for the breeding of the Willow Warbler in Bulgaria can be the cold and rainy spring of 1996. The unfavourable weather conditions have made some of the migrating birds to settle for nesting in more southern regions. The bad weather has been the reason for building the nest on a slope, where the rain water does not stay but quickly drains away, and also for the late breeding time of the couple. [English]. Key words: Willow warbler, Phylloscopus trochilus, Bulgaria, distribution, breeding, nest. Address: D.N. Nankinov, Institut of Zoology, Boul. Tsar Osvoboditel 1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Write a letter to your local council that the road in front of your house is damaged. In your letter, you should: - Tell him your name and where you are living - Describe the problem - Suggest what you want him to do for it. I am Kim; I am a resident of 2, Kingston Street, Ontario and have been living here for a decade. I am writing this letter to tell you about the degraded condition of the road in front of my apartment. This road earlier had small holes, and workers from Municipalities would come and reconstruct it. However, now the condition of the road has been degraded so much that the size of holes has massively increased. After so many complaints, there has been a no-show from them. Considering the fact that the pandemic has limited people from moving out and working, the problem needs to be addressed on an immediate basis. Recently, it was raining cats and dogs, and the pits were filled with water. A motorist who was riding his bike home couldn’t see the damaged roads and meet with an accident. He fell from the bike so bad that when he was taken to the emergency, it was found his leg broke and he suffered very major injuries. This is the main street which connects residences and offices. This is the second accident that took place in a month. I would request you on behalf of all the residents of the area, to please Re-built the entire road. We have supported your council during elections. After writing countless letters, the solution to the problem has not been solved. I hope my newest appeal will be answered sooner. Follow Us on IELTSFever Facebook
Click here to find out what happened on this day in U.S. History Thank you for visiting the Interesting U.S. History web site. This web site features interesting events in United States History. Some of the stories you see here are little known facts that you didn't learn in school. Others are things you learned in school that are just plain wrong. For example, do you know who the first President of the United States was? If you think it was George Washington, you might want to read this. Do you know who designed the first american flag? Not who you think. Check out the Interesting History Myths section if you want to know the truth about the history of the United States. I'm sure you've heard about the Mayflower. You probably have NOT heard what it has in common with beer and how that relationship may have changed the course of history. You will find that story along with many others in the Interesting History Facts section. Hopefully you will find this web site interesting, entertaining and enlightening and it will give you a new appreciation for the history of the United States. here to find out what happened on this day in WORLD history