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<urn:uuid:9bd9519e-4057-4929-8459-951a7e7d5713>_en | Definition of Giant fir
1. Noun. Lofty fir of the Pacific coast of northwestern America having long curving branches and deep green leaves.
Generic synonyms: Silver Fir
Lexicographical Neighbors of Giant Fir
Literary usage of Giant fir
Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:
1. A Text-book of Wood by Herbert Stone (1921)
"The giant fir (Thuya plicate) is an extreme case where the mere bending of a ... We have a parallel instance to that of the giant fir in the American Black ..."
2. Practical Forestry in the Pacific Northwest: Protecting Existing Forests and by Edward Tyson Allen (1911)
"... size (usually small because fire has been almost universal) covered with big old hemlock, white fir and cedar, with here and there a dying giant fir, ..."
3. Appletons' Annual Cyclopædia and Register of Important Events of the Year (1899)
"The country between the two towns, a distance of 13 miles, is'very rough and covered with a dense growth of giant fir and cedar trees, which had to be cut ..."
4. The Encyclopedia Americana: A Library of Universal Knowledge (1919)
"Thus, the Douglas fir producers of the North Pacific coast are able to ship the large structural timbers which can be turned out of giant fir logs to all ..."
5. The American Naturalist by American Society of Naturalists, Essex Institute (1871)
"It stands under the spreading branches of a giant fir-tree, and covers an area just about large enough to furnish lodging room for two persons. ..."
6. Sunset by Southern Pacific Company, Southern Pacific Company. Passenger Dept (1913)
"... And the giant fir wav^s high, And a dripping ledge hangs cool and steep, And a laughing brook leaps by; And it's there to be with a soul that's free ..." |
<urn:uuid:d0d952be-dddb-4670-a650-fdb65c08e156>_en | Omori Shell Mounds Walking Tour
Required time:About 60 minutes
Omori Shell Mounds is the place where Japan’s first academic excavation took place, uncovering earthenware, stoneware, and shell mounds from the Jomon Period. It is referred to as the birthplace of Japanese archeology.
From Omori Shell Mounds to Shinagawa-shuku, travel through the ward, a tour of cultural assets
Required time: Half day
Omori Shell Mounds and Tokaido Shinagawa-shuku are the famous historical spots which represents Shinagawa ward. While traveling through these two spots, visitors can enjoy cultural assets along the road to the fullest on this tour course. |
<urn:uuid:aa916c38-9a39-457d-9681-311b1b1da809>_en | Scabies is a common skin condition that is caused by the parasites known as mites. These mites can infest the house and the person carrying them. If not treated, scabies could cause serious problems. Scabies is something that most people do not want to in their lives. However there are ways that you can get rid of it.
Scabies is a condition that must be treated by a doctor. Medication that treats scabies can only be purchased with the prescription of a doctor. Anyone who has been in close contact with the person who has been diagnosed with scabies requires immediate treatment. Likewise, those who do not have scabies but require treatment before it is too late.
Even people who don’t suffer from scabies may benefit from a diagnosis and treatment. A doctor can prescribe numerous ways to help someone get rid of scabies. Scabies treatment can be done at home or through prescription medications.
Your doctor is the first step to getting rid of scabies. Your doctor can diagnose you and provide a treatment plan. Your doctor might suggest an over-the-counter medicine or prescribe one for you. It really depends on the severity of your condition. If you have not been successful in telling your doctor how severe your scabies infection is you may need to get an appointment with them as soon as you can.
Once your doctor has given you a diagnosis, they will determine the severity of your scabies. If it’s moderate severity, you may only require prescription medication or an over the counter treatment product. These products typically contain the same ingredients that the dermatologist’s treatment for scabies. You just need to know what ingredients they are and follow the directions provided.
If your scabies appear to be extremely severe, then your physician might suggest an additional treatment option. These treatments could include the application of a lotion or cream to eliminate the mites. A lotion or cream with permethrin may help treat scabies.
If you use an over-the-counter cream to treat scabies then you are not treating your skin condition with anything that can be considered safe. The ingredients used to treat scabies do not kill off the scabies mites. However, they can stop new ones from getting into your skin. While the cream or lotion can keep new scabies scabies from growing, it will not eliminate the ones already inside you. This means that you’ll be suffering from this irritable skin condition for months or even years before being experiencing results.
Scabies can be a difficult condition to treat. Creams and lotions that are available over-the-counter are available, however they do not address the root cause of the problem that is the scabies spores that reside on your skin. You can eliminate scabies without using any chemicals if you concentrate your treatment efforts on stopping the development of. This can be achieved by taking extra care to keep your skin clean by cutting down on the number of people who come in contact with you, as well as eliminating secondary infections that occur by scratching. |
<urn:uuid:9535084f-3d6b-42cc-816a-95f9a036a349>_en | Hello my crafty friends!
It’s Jenny from Origami Tree and today we’ll be learning how to make a paper toy craft project in celebration of Black Hole Week!
? Black Hole Week is a whole week where NASA (and others!) are celebrating black holes. They asked if I wanted to join in the fun, so my team and I designed a template for a space potato based on a character from NASA’s Guide to Black Hole Safety.
? SO WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES? They’re objects with a whole lot of stuff squished into a tiny amount of space. They’re pretty weird, so black holes capture the imaginations of people. This space potato is actually a reminder of some of the things that black holes are not!
? They are not actually holes, despite the name. Instead, their gravity is so strong that nothing, not super-fast-moving space potatoes, or even light, can escape. They are also not cosmic vacuum cleaners sucking up everything in their paths. A space potato ? jetting by a black hole would have to get pretty close to the black hole to get pulled in. If it keeps its distance, the space potato would be just fine. ? Finally, black holes are not portals to other dimensions populated by unicorns and space potatoes, as much as we might like them to be… |
<urn:uuid:0ce3b8eb-c819-44dc-a73a-95329a323596>_en | How to Make a Wood Beam With a 2x8
Things You Will Need
5 boards 2-by-8-inch
By staggering the joints, you can create a longer, stronger beam.
Always use care when cutting or shaping wood with power tools.
Beams support roof or floor structures. The beams are usually 8 inches wide so that holes for plumbing and electrical lines can be cut or drilled through the beams without destroying the structural integrity of the beam. Heavier load bearers, or beams that have several holes, must be thicker than 2 inches to provide the strength needed for the building. Thicker beams can give the added support. Additionally, bolting boards together allows the builder to make a beam longer than the standard 12-foot length of the lumber.
Measure 4 feet along one 2-by-8-inch board. Cut the board. Repeat with a second board.
Lay a 12-foot board on the ground. Butt the end of an 8-foot board to the end of the 12-foot board.
Lay a 4-foot piece on top of the 12-foot board and line up the ends. Drill two holes through the end of both boards. Insert a carriage bolt into a washer. Lift the edge of the board and insert the bolt. Place a washer on top of the protruding end and tighten the nut with the wrench. Repeat with the other hole.
Lining up the edges carefully, drill two holes at the other end of the 4-foot board. Place carriage bolts and washers in the holes and tighten the two boards together.
Butt the end of a 12-foot board against the end of the 4-foot board. Drill holes in the end of the board and bolt it down with the carriage bolts on both sides. Finish the beam with a 4-foot piece at the end.
Based in Nashville, Shellie Braeuner has been writing articles since 1986 on topics including child rearing, entertainment, politics and home improvement. Her work has appeared in "The Tennessean" and "Borderlines" as well as a book from Simon & Schuster. Braeuner holds a Master of Education in developmental counseling from Vanderbilt University. |
<urn:uuid:2cef6ad5-437e-4489-9789-292dc31401fc>_en | Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by xzander. xzander Wonders, “why is the k in knife silent” Thanks for WONDERing with us, xzander!
Rex: Howdy! My name's Rex. I'm a Tyrannosaurus.
Tex: Howdy Rex! I'm Tex. I'm a pterodactyl.
Rex: Cool! We're both species of reptiles that start with a "T"!
Tex: Actually, pterodactyl starts with a "P"…but the "P" is silent.
Rex: Say what? Why would you put a "P" at the front and not pronounce it?
Tex: I don't know. It drives me crazy. No one can ever spell it.
Can you sympathize with the pterodactyl? Silent letters make the English language a bit . Why do so many words contain letters that aren't pronounced?
Many of those letters have more than one sound, and combinations of letters are often used to create other sounds. With so many sounds and not enough letters, it's even more curious that more than half of the letters in the alphabet are silent at least part of the time.
Historians believe that early on English had very few silent letters. However, during the 15th century, many words from other languages, such as Latin and French, were added to the English language.
Often these new words didn't follow English rules of grammar. Since their spellings were fixed, some letters became silent when pronounced in English. Today, experts estimate that approximately 60% of English words have silent letters.
For example, the word "knife" could be spelled "nif" if you only used the letters that made sounds. Yet, it has a "k" at the start and an "e" at the end.
Knife, and many other words with a silent "k" or "g" at the beginning (such as gnaw and knee), are Viking words. In Scandinavian countries, these letters are pronounced. In English, however, their spellings are retained while their pronunciations change, resulting in silent letters.
While people trying to learn English may find silent letters , they can be useful. For example, silent letters help to distinguish between homophones (words with the same sound but different spellings and meanings) in writing. Thanks to silent letters, you can know the difference between two, to, and too! |
<urn:uuid:35c2335f-81b2-48d4-b8cc-165be666903d>_en | This marriage mortar is made by Mamees Frémy in October 1620. Mamertus Frémy (also known as Mammartus, Mammees, Mammes and Frimigei or Formica) was a member of the well-known Lorraine Frémy family. In 1614 he was the owner of a moulding company at the Karthuizenstraat in Amsterdam.
This mortar is a rare example by the master.
Successive generations of the Frémy family have been working in moulding companies, in Amsterdam and Winterswijk. The Frémy family was also related to the well-known Hemony family.
This mortar was made for the marriage of Hans Wilhelm Cloothack and Elisabet Jacobs Zyltoch. The inscription on the mortar says 'HANS WILHELM CLOOTHACK EN ELISABET IAKOBS ZYLTOCH’ ‘MAMEES FREMY ME FECIT ANNO 1620 IN OCTOBER'
The words in the inscription are seperated with a decorative flower.
This mortar is decorated with two friezes. The upper frieze depicts a lion flanked by two birds of prey, surrounded by grapes and foliage.
The frieze below is decorated with a ram's head surmounting a coat-of-arms held by two human figures. |
<urn:uuid:d1cd43d2-0f9d-4c2d-97a3-80b8f77edf8a>_en | Enlightened public opinion ultimately set things right in the Reserve Mining case. Following US. District Judge Miles Lord’s order of April 20, 1974 to cease all taconite tailings discharge to Lake Superior, it took much additional effort by the State of Minnesota, intervening environmental groups and the US. Government to stop the 25-year dumping of hundreds of millions of tons of tailings into the world’s fresh- water treasure. It finally happened in the spring of 1980
"Focus on International Joint Commission Activities (ISSN 0832-6673): vol.19 iss.3,"
Focus on International Joint Commission Activities: Vol. 19
, Article 1.
Available at: |
<urn:uuid:0417b814-b7c9-4fb4-be86-7aab9de98c1a>_en | Mutations in DDX3X are a common cause of unexplained intellectual disability with gender-specific effects on Wnt signaling
Original research article by Snijders Blok et al. (2015).
Read the abstract here.
This article considers the effect that changes in the DDX3X gene have on females’ behavioral, developmental, and physical features. Participants were females with unexplained intellectual disability (ID). ID affects 1% to 3% of the human population and is more commonly reported in males than in females. The majority of genetic changes associated with ID occur in males. However, changes in the DDX3X gene are more commonly associated with ID in females. This study identified 38 females with de novo (new) DDX3X changes and analyzed their characteristics. The following table lists the common characteristics the researchers observed:
|Clinical Features of Females with a DDX3X Gene Change|
|Percentage (%)||Number of individuals with condition|
|Intellectual disability or developmental delay||100||38/38|
|Mild or mild-moderate disability||26||10/38|
|Moderate or moderate-severe disability||26||10/38|
|Movement disorder (including spasticity)||45||17/38|
|Corpus callosum hypoplasia||35||13/37|
|Cleft lip or palate||8||3/38| |
<urn:uuid:68497a37-681f-42aa-9554-b2f003e4a22a>_en | Scripting this Essay just isn’t solely an exercise performed by college students of the English division. English Essay is a specific kind of writing that’s typically relevant to all curriculums. Scripting this Essay just isn’t solely an exercise performed by college students of the English division. Nearly each division will need to take a look at the language capacity of the coed. Subsequently start your Essay with any matter. Your fundamental intention might be to show your mastery of the English language. Subsequently, your matter must be easy in such a way that you will see it handy to write down about. Keep away from a subject which might be very advanced so that you can perceive and even write about.
Though you’ll be writing to show that you recognize a lot in regards to the English language, your language must be easy and straight to the purpose. The English language just isn’t all a couple of play of phrases. What it’s essential do is to carry out each characteristic of the English language in your paper. Range sentence size, use paragraphs for separate factors and use connections to hyperlink paragraphs. This is without doubt one of the Essay codecs wherein brilliancy can have little or nothing to do. The sort of Essay is generally used to find out how one can deal with different analysis and writing actions.
You need to intention at writing greater than an analytical Essay which evaluates the extent of your vocabulary to an instance essay. Subsequently, you need to keep away from grammatical errors in your essay. All the time revise and edit each level in your essay. Revise for lucidity and circulate of concepts and substitute weaker phrases with stronger phrases. |
<urn:uuid:478c7c77-b23a-4d37-bee9-e9486b2e15c9>_en | Color print advertisement for Stripcoat, a protective coating made from Dow Ethylcellulose (branded as Ethocel). The advertisement features an illustration of metal parts being dipped in Stripcoat, shipped via airplane, and received by a man in military-style dress, with the caption "Dip It, Ship It, Strip It." The accompanying text describes the use of Stripcoat to protect metal parts during shipping. Notably, the advertisement was produced during World War II and bears the Company's wartime tagline "Dow: Chemicals Indispensable to Industry and Victory."
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Dow Chemical Company. “Ethocel: Stripcoat,” circa 1943. Advertisements from the Dow Chemical Historical Collection, Box 9. Science History Institute. Philadelphia.
This citation is automatically generated and may contain errors.
RightsNo Known Copyright
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Mouse click to zoom in; shift-click to zoom out. Drag to pan. Pinch to zoom on touch. |
<urn:uuid:38f7fd8e-8075-4a2b-82c8-3ccf352b72e0>_en | Antivirus applications are one of the most popular types of software today. It is main function is to discover and take out malware, often known as ”anti-malware. inches It is a useful gizmo for personal computers because it detects and helps prevent infection out of viruses. It might be installed on any computer totally free. But before you install antivirus software, you should understand how functions. The purpose of this software is to shield your system plus your computer out of any dangers caused by spy ware.
Antivirus program tries to obstruct phishing attempts and other malicious codes. Simply by removing shady code from your system, it could possibly keep your system safe and secure. This feature is extremely helpful for businesses that use laptop is total av legit networks. Most of the programs have different features and prices. The features of antivirus program can vary, which suggests you should really carefully opt for the one that is suitable for your needs. After you have made your option, you should down load it coming from a reputable origin.
Antivirus software scours meant for malicious software and removes them. This protects your personal computer against cyber-attacks and data removes. It works for infections and other harmful software, and provides security from other online threats. To use malware, you should look at your antivirus application regularly. As an example, you should have a look at your computer with a brand new version each and every month. This will make certain that it’s totally free of viruses. In the next up to date, you may download and install the most recent versions of the usb ports. |
<urn:uuid:44841617-906f-4ade-96d3-d5365b85eea2>_en | When it comes to writing an article, there are lots of techniques which a student can utilize to assist them in accomplishing this endeavor. This article will discuss how to write a composition with navigate to this websiteout a lot of strain to the author.
Before starting, you must write a concise overview of your topic and then summarize your thesis statement or main point. This is a significant step, because a well-written essay is a testimony of your suggestions and arguments.
Your name ought to be clear and descriptive. Your going will contain your introduction. Also include some sentences concerning the central concept of your own essay.
You should use the names of people or places which are connected to your subject in your own essay. Moreover, you ought to use the name of another informative article that supports your thesis in the essay body. For example, if you are talking about the history of a certain nation, you can use the essay of the country’s founder to support your argument.
Whenever you can, you need to write your paper in line with the procedure utilized by your professor. If you’re writing this paper for your college-level English class, make use of the strategy recommended by your instructor.
You should summarize your main idea as write my papers hub reviews briefly as possible. You also need to concentrate on these parts of your essay which pertain to your topic. You might want to bring an A for effort; differently, the reader might become distracted and may never get to read the whole essay.
The tutoring procedure is one of the most significant steps in writing a composition. You need to be sure to proofread your essay before you publish it to a school or university. You need to check every sentence for punctuation and spelling errors, and make sure you edit your essay for clarity.
Do not forget that essay writing demands more than just reading. It requires study, analysis, and creative thinking. This report has provided some helpful information about writing an essay, such as hints for writing a paper without strain. |
<urn:uuid:d89156b1-68a6-4b6b-abe9-0de63aba4b9e>_en | You may have noticed that the internet is terrible at religious discourse. Well, this is not a new phenomenon. In the early 16th Century CE, the Roman Catholic church dominated Christianity in Europe, and the institution was starting to show some cracks. Tensions mounted and protests grew, and eventually, the Protestant Reformation happened. Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, but the Reformation doesn't exactly begin with Luther, and it certainly doesn't end with him. Today, we're looking at how and why the Catholic church in Europe split, first into two sects, and eventually into a LOT of sects.
#crashcourse #europeanhistory #history
Hunt, Lynn et al. Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures, 6th ed. (Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2019 ch. 14.
Kelley, Donald R. Beginning of Ideology: Consciousness and Society in the French Reformation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981) ch. 1.
Smith, Bonnie G. Women in World History since 1450 (London: Bloomsbury, 2019) ch. 3.
Cite This Work
CrashCourse, . (2021, April 10). The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
CrashCourse, . "The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course." World History Encyclopedia. Last modified April 10, 2021.
CrashCourse, . "The Protestant Reformation: Crash Course." World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia, 10 Apr 2021. Web. 23 Jan 2022. |
<urn:uuid:eea895c2-0b1d-4087-8566-dace93a0b278>_en | It used to be mostly the military that used small, unpiloted aircraft, called "drones." The little planes were very costly. But as they have dropped in price more people have begun to use them. Rescue workers and farmers are among the new users.
A company in France is using drones to help farmers examine their crops and limit the amount of fertilizer they use.
The fast rate of development of computer technology, image sensing devices, satellite navigation and smartphones has led to lower-priced drones. Researchers and developers have learned how to build smaller and less-costly drones sought by individuals, companies and governments.
Moviemakers are using drones to film from the sky. Historians use them when they explore ancient buildings. Rescue workers use them to look for people. And now farmers are using them to monitor their crops.
Romain Faroux is a French businessman who starts companies. His father was a farmer. He believed drones could help farmers. He helped create a company that developed a small drone that could be controlled by people on the ground. They called it "Agridrone." It uses a special "optical sensor" to examine crops.
He says the technology used is similar to that used by smartphones -- except it has wings. He says the industrialization of electronic parts for smartphones and tablets lets them get the technology -- including GPS -- at a very low price.
A computer program directs the drone to fly over the crops. The sensor on the drone records four different-colored "bands" of sunlight that are reflected off the crops.
Jean-Baptiste Bruggeman is a farmer. He says the drone flies over his crops at different times of the season. He says this provides a lot of information about his crops.
He says the drone pictures show him the exact amount of fertilizer the crops need. He says it also shows exactly where the fertilizer is needed. Some areas of a field may need more than others.
As a result, Mr. Bruggeman says there is reduced nitrogen from the fertilizer after the harvest. This helps nature.
Romain Faroux says farmers use information gathered by the Agridrone to place fertilizer only in areas where it was needed. This saves money and reduces pollution. Before they used the drones, farmers would put the same amount of fertilizer everywhere.
Drones also save time because farmers can examine up to three hectares in about a minute.
I'm Marsha James. |
<urn:uuid:55dfca0c-8369-45c8-a584-c9a8cafcb4ee>_en | Saturn's moon Atlas, just below the center of this image, orbits in the Roche Division between the A ring and thin F ring.
See PIA08405 for higher resolution views of Atlas (30 kilometers, or 19 miles across). This view looks toward the northern, sunlit side of the rings from just above the ringplane.
The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Nov. 23, 2009. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 1.4 million kilometers (870,000 miles) from Atlas. Image scale is 9 kilometers (6 miles) per pixel.
The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.
|Target||Atlas||A Ring, F Ring, Saturn, Saturn Rings, Sun|
|Target Type||Satellite||Planet, Ring, Sun|
|Instrument Host||Cassini Orbiter|
|Instrument||Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS)|
|Detector||Narrow Angle Camera|
|Date in Caption||2009-11-23|
|Image Credit||NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute| |
<urn:uuid:70f7cb8b-4fd1-4229-ac50-eb509c14ce92>_en | |About | Media | Search | Contact|
A.Word.A.Daywith Anu Garg
From allusion to the rapid growth of mushrooms, some literally appearing overnight. From Old French mousseron, from Latin mussirion. Earliest documented use: 1440.
“More workers are out of jobs and the social safety net has eroded. Anxiety has mushroomed.”
Douglas Todd; Happiness Research Is Beautifully Subversive; The Vancouver Sun (Canada); Jun 11, 2018.
See more usage examples of mushroom in’s dictionary.
A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:What magical trick makes us intelligent? The trick is that there is no trick. The power of intelligence stems from our vast diversity, not from any single, perfect principle. -Marvin Minsky, scientist and author (9 Aug 1927-2016) |
<urn:uuid:0286249e-9b26-40b2-ba8f-01e263cba820>_en | Pluto is known as a dwarf planet because it is.
The correct option is C Very small
Pluto is a rocky ice planet which has an average surface temperature of −220∘C but the reason why it is considered as a dwarf planet is its size. The size of Pluto is very small when compared to earth. It is even smaller than the Earth's moon. It is because of this reason that Pluto is called a dwarf planet. |
<urn:uuid:4ad020a2-bdea-4f96-89dd-fa3cc8ea4b63>_en | Living With Lymphoedema
Although lymphoedema is a physical condition, it affects people’s lives in many other ways. Here are some of the ways it can affect your life…
People with lymphoedema can experience pain or discomfort, and decreased limb movement and mobility problems.
Lymphoedema can also affect regular activities of daily living, e.g., dressing. Often people need to buy oversized clothing and footwear to accommodate their swollen limb or body part.
People with lymphoedema can be more prone to falls. And they can also suffer from chronic skin conditions such as cellulitis.
Because of the disfiguring nature of lymphoedema, people can have body image issues. This often results in negative body image, anxiety or depression, or social isolation. Self-confidence and self-esteem are lowered, and intimate relationships can suffer.
It goes without saying that the greater the severity of lymphoedema, the higher its’ impact is on the person.
Childhood lymphoedema can cause children to feel excluded from their peer group. It can even affect their relationships with their unaffected siblings.
Management and Treatments
Lymphoedema requires lifelong self-care to manage it effectively. Here’s a list of treatments that are currently available to you.
Skin Care – Because your skin changes with lymphoedema, you’ll need to take good care of it. Keep it clean, moisturised and avoid damaging your skin
Exercise – Moderate exercise is helpful, but you need to grade it to your ability. Swimming and hydrotherapy are great because the water applied pressure to the area like a compression garment.
Weight Management – Excessive weight can place your lymphatic system under stress. When your weight is maintained at a healthy level, your lymphatic system has a better chance to function optimally.
Positioning – Gravity can have a negative effect on the lymphatic system. So, avoid spending long periods in any one position. When you sleep, try to lie as flat as you can to promote lymphatic drainage. Deep breathing and gentle muscle contractions also help the lymphatic system and fluid to move.
Psychological Support – Because lymphoedema is a chronic condition with no cure, it can be overwhelming. This can affect mental health and the ability to work. It can also affect personal relationships.
Always seek support if your symptoms of lymphoedema are impacting your mental health.
Social Support – Many people find groups such as LAQ to be helpful in their self-management. Joining a group of like-minded people help people with lymphoedema to know they aren’t alone. They can also share tips to make each other’s life easier.
Complex Lymphatic Therapy (CLT) – This treatment generally lasts around two to four weeks. It’s a combination of skincare, specific massage, compression bandaging, and exercises followed by ongoing compression garments.
Compression Therapy/Garments – Are an essential part of managing lymphoedema. They may be used to prevent an increase in swelling or following CLT. Compression garments aim to maintain the size of the limb in combination with exercise and massage.
Laser Therapy – This form of therapy stimulates the cells and softens the tissues. Some evidence suggests that it may stimulate lymph vessels and help them to work better.
Pneumatic Compression Devices (Pump) – This is a mechanical supplement to self-massage. Pumps can be purchased for in-home use or accessed through lymphoedema services.
Surgery – Surgical options for managing lymphoedema are emerging in Australia. These options include liposuction, lymph node transfers and lymphovenous anastomosis (joining a lymph vessel to a vein). Currently, these options are only available through limited centres.
Drugs – There are no recommended medications available for the treatment of lymphoedema in Australia.
Emerging Technology – There are a variety of other technologies that are being trialled around the world. As these come to light, we always let our members know.
For more information visit our FAQ’s. |
<urn:uuid:99aeb816-f79d-4ab8-b47c-54b9f4e0db53>_en | We can’t leave the environment to the government and corporations. Fortunately, it’s no big burden to live more sustainably at home.
Going green has a reputation for being expensive. But the price we pay for our choices does not reflect the full cost. For example, whatever we buy probably comes with packaging. Then we have to pay to discard it. And we have to pay for the energy it takes to go to the store and get it.
Solar products don’t all need sunlight. Some work with indoor light. You need something like these gadgets anyway, so run them on free energy!
Building codes constantly change to mandate energy efficiency. The newer a house is, the more likely it is to be energy efficient. But what are your home improvement options if you live in an older home?
Green living doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will touch every part of your life. Now, don’t make too many changes all at once, but eventually you’ll change the way you eat, clean, take care of your yard, travel, and so on.
Sustainability begins at home. That is, we can’t demand that governments or businesses or our society in general act sustainably until we do ourselves. You can practice sustainability at home by adopting such habits as reducing waste or conserving water. But what is a sustainable home?
Choosing the right thermostat for your home is more complicated than it used to be. Not long ago, you only had a choice among brands of manual thermostats. You can still get a manual thermostat if you want. But now you need to consider the features of programmable thermostats and smart thermostats. |
<urn:uuid:df8e0b27-125e-4425-8513-6aed7bbee1bc>_en | This word is a student’s best friend and a concert-goer’s most dreaded nightmare. Take these two signs:
So, which spelling is correct? The answer depends on where you call home.
Canceled or cancelled is the past tense of the verb to cancel. Both spellings are correct; Americans favor canceled (one L), while cancelled (two Ls) is preferred in British English and other dialects. However, while cancelation is rarely used (and technically correct), cancellation is by far the more widely-used spelling, no matter where you are.
For a more in-depth explanation of spelling and the exceptions, keep reading.
Why Cancelled and Canceled are Different
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty. Way back when, a man named Noah Webster (of Webster’s Dictionary fame) decided that some words could get along just fine without as many letters as our friends the Brits put in them. That’s why many American spellings look different from their British counterparts: think color/colour, honor/honour, rumor/rumour.
Cancelled vs. Canceled: American Examples
However, for any British chap, cancelled has two Ls and always will.
Cancelled vs. Canceled: British Examples
Spelling Exception: “Cancellation”
Now that we’ve traveled (and not travelled, thanks to the same rule) through the spelling rules of British vs. American English, let’s look at the exception. Yes, there’s always an exception.
Think of it like this. When you turn the verb “cancel” into past tense, the word stays the same number of syllables (two), so it’s a matter of location whether you use two L’s or one. The -ation that turns the word into a noun, on the other hand, puts a whole new syllable (in fact, two) after the L. The double-L is a like a bridge to those new syllables. At least, that’s one way to keep your Ls in line.
Now you can consider your confusion about those words canceled. Cheers! |
<urn:uuid:77a1c6e3-02bd-4453-9f09-416d14064558>_en | One of Eltonian pyramids have to be upright always. That is, pyramid of
All of the above
The correct option is B Energy Pyramid of energy is always upright, and can never be inverted, because when energy flows from a particular trophic level to the next, some energy is always lost as heat at each step. The base of the pyramid is broad and it narrows down at the apex. |
<urn:uuid:f4ab2ca6-68c9-43aa-8713-8045442215fb>_en | The eye character, 目, mù, is found in many other characters, to give various meanings. Let’s first see how it arrived at its current spelling. On the pictures below, we can see that some old spellings resembled the eye.
目 is found in 眉,méi, which means eyebrow. Some early spellings took up the eye with a few “hairs” above before giving the final character used today. 眉 is therefore composed of these two parts.
The expression “having eyebrows, 有眉目” means: beginning to take shape, to materialize.
To find all the articles on Chinese characters and language, it’s here: Chinese language
31 May 2020 |
<urn:uuid:78a77cbe-bd7b-4c8b-ae23-54eb5fab71d7>_en | Yoga exercise is a collection of psychological, physical as well as spiritual workouts. Its goal is to regulate the mind, still it, as well as acknowledge a detached ‘witness-consciousness’ which is untouched by the activities of the mind. The even more you practice, the closer you will certainly involve the ‘spectator’ consciousness. This state is the key to experiencing a better sense of tranquility and wellness. However what is the true goal of Yoga?
Words “yoga exercise” is originated from the Sanskrit word “yog”, suggesting “union.” The primary purpose of Yoga is to bring specific symptoms of life into the ultimate truth, which is a union of body and mind. Each of these private symptoms are surface bubbles that came from the same earth. The goal of Yoga exercise is to move past the surface area of these bubbles, as well as recognize the real nature of life.
The word “yoga” actually means “to join”. According to the old texts, Yoga exercise intends to bring individual indications of life to the utmost reality. These individual forms are simply bubbles in the process of development. A coconut tree, a mango fruit, as well as a human body turned up from the exact same planet. To put it simply, yoga has to do with moving from experiential fact to a state of awareness of the ultimate nature of presence.
The word “yoga” suggests “to bring into reality”. The term yoga exercise describes the technique of bringing individual symptoms of life to the ultimate reality. These surface area bubbles, or asanas, belong to the process of development. The very same planet created a mango tree and a person. The principle of ‘yoga exercise’ has to do with moving toward experiential fact, to recognizing the significance of presence. If you want to learn more regarding the essential concepts of yoga, please see the official internet site.
Among the major concepts of Yoga exercise is that it targets the whole core of the body. For example, a side slab tightens up the love handles, a boat pose keeps the legs up airborne. Another prominent pose is the side plank. Both of these are fantastic for tightening up the love handles. Practicing yoga will certainly help you come to be extra well balanced and also knowledgeable about your overall body. You will additionally see the effects of your initiatives.
Exercising yoga exercise will assist you get rid of stress and also enhance your general health. The heart is one of the most vital parts of our body, pumping blood all over the body as well as supplying the tissues with nutrients. The method of yoga might minimize your risk of developing cardiovascular disease as well as other conditions associated with hypertension. So, it is not a surprise that an excellent yoga class will certainly help you handle your tension. You can practice it throughout the globe. It is not only valuable for your body and mind, yet it will also make your life extra peaceful and delighted.
Words yoga exercise is an old Indian word that suggests “to offer reality”. It describes the experience of remaining in today minute. It also describes a state of remaining in which the private symptoms of life are united with the utmost truth. Initially, they are mere bubbles that have actually popped up from the planet and have evolved. However, when exercising yoga exercise, the specialist is able to understand their true nature and also to live in today. read review
The Spiritual Publications of India are taken into consideration the foundation of yoga. These publications contain detailed descriptions of different asanas as well as the advantages of each one. The Upanishads are taken into consideration the earliest texts as well as can be discovered at the Oxford University Press. The Upanishads also have many references to Patanjali and his ideology. They are both crucial for understanding the beginnings of the practice. Its creator, Patanjali, is the founder of yoga.
It is also said that Yoga exercise brings us to fact. Words itself has a mystical meaning. It is the way to get in touch with truth nature of truth. Basically, yoga exercise implies to join all symptoms as well as emancipate on your own from all outside influences. This way, yoga exercise is a form of living. As well as the very best method to do this is to practice as often as possible. It is the only means to uncover the meaning of life.
While the technique of yoga exercise has many benefits, it is not necessarily a very easy course. Different kinds of individuals experience it differently. Some people discover it kicking back, while others might find it hard to understand. The yoga exercise arm or legs are broken down right into five smaller sized limbs: Ahimsa (non-harming), Satya (reality), and also Asteya (no-taking). The limbs are the standard concepts of the path and are implied to assist individuals realize their capacity.
Words yoga actually means “union”. The method of yoga is a trip to the supreme fact. The specific indications of life are surface bubbles in the process of production. As an example, a mango tree appeared out of the planet similarly as a body. There are several creatures that derived from the exact same dirt. This way, the experience of yoga exercise is a union. Yet, it is not a simple union.
Words yoga exercise actually indicates “to bring one into fact.” The best aim of yoga exercise is to unify the individual symptoms of life and also the ultimate reality of existence. All life is a part of a greater whole. In this sense, each specific indication is a bubble. A coconut tree popped up out of the same earth as a human being. All creatures become part of the same world. By exercising yoga, we can move in the direction of the greater and also attain this level of consciousness.
Amongst one of the most preferred kinds of yoga exercise, rheumatoid arthritis influences more than 1.3 million Americans, most of whom are females. In addition to improving pain and stiffness, rheumatoid can benefit from improved series of motion, and also strength. Along with these, particular types of yoga have been revealed to reduce fatigue. Whether you are struggling with MS or just wish to increase your power degree, it will profit you to try yoga exercise. visit this site right here
In the contemporary world, Yoga is an outstanding method to stay healthy and mentally well. It’s not just an excellent means to remain in form as well as stay healthy and balanced, it can likewise improve your quality of life. It’s additionally a great way to make friends. It is just one of the most crucial facets of the art. It is an excellent means to find out about on your own and your surroundings. You can find a variety of yoga resources, consisting of a Sadhguru YouTube channel that includes brand-new videos weekly. |
<urn:uuid:9a18d693-a77f-4d47-b3ab-4f36e2178374>_en | Yoga exercise is a series of psychological, physical and also spiritual workouts. Its objective is to manage the mind, still it, as well as identify a removed ‘witness-consciousness’ which is unblemished by the tasks of the mind. The even more you method, the closer you will come to the ‘spectator’ consciousness. This state is the essential to experiencing a better sense of tranquility and wellness. Yet what is truth goal of Yoga exercise?
The word “yoga exercise” is stemmed from the Sanskrit word “yog”, suggesting “union.” The major goal of Yoga exercise is to bring individual symptoms of life right into the supreme fact, which is a union of body and mind. Each of these specific symptoms are surface bubbles that originated from the same planet. The aim of Yoga exercise is to move past the surface of these bubbles, and realize the real nature of life.
The word “yoga exercise” essentially suggests “to join”. According to the ancient texts, Yoga aims to bring specific manifestations of life to the best fact. These specific forms are simply bubbles in the process of production. A coconut tree, a mango fruit, as well as a body turned up from the very same earth. To put it simply, yoga exercise is about moving from experiential reality to a state of recognition of the ultimate nature of existence.
The word “yoga exercise” suggests “to bring into truth”. The term yoga describes the practice of bringing individual symptoms of life to the ultimate fact. These surface bubbles, or asanas, become part of the procedure of development. The same earth generated a mango tree and a person. The principle of ‘yoga exercise’ is about moving toward experiential truth, to knowing the essence of existence. If you want to discover more regarding the essential concepts of yoga exercise, please go to the official web site.
One of the main concepts of Yoga is that it targets the entire core of the body. For instance, a side slab tightens the love handles, a boat present maintains the legs up airborne. One more prominent posture is the side slab. Both of these are fantastic for tightening the love handles. Exercising yoga exercise will certainly help you end up being a lot more balanced and familiar with your general body. You will additionally see the effects of your initiatives.
Exercising yoga will help you conquer stress and anxiety and improve your general wellness. The heart is one of the most important parts of our body, pumping blood around the body as well as providing the cells with nutrients. The method of yoga exercise may reduce your risk of establishing heart problem as well as various other problems related to hypertension. So, it is no surprise that a good yoga exercise class will certainly help you handle your tension. You can exercise it anywhere in the globe. It is not just beneficial for your mind and body, but it will likewise make your life extra relaxed and also satisfied.
Words yoga is an ancient Indian word that suggests “to bring to reality”. It describes the experience of being in the present moment. It likewise refers to a state of being in which the specific symptoms of life are united with the ultimate truth. Originally, they are mere bubbles that have appeared from the earth and have actually progressed. Nonetheless, when practicing yoga, the professional is able to know their true nature and also to stay in the present. visit this website
The Spiritual Publications of India are taken into consideration the foundation of yoga. These publications contain thorough summaries of various asanas and the benefits of each one. The Upanishads are taken into consideration the earliest messages and can be found at the Oxford University Press. The Upanishads also have numerous recommendations to Patanjali and his approach. They are both essential for recognizing the origins of the method. Its creator, Patanjali, is the owner of yoga.
It is also claimed that Yoga exercise brings us to truth. The word itself has a mystical definition. It is the means to connect with truth nature of fact. Basically, yoga exercise suggests to unify all manifestations as well as emancipate yourself from all exterior influences. This way, yoga is a form of living. As well as the most effective method to do this is to practice as typically as feasible. It is the only means to discover the meaning of life.
While the practice of yoga has many advantages, it is not always a simple course. Different types of people experience it differently. Some individuals find it relaxing, while others may locate it hard to recognize. The yoga exercise limbs are broken down right into 5 smaller arm or legs: Ahimsa (non-harming), Satya (reality), and also Asteya (no-taking). The limbs are the basic concepts of the path and are implied to help individuals understand their possibility.
The word yoga actually suggests “union”. The practice of yoga exercise is a trip to the best reality. The private manifestations of life are surface bubbles in the process of development. As an example, a mango tree turned up out of the planet in the same way as a body. There are lots of creatures that sprung from the very same dirt. By doing this, the experience of yoga is a union. However, it is not a simple union.
Words yoga actually suggests “to bring one into reality.” The best purpose of yoga is to join the specific symptoms of life and also the ultimate fact of presence. All life is a part of a better whole. In this sense, each individual symptom is a bubble. A coconut tree popped up out of the same planet as a person. All animals belong to the very same world. By practicing yoga exercise, we can relocate in the direction of the greater and attain this degree of awareness.
Among the most popular kinds of yoga, rheumatoid arthritis impacts more than 1.3 million Americans, a lot of whom are women. Along with boosting discomfort and tightness, rheumatoid can benefit from enhanced variety of movement, and also toughness. In addition to these, specific types of yoga exercise have been revealed to decrease tiredness. Whether you are struggling with MS or simply want to increase your power degree, it will benefit you to try yoga exercise. website here
In the modern world, Yoga is an exceptional method to remain fit as well as emotionally well. It’s not just a fantastic means to stay in form as well as stay healthy and balanced, it can also enhance your lifestyle. It’s likewise an excellent way to make close friends. It’s one of one of the most vital facets of the art. It is a fantastic means to learn more about on your own and your surroundings. You can find a variety of yoga sources, consisting of a Sadhguru YouTube channel that includes new video clips weekly. |
<urn:uuid:e25677bd-7727-41c1-b6d8-02d08f4e1595>_en | lie down(redirected from lies down)
Like this video? Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day!
1. To set or put someone or something down. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "lay" and "down." I just laid the baby down in the bassinette, so try not to make too much noise. Lay those magazines down on the coffee table, please.
2. To yield, submit, or surrender something. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "lay" and "down." We need to play hard today—these guys aren't just going to lay down their championship title without a fight. Gentlemen, lay down your arms! There's been a truce.
3. To give a directive or order. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "lay" and "down." As the CEO, you lay down the rules for the entire company.
4. To keep or save something for the future. You should lay down part of each paycheck and put it into a retirement fund.
5. To fully recline, as on a bed or couch; to get into a horizontal position. (This is a common misspelling of the proper term "lie down.") I need to lay down—my head is pounding. She said she didn't sleep well last night and went upstairs to lay down.
6. To give up; to quit or surrender. (This is a common misspelling of the proper term "lie down.") Come on, you can beat this disease. You can't just lay down and die!
1. To recline; to be prostrate. (Note: The past tense of this phrase, "lay down," is often mistakenly used as an alternative to the phrase in the present tense.) I'm going to go lie down for a little while. Wake me before dinner, all right? I lay down beneath the shade of the sycamore and watched the rowboats in the canal drift by.
2. To give up; to quit or surrender. Come on, you can beat this disease. You can't just lie down and die! We have to be ready to put everything we've got into this game. The other team's not going to just lie down and let us win, after all!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
lay someone down
to ease someone into a reclining position; to ease someone into bed. The baby woke up when I tried to lay him down. The nurse laid the disturbed patient down time and time again.
lay something down (on something)
to place something down on something. Lay the plates down on the table gently. Please lay down your book and listen to me.
to give up. Do you expect me to just lay down? You really think I should just lay down and let them walk all over me?
to recline. Why don't you lie down for a while? I need to lie down and have a little snooze.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
1. Give something up, surrender, as in They laid down their arms. [c. 1300]
2. Formulate, specify, as in The club laid down new membership rules. [Late 1400s]
3. Also, lay down one's life. Sacrifice one's life, as in He would willingly lay down his life for his children. [c. 1600]
4. Store for the future, as in It was a great vintage year for burgundy, and Mark laid down several cases. [Early 1800s] Also see lay aside, def. 2.
Also, lie down on the job. Be remiss or lazy. For example, They fired Max because he was always lying down on the job. This expression alludes to lying down in the sense of "resting." [Early 1900s]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. To put something in a horizontal or lying position: You can lay down the newspaper on the table. Lay the baby down in the crib.
2. To put down some weapon in order to surrender: The militants laid down their weapons. The protesters laid their signs down when the mayor came out to speak to them.
3. To specify something firmly: The first thing the counselor did was to lay down the rules for the campers. The club owner laid the business policies down for the employees.
To place the body in a flat, horizontal position; recline: The dog usually lies down in front of the fireplace. After lunch, I lay down under a tree and fell asleep. I had just lain down when the phone rang.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
in. to give up. Do you expect me to just lay down?
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. |
<urn:uuid:5df353f6-7188-4cc4-af30-9df43e49a3ce>_en | If you want to read the original article, click here Naive Approach Forecasting Example.
Naive approach forecasting example, A naïve forecast is one in which the forecast for a particular period is just the same as the preceding period’s value. For example, you sold 250 computers last month…
To read more visit Naive Approach Forecasting Example.
If you are interested to learn more about data science, you can find more articles here finnstats. |
<urn:uuid:0b2e09b1-deee-4ac6-9809-aa62e1d0dfd1>_en | How the Turtle saved his Own Life
A King once had a lake made in the courtyard for the young princes to play in. They swam about in it, and sailed their boats and rafts on it. One day the king told them he had asked the men to put some fishes into the lake.
Off the boys ran to see the fishes. Now, along with the fishes, there was a Turtle. The boys were delighted with the fishes, but they had never seen a Turtle, and they were afraid of it, thinking it was a demon. They ran back to their father, crying, “There is a demon on the bank of the lake.”
The king ordered his men to catch the demon, and to bring it to the palace. When the Turtle was brought in, the boys cried and ran away.
The king was very fond of his sons, so he ordered the men who had brought the Turtle to kill it.
“How shall we kill it?” they asked.
“Pound it to powder,” said some one. “Bake it in hot coals,” said another.
So one plan after another was spoken of. Then an old man who had always been afraid of the water said: “Throw the thing into the lake where it flows out over the rocks into the river. Then it will surely be killed.”
When the Turtle heard what the old man said, he thrust out his head and asked: “Friend, what have I done that you should do such a dreadful thing as that to me? The other plans were bad enough, but to throw me into the lake! Don’t speak of such a cruel thing!”
When the king heard what the Turtle said, he told his men to take the Turtle at once and throw it into the lake.
The Turtle laughed to himself as he slid away down the river to his old home. “Good!” he said, “those people do not know how safe I am in the water!” |
<urn:uuid:4471ba25-7a0e-4840-a0ac-309f62976692>_en | As we implement the Common Core, we know we have students with gaps. How can we fill those multiplication and division gaps while building proportional reasoning? Come see how to use the versatile ratio table as we tackle the Ratios and Proportional Relationships standards while truly differentiating instruction to meet all students.
Presentation Format: 6-8 Session
Grade Band Audience: Preservice and Inservice, 6 to 8 |
<urn:uuid:43caf1f2-fabb-49fd-9f8d-c2f21757d534>_en | What Is Technology Video?
The IBM Solution for the Blockchain
With the use of the members-only network of the ledger, you can be sure that you are receiving accurate and timely data, and that your confidential records will be shared only with network members who you have granted access to. All transactions are recorded permanently and are subject to consensus from all network members. System administrators can't even remove a transaction.
The truth is represented by a shared record of the truth. Data that everyone can believe in will help power new technologies that increase efficiency, transparency and confidence. The fastest way to success in theBlockchain is by embracing an IBM solution.
IBM has networks that make it easy to join and work in the transformation of the food supply, supply chains, trade finance, financial services, insurance, and media and advertising. You can fill your head with knowledge from theBlockchain innovators. Fight global poverty and pollution, and much more, are all helped by the use of the ledger.
Making technologies are technologies that are not ready for use but are more than just visions for the future. They can be developed further into key technologies. Making technologies are tied to high-risk investments.
The Line Between Cinematography and Videography
Videography is the production of videos from conception to the final product, usually in a small scale, with a single person who does everything from shooting the video to setting and editing. The medium of video has always been the digital camera, with the resulting video being stored in a digital storage medium such as a tape. The line between cinematography and videography has become blurred in recent times due to the advancement in video capture and video editing technologies.
Technology and Hand Tool
There are a number of articles about technology. For general treatment, look at technology and hand tool. The materials that are both the object and means of manipulating the environment are described. |
<urn:uuid:2d0c5f00-a094-4ae5-bd84-def7ab464d12>_en | The term "coat of arms" has a number of definitions:
"A surcoat or tabard embroidered with heraldic devices, worn by medieval knights over their armor."
"A unique heraldic design on an escutcheon (i.e. shield), surcoat, or tabard."
"A shield with symbols and figures that represent a family, person, a group or other organization."
And then there are these "definitions": |
<urn:uuid:afdafbc7-b49b-4b3d-a273-7c3f275ca6ed>_en | Reference: Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science: Integrating complex systems, social simulation and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10)
Page 138 – Table 7.4 shows the opinion mining tools that have been developed to analyze public opinions. Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) tells us that these mining tools can policymakers and decision-makers with making more informed decisions.
Select and elaborate on 1 or more of the Opinion Mining Tools. (Eg: SwiftRiver)
See what you can find with a google search. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the opinion mining tools that you select. |
<urn:uuid:e7fe2b7d-2064-4127-ad4d-3982c014323b>_en | When you are preparing for the Calculus AB exam, you should make sure that you set aside enough time to take the questions that will be given to you. You can gain valuable practice points by practicing each question in front of a computer screen. Test preparation is a key element to scoring high marks. It is recommended that you do your practicing over the summer so that your brain will become accustomed to the type of questions that will be asked on the exam. The Calculus AP Exam questions contain very difficult concepts that must be mastered before passing the test. You can purchase tests from bookstores and online sources, but doing so without practicing will result in poor test-taking skills.
You can use your calculator for all the questions on the Calculus A Test. Students will find that it is most efficient to use their calculators to solve problems rather than looking up an answer on the board or working out the formula using their fingers. Many students choose to use their calculators because of their speed, precision, and ability to save time instead of trying to memorize formulas.
Using your calculator instead of a traditional calculator helps you learn the concepts of the Calculus AB exam much faster. In order to get the most out of your Calculus practice exam, spend as much time on it as possible. You can purchase test simulators from bookstores and online sources and play them several times so that you can become familiar with the type of questions that are asked on the exam.
You should also prepare mentally before taking the Calculus A Test. During the test itself, you should review the topics that were taught during class thoroughly. This includes understanding the definition of the algebra symbols, knowing how to solve for exponents and their partners, memorizing important formulas, finding the poles of a circle and other topics. After reviewing your notes, you should try to recall as many answers as possible so that you will be able to score high points. Remembering all the answers is an important part of being successful at answering questions on the test.
The next step is preparing mentally for the test. During the review period, go through the entire course again and answer each question as if you are answering a true question. This will enable you to refresh your memory on the subject matter. If you have practiced enough, you should be able to answer the test accurately. This is especially true if you were able to get a grasp of one or more concepts that you have learned during the course.
There are some Calculus test preparations that you need to do prior to the exam. These include practicing problems until you get a high grade. You can use practice books, practice tests and online tutorials in order to do this. You will be able to score well on the test if you are able to answer the test questions correctly. Some of the questions are quite simple, but if you cannot answer them correctly, your chances of passing the test drop dramatically.
The most important thing that you need to do prior to taking Calculus A is to practice. The tests are not easy and it will take a lot of effort to be successful on the exam. It is better to spend the time practicing rather than waiting until the last minute. It is also helpful to get some idea of the types of questions that will be asked on the exam. By knowing what types of questions to expect, you will be able to prepare for the exam better. |
<urn:uuid:36ab304c-b955-4782-9eec-97d02190ff27>_en | Describe what you consider rock music is and how the segment you choose reflects these values.
Choose the artist that you find most significant from the segment and describe why. Make sure to include the artists’ musical influences, describe their music and contributions, and how it fits within the context of that particular period.
Choose another artist from one of the other segments that you were most surprised to learn about. Why?
Contrast that artist with the one chosen for the first part of the question. Make sure to include a description of their music, influences, and contributions to rock music.
In your own words describe what you think is the unifying factor(s) between these two artists (5) & (6) and their contributions to rock music.
The post Music questions first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS. |
<urn:uuid:0aa9db2b-fe33-4d34-aeb5-ff5a515230a6>_en | The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the shape of Canadian debt. Consumer debt has risen to record highs. Even though consumer credit card debt loads have declined significantly. The Bank of Canada is warning Canadians they are taking on too much debt. Driven by the ballooning real estate markets across the country. Mortgage debt in British Columbia and Ontario is a huge portion of Canadian debt. Government support helped pull Canadians through the pandemic. Delayed interest and deferred mortgage payments helped protect households. Government income support and low-interest rates helped stimulate the economy.
For example, those who maintained employment at the height of the pandemic lockdowns had higher disposable income. But nowhere to spend it. They contributed to reducing household debt on credit cards and building household savings. Supply chain issues and semi-conductor shortages may contribute to slower economic growth. As we enter a post-pandemic world, Canadian debt is largely locked in the housing market. There are some big questions on the future of the Canadian economy and debt.
Canadian Households’ Ratio of Debt-to-Income Rise at A Record Rate
In the fourth quarter of 2020, Statistics Canada found a 174% ratio of debt-to-income. This debt ratio has maintained this high since. The second quarter of 2021 saw the ratio at 173%. An 8.61% increase from the second quarter of 2020. Each quarter compared to show the largest annual increase in the debt ratio since the 90s.
What is the debt-to-income ratio?
The debt-to-income ratio is the amount of debt Canadians have for every dollar they earn. When this amount is over 100%, it means you owe more than you earn. However, this is a dangerous financial position. It means you are over-leveraged. You are more susceptible to economic waves this way, such as increased inflation. The debt-to-income ratio is also commonly called debt service.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ratio had a brief decline. Reaching as low as 159.36% in the second quarter of 2020. This dip was largely driven by lockdowns and restrictions. Canadians simply could not spend their money in the same way. This combined with government financial support, like CERB, allowed Canadians to navigate the early days of the pandemic. They had more money and supports with less ability to spend. Debt ratios could continue to climb as government supports decreases. We are also reentering pre-pandemic levels of employment. Overall, the debt-to-income ratio is shockingly high in Canada.
Canadian Households Have $1.73 In Debt for Every Dollar They Make
Canadians now have an average of $1.73 debt for every dollar they earn. A large amount, which totals to $2.1 trillion dollars of debt in the country. Debt categories include mortgages and non-mortgage debts. The pandemic brought a wave of relief for non-mortgage debts. They declined significantly. While mortgage debts climbed significantly. They make up the bulk of Canadian debt.
What is the average Canadian household debt?
Canada Mortgage Debt
Mortgages are loans taken on to buy property. In 2020, this debt rose to $28.7 billion. Reaching a total of $1.63 trillion.
Non-mortgage debts include credit cards, personal debt, store cards, overdrafts, payday loans, car loans and in-store credit. These debts average at approximately $23,035 per Canadian. Statistics Canada reported the total non-mortgage loans in Canada total $789.5 billion at the end of 2020. Find full trends on non-mortgage debts.
Impact of COVID-19 on Household Disposable Income
At the beginning of the pandemic, just before lockdowns in March 2020, consumers rushed out to buy supplies. There was a small increase in debt and spending in February 2020. When March came along, there were federal and provincial lockdowns and restrictions. Many people did not want to and could not spend their money. As a result, there was an increase in disposable income. Some households were able to save, others were able to pay off debts. Those in higher income brackets were generally less affected by the pandemic. Those in lower-income brackets were more likely to have lost their income. Government supports like CERB provided money for Canadians to survive. Many of these Canadians were unable to pay down their debts. But disposable income was more common overall.
Canada’s Boost to Household Income Was Transitory
As the country adjusted to online, pickup, and delivery buying options. Spending eventually picked up again. Housing markets in British Columbia and Ontario experienced huge booms. With low-interest rates on mortgages. A low supply of homes in Canada and high demand sent prices sky-high. Consumers quickly found ways to spend their boosted household income in an inflated market.
How has COVID-19 affected your debt?
Not everyone has made it through the pandemic on better terms. COVID-19 is still a challenge in our daily lives. Affecting both our health and finances. Government supports are slowly ending. If you have faced challenges financially, it may be worth understanding what caused your debt. There are a variety of options in dealing with debt. Everyone needs support and can use help navigating their finances. Contact Consolidated Credit Counselling of Canada if you would like professional help. There is no need to navigate these stressful times alone. |
<urn:uuid:8a6f9047-bfa3-47b5-9767-4e65617fe5fe>_en | Alternate Names : Hyperextension Injury of the Neck
Whiplash occurs when the neck is suddenly and forcibly bent backward and
forward. This causes injury to the joints of the neck, known as the cervical
vertebrae, and to the surrounding soft tissue. The most common causes of
whiplash are motor vehicle accidents, especially when the vehicle is struck
from the rear.
What are the causes and risks of the injury?
Whiplash injuries usually happen to a person who is not wearing a seat belt when a motor vehicle is rear-ended. As a result of whiplash, the
ligaments in the neck may be stretched or even torn. Sometimes fractures in the
vertebrae may also be involved. |
<urn:uuid:05241dfc-b957-4e6d-ac66-a6c86f4ecbe1>_en | “We have too many high-sounding words, and too few actions that correspond with them.”
— Abigail Adams
Abigail Smith was born on this day in Weymouth, Massachusetts, in 1744. Today is the 268th anniversary of her birth.
Abigail was literally born in a church. Her father, Reverend William Smith was the pastor at the North Parish Congregational Church, her mother, Elizabeth Quincy Smith was first cousins to Dorothy Quincy Hancock (John Hancock’s wife). Reverend Smith believed in reason and morality and he imparted those lessons to his daughters Mary, Elizabeth and Abigail. Her mother home schooled the girls with the aid of her extended family’s libraries. The girls studied English and French literature, philosophy, history, and the Bible. Abigail
“was a keen political observer, prolific writer…” []
Abigail’s third cousin John Adams visited the Smith’s with his friend Richard Cranch. Cranch was engaged to Mary Smith, the eldest Smith sister. Adam’s was just a country lawer, and Abigail’s mother didn’t approve of him as a suitor, but the couple prevailed.
On October 25, 1764 Abigail married John Adams, a Harvard graduate pursuing a law career. Their marriage was one of mind and heart, producing three sons and two daughters, and lasting for more than half a century. [Ibid]
As a young married couple they lived on the farm John inherited, Braintree. Later they moved to Boston. She stayed in Massachusetts when John went to Philadelphia to participate in the Continental Congress (1 & 2), travelled abroad as an envoy, and served in elected office.
Abigail struggled alone with wartime shortages, lack of income, and difficult living conditions. She ran the household, farm, and educated her children. Abigail’s letters to John were strong, witty and supportive. The letters, which have been preserved, detail her life during revolutionary times, and describe the many dangers and challenges she faced as our young country fought to become independent. Most of all, the letters tell of her loneliness without her “dearest friend,” her husband John. [Ibid]
She joined John in Paris in 1784 and travelled with him to England the following year. In 1800 she became the First Lady to preside over the White House as John Adams became the second President of the United States. (The Capitol had recently been moved to Washington DC).
When John Adams lost his bid for a second term he and Abigail moved back to Braintree …”and for 17 years enjoyed the companionship that public life had long denied them.” [Ibid]
Abigail Adams died on October 28, 1818. She was a woman …
often ahead of her time with many of her ideas. She opposed slavery, believed in equal education for boys and girls, and practiced what she learned as a child – the duty of the fortunate is to help those who are less fortunate. [Ibid]
- Thought of the Day 10.30.12 John Adams (PART ONE) (
- Thought of the Day 10.30.12 John Adams PART TWO ( |
<urn:uuid:365a2d9d-76b2-4b7f-b111-d0ca6f126f2b>_en | Written By: Zeegyasa Kashyap
Society is always composed of classes. Their basis may differ. An
individual is always a member of a class whereas caste is an enclosed
class. Caste system divides labourers, prevents one from cultivating one’s
interests and hinders societal mobilization. Casteism, communalism and
separatism have developed fissiparous tendencies among citizens. What
can a government do when some religious beliefs permit inequality,
unequal opportunity, stagnant economy and woman disempowerment and
confinement to domestic work?
Answer lies in the ideology of Dr. Ambedkar. He was a great feminist. He
attempted to establish monogamy as the only legal system. He supported
women’s rights of property and provisions of Hindu Code Bill. He redefined
education. True education is that which makes one fearless, teaches unity,
safeguards interests of humanity, provides employment and promotes
brotherhood, civic duties, justice, tolerance, impartiality and respect for
He advocated state ownership of agricultural land, just distribution of
resources and free economy with stable rupee. He opposed income tax for
low income groups. He defended birth control to deal with population
He was against majoritarianism syndrome and provided many safeguards
in the constitution for minorities. He emphasized democracy not only in
political sphere but also in personal, social and economic spheres.
Fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy ensure political,
social and economic liberty. Strong central government was necessary to
overcome regionalism. Therefore,more powers were bestowed to centre
by the Constitution.
He knew the importance of spirituality and various evil practices prevalent
in the name of spirituality. Religion is personal and one must keep it to oneself.
According to him, Dhamma is righteousness and it should play its part in public life. It teaches that ‘worth’ and not ‘birth’ is the measure of a person.
Dr. Ambedkar’s ideology is still relevant today. World is facing many
challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, child marriage, dowry, domestic
violence, child labour, terrorism, unemployment, corruption, party politics, religious vote bank struggle, superstitions and unscrupulous activities. A
policy can’t bring effective change without collective efforts. There is no
dearth of revolutionary ideas and projects. Every person has his own unique
entity. Eradication of oppression and suppression subjected to few
individuals is the main idea behind the philosophy of Dr.Ambedkar. Human
resource builds nation. How can a strong nation be built with limited
About the Author:
Zeegyasa Kashyap is a student of B.A. first year of Arya PG College, Panipat, India |
<urn:uuid:6e66b3c7-1986-472f-a26b-349ec2602a85>_en | Pinellas County Schools will educate, empower, and support families to enable them to effectively reinforce learning and the healthy development of their child.
How to make education a priority in your home
Many parents want to support their child’s education, but wonder where to start. Use the following links for ways that you can be engaged in your child’s education and make learning a priority in your home.
All parents believe that children can and will succeed. Parents are the bridge to that success. You can accomplish this by taking these steps:
Be responsible. – Make education a priority in your home.
Be committed. – Continue supporting your child throughout the year.
Be positive. – Provide positive feedback.
Be patient. – Show your child that you care through your commitment and encouragement.
Be attentive. – Discipline should be appropriate and consistent. Provide them with an opportunity to correct behavior.
Be precise. – Provide clear and direct instructions.
Be mindful of mistakes. – Look over work and help him or her correct any errors.
Be diligent. – Work with your child and teacher(s) throughout the year.
Be innovative. – Keep learning lively and dynamic.
BE THERE. – Just be there for your child – to answer questions, listen, to give advice, and to encourage. Be there to support your child whenever needed.
(U.S. Department of Education: Parent Power: Build the Bridge to Success) |
<urn:uuid:f7abb733-b12c-4f78-866e-803e4b924723>_en | Actinopteri (ray-finned fishes) > Acropomatiformes
(Oceanic basses) > Creediidae
Etymology: Schizochirus: Greek, schizein = to divide + Greek, cheir = hands (Ref. 45335). More on author: Waite.
Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range
Marine; brackish; demersal; depth range - m (Ref. ), usually - m (Ref. ). Subtropical; 0°C - ; 23°S - 34°S
Western Pacific: eastern Australia from Rockhampton, Queensland to Sydney, New South Wales.
Size / Weight / Age
Maturity: Lm ? range ? - ? cm
Max length : 5.3 cm SL male/unsexed; (Ref. 33616)
Morphology | Morphometrics
Small demersal species found in bays and coastal waters (Ref. 33616).
Life cycle and mating behavior
Maturity | Reproduction | Spawning | Eggs | Fecundity | Larvae
Neira, F.J., A.G. Miskiewicz and T. Trnski, 1998. Larvae of temperate Australian fishes: laboratory guide for larval fish identification. University of Western Australia Press. 474 p. (Ref. 33616)
IUCN Red List Status (Ref. 124695)
Threat to humans
Common namesSynonymsMetabolismPredatorsEcotoxicologyReproductionMaturitySpawningSpawning aggregationFecundityEggsEgg development
ReferencesAquacultureAquaculture profileStrainsGeneticsAllele frequenciesHeritabilityDiseasesProcessingNutrientsMass conversion
Estimates based on models
Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82805
= 1.0000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high].
Bayesian length-weight: a=0.00102 (0.00046 - 0.00225), b=3.06 (2.88 - 3.24), in cm total length, based on all LWR estimates for this body shape (Ref. 93245
Trophic level (Ref. 69278
): 3.2 ±0.5 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives
Vulnerability (Ref. 59153
): Low vulnerability (10 of 100) . |
<urn:uuid:75b4802a-787f-43a5-9cd1-1cd2626d9a8e>_en | Kuroda, Kiyotaka, 1840–1900, Japanese political leader. Born into a samurai family in Satsuma, he was active in overthrowing the Tokugawa shogunate and promoting the Meiji restoration. In 1874, as fears of Russia's eastward expansion grew, Kuroda was put in charge of the colonization of Hokkaido; he populated the island with former samurai and soldiers and brought in Western agricultural advisers to implement modern farming methods. Kuroda served as minister of agriculture and commerce (1887) and prime minister (1888–89). In the latter post he oversaw the promulgation of the Meiji Constitution, but his inability to revise various treaties that had been imposed on Japan by foreign powers forced his resignation. He later served as minister of communication (1892) and president of the privy council (1894–1900).
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
See more Encyclopedia articles on: Japanese History: Biographies |
<urn:uuid:6863cf1e-d750-41fe-a28a-4873ff6e186a>_en | Botanical Name: Pisum sativum
Days to Maturity: 68 days
Native: Western Asia, Europe, and North Africa
Hardiness: Frost-tolerant annual
Plant Dimensions: 24″–30″ tall
Variety Information: Numerous 3″–3½” pods with 7–9 medium-size peas in each.
Type: Shelling pea
Attributes: Heat Tolerant
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 4 to 6 weeks before your average last frost date, when soil temperature is at least 40°F, ideally 60°–80°F and again 10 to 12 weeks before your average first frost date. In Mild Climates, sow in fall or winter for winter harvest. Best grown in temperatures less than 85°F.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended.
Days to Emerge: 5–10 days
Seed Depth: 1″
Seed Spacing: 2″
Row Spacing: 18″
Thinning: Not required.
Harvesting: Shelling peas should be harvested when the pods are plump, about 3 weeks after flowering. Peas that are too mature are tough and will cause the plant to stop producing; therefore, harvest regularly when pods are at their peak. Use scissors to harvest or hold vine with one hand and pick the pods with the other; vines are fragile. |
<urn:uuid:d2730b52-25be-4f97-b383-7557158bb2fd>_en | Practice shading and writing fractions in this tasty activity!
Are you up for a Halloween math challenge? Take a stab at these spooky math problems as you try to complete the number pattern.
Learning how to find probabilities can help you a lot with real world situations, like knowing the probability of getting a lollipop Halloween candy bag!
This math worksheet isn't for the faint of heart. Decifer the tricky number patterns to reveal where the spooky Halloween party will be held this year! |
<urn:uuid:a7dcf934-6f72-4c2b-acb9-8f3e2ae60975>_en | It is a medical fact that over half of all surgery patients will have a higher than normal temperature in the days following their surgical procedure.
Low-grade fevers range from about 100 F-101 F; 102 F is intermediate grade for adults at which they should seek medical care. High-grade fevers range from about 103 F-104 F.
Fever after surgery is generally not considered dangerous. Following orthopaedic surgery, you may or may not require medical treatment for the fever alone. Many times, fever is a natural bodily defense against infection. Dangerous temperatures are high-grade fevers that range from over 104 F-107 F or higher. Low-grade fevers that last more than about four to seven days may also need to seek medical care.
A fever after surgery is a common complication that many patients experience. The good news about post-operative fevers is that most are not serious and can be easily treated with ibuprofen. Sometimes, an antibiotic is prescribed.
The more time that passes between the date of your surgery and the days you are experience fever, the less likely the fever is related to your surgery. Fever that lasts that long can be the sign of a more serious problem. You then should seek consultation. It may be something more serious like infection or another condition.
Ortho El Paso provides information through our blog to help educate patients on the expectations following orthopaedic treatment, including surgery. But, all patients are different and experience varying side effects. Fever is one such side effect that should be monitored closely.
For more information on Ortho El Paso, visit If you are experiencing pain and discomfort for an orthopaedic condition or injury, schedule a consultation at 915-249-4000 for "expert care, close to home." |
<urn:uuid:906b0e64-960f-4e99-9f5c-2fa97f1e7b68>_en | Definition Of Scope Of Agreement
The scope of a contract is part of a formal document that defines all the criteria between two parties. It refers to the services or work expected, as agreed in a contract. It is best that the domains are as specific as possible in order to avoid confusion.3 min read In your range of services, every work product your company expects from the supplier must be indicated and delineated. Working products, such as . B, the proposals, should also indicate the format, for example.B. paper or electronic delivery. For services such as staff training, details such as the total number of hours of training and the frequency or timing of the training, as well as the method of evaluating the results of the training are included. Each level of benefit should have a fixed lifespan. Include the start and end dates of the services you purchase from the provider. The agreement may contain stones or payment dates on which your company and the contract provider agree to renew or terminate the contract based on your company`s needs. This is often data on which the service provider performs certain tasks or provides you with work products. As a type of contract, a contract is a signed document that brings together two or more people. These people must fulfill their obligations or promises.
Each party can create its own duties, and that is a matter for the benefit law. There are specific elements of a contract that include that contracts always require terms that should be easily renewable for current contracts. The scope is specific to an industry and the nature of the services provided. The more details are shared in an area of application, the more confident both parties will be about the agreement. In the second phase, the offer is communicated. This action usually occurs before the offer is accepted and again both parties must approve the specifications. Communication can be made by letter, fax and email. The new agreement will be accepted before you submit an offer. From there, both parties sign the contract. This is the last aspect of an offer, the so-called acceptance. The glossary should spell out all the acronyms of the SOW. Consider the document from the perspective of a person who is not familiar with this particular industry or discipline when writing the glossary.
If your small business needs to source services from another company, an independent contractor or a professional business, the range of services you expect will help. This document is also called „work volume” and provides details on when services are needed. It also defines services or tasks as well as the terms of payment and dispute resolution. An amount of benefits is the basis of a service contract. If you write a service, you can give clear instructions to the provider before you start work. A common trap in recruiting contractors and service providers is the potential misuse of your company`s product information and products as part of the contract for your business. |
<urn:uuid:4900c02c-1820-460e-a108-ba3cae692427>_en | How did typewriters change the United States?
Aug 21 '21
Encyclopedia Britannica Editor
The typewriter has been called the most complex mechanism mass produced by American industry in the 19th century, and as such its manufacture required a degree of adjustment and alignment theretofore unseen in U.S. industry. More important, by reducing the time and expense involved in creating documents, the typewriter helped to forge a system of communications that revolutionized the world of business. It also contributed to the g |
<urn:uuid:8dc8b4d8-030a-4751-8b59-676a11be0cf7>_en | The Indian empire: history, topography, geology, climate, population, chief cities and provinces; tributary and protected states; military power and resources; religion, education, crime; land tenures; staple products; government, finance, and commerce. With a full account of the mutiny of the Bengal army; of the insurrection in western India; and an exposition of the alleged causes. By R. Montgomery Martin.
- London, New York, The London printing company, ltd. [1858-1861]
3 v. fronts., plates, ports., 2 fold. maps. 28 cm. |
<urn:uuid:3f312b3d-8665-483f-b577-4e9a0946dfe5>_en | There are mainly two versions of SSH protocol. The initial version was SSH-1, which was released in July 1995. In 2006, IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) published RFCs for a revised version of the SSH protocol SSH-2 as the standard. The two versions of SSH, SSH-1 and SSH-2 are not compatible.
SSH-1 (Initial version of SSH )
The first version of SSH was SSH-1. SSH-1 was the initial version of SSH invented by Tatu Ylonen, at Helsinki University of Technology, Finland. The reason behind the invention of SSH-1 was a password sniffing attack at the University on a less secure protocol. Tatu Ylonen released the first version of SSH in July 1995, as a free protocol. Tatu Ylonen released a software product also, based on that protocol. Immediately Tatu Ylonen saw a surge in number of users of SSH protocol. By the end of 1995, there were totally 20,000 users for SSH. There are some serious security vulnerabilities with SSH-1.
SSH-2 (Standard version of SSH)
SSH2 was introduced in 2006 as a standard by IETF. SSH-2 has many significant improvements over SSH1. SSH-2 prevents many security vulnerabilities of SSH-1. SSH2 is a much more secure and efficient than SSH-1. SSH-2 supports SFTP, a secure version of FTP. The main point to note is that, SSH-1 and SSH-2 are entirely different protocols. SSH-2 was completely designed as new, from the scratch. SSH-2 is the most commonly used version of SSH protocol these days.
SSH-1.99 (Backward compatibility version of SSH)
SSH-1.99 was also published as a standard in 2006 as RFC 4253. As discussed earlier, SSH-1 and SSH-2 are not compatible with each other. The purpose of SSH-1.99 is to provide backward compatibility for SSH-2 with SSH-1. |
<urn:uuid:eeee0fcd-fa86-4a78-acaf-04fb1bd72848>_en | In 2018 a study was published covering foodborne illness outbreaks in the U.S. related to raw milk consumption that were reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from 2005 to 2016; the study found, “The rate of unpasteurized milk associated outbreaks has been declining since 2010, despite increasing legal distribution. Controlling for growth in population and consumption, the outbreak rate has effectively decreased by 74% since 2005.” Since 2016 the number of illnesses has further declined in spite of increasing demand. Substantial credit for this development goes to two nonprofit organizations: the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI, and the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation (FTCF, RAWMI provides training and mentoring for farmers and has information on its website concerning best practices in the production of safe quality milk. FTCF has published books on raw milk production from both cows and goats as well as a consumer guide to safe handling. WAPF continues to work with these organizations and others towards the goal of universal access to safe, nutritious raw dairy products. |
<urn:uuid:1b456a9e-b964-4800-b608-17cf333ee834>_en | However, in order to properly home-cook for your pet, you should know what foods are harmful to dogs. Some foods which are safe for human consumption can be poisonous for our canine companions. Here is a list of 25 common human foods that are toxic to dogs. Of course, when in doubt, always check with your vet.
1. Onions (Both onions and garlic contain the toxic ingredient Thiosulphate. But onions are more of a danger. Many dog biscuits contain *small* amounts of garlic - garlic contains less of this toxin so huge amounts would need to be consumed to be toxic. And, by the way, this poison builds up the system - it can be toxic in one large dose - or with repeated consumption of small amounts.)
2. Chocolate (Chocolate contains Theobromine, a compound that is a cardiac stimulant and a diuretic. This can be fatal to dogs.)
3. Grapes (Grapes are dangerous because of an unknown substance which is toxic to dogs - affects canine's kidneys). Some commercial dog food contains grape extract, I'd avoid that too.
4. Raisins (See above.)
5. Most Fruit Pits and Seeds (Contain Cyanogenic Glycosides resulting in cyanide poisoning - though the fruit itself is OK.)
6. Macadamia Nuts (Macadamia nuts contain an unknown substance that is toxic to dogs.)
7. Cooked bones (Most bones should not be given cooked (especially chicken bones) because they can splinter and cause laceration of the digestive system and/or become lodged in your pet's throat - so they also pose a choking hazard.) Raw bones are ok to feed your dog and are beneficial.
8. Potato Peelings and Green Potatoes (Contain Oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.)
9. Rhubarb leaves (See above.)
10. Broccoli (Broccoli is only toxic in large quantities.)
11. Green parts of Tomatoes or Green Potatoes (Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.)
12. Yeast Dough (Yeast Dough can produce gas and swell in your pet's stomach - leading to rupture of the digestive system)
13. Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks (Coffee, tea, & most soft drinks are dangerous due to the caffeine.)
14. Beer/Wine/Alcohol of any kind (Alcohol of any kind could lead to coma or even death.)
15. Human Vitamins (Human vitamins, especially those containing iron, can cause damage to the lining of the digestive system as well as cause kidney and liver damage)
16. Moldy or Spoiled Food (I think this goes without saying.)
17. Persimmons (Persimmons can cause intestinal blockage)
18. Raw Eggs and Raw Fish (Raw eggs and some raw fish can cause Salmonella poisoning.)
19. Salt, Baking Soda, Baking Powder (In large amounts these can cause an electrolyte imbalance - and severe electrolyte imbalances can lead to muscle spasm or even congestive heart failure.)
20. Mushrooms (Mushrooms may contain toxins which could cause liver and kidney damage)
21. Xylitol (Sugar-free foods containing Xylitol have been found to cause liver failure in some dogs.)
22. Nutmeg (Nutmeg can cause tremors, seizures, and central nervous system damage.)
23. Fatty Foods including turkey skin (Excess fatty foods can cause Pancreatitis.)
24. Avocado (All parts of the avocado and avocado tree are toxic to dogs.)
25. Diary Products (Dairy products don't usually pose a great danger; but many dairy product have high fat content (see number 23) - and many pets are lactose intolerant - some pets more than others. Lactose intolerance leads to gas and diarrhea; though small amounts of yogurt and cheese are usually fairly well tolerated.) Dogs can however have goat milk products as it doesn't contain the same lactose as cows milk.
Keep these 25 toxic foods in mind when cooking for your dog. There are other foods that your dog can not consume, I will try to expand the list when I get the time. |
<urn:uuid:156a96ee-e060-45eb-b7e8-6cc6282d5bca>_en | Calculates the signed angle between two vectors.
VectorSignedAngle([Vector 1],[Vector 2])
Vector 1 is a pipe-bar delimited list representing the first vector (X|Y)
Vector 2 is a pipe-bar delimited list representing the second vector (X|Y)
|VectorSignedAngle("20|37","38|27")||26.2121847336299||Returns the signed angle between the two given vectors.| |
<urn:uuid:7f8da2a7-8f3c-4d34-bf12-dad5dfebad68>_en | *This post contains affiliate links. You can view my full affiliate disclosure here.
Benefits of Audiobooks
Audiobooks have been around since 1932. I love listening to audiobooks. My kids grew up listening to audiobooks. I’ve seen many benefits of audiobooks beyond what I could have ever imagined.
I still hear the occasional concern from parents who fear listening to an audiobook isn’t the same as reading. Or, parents who fear audiobooks will hinder reading development in their child. Most studies lay these fears to rest. And, there are an overwhelming number of benefits for children when using audiobooks.
If you’ve been holding off on adding audiobooks to your family’s life, consider these 12 benefits of audiobooks.
Benefits of Audiobooks
1. Introduce Students to Books Above Their Reading Level
As your child begins reading on their own, it’s likely you’ll find they can comprehend stories above their reading level. Audiobooks are a great way to introduce your child to stories that are above their reading level.
Audiobooks can also be a way of introducing more advanced books that offer them interesting storylines and vocabulary. This gentle exposure to new vocabulary is a wonderful way for kids to learn new words.
2. Audiobooks Can Help Build Readers and Help Struggling Readers
People have questioned if listening to audiobooks will make it harder for their kids to learn to read. On the surface that sounds like a valid concern. But when we discuss reading, we need to remember there are two parts of reading: reading mechanics and reading comprehension. Most kids can comprehend a storyline well before they have the reading mechanics down pat.
Audiobooks are a great way to build your child’s exposure to language. Children learn new words and hear them in a context for usage. Audiobooks are a great way to offer kids who are struggling with reading mechanics rich literature.
An audiobook means a struggling reader can still enjoy a book even though they might not be able to “read it” with their eyes.
3. Audiobooks Help Build Good Listening Skills
Listening to audiobooks not only builds listening skills, it helps increase your attention span and ability to focus. Kids can begin with short stories and gradually build up to chapter books.
Adults wanting to begin can start with shorter novels. Or, listen to a story you’ve read before. I also love listening to business how-to or other audiobooks with shorter chapters. These types of books can be listened to while you cook dinner, exercise, or do a household chore. They are a great way to increase your listening ability.
4. Highlight the Humor in Books
Humor comes in many forms. When we read a book, it’s up to us to use the author’s written words to inflect the tone of the characters’ words. It’s easy for kids to miss dry humor as they read a book. A narrator captures humor perfectly. And, many audiobooks for kids will even underscore humor with a touch of music.
5. Introduce New Genres That You Might Not Otherwise Consider
Most of us have genres of books we love, and genres we avoid. Audiobooks are a great way to introduce yourself to new types of books. Sometimes, you might find you like listening to a genre even if you don’t like reading it.
6. Audiobooks Provide Opportunities for Family Listening and Discussion
Some of our family’s favorite memories are listening to audiobooks while traveling. There was no fighting in the car. Instead, we were all laughing along to something like Lemony Snicket. Listening together as a family gives your family the opportunity to laugh together. It even gives you the opportunity to discuss tough topics with your kids that stories sometimes subtly address, such as racism, bullying, peer pressure, and coming of age.
7. Audiobooks Recapture the Essence of Storytelling
I remember my 5th grade teacher. At the end of each day she read to us. I loved it. She was a great storyteller. I’ve also heard some really poor storytellers. Ones who simply read the words on the page with a monotone voice.
Every audiobook narrator brings their own special flair to the telling of a story. Listening to a variety of narrators can model how to read confidently, and how to create unique voices for characters and the overall story when children read a book on their own.
8. Audiobooks offer you exposure to dialects and pronunciations
We all stumble over words at times. Sometimes, we think we are pronouncing a word correctly only to learn later we’ve been saying it wrong. Listening to audiobooks offers exposure to a rich collection of words. Narrators go to great lengths to ensure they are speaking the words in the story properly. This includes using the dialect of the character.
9. Audiobooks help make constructive use of travel and chore time
I often listen to audiobooks or podcasts when I am traveling. It’s a great way for me to carve out extra reading time. Most weeks I’m easily able to get in an extra five hours/week of reading time by listening to an audiobook during times when my hands are engaged but my brain is able to listen and process information. And, I’ve found listening to audiobooks while I drive, cook, and exercise is a fun way to help pass the time on these otherwise boring tasks.
This isn’t just a good use of audiobooks for adults. Kids can listen to audiobooks while they clean their rooms or do other simple tasks.
10. Audiobooks are a clutter free way to add more books to your home
Let’s face it, most of us only have so much space in our homes. So, audiobooks are a great way to add books without adding additional clutter to clean. Less dusting, more reading!
11. Audiobooks can help you enjoy more books
There are so many topics I want to learn about, but slogging through a boring nonfiction book on the subject is tough. Listening to an audiobook makes learning fun. And, most nonfiction titles are broken down into chapters that make listening a little at a time easy.
12. Audiobooks are inexpensive and even FREE!
No longer do audiobooks come with a hefty price tag. You can get access to audiobooks from library services like OverDrive and OneClickdigital. Here you can download audiobooks to your computer or mobile device.
And, there are a host of monthly subscription services that make audiobooks incredibly affordable. Audible, StoryNory, and Epic, are a few of my favorites. MyAudioSchool has a great collection of educational audio stories.
And, be sure to check out Bookshare if you or your child have any reading barriers.
Does your family use audiobooks? Share some of your favorite audiobooks with us. |
<urn:uuid:ecb21645-eb2d-4f6d-88a5-e8a19f4365ec>_en | Basketball Quiz Questions with Answers
1. Who invented the game of Basketball?
Answer: Dr. James Naismith;
2. When and where was it first played?
Answer: In 1891 at Springfield College, Massachusetts, U.S.A.;
3. What is the circumference and the weight of the ball?
Answer: 30 inches, 20-22 oz.;
4. What are the measurement of the court?
Answer: 94x50 feet;
5. What area is called the "key"?
Answer: The 6-foot semi-circle used for free throws;
6. How high from the ground is the ring of the basket?
Answer: 10 feet;
7. How many players does a basketball team consist of and how many can play at a time?
Answer: 10, 5;
8. In International competitions how are the vests numbered?
Answer: 4 to 15;
9. How does the game begin?
Answer: By "Jump Ball" - the referee tossing up the ball in the centre circle;
10. Which ancient South American game played in the Yucatan peninsula is somewhat similar to basketball?
Answer: Pok- tapok;
11. Which Mexican sixteenth century sport similar to basketball allowed the successful player to claim the clothing of all the spectators?
12. How many points are awarded for a basket?
13. When was FIBA (International Amateur Basketball Federation) formed?
14. When was Basketball included in the Olympics and who won?
Answer: 1936, U.S.A.;
15. When was women’s Basketball included as an Olympic event and who won?
Answer: 1976, U.S.S.R.;
16. When was the Men’s World Championship first held and who won?
Answer: 1950, Argentina;
17. And when was the Women’s World championship first held and who won?
Answer: 1953, U.S.A.;
18. When and where were the Nationals first held?
Answer: 1934, Delhi;
19. What trophy is awarded to the winners of the National (Men’s) Championship?
Answer: Edward William Todd Memorial Cup;
20. What trophy is awarded to the winners of the National (Women’s) Championship?
Answer: Basalat Jab Trophy;
21. Since when have the Nationals become an annual affair?
Answer: 1951, earlier these used to be biennial;
22. When was the Junior National Championship started?
23. When did India achieve its first success in International Basketball?
Answer: 1962 (Lahore), Quadrangular League Tournament;
24. Name the most famous professional basketball team?
Answer: Harlem Globetrotters;
25. When did the I.B.F. propose a rule banning players taller than 6 feet 3 inches?
Answer: 1936 Olympics, it was later withdrawn;
26. The 1936 Olympics was held outdoors on clay and sand courts. True and False?
27. The U.S.A. had a 63-game winning streak in Basketball in Olympics. When did it end?
Answer: 1972, Munich;
28. Who opposed the U.S.A. in the 1936 final and what was the score?
Answer: Canada, 19-8;
29. Which country lost two successive match in the 1948 Olympics by 100 points?
Answer: Iraq (20-120 to Korea and 25-125 to China);
30. Which country has won most Olympic title (Men) and how many?
Answer: U.S.A., 9;
31. What is the record of the highest score in an international match?
Answer: 251-33, Iraq beat Yemen, New Delhi, 1982;
32. Who is the tallest player to have played international Basketball?
Answer: Suleiman Ali Nashnush (Libya), 8 feet;
33. And the tallest international basketball player amongst women?
Answer: Iuliana Semenova (U.S.S.R.), 7 ft 2 in.;
34. Besides the U.S.A. which other countries have won the Olympics gold in Men’s Basketball?
Answer: U.S.S.R. (1972 and 1988) and Yugoslavia (1980);
35. And in women’s, which countries have won the gold?
Answer: U.S.S.R., 1976 and 1980, and U.S.A., 1984, 1988;
36. What is maximum attendance ever for a Basketball game?
Answer: 75,000 at the Olympic Stadium, Berlin, in 1951 in an exhibition match featuring Harlem Globetrotters;
37. Who has played the most Games in his lifetime?
Answer: Karim Abdul Jabbar (U.S.A.), 1486;
38. And who has scored the most field goals?
Answer: K.A. Jabbar (formerly Lew Alcindor);
39. When was Women’s Basketball included in the Asian Games? Who won?
Answer: 1974, Japan;
40. Which country won the Men’s title in four successive Asiads?
Answer: Philippines (1951 to 1962). |
<urn:uuid:2d4aa829-266e-48d0-9a23-012f08d55b96>_en | Holocaust Remembrance Day at Volkswagen’s Wolfsburg plant
Wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial stone for the victims of forced labor. The memorial stone at Südstraße, entrance 2, was officially inaugurated on October 9, 1991 and commemorates forced labor at the Volkswagen plant from 1940 to 1945. The photo was taken on Holocaust Remembrance Day 2018. The center of the photograph shows plant manager Dr. Stefan Loth (left) and Dieter Landenberger, Head of Volkswagen Heritage. |
<urn:uuid:b5c4f627-6ae6-4a36-8e6e-b09d360358bb>_en | 1. Video games are known for their memorable artwork. You can get creative and try these video game inspired art projects!
2. Have a dress like your favorite video game character day! Mario wears a red cape and red hat, Yoshi is green, and the Among Us characters wear a single color with swim goggles! Get creative and use what you already have at home. We’d love to see your pictures!
3. It’s time to play video games with an adult! Chances are good that they grew up playing some type of video games. If they have an old system in the basement, dust it off and learn how to beat vintage villains! If you don’t, teach your adult how to play Minecraft or Among Us! Maybe you can even catch them being the imposter!
It might be hard to imagine, but there was actually a time before Video Games existed! We know…shocking. As it turns out, Video Games are less than 50-years old. But who invented them and can they help your brain GROW?
Listen to the short Who Smarted? episode for kids about Video Games for free here!
Want to receive great science and history activities like these three times a week for free? Sign up here!
And for amazing screen-free edutainment for elementary school kids, homeschool families, and anyone curious, nothing beats our podcast Who Smarted – three times a week, for free! Listen or subscribe from your favorite podcast app here! |
<urn:uuid:ae873e50-201a-4bf2-ad8f-0299251f2a3e>_en | Chomsky & Halle (1968) assume that the underlying representation of the word ellipse contains a final segment /e/ even though this segment is never pronounced. But the assumption of this segment in underlying representation explains the exceptional stress pattern of the word, i.e. that of trisyllabic words instead of that of bisyllabic words, i.e. /ellípse/ instead of /éllipse/. The segment /e/ is deleted after the assignment of stress: thus the opposition between /e/ and zero (the absence of a segment) is neutralized (see also: contextual neutralization).
- Chomsky, Noam A. & Halle, Morris. 1968. The sound pattern of English. New York: Harper & Row.
- Kiparsky, Paul. 1968. Linguistic Universals and Linguistic Change, reprinted in: Kiparsky, P. Explanation in Phonology (1982), Foris, Dordrecht.
German absolute Neutralisierung |
<urn:uuid:c330e68f-9860-4e0f-9b5a-01e76b9cb644>_en | The Psalms 21
1. The book of Psalms is a collection of 150 poems, songs, and prayers composed by a number of people
over a long period of time.
2. This lesson is a study of Psalm 126, "A Song of degrees."
3. The writer of this psalm is not identified; however, internal evidence suggests it was written after the
Jews were released from captivity in Babylon.
4. To properly understand this psalm we must be mindful of . . .
A. In 606 BC, the Babylonians took control of Judah, the southern kingdom.
B. Some of the details relating to the Babylonian captivity are revealed in 2 Chronicles 36.
1. (vs.5-8) Nebuchadnezzar took Jehoiakim to Babylon.
2. (vs.9-10) Nebuchadnezzar took Jehoiachin to Babylon.
3. (vs.11-19) The Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.
4. (vs.20-21) The Jews who escaped death were taken from Jerusalem to Babylon, and they would
remain in Babylon until the 70-year captivity was over.
C. Psalm 137 shows how the Jews felt while they were in Babylon.
1. (vs.1-4) They were unable to praise God because the Babylonians had insulted them.
2. (vs.5-6) They looked forward to returning to Jerusalem.
3. (vs.7-9) They trusted God to take vengeance on their enemies.
D. (2 Chronicles 36:22-23) The Persians conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews who so desired to
return to Jerusalem.
E. Several psalms were written after the captivity ended (ex.: Psalm 85).
F. Psalm 126 expresses the feelings of the Jews after they were released from captivity.
A. (vs.1-3) The Jews reflected upon their release from captivity.
1. (vs.1a) The time element is revealed -- "when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion."
2. How the Jews felt:
a. (vs.1b) "We were like them that dream."
b. (vs.2a) They laughed.
c. (vs.2b) They sang.
d. (vs.3b) They were glad.
3. God was praised for what He had done.
a. (vs.3a) The Jews said, "The Lord hath done great things for us."
b. (vs.2c) Heathens said, "The Lord hath done great things for them."
4. Years earlier,:
a. Solomon had made a request of God on behalf of his people when he dedicated the temple
(2 Chronicles 6:24-31)
b. God granted Solomon's request (2 Chronicles 7:12-14).
5. As the Jews reflected upon their release from captivity, they acknowledged God's greatness, and they
experienced great joy.
B. (vs.4-6) The Jews made an additional request of God.
1. (vs.4a) The request: "Turn again our captivity, O Lord."
a. When the Jews returned to Jerusalem, they found devastation, the land needed to be planted, and
the land needed rain.
b. (vs.4b) They asked God to return their captivity "as the streams in the south."
2. (vs.5-6) The Jews expected to rejoice again.
a. They might have to sow in tears (vs.5a, 6a).
b. However, they were confident they would reap in joy (vs.5b, 6b).
3. As the Jews asked God to bless their land, they were confident He would do so. |
<urn:uuid:08600cee-4345-40b9-9d0c-e58c4fca4ff7>_en | In today’s post, we will focus on important behaviors that impact oral health. Of course, effective brushing and flossing are two essential habits for healthy teeth, but there are many more things we can do to keep a healthy smile.
- Do eat a nutritious diet with a variety of foods. This is required for overall physical health and a strong immune system.
- Do consume calcium-rich dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt to neutralize acids that are dangerous to enamel.
- Don’t eat sugary foods. Sugar triggers the production of harmful cavity-causing acids that weaken enamel and lead to cavities.
- Don’t snack throughout the day. This revs up plaque production and subjects the teeth to continual contact with acids.
- Don’t chew on ice. (It really can crack teeth.)
- Don’t drink energy drinks. They have many substances that are dangerous to teeth.
Other Important Tips
- Don’t use your teeth as tools. It is wiser to cut that knotted shoelace than to gnaw at it to try to untangle it.
- Don’t get piercings in or around your mouth.
- Don’t ignore tooth pain or sensitivity.
- If you have children, meet with Drs. Almeida about water fluoridation. If your municipal water supply is not fluoridated, you may want to give your children fluoride supplements.
- Don’t use a medium or hard bristle toothbrush. It can damage gums.
- If you have an eating disorder – seek professional help immediately. Bulimia and anorexia are extremely damaging to teeth. (Not to mention the toll they take on the heart and other organs.)
We encourage all of our patients to maintain a lifestyle that advances dental health as well as overall physical health. At Almeida & Bell Aesthetic Dental Center, we serve the Lone Tree area with exceptional dental care including general and cosmetic dentistry. Ask us about sedation dentistry, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening and porcelain crowns. |
<urn:uuid:82c76505-061a-4d4e-92cc-8e760d9ed0cb>_en | Osteoporosis is a crippling disease that affects at least one in four women over the age of 60. It is a condition in which bones become more porous and susceptible to fractures. Many bones of your body, including your jaw bone, are affected. This page explains what osteoporosis is, how it affects your dental health, and how it might be prevented.
Osteoporosis is a very common and poorly understood condition of middle and old age. Until recently many of the symptoms, such as shrinking in size or becoming stooped over, were considered a natural part of ageing. We now know that these are symptoms of a disease which literally means 'porous bones'. The bones become weaker and thinner and are more likely to fracture. As this happens, the bones of the spine are no longer able to support the weight of the body. They become compressed. This can lead to 'dowager's hump', back pain, or even collapse.
Osteoporosis is Booming
Osteoporosis is a serious, disabling condition. Its risk increases with age and is greater among women than men. Approximately one out of every four women over 60 years of age is afflicted. Even more alarming is that the number is growing at a rapid rate. The 'baby boom' generation is moving toward middle age. Many women of this generation drink less milk than earlier generations, are postponing childbearing, and are breast-feeding their children. All of these factors contribute to osteoporosis.
Jaw Bone Shrinkage
Not only does osteoporosis increase the likelihood of bone fractures (most commonly in the hip, wrist, and spine), but it also affects the jaw bone. It is an especially serious problem for those who have lost some or all of their teeth. Teeth help preserve bone, and bone slowly disappears (resorbs) in areas where teeth have been extracted. People who have osteoporosis experience accelerated bone loss. Recent research indicates that this can speed up periodontal disease. Periodontal disease attacks gums and bones supporting the teeth. In advanced stages, it can cause the teeth to become looser and ultimately fall out.
Poorly Fitting Dentures
Bone shrinkage which occurs from osteoporosis also means that fitting dental appliances, such as dentures, becomes a nightmare! Dentures must be constantly refitted or remade to lower and poorer levels. This situation can be terribly frustrating to both the dentist and the patient. It's like trying to keep your clothes fitting while you are rapidly losing weight.
Because it is so difficult for the dentist to fabricate well-fitting and functioning dentures, patients often suffer from many difficulties with speaking, eating, chewing, and swallowing. Eating becomes more difficult, so highly refined foods are frequently substituted for more nutritional foods. Poor nutrition can further damage the oral tissues and worsen the osteoporosis. Added to this are emotional consequences. When people can't eat, or have very poor nutrition, they often become depressed. It may even feel embarrassing to eat in public. The condition then becomes a downward cycle in which bone loss contributes to poor nutrition and self-esteem. The disease gets worse - along with the ability to deal with it.
The good news is that osteoporosis is a preventable condition. It is important to realise that the disease has a very slow onset. One does not come down with osteoporosis overnight.
Living Bone Tissue
The bone in our body is living tissue which is constantly remodelling throughout our life. Old bone is continually reabsorbed by the body and new bone is produced to replace it.
During the first half of life, up to the age of about 55, the rate of new bone formation exceeds the rate of resorption. After 35, the rate of resorption and new bone growth balances for a while. Then, after menopause, this balance shifts so that calcium is removed from the bones faster than it can be replaced. This is a natural part of the ageing process. However, with osteoporosis the bone loss occurs at a dangerous rate - it is an exaggeration of the normal process.
Though osteoporosis is difficult to reverse once it is well-established, preventative measures can be taken to lower the risk. These include:
You should consume a reasonably high amount of calcium each day by eating foods high in calcium. Special care to increase calcium intake should be taken during pregnancy and lactation and during and after menopause.Your body also requires adequate amounts of vitamin D (400 IU daily) which you can get from two pints of milk, an average multivitamin pill, or 30-60 minutes of sunshine. Too much vitamin D can be harmful. Excesses of protein, alcohol, and caffeine will also contribute to bone loss.
Foods High in Calcium
Daily Calcium Needs
Physical activity helps to stimulate the production of bone tissue. Walking, dancing, jogging, or bike riding are especially good because these activities put moderate stress on the spine and long bones of the body.
After menopause, replacing the lost hormone oestrogen along with its companion progesterone can reduce bone loss. However, hormone replacement does have its risks and side effects, and is not necessarily desirable for all women. This must be moderated by your physician.
If you think that you have osteoporosis, talk to your physician or dentist. All women should be on the alert to prevent this disabling and painful disease. |
<urn:uuid:1523696a-bfa0-4543-ae3e-8515e953d53d>_en | Grape vines are not only a beautiful large-leafed vine, they also bear clusters of sweet fruit. They can be used for shade, screening, and decorative plantings.
Scientific Name: Vitis labrusca cultivars
The varieties most suitable for our cold Colorado climates are ‘Concord Seedless’, ‘Himrod’, and ‘Niagra’.
Exposure: Full to Partial Sun
Height: to 15′ Spread: to 15′
Water Usage: Medium |
<urn:uuid:fd459f59-036a-45a1-98b9-1842b6f1006b>_en | Waymo Simulated Real-World Crashes to Prove Its Self-Driving Cars Can Prevent Deaths
In a bid to prove that its robot drivers are safer than humans, Waymo simulated dozens of real-world fatal crashes that took place in Arizona over nearly a decade. The Google spinoff discovered that replacing either vehicle in a two-car crash with its robot-guided minivans would nearly eliminate all deaths, according to data it publicized today.
The results are meant to bolster Waymo’s case that autonomous vehicles operate more safely than human-driven ones. With millions of people dying in auto crashes globally every year, AV operators are increasingly leaning on this safety case to spur regulators to pass legislation allowing more fully autonomous vehicles on the road.
Read the full article here. |
<urn:uuid:b4c699e7-67cd-478b-9b71-d1f0e1be0d76>_en | Identify which part has an error: Billiards, popularly played in many countries, are a connection of both Mathematics and Football. [Advanced]
are a connection
Mathematics and Football
Open in App
Verified by Toppr
Correct option is B)
When a plural noun is a proper name for a singular object or collective unit, a singular verb is used and vice versa. In the given sentence, 'are a connection' is incorrect as 'billiards' is the singular noun thus, the singular verb should be used.
It should be replaced with 'is a connection'. 'Popularly played' is the correct tense used. |
<urn:uuid:778c0a60-26da-43b1-bdec-9a4aa2c7746f>_en | In the eight months between August 2015 and April 2016, the three largest coal companies
in the United States all filed for bankruptcy: Peabody Energy, Arch Coal, and Alpha Natural
Resources. Between them, they had pledged $2.3 billion of self-bonds in support of mine
cleanup, known as “reclamation.”
Coal companies are required by law to provide reclamation bonds so regulators will have
access to funds to complete reclamation if a company were to abandon its mine without
doing so. But self-bonds are more like an unenforceable “I.O.U.” than a reliable bond. Were
a self-bonded coal company to abandon unreclaimed mined lands, the public would be
left holding the bag to complete the work. Some states accept self-bonds to back coal
mine reclamation, while others do not.
To continue reading, download the PDF. |
<urn:uuid:0e21c00c-c09a-45ef-a059-12abe9652d04>_en | The prevention and control of infectious disease is essential to achieving a healthy population. One of the principal public health activities of the 20th century has been a significant reduction in the incidence of selected infectious diseases. The development and widespread use of childhood vaccines have also had a significant impact on the reduction of infectious diseases.
Despite these successes, infectious diseases continue to pose an important public health problem. Today, the issue of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases is at the forefront of public health concern. A number of newly recognized diseases, including West Nile Virus, Legionnaires’ disease, toxic shock syndrome, Lyme disease, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, hantavirus, and new foodborne infections have been well documented, as has the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Many infectious diseases, which threaten the health of the general population, are preventable and controllable. The prevention of infectious diseases requires multidisciplinary interventions involving public health professionals, medical practitioners, researchers, community-based organizations, volunteer and private groups, industrial representatives, and educational systems.
In 2014, there were 37,600 new cases of HIV infections. Find out more.
Syphilis rates are on the rise. Getting tested could protect you and your baby.
It's getting harder and harder to treat gonorrhea. Learn more.
Testing is the only way to know if you have Hepatitis C. Check more information today.
West Nile Virus can be spread by mosquitos. Learn how to protect yourself.
Health Point: Information On Current Health Topics |
<urn:uuid:cf436802-422a-42a5-90f7-5ebfe48bc706>_en | Facts on Tornado Chasers
Tornado chasers in the US park southeast of the tornado. It’s usually the safest spot to film or record. The reason is because tornadoes normally travel from southwest to the northeast.
Tornado chasers may drive hundreds of miles during a single chase.
Most Tornadoes form in the afternoon. Tornado chasers start planning in the early morning.
Tornadoes aren’t the only danger, Tornado chasers have to be careful of the lightning coming from the thunderstorms that produces tornadoes.
In 1983, lightning struck right next to five tornado chasers. Luckily they all lived.
Tornado chasers are prone to car crashes. Sometimes tornado chasers get hit by cars fleeing the same storm they were chasing.
Hail is a common concern for tornado chasers. |
<urn:uuid:9ff939ed-0cd2-49ab-9698-c273a8fa3c5d>_en | Keywords: statistical analysis, Expressed Sequence Tag,
differential expression, gene clusters
The positional clustering of co-expressed genes is common in
prokaryotes (operons) and was recently described in several eukaryote
organisms [1-4]. Clusters of highly expressed genes were recently
revealed in the Human genome and complementary study suggested
that such clusters might mostly consist of housekeeping genes and not
of genes with similar tissue expression profiles. In order to
specifically analyze tissue specific expression, other studies [7-9]
were based on sets of genes expressed in a given tissue. They suggest
that clusters of tissue specific genes do exist, and might be more
frequent than initially thought.
evaluate the clustering along the chromosomes of genes specifically
expressed in any tissue, we developped a method based on a
statistical analysis of EST.
Gene expression profile are first
generated. Every gene is compared to the total EST set at high
stringency with BLAST. The expression profile is derived from the
cognate ESTs in each tissue category relative to the total number of
ESTs in the tissue category. All expression profiles are stored in a
matrix with rows corresponding to genes and columns corresponding to
The probability of differential expression in
each condition in then computed. To assess its differential expression
in a tissue category and for a given group, every gene is compared to
the total EST set of this group at high stringency (previously
described matrix). The hit list of cognate matches is then separated
in two groups: ESTs from the corresponding tissue category vs.
any other tissue categories. The statistical significance of the
difference in frequencies between these two groups is then computed by
using a previously published statistical formula
Correlation islands are finally identified. They are
considered as clusters of at least three successive genes
differentiall expressed (p-value > 0.90) in the same tissue
category. To assess the biological meaning of these clusters, we
estimated the probability of finding such a number of clusters under a
randomization of the gene position along the chromosomes (5,000
Results. This method was applied
on the human chromosomes 20, 21 and 22. We searched for correlation
islands of diffenrential expressed genes along these chromosomes and
obtained 9, 5 and 17 clusters respectively. To assess the statistical
significance of these results, we computed the probability of finding
such a number of clusters under a random permutation of the gene order
along the chromosomes. This probability was found to be respectively
3.8x10-2, 2.8x10-2 and 8x10-4 for
chromosomes 20, 21 and 22. We can thus confidently conclude that there
are more clusters that expected by chance. The existence of
co-expressed/co-localized gene clusters is consistent with a model
where large chromatin regions would change their activity (openness)
status in a tissue specific manner, allowing neighboring genes to be
transcribed or shut down in a coordinated way. Such a model, confirmed
by our study, has been around for quite sometimes, although
experimental evidence have been obtained for only a few tissues and
cell types [11,12].
Cohen B.A., et
al. 2000. Nature Genetics 26:183-186.
T. 1998.Bioessays 20:480-487.
Roy P.J., et
al. 2002. Nature 418:975-979.
Spellman P.T. and
Rubin G.M. 2002. Journal of Biology 1:5.
H. et al.2001. Science 291:1289-1292.
M.J., et al.2002. Nature Genetics 31:180-183.
Gabrielsson B.L., Carlsson B. and Carlsson L.M. 2000. Obesity
Dempsey A.A., et
al.2001. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Bortoluzzi S., et al.1998. Genome
Armstrong J.A. and Emerson
B.M. 1998. Current Opinion in Genetics and
Akashi K., et al.
2003. Blood 101:383-389.
Audic S. and Claverie J.M. 1997. Genome Research 7:986-995. |
<urn:uuid:9b877ba1-eff9-4a0d-8d92-1867778fa1ba>_en | BOSTON — Run! It's a giant wave of... molasses?
Yes, it might sound made up but in 1919 the streets of Boston ran brown with molasses. "The Great Molasses Flood" might sound humorous, but in reality, it was a devastating disaster that paved the way for modern class-action lawsuits.
In 1919, along Boston’s North End sat a 50-foot tall tank of molasses. It was owned by the United States Industrial Alcohol Company. The company used the molasses to make alcohol and the tank held more than two million gallons of molasses.
In mid-January of 1919, the tank exploded. The explosion unleashed a tidal wave of molasses. Reports said the wave was 40-feet high and shot into the streets at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.
It wasn’t just a sticky mess, it was a complete disaster. The wave toppled buildings, destroyed cars and trapped people in its wake.
Tragically, 21 people died. Some suffocated in the treacle and 150 people were injured.
For decades, the section the flood hit in the North End smelled like molasses.
The disaster also distilled something else: legal precedence. The Great Molasses Flood turned into one of the first Class-Action law suits.
Dorr vs. the United States Industrial Alcohol company was filed on behalf of 119 victims and families. The court battle raged on for several years. Eventually lawyers proved the tank holding the molasses was quickly and poorly built. The company was ordered to pay the victims in total $628,000.
Afterwards, the U.S. government intervened to create the basis of building and construction codes to prevent industrial and construction disasters like this from ever happening again. |
<urn:uuid:ddf5b036-110f-4dea-ad32-0d9c431d0fe0>_en | Andersonville Prison Camp
The Confederates established the Andersonville prison camp at Camp Sumter, Georgia, in January, 1864. During the camp’s fourteenth months of operation, it held more than 45,000 Union soldiers, of whom nearly 13,000 died.
Although Andersonville is now the most notorious of the Civil War prison camps, it was not the only one at which soldiers suffered from starvation, malnutrition, and disease. During the first two years of the Civil War, prisoners were more likely to be exchanged than held in camps, but this changed in 1863. Prison camps proliferated on both sides. President Lincoln introduced regulations for the treatment of prisoners of war as part of a larger code of conduct for war. The “Lieber Code” of 1863 specified that captured soldiers were the prisoners “of the government and not the captor” and should be accorded basic human rights.
Two men from Cornwall, Cpl. Pierre Guy and Pvt. Martin Hull, were imprisoned at Andersonville. Guy survived and was paroled; Hull died from disease and malnutrition on August 27, 1864. |
<urn:uuid:05fa8730-0b58-41b3-a3fe-d4464b7a7fc1>_en | - Chemical treatment
Although pest control is usually done with the help of pesticides, there are also more natural ways to prevent getting the garden infested with different parasites. Yet, pest control and the products used may vary based on the specific type of plants and type of insects. Although pesticides advertise the control of garden pests, gardeners must recognize that garden friends like bees, ladybugs and birds can also be affected by pesticides. Preventing pests can be done pulling out the weak plants which may already be infected. Also, healthy and organic soil helps in reducing the chances of pests in the garden.
Do you Know?
Garden control is done also to prevent Termite infestation on Plants, crops and Korean Grass.
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<urn:uuid:4b7cee2b-2029-4cf3-b142-48bb7f06d663>_en | Abbeokuta; or, Sunrise within the tropics: an outline of the origin and progress of the Yoruba mission. By Miss Tucker ...
- London, James Nisbet and Co., 1853.
- Physical Description:
- vi p., 1 leaf, 278 p. col. front., 5 plates (1 col.), 2 fold. maps. 18 cm.
- Rare Books and ManuscriptsBV3630 Y6 T83Accessible by request in the Study Room [Request]
Note: The Study Room is open to Yale ID holders by appointment. Please visit the Study Room page on our website for more details.
- Copyright Status:
- Copyright Information
- BAC : Advertisements: 1 leaf at end.
BAC : Text printed by C. Richards.
BAC : Maps lithographed by A. Petermann.
BAC : Some plates by J.W. Whimper; color plates printed by W. Dickes.
- Subject Terms:
- Slavery -- Africa.Yoruba (African people) -- Missions.
YCBA Collections Search
If you have information about this object that may be of assistance please contact us. |
<urn:uuid:c196a06b-765d-4df7-af1d-2c8566f281db>_en | The X Window System (commonly X11, or X) is a networking and display protocol which provides windowing on bitmap displays. It provides the standard toolkit and protocol to build graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
Window Managers (WM) control the placement and appearance of application windows in conjunction with the X Window System. Types of WM:
- Stacking / floating window managers provide the traditional desktop metaphor used in commercial operating systems like Windows and OS X. Windows act like pieces of paper on a desk, and can be stacked on top of each other. Examples.
- Tiling window managers "tile" the windows so that none are overlapping. They usually make very extensive use of key-bindings and have less (or no) reliance on the mouse. Tiling window managers may be manual, offer predefined layouts, or both. Examples.
- Dynamic window managers can dynamically switch between tiling or floating window layout. Examples.
Desktop Environments (DE) work atop and in conjunction with X, to provide a completely functional and dynamic GUI. A DE typically provides a window manager, icons, applets, windows, toolbars, folders, wallpapers, a suite of applications and abilities like drag and drop. Examples.
Source: The great archlinux Wiki :-) |
<urn:uuid:7c907af1-83b9-499e-803c-f6812ba13376>_en | When was Delaware Founded? 1638
Who Founded Delaware? Peter Minuit
First settlers: Lenapi Native Americans
Square Miles: 1,954
US Rank: 49th
State Flower: Peach Blossom
State Bird: Blue Hen Chicken
State Motto: Liberty and Independence
Dover –Dover was named by William Penn after a town in Kent, England when the town was established in 1683. Almost 100 years later, in 1777, the city became the capital of the state of Delaware. The state government is responsible for the largest share of the city’s revenue, while Dover Air Force Base, Kraft Foods and Procter and Gamble contribute as well.
What is Delaware famous for?
1. First state to ratify the US Constitution – Delaware is known countrywide as the first state to ratify the US Constitution on December 7, 1787. Other states were soon to follow; Pennsylvania ratified on December 11, and New Jersey approved on December 18. The first 13 states had all agreed to the US Constitution by May 29, 1790, when Rhode Island joined the colonies by a slim 34-32 vote margin.
2. No sales tax – Delaware is one of only a small number of states in the US that does not impose a sales tax on consumers. The state charges taxpayers in other categories, however it is beneficial for those jumping over the state line to shop in Delaware and returning to their home state.
3. Dover International Speedway – The Dover International Speedway was opened in 1969 under the name Dover Downs, and was constructed as a facility for horse races and motor races. Only two years later, the speedway decided to cease all races, excluding two annual NASCAR Sprint Cup Series races. In 1995, the track became the first in NASCAR to be paved with concrete, which increased competition and speed in the races.
What is Delaware’s economy?
1. Finance, Insurance, Real Estate – These service jobs have surpassed previous leaders to claim Delaware’s highest grossing current industries. These categories include businesses such as law firms, health care, hospitality services, auto sales, food sales and restaurants.
2. Manufacturing – Delaware is a leader in the production and manufacture of drugs, chemicals and synthetics. Their operations also include processing of food items such as gelatin, pudding, canned goods, poultry, bakery items, fish and sodas. Automobile production is the third highest grossing manufacturing industry in the state.
3. Agriculture – Delaware produces a small amount of revenue from agricultural products. Their top crops include livestock such as chickens and pigs. Cows are farmed, particularly for their milk. Soybeans, corn, barley, wheat and potatoes are the main vegetable crops, while apples are the state’s largest fruit crop.
Delaware Historical Landmarks
1. Fort Christina – Located in the northern top of Delaware, Fort Christina was the area at which the first Swedish settlers landed in North America. The fort itself was built in 1638 and was located at the junction of the Brandywine Creek and Christina River. The Dutch settled nearby around the same time, and the two groups of settlers were at constant odds until the Dutch ultimately took control of the Swedish settlement in 1655.
2. Holy Trinity Church (Old Swedes Church) – The Holy Trinity Church was built by the Swedish settlers that built Fort Christina, in present day Wilmington, Delaware. It has been used as a place of worship continuously since that time. Today the church is part of the Episcopal Church in Delaware. The building today stands as it did when it was built almost 400 years ago, and historians claim it is the oldest standing church in the United States that has remain unchanged.
3. Howard High School of Technology – Also located in Wilmington, Delaware, Howard High School is one of the oldest secondary schools in Delaware, dating back to 1867. It was an all-black school that found itself in the middle of a Supreme Court desegregation case (Gebhart versus Belton) in 1954. During that time, students were bussed to nearby all-white Claymont High School. Four other schools joined in the battle, which grew to be known as the Brown versus the Board of Education case.
4. New Castle Historic District – One of the oldest settlements of Delaware, the New Castle Historic District was founded in 1655. Many of the town’s original buildings from the 1600s through the 1800s remain, protected with National Landmark status for visitors to explore and learn about the rich past of settlers journeying to the first of the original 13 colonies. In total, the historic district is comprised of 461 buildings, the most noted of which include the Amstel House (the location was originally called New Amstel by its founder, Peter Stuyvesant) and the Old Courthouse. |
<urn:uuid:83dfd512-13da-4be0-b27c-6a268dd499bc>_en | |WALLINGFORD, ANNA - Cornell University - New York|
|RICE, KEVIN - University Of Missouri|
|LOEB, GREGORY - Cornell University - New York|
Submitted to: Environmental Entomology
Publication Type: Peer Reviewed Journal
Publication Acceptance Date: 7/13/2018
Publication Date: 8/14/2018
Citation: Wallingford, A.K., Rice, K.B., Leskey, T.C., Loeb, G.M. 2018. Overwintering behavior of Drosophila suzukii, and potential springtime diets for egg maturation. Environmental Entomology.
Interpretive Summary: Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) is a serious invasive agricultural pest that lays eggs in ripe small fruit such as blueberries and raspberries and in wild host plants. We measured the ability of SWD to survive winter conditions in New York and West Virginia. We found that cold acclimated flies survived better than those that were not. Cold acclimated flies were able to walk farther in low temperature mobility assays than unacclimated flies. More acclimated flies preferred overwintering substrates with a food source (dropped apple) over any other substrate (leaf litter, barky sticks, or bare soil). These results provide insights how SWD may survive in more northerly climates.
Technical Abstract: Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura)(Diptera: Drosophilidae), is a serious agricultural pest, which lays eggs in ripe and ripening fruits of several cultivated and wild host plants. Here, we explore several factors that may be critical to winter survival and improve D. suzukii’s ability to successfully overwinter in northern climates and re-establish populations in the spring. Cold acclimated flies were able to walk farther in low temperature mobility assays than unacclimated flies. More acclimated flies survived wintertime field studies conducted in New York and West Virginia. Acclimated flies preferred overwintering substrates with a food source (dropped apple) over any other substrate (leaf litter, barky sticks, or bare soil). Soil acts to buffer temperatures in potential overwintering sites, as temperatures drop and as they rise. Pigeon droppings and mushrooms were identified as potential overwintering protein sources, which could be critical to springtime egg maturation and repair of cold-damaged tissues. Laboratory-simulated winter stress negatively influenced return to female reproductive status, so future assays should consider biologically relevant subjects. |
<urn:uuid:765fa7f4-56f5-40c0-a038-81575673f273>_en | Meat Marinating 101Bluff Meat Supply
Figure 1 Image Credit: Google Images
A good marinade is responsible for both tenderising meat and adding scrumptious flavour.
Depending on individual taste and suppliers, marinades vary from recipe to recipe, but they generally contain three important components.; oils, acids and seasonings. Most marinades costs of at least one acidic ingredient such as vinegar or lemon juice, combined with oil, herbs and spices. Marinade intended for use on red meat, is likely to not include oil as the meat generally contains enough fat
Figure 2 Image Credit: Google Images
Any marinade that contains large amounts of acid, alcohol or salt, should not be used for very long periods of time. Over time, the marinade will chemically “cook” or denature the food in it. It is advisable that this type of marinade should be used in a time period of 4 hours.
Figure 3 Image Credit: Google Images
When marinades contain citrus juices, such as orange, lemon, or lime juice, it should be used for only 2 hours or less. Be aware when using acidic marinades. If left too long in these blends, food may change colour and even texture.
Figure 4 Image Credit: Google Images
Marinades that contain no salt, acid, or alcohol can be marinated overnight and in some cases, even longer. |
<urn:uuid:87527aca-a0f9-4845-b851-db616c82b1e4>_en | Dalahäst (Dala horse) - a horse with a long history.
Traditional handicraft, Sweden
Sizes(height): 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, 17 and 20 cm,
3 and 5 cm horses also available as keyrings!
Dala horse is a traditional wooden horse statuette, carved and painted by hand. Originating in Dalarna, a Swedish county, the Dala horse is said by some to be a model of Odin's horse Sleipnir, but unlike Sleipnir it does not have eight legs. The oldest know Dalahorse dates back to 1560. In the old days the Dala horse was mostly used as a toy for children; in modern times it has become a symbol of Dalarna, as well as Sweden in general.
All sizes in stock. |
<urn:uuid:597dfaf1-6fcc-41c5-bd39-2a831166110a>_en | There is no doubt that super-efficient appliances and systems in the home will dramatically reduce utility costs. Still, this increase will be diluted if the money spent is not invested in targeted efficiency improvements. The IEA has noted that European countries account for eighty-six percent of announced public stimulus funding for buildings, transportation, and energy efficiency. Other regions, including North America, Asia, and Latin America, are also underrepresented.
In the U.S. alone, over USD 66 billion is allocated to energy efficiency projects. Most of that money will go to the building sector, with about 26 billion allocated for new vehicle charging infrastructure. Investments in energy efficiency are estimated to create as many as 15 jobs for each USD million spent on them. Additionally, many government stimulus packages will provide money for incentives for making these changes, including rebates and special programs from electric providers to consumers. By maximizing these incentives, companies can save on energy bills and improve their bottom line.
Energy efficiency has multiple benefits for businesses, households, and the environment. It reduces the need for new electricity generation and transmission infrastructure. By reducing consumption, companies can increase profits and reduce costs. It also promotes health and productivity. By upgrading office lighting systems with LEDs, companies can reduce water usage and decrease heating costs. By using less electricity, businesses can also cut down on utility bills and create jobs. And by improving energy efficiency, consumers can have the added benefit of reduced health risks, lower pollution, and improved productivity.
By increasing energy efficiency, homes and businesses can reduce their carbon footprint. With these savings, these energy-efficient products can reduce the burden on households. They can also help make energy more affordable and accessible for more people by using these products and services.
In addition to the CEC-approved providers, the ENERGY STAR program is a good resource for information on energy-efficient products and services. Coolant recycling In addition to financial incentives, ENERGY STAR also provides easy-to-read and credible information on energy-efficient products and services. This program aims to promote energy-efficient appliances and other systems and equipment, which are vital to the environment. And as it’s beneficial for the environment, it’s also a cost-effective way to save money.
Beyond residential and commercial buildings, efficiency in urban and industrial sectors positively impacts power grids, public health, and economics. Not only does energy efficiency lower costs, but it also helps the environment by preventing negative impacts on critical ecosystems. Furthermore, the development of intelligent infrastructure and efficient products will minimize the need for new infrastructure. For example, building and transportation will require new investments and more energy than is currently available in the United States.
As consumers, we have a direct effect on the environmental costs of energy. However, we can significantly contribute to the environment and economy by reducing our energy consumption. This will reduce societal costs and increase the standard of living. By incorporating these technologies in our buildings, we can reduce our energy bills and reduce the pollution we produce. If we can improve the conversion efficiency of our buildings, we can improve the quality of our lives and the environment.
We are consuming fifteen percent and twenty percent of the world’s primary energy. As a result, reducing energy waste will be crucial for the transition away from greenhouse gases. Regardless of the size of the state’s economy, efficiency is the best way to reduce emissions and increase security. By using efficient appliances, we can also save money and control our consumption. For example, by converting to more efficient electric vehicles, we can use cleaner fuels.
The cost of energy has been steadily increasing. The energy-intensive industry has become more efficient by increasing its efficiency. A newer, more efficient motor will decrease the cost of electricity. By improving electric power quality, we can save up to thirty percent of the fuel bill. But the overall energy efficiency of a home or business depends on the kind of information and education we receive. |
<urn:uuid:380fd37d-6c96-40ee-8bd2-ec78d33215bd>_en | Reading Comprehension: (NO 1)
A: Read the following passages then choose the right option.
According to some experts, the younger people are basically different from the older ones. The old do not understand all the problems of the modern world. On the other hand, the younger people have grown up with these problems and are deeply concerned about them. The older people still control the business organization, government and education. The younger people want to make changes in these areas to fit the needs of modern society.
In order to put an end to their differences, both the older and younger people realize the world has changed, and the new responses are necessary for many problems of the society.
1. According to the passage, the younger and the older people ----------------.
1. don’t have the same ideas 2. don’t have different ideas 3. feel equal responsibilities 4. understand each other
1. don’t have the same ideas
2. don’t have different ideas
3. feel equal responsibilities
4. understand each other |
<urn:uuid:102cdb30-0f05-4b13-90a3-837a4be1dba0>_en | Eeyore Loses a Tail
Well either a tail is there or it isn’t there. You can’t make a mistake about it, and yours isn’t there! -
The perfect introduction to Winnie-the-Pooh!
Eeyore’s tail has gone missing and Pooh promises to find it in this charming story by A. A. Milne. This beautiful little storybook is a great way to introduce young readers to the characters in the Hundred Acre Wood. Illustrated with E H Shepard's iconic artwork, this is guaranteed to be a bedtime favourite for children aged 5 and up. |
<urn:uuid:1deea8ac-dbd8-4d40-ba96-9854adfa3d1c>_en | FINAL TEST- PRE -IELTS -WRITING
Subject: Tiếng Anh > Academic skills
School grade: Thailand
WRITING TASK 2: You should spend about 40 minutes in this task. In many countries online shopping is becoming more and more popular. Some people think that this is having negative impacts on the society. To what extent do you agree or disagree and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.
WRITING TASK 1 : You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The graph shows children by age group as a percentage of the young population in the United Kingdom between 1990 and 2001. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words. |
<urn:uuid:2ade30b2-0053-4e63-8f07-140252081453>_en | A language object defines how to parse a particular programming language. It is usually dynamically loaded from a shared library (
tree-sitter-load-path is a list of directories that the function
tree-sitter-require uses to search for these shared libraries. This is similar to how the built-in function
require searches for Emacs libraries on
load-path. The default value contains the directory used by the
tree-sitter CLI tool.
;; Load the language definition for Rust, if it hasn't been loaded. ;; Return the language object. (tree-sitter-require 'rust)
tree-sitter-langs is a language bundle that contains shared libraries for some languages (as well as syntax highlighting queries). When it is loaded, its shared libraries are prioritized over the CLI’s directory.
Syntax-aware language-agnostic mechanisms are meant to be defined by
tree-sitter-mode and its dependent minor modes. They determine the language object to use by consulting the variable
tree-sitter-major-mode-language-alist. This list is empty by default, and gets populated by
tree-sitter-langs when it is loaded, and by language major modes that are
Language major modes use these generic mechanisms to provide functionalities specific to their languages. Currently, there are not many language major modes built on top of
tree-sitter. An example is csharp-mode.
For the full list of languages bundled by
tree-sitter-langs, see the submodules under its repos/ directory. |
<urn:uuid:a4e93117-de4c-4d5f-ae00-f2b9b882ff3e>_en | Associations to the word «Cubic»
CUBIC, adjective. (geometry) Used in the names of units of volume formed by multiplying a unit of length by itself twice.
CUBIC, adjective. (algebraic geometry) Of a class of polynomial of the form \( a.x^3 + b.x^2 + c.x + d \)
CUBIC, adjective. (crystallography) Having three equal axes and all angles 90°.
CUBIC, noun. (algebraic geometry) A cubic curve.
CUBIC CAPACITY, noun. A volume; especially the volume of a cylinder head when the piston is at its lower dead centre.
CUBIC CENTIMETER, noun. US spelling of cubic centimetre
CUBIC CENTIMETERS, noun. Plural of cubic centimeter
CUBIC CENTIMETRE, noun. A unit of volume equal to that of a cube having sides each one centimetre in length, commonly used in fluid measure and for engine sizes. Symbols: cm3 and cc
CUBIC CENTIMETRES, noun. Plural of cubic centimetre
CUBIC CURVE, noun. (mathematics) A plane curve having the equation \( y = a.x^3 + b.x^2 + c.x + d \).
CUBIC CURVES, noun. Plural of cubic curve
CUBIC EQUATION, noun. (mathematics) A polynomial equation whose greatest exponent is 3.
CUBIC FEET, noun. Plural of cubic foot
CUBIC FOOT, noun. A measure of volume or capacity equivalent to that of a cube having unit dimension of one foot; equals 28.32 litres.
CUBIC FUNCTION, noun. (mathematics) Any function of a polynomial whose greatest exponent is 3.
CUBIC FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of cubic function
CUBIC INCH, noun. A unit of volume equal to that of a cube with each edge one inch long.
CUBIC INCHES, noun. Plural of cubic inch
CUBIC METER, noun. USA spelling of cubic metre
CUBIC METERS, noun. Plural of cubic meter
CUBIC METRE, noun. A unit of volume, symbol m3, equal to that of a cube having sides each one metre in length.
CUBIC METRES, noun. Plural of cubic metre
CUBIC YARD, noun. A unit of volumetric measurement equivalent to a cube one yard in each dimension.
CUBIC, adjective. Having three dimensions.
The short words are best, and the old words are the best of all. |
<urn:uuid:e6800b95-9a1b-4e18-b8bb-4c6e776ee97a>_en | By Jennifer O’Hara
With flu season approaching, Mayo Clinic experts remind parents of the importance of vaccinating children for influenza and COVID-19 when possible.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 6 months and older get vaccinated for flu each year. The CDC also says people who are eligible can be vaccinated for flu and COVID-19 at the same time.
Currently, children ages 12 and older are permitted to get vaccinated for COVID-19 using the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine under terms of the Food and Drug Administration’s emergency use authorization. Experts anticipate that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will soon be approved for emergency use authorization for children 5-11.
On the Mayo Clinic Q&A podcast, Dr. Angela Mattke, a Mayo Clinic pediatrician and host of Ask The Mayo Mom, discusses children and vaccines with Dr. Robert Jacobson, a Mayo Clinic pediatrician. Dr. Jacobson co-chairs the AskMayoExpert Knowledge Content Board on Immunizations and Vaccinations, and he is medical director for Mayo Clinic’s Primary Care in Southeast Minnesota Immunization Program. |
<urn:uuid:b6c758e2-9b74-4556-ac3b-a4053dda3272>_en | Showing 1 – 3 of 3
Bwasi Secondary School is an Adventist educational institution located by Lake Victoria in Musoma Rural Council, Musoma, Tanzania. German missionaries first started it in 1909.
Ikizu High School is an Adventist institution located in Bunda Rural Council, Musoma, Tanzania.
The Kuria live in Tarime district of northern Tanzania. Like other African tribes they have particular cultural practices, which include circumcision for males and genital mutilation for females. Circumcision is removal of the foreskin of the male sexual organ and the partial or complete removal of the clitoris or labia for females. This practice is done as an initiation rite into adulthood. Any youth who did not undergo this rite was despised and called murisya, if male, or mosagane, if female. Children of uncircumcised mothers were considered a curse and would be killed or sent away from the land while the mother herself was to be expelled from the area because she was regarded as a curse and could rarely be married. |
<urn:uuid:59d99d63-1149-4a32-9981-2ab9a1975309>_en | After successfully finding a job and working there for two years, Tom has no savings to his name. Being the eldest at home, his meagre monthly salary is split between himself and his extended family — his younger brothers and sister, whom he has to support through school. If there is an emergency, he would have to borrow to sort it out, plunging himself further into the abyss of poverty. If there is an investment opportunity, he will have to watch as it disappears like mist right before his very eyes since he has no money on him. Tom’s case is not unique. He shares the predicament with Grace, a young business woman in waiting. In waiting because she had to lend her relatives money she had set aside to buy a sewing machine, so that they can be able to meet their needs, with the promise of refunding it soon.
Black tax. A term used to describe the phenomenon where young, black people use their salaries to support their families. Inasmuch as this phenomenon is experienced across all cultures worldwide, the word “black tax” is used because it originated from rural, black families. While the black tax is the legacy of the apartheid system in South Africa, the common setting for it occurring is when young people move from rural to urban areas in search of jobs. As soon as they get one, they are expected to send money home for upkeep and other necessities.
While the underlying basis of the black tax is a noble one, it sets up many youths to fall into an endless cycle of poverty. The poverty trap. Young Kenyans, like Tom and Grace, earn money but they are barely eating the fruits of their labour, and have no cushion for the future. This is heart-wrenching because they are not living the life they are toiling tooth and nail for, nor the one promised by acquiring skills and an education. This lures them to quick money schemes and it is only a matter of when, not if, before they themselves, have to depend on their own children for survival, and the vicious cycle continues.
One of the most beautiful attributes of the African culture is our social ties. We support one another. Nonetheless, a time comes when our loyalty to these ties has to be rethought especially when they are endangering our futures. Yes, our parents have sacrificed a lot to educate and provide for us, but this shouldn’t be used as a tool for manipulation. Furthermore, these persistent cycles of poverty can only be broken by the government correcting historical injustices, planning worthwhile investments in the economy, and providing employment opportunities for people to earn. But as we call on the government to (hopefully) act, we can secure our present and future by setting and maintaining proper financial boundaries. In doing so, we become smarter and avoid passing on this poor situation to future generations.
Setting financial boundaries begins by assessing our finances objectively to acknowledge what we can practically do with it. Ultimately, it is about how much you spend, not how much you earn. Thus, it is important to prioritise saving, no matter how little you earn. Second, it’s important to have a sincere and open discussion with your family about those finances, and on how much you can spend on black tax. With such an understanding, they will begin to see where you’re coming from and where you’re going. This will help manage their expectations and eliminate unnecessary pressure. Ensure your black tax is spent on teaching the family how to fish.
This way, you can expand the proverbial circle of income earners, increasing revenues in the long run. Finally, purpose to maintain these boundaries, no matter how painful. This will enable them to take you seriously, pushing them to be innovative on how they can supplement what you cannot provide.
Families can’t expect to build material wealth in an instant and off the back of a single individual. Young professionals can’t spend their lives trying to fix the evils of the past. Let them use their skills and education to advance forward. This doesn’t mean they shouldn’t support their families. It simply means we shouldn’t shift this responsibility into a burden. When we do this, it is no longer moral. |
<urn:uuid:f072a6a5-06ff-4347-9ebc-45c762853ee7>_en | Learn About the Sun: 4 iPad Apps
Our sun is truly an amazing star. Without it, life would not be possible on earth. There are plenty of fascinating things to learn about it. Whether you want to learn about the sun’s importance or its location in the sky at any time, these iPad apps have you covered:
Sun by KIDS DISCOVER: covers many interesting facts about our sun. It has interactive 3D models, high-definition video and audio, and high-resolution graphs, animations, and cartoons to keep your kids busy.
Star Walk Kids: designed to teach your children about the sun and other objects in the sky. It has an enchanting user experience and offers an interactive learning experience to your children.
Sun Surveyor: this app predicts sun and moon positions and offers a 3D compass. You also get to view augmented reality projections of the Sun and Moon paths. The app provides you with moon distance, age, super moon predictions, sun shadow ratio, and more.
Sun Seeker: this app provides you with an augmented reality view, showing you the solar path and more. You can choose any date and view solar path for that day. The compass shows you the current solar position, diurnal solar angle and elevation.
Which one of these apps are you impressed with the most?
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<urn:uuid:0dcbbf70-7cab-46f7-a970-a7c02d4f0704>_en | Fair warning: this is a long post. But there’s good news – it also has a lot of pictures.
Remember what I said in a previous post about boatbuilders and their vocabulary? Here’s a few more terms:
Planks versus Strakes: I mentioned previously that the type of construction for this boat is called glued lapstrake, because it consists of strakes overlapping one another. A strake runs the full length of the boat, from stem to transom. The sheets of plywood are standard length, only 8 feet. A plank is what I cut from the plywood sheet; I’ll have to join two planks together to form a strake. The planks will be joined together with a scarf joint, which means each plank will have an opposing bevel. The bevel is cut at a slope of 1:8, or in other words, for the 6mm (approx. 1/4″) ply I’m using, each bevel will have a width of 2″. There are several ways to cut scarfs, many use specialized jigs and power tools. I love using the power tools I have, but sometimes low tech is the way to go. I cut a practice piece from the ply and made a scarf using the old fashioned block plane. Better to screw up on a practice than a full-length plank! The laminations in the plywood helped me make a smooth scarf.
Garboards: the garboards are the lowest strakes on the boat, attached to the keelson. They are often also the most difficult to install, because they have a wicked twist to them. The garboard is nearly flat amidships, but will twist to vertical where it joins the stem. On my boat the garboards also have a significant twist at the transom.
Spiling: (verb: to spile) the strakes are not straight. Most are C-shaped to some degree; on some craft they may even have an S-bend when laid flat. Further complicating matters is that the garboard will not be shaped the same as the strake above it, which will not be the same as the strake above that, and so on. Spiling is the technique of determining the shape of the strake so that when laid flat on plywood stock, the planks can be accurately cut. Traditional boatbuilding books describe several methods of spiling planks; the uninitiated may feel that these methods involve some amounts of black magic and voodoo. Such is not the case, I used traditional methods when spiling the planks on my grandson’s little rocking boat:
However, for spiling the strakes on Tammie Norrie, I wanted something as foolproof as possible. I found a method described on the WoodenBoat forum that fit the bill: long battens are secured to the upper and lower edges of where the strake will lie, and small pieces of wood or plywood are temporarily tacked to generate the shape of the strake. For the garboard, I attached one batten to the centerline of the keelson, and the other to the marks on each of the mold I had made when lining off. The result is a “truss” that I can use as a pattern for cutting out the planks. I need two planks per strake, but because the strakes are identical port and starboard, I can use the same truss for either side.
Once the truss is tacked in place, take it off the boat and to the workbench where it can be used to cut the planks. The planks are cut using a fine-toothed (metal cutting) blade on the jig saw, and cleaned up with the block plane.
I chose to cut the starboard planks first, to test the concept, then cut the port side planks later. Once the planks are cut, offer up to the boat and check for fit:
The edges of the garboard would be screwed to the stem and the keelson. I used stainless steel screws on Wee Lass, but this boat would use screws made of silicon bronze. Because bronze is softer than stainless, I decided to get out my test piece and practice to make sure I had drilled the pilot holes the correct size and didn’t over-torque the screws.
I also epoxied the strakes in two steps. On Saturday afternoon, I epoxied the scarfs for each of the two strakes. This was done on the boat; I didn’t have room in the garage for a table long enough for the strakes to sit on the bench overnight (I can jury rig something during the day when the weather is nice; Wee Lass will sit in the driveway. But Wee Lass spends the night in the garage, out of the evening dew.) The next day I epoxied the strakes to the stem, keelson, and transom, after first covering the edges of the molds with clear plastic tape.
This is a milestone. The first strakes have been hung. |
<urn:uuid:a7331d47-2705-441f-8b8f-4f6e28eac4f5>_en | If you want to attract wildlife to your backyard habitat...provide water.
Especially in the west, where summer temperatures continue to rise each year, water is a vital resource for wildlife. We have a new pair of Cooper's hawks that have recently fledged. Their parents taught them to come to our backyard for water and ... keep cool. For these young birds of prey the option to stand in cool water, helps them cool down. These two have been daily visitors for the past two weeks. At first they stood and watched the house finches and lesser goldfinches on the bird feeder. Now they are beginning to understand that these smaller birds are their prey.
Sometimes they stand in the water for 10-15 minutes at a time. Their mottled feathering really helps them camouflage in the dappled shade.
We provide both still and flowing water in a fountain. We don't want to provide habitat for mosquitoes, so we change out the still water every other day and the fountain's well of water is covered. Mosquito-borne diseases can be deadly to birds and people. Keep your water clean.
Adult Cooper's hawk in birdbath
Previous Cooper's hawk juveniles |
<urn:uuid:ee5b1008-4f3b-478c-b093-c650b4cdcbe5>_en | There are several environmental factors that interact in a particular locality, due to the existence of the variety of environmental factors, there are several approaches for undertaking ecological investigations. Each approach has its own merits and demerits.
Thus, ecologists use one of the suitable approaches to understanding a particular ecological phenomenon. The ecological approaches consist of, population approach or autecology, community approach or synecology, the ecosystem approach, habitat approach, evolutionary approach, and historical approach.
- Population approach (Autecology): This approach is based on the study of individual species; it accounts for the interrelationship between an individual species and its environment. Thus, the unit of population approach is individual species.
- Community approach (Synecology): Instead of studying single or individual species, the whole community and its environments are considered for ecological studies. Therefore, the study of different communities, their relation to each other, and their environment is called synecology. This type of study has developed the concept of succession and climax i.e. progressive replacement of one community by a more stable community and growth of it in a particular area.
- Ecosystem approach: This is the most recent development in ecology. The ecosystem is the highest level of biological organization; all ecological concepts can be set within this framework. This approach is based on two things, the flow of energy and the cycling of matter between living and non-living components.
This system introduces a concept of self-regulation and self-sufficiency. Thus, living organisms and their non-living environment interact in the most coordinated form and any disturbance may lead to biological disturbance.
- Habitat approach: The organism is adapted to a particular condition of the habitat e.g. a shallow, fast-moving cold-water stream may be the habitat of a species of trout.
This approach is easy to define; hence, it is widely used. The study of physical environments like soil, moisture, temperature, and light is also a convenient study. It can be further divided into microhabitats or small habitats with their own special conditions.
- Evolutionary approach: This approach is linked with the evolutionary trend. It tells us about the changes since life evolved and may predict future changes as well. However, this study also needs the use of fossil records.
- Historical approach: It deals with the changes associated with the development of tools in man’s history. Thus, its period starts from Stone Age i.e. 1500 to 300 B.C. Through this approach, long-term ecological planning is done and new trends can be pointed out.
Place an order to buy coursework on Ecology and its approaches. |
<urn:uuid:db3a0048-256b-411d-b391-6540666cfa3a>_en | Welcome to the new school year! STEM lab starts up next week, and in the meantime I am test-driving some new lessons. I recently found a handful of math art activities, and since I’m always looking for ways to tie the arts in and make STEAM, they seemed perfect. The first one is parabolic curves.
- 12×12 sheet of construction paper
- Sharp pencil
- Gel pens or markers
This is a pretty neat visual lesson, because we are going to make a ‘curved’ line using only straight lines. We get our curves by connecting points that are equally spaced along lines meeting in a right angle. The more points, the more curved your parabola will appear.
To begin, find the center of your 12×12 paper. I find it easiest to fold it in half twice, then open it up. Where the folds meet is the center. Use your pencil to mark the center with a dot.
Next, place your ruler across the center of the paper with the dot at the 5″ mark. Draw a line that is 10″ long, with the dot in the center of it.
Repeat this in the other direction to make a plus sign.
Now, start at the center dot, and mark one inch intervals along one leg until you have five marks.
Repeat for each leg. Then, starting at the dot, lightly number the marks 1-5, with the one always being the closest to the center dot and the five always being at the farthest point of the leg.
It’s time to start making our parabolic curve! You are going to use the ruler to connect the marks that add up to 6 for each of the quadrants. (5+1, 4+2, etc)
When you have completed it, it should look similar to this:
Notice that although we used only straight lines, it looks like a curve! Now it’s time to finish it up. Break out the gel pens or markers (fine point is best) and go over your penciled in lines to create your work of art. You can also try shading in some of the boxes if you want.
Last, you can go back and erase your pencil marks to leave just your colorful design.
This is a great way to tie in a lot of math concepts. Beyond just parabolas, it also includes measurement, patterns, addition, and angles. Want to go further with it? What happens if you change the size of the intervals along the right angles? Try 1/2 inch, or 2 inch. What about combining several of these to make larger shapes and patterns? There are a lot of great ways to extend this easy project. |
<urn:uuid:1f5f11bb-245b-483c-9ce4-a35aa266eb87>_en | The Toucan has changed immensely in the last 212 years. In 2021 this bird was colorful and soared through the air. Since then, the sky has been polluted so much that they could not fly without being poisoned, so their wings quit working. Their beak and bright colors have dulled to dark gray due to chemicals in the water that they drink. They have resorted to being scavengers, like most species, eating what little they can find. They have to climb in order to get out of reach of predators. They have developed a lump on their beak to help them defend themselves against said predators. The Toucans are clinging to the Amazon Desert in South America. Their population has drastically decreased due to a shortage of food, going from about 10,000 in 2021 to 994 in 2233. About 56% are in captivity as an attempt to save the species.
Thank you for your interest in contacting Future Engineers. We look forward to connecting with you! |
<urn:uuid:c3ce93c5-bef2-4f51-b3db-2c84ac237d0b>_en | Sparrow's Egg Lady's Slipper
|Location||Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, North West Territories.|
Subarctic species found only in the Canadian provinces and Alaska; not found anywhere in the United States. Found in Hudson and James Bay lowlands and the north shore of Lake Superior; inhabits moist, evergreen forests or sandy, gravelly shores of rivers; tolerates both acidic and calcareous conditions.
|Flowering Season||June to August.|
Height to 30 cm. Stem erect.
A rare species first collected in 1820 in 'Arctic America' by a surgeon-scientist on the Franklin Polar Sea Expedition. Unique among Cypripedium in its strong tendency to self-pollinate.
Guide to Orchids of North America
© Royal Botanical Gardens, Dr. Donald Gunn Image Collection. |
<urn:uuid:b169aeb5-7971-4eed-a0fc-a6629b3b6e47>_en | There are different types of support available to producers such as farmers in both developed and developing countries. Often times, the intervention has political and social aims as welfare as economic objectives.
Support might include:
When analysing the effect of interventions in markets, remember to show clearly changes in market price and quantity demanded and supplied. Consider the impact of intervention on levels of consumer and producer surplus.
Some of the main aims of support include:
Evaluating the impact of producer support programmes
Develop your knowledge and understanding:
Quizlet revision activity on government intervention in markets
© 2022 Tutor2u Limited. Company Reg no: 04489574. VAT reg no 816865400. |
<urn:uuid:fcdbb0ac-2e46-4386-a384-c050c2092982>_en | It is a common misconception that women weren’t encouraged in school and education for the same reason men were. In reality, women began to be taught at a young age to read and write as well as to prepare for school. As a result, education levels began to increase for both sexes and the female population became more educated.
The reality is that most of the people who were educated in school did not become good teachers and therefore had to go to college. When you ask a person to do a certain work, they usually have to spend at least a few hours a day working on their skills.
It’s a lot harder to explain why the same people who didn’t have to do all the work would be so well-liked. It’s hard to really explain.
A lot of people don’t have any clue what it is that they’d like to go to college for, so it’s hard to know what it is. But it does appear that education levels in the early 1800s were far higher than they were in the 1800s.
The United States was actually pretty progressive. It was the first country to allow women to vote and it allowed women to teach in public schools. It also allowed women (and men) to hold elected office. It was also the first country to allow women to own property. That said, it was also the first country to allow women to own slaves. They were also the first country to permit interracial marriage. And, we’ve seen a few changes in the U.S.
The United States is not exactly a progressive society. In fact, it is one of the least progressive countries in the world. The only major change that occurred during this time period is that it became the first country where it was legal for a woman to run for president in the U.S. In the 1800s, women could only vote in a few states and they were only allowed to stand and vote in presidential elections once every two years.
We’re talking about a long time ago. A little over 200 years ago. In the early 1800s, women were limited in who they could run for president, and the only way for a woman to stand for office were as one of two women who were running for the office. Even then, it was still not the same as today.
In the 1800s, women were limited in who they could run for president, and the only way for a woman to stand for office was as one of two women who were running for the office. Even then, it was still not the same as today.
The first woman who was running for the office was a woman who had a few years of good health and was probably much happier. She died several years later due to a heart attack. We have no idea why she was there, but we can’t help but wonder why.
In today’s society, women have more rights and opportunities than ever, and it’s not because the women of the 1800s were all happy. |
<urn:uuid:ecf36038-b54c-46e0-a406-2ffdf800ac6d>_en | The street is transformed by redistributing the space in a balanced and equitable way.
Introduce a dedicated transit lane. Transit can be accommodated in a marked transit lane or in a fully separated curbside transitway. Small structured dividers are located before intersections to prevent vehicle incursions. See: Transit facilities.
Ensure that transit stops do not obstruct the sidewalks and are placed in either the parking lane or in the landscaping zone.
Install a parking-protected cycle track to create a safer environment for cyclists. Provide a raised buffer to protect cyclists from dooring.
Provide cycle-share stations to help reduce vehicular traffic and the need for parking. See: Cycle Share.
Widen sidewalks to provide accessibility and increased space for pedestrians and commercial activity. Alternate parking spaces with
additional curb extensions, intermittent landscaping, and dedicated spaces for vendors.
Bury utility lines below grade during reconstruction. See: Utilities.
Consider developing a local permitting process with siting guidelines for vendors. Ensuring that guidelines are enforced and spaces are well-maintained, clean, and free of obstructions will benefit vendors and pedestrians.
Allow wider parking spaces at strategic locations to create loading bays. Restrict freight delivery or encourage off-peak delivery to eliminate double-parking obstructions. |
<urn:uuid:fe8a90bf-3b84-49d7-917f-626d5bbdae01>_en | I. Finish General Introduction from first week.
A. First week: Why study the Bible? What to pray before each reading/study time?
1. To hear God Isaiah 55:3
2. Life Psalm 119:92-93, John 1:2
3. Stability, unchanging truth Matthew 7:24
4. Helps us pray more effectively as we learn God’s will 1John 5:14-15
B. This week: Study and/or Reading?
1. What is the difference between studying the Bible and reading the Bible?
a. reading is once-through; relatively rapid; distance; overview; the forest
b. studying is in-depth; spend time on one section; details; the trees
c. some prefer reading with pray and dependence on the Holy Spirit
d. pastors and teachers must study in addition to reading, so that they can present God’s truth more fully and accurately
e study and reading are both necessary
f. nothing is as wonderful or takes the place of God opening Scripture to us directly as we pray and spend time with him in his Word
2. What activities of study can we be doing as we “spend time” on certain portions of Scripture? What can we be doing as we ask God to “open” his Word to us?
a. participate in a group study, as we are doing now. Example: Pastor Leaf’s study on Nehemiah which lasted over one year
b. read the passage, reread, reread, etc. (As we read and reread the same passage, the Holy Spirit will draw our attention to details of interest we had not noticed before. In the hiking world, this is like hiking the same trail over and over again.)
c. as we notice individual words, phrases, and thoughts, ask questions like a child—what’s this? what does this mean, really? I don’t understand this? is there another way these words could be understood? why this? why that?
d. have a set time and a set place—a structured routine
e. take notes, draw charts, make diagrams, write/journal our thoughts, look at a map, outline
3. What are some resources we may at some point want to use as helpful aids in our study?
a. find a Bible with side, center, or bottom-of-the-page references to look up related passages and words. Let Scripture interpret Scripture.
b. What is a “study” Bible and should we use one?
c. access to more than one translation
4. “Head” knowledge and “heart” knowledge
a. what is head knowledge?
b. what is heart knowledge?
c. which is more important?
d. why might we need both?
i. all of Psalm 119 combines head and heart
Psalm 119 2 Blessed are those who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart– 3 they do no wrong but follow his ways. 4 You have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed.
Psalm 119:11 I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
ii. short answer: We will be judged for our actions, not for our knowledge. Actions proceed from the heart. The head can be a powerful ally of the heart when the head informs the heart and keeps the heart in check. Both need to be brought into submission to Christ.
II. Read the text
A. What is the letter’s tone?
1. friendly, conciliatory, filled with compliments and praise
2. corrective, especially beginning in Chapter 2
3. different than Paul’s tone to the Galatians
a. Paul had founded the church in Galatia; the Galatians were his spiritual children; his emotions were more tied up with them
b. There is no evidence that Paul himself had ever visited Colosse; he may have been writing to strangers
B. What is the letter’s purpose?
2. correction and guidance
3. to protect the integrity of the church’s beliefs
III. Next Week: continue specifics of the Introduction to the Letter; begin studying the text–greeting |
<urn:uuid:21100da3-f6ae-4910-a06c-2d0632e9ea43>_en | Table of Contents
The ruby programming language pdf is available here.
If you need to learn Ruby for programming, this free online book is a good place to start. It’s a simple how-to guide that covers the Ruby language. So, Giving you the tools you need to write programs in the language. Ruby is a dynamic, open-source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.
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Writes tech article. I am a tech gig. I love to continue and research more about tech. I am a tech blog writer and currently writing a blog on this awesome website. |
<urn:uuid:9f3224ae-b7b0-4883-bc94-d1fd034ee1a9>_en | Travel in Space
Learning Level: Primary School
About this Resource
Primary grades. This is a simple talking book about travel in space. It supports the grade 3 science curriculum. Created by Daphne Mercier.
Please Note: These files can only be downloaded on desktop. Visit the SET-BC website on a desktop computer to access them.
Travel in Space (8 MB) |
<urn:uuid:21f71227-4ff8-4497-8524-fbf850adfe21>_en | Dogs do not shy from interacting with other dogs. They like to meet new people and things get more interesting when dogs find another dog. If you have two or more dogs, they might often lick one another. Some dogs also lick the other dog’s mouth and pet parents find it quite strange!
So, why does my dog lick my other dog’s mouth? This question will puzzle you for a while. Being social group animals, dogs try various methods to interact. Licking the other dog’s body or mouth is one of those methods of communication. This post will help you understand your dogs lick each other and why it is important!
Puppies licking other pups or adults
Puppies always rely on adult dogs for their food. Wolf cubs lick their mother’s mouth when it is back from hunting. It is a signal that pups are hungry and then the mother offers food.
Dogs have evolved but their basic behavior has not changed yet. Little puppies lick an adult dog’s mouth to seek food. Some puppies also do it when they want to play.
Experts also believe that young puppies lick adult dogs’ mouths to please them. Suppose your adult pet is not always around the pup, the pup will come to it and lick its mouth. It appears like the puppy is trying to start a new friendship and blend with other dogs.
Adult dogs licking mouth of another adult dog
Some habits of domestic pets do not change and licking adult dogs’ mouth is one of those habits. Suppose you had adopted a puppy along with an adult dog, their relationship will remain the same. The pup will get larger, but its habits won’t change.
Adult dogs also lick one another for grooming and showing affection. Your pet might lick the other pet’s mouth if it has recently munched on some delicious treats. Some people find mouth licking habits weird, but it is completely normal for a dog.
Some submissive dogs lick other adults to show their compliance. It calms aggressive dogs and resolves the conflict.
Mother dogs licking puppies
Mother dogs rarely leave puppies alone. They constantly feed and groom puppies to make them comfortable. Mother dogs often lick the mouth of their puppies to clean them and avoid health problems.
Many other animals lick their offspring for cleansing and showing affection. It is normal behavior and you should not worry about it. Most female dogs target the face, but they also lick the mouth to groom the pup perfectly. Puppies enjoy it and some dogs never forget that display of love. Therefore, they seek more licking and rubbing.
What else does encourage your pooch to lick another dog’s mouth?
The following reasons can encourage your pet to lick another pet’s mouth:
Your dog can smell food!
Did you just feed some mouth-watering treats to the other dog? Your dog can smell it and that pooch will start smelling and licking the other dog’s mouth. It can get pretty curious about what the other dog has just eaten. Your pet also wants to taste it and therefore it is licking the other dog’s mouth.
Consider it a signal that your pet is hungry and it also wants to have the same treats. Feed some good to your pooch and it will stop licking.
It is bonding
Dogs rarely fight when living under the same roof. They always seek a partner to play and it’s like dream come true when you bring another dog home. Your pets will sniff one another, some growling will take place, and then they will lick each other. That’s how a friendship begins and it lasts forever.
Your dog is trying to comfort the other dog
New pets take time to adjust to a new place. If you have recently brought a new pet at home, your old pooch will try to comfort it. Dogs often lick other dogs to comfort them. It can also happen if the other dog is injured. This behavior can continue until the new pet is comfortable in the new environment.
What should you do if your dog does not stop licking?
Licking is common among dogs, but every dog is not a fan of this canine ritual. Some dogs may get angry when another dog is licking their mouth. You won’t like to witness a vicious fight among your loving pets. Therefore, you must take some action to control this behavior.
Treats can do wonders when it comes to controlling certain behaviors of dogs. If your pooch’s mouth licking habit becomes irritating for the other dog, use treats to keep them away. Always feed a few treats whenever your pet licks. It will distract your dog and it might soon avoid licking.
Many toys are designed for dogs. These toys can prevent dogs from biting and licking. Offer toys to your dogs to control their licking behavior. It will keep them away and they won’t approach the mouth to soothe their licking desires!
Feed both dogs together
Dogs may lick mouths when you feed them separately. Pick the same time to feed both dogs. Thus, both will stay full and they may probably avoid licking.
You can also keep dogs in different rooms or areas to prevent them from licking. Keep them away for a few days and their behavior will improve. Licking the mouth is not a bad thing until it occurs occasionally. It becomes an issue when it occurs frequently. That’s the time when you should try the above-suggested solutions. |
<urn:uuid:17381f90-8e2d-487c-92e5-7833539174f1>_en | At this time of year we start to see young birds away from the nest but still begging their parents for food. Raising chicks is a full time job but a few birds, including the brown-headed cowbird, leave parenting to someone else.
Brown-headed cowbirds are a classic example of a nest parasite. Instead of building a nest, the female lays her eggs in the nests of other birds. A single female can lay over 30 eggs in a season but after that she has no further responsibilities. Over 100 different kinds of birds are known to be parasitized but each female has her own preferences.
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Historically brown-headed cowbirds were a grassland species but they can now be found in open country across the continent. As their name suggests, the males have a dark brown head and a black body while the females are plain brown. You can usually find the birds either walking in open areas in search of seeds and insects or sitting at the very top of a tree.
Cowbirds developed their parasitic ways following large herds of bison and other mammals across the plains. They fed on the insects stirred up by millions of moving feet. If the birds took time to nest and raise a family, however, the herds would be long gone so it made sense to simply leave an egg and keep moving. Over the past century the birds have adapted to feeding around cattle and people but they haven’t changed their nesting habits.
Cowbird chicks succeed in their adopted nest because they hatch sooner, grow faster and end up getting more food. Sometimes the cowbird chick will even push un-hatched eggs and even other chicks out of the nest. Young cowbirds usually end up bigger than their adoptive parents and they look rather strange begging food from a bird half their size.
A few species of birds have learned to recognize cowbird eggs and take action. Yellow warblers are a common host but they are too small to push out an egg. Instead they actually build a new nest over top of a parasitized one and lay a new clutch of eggs. Some larger birds will poke a hole in the cowbird egg.
Cowbirds are native to North America and songbirds have been living with them for thousands of years. Human activity, however, is making life easier for the parasites and harder for their hosts. Cowbirds prefer to live in open country and leave their eggs in nests found along the forest edge. As we expand agriculture, build roads and cut lines, and clear trees we create new access for cowbirds and add to the many pressures already facing songbird populations.
The world is full of birds with unusual lifestyles and nest parasitism is just one example. The next time you see a cowbird in a pasture or park, don’t just think of their cheating ways but also imagine these adaptable birds following the great bison herds across the plains. |
<urn:uuid:e95236a5-3d4a-4970-82c2-ed655bd74516>_en | 4. System Software Questions
Post date: 01-Nov-2014 10:26:11
1. (a). Define System software.
(b). Name and explain the main categories of system software.
(c). Name THREE programs which can be classified as ‘System programs’
2. Write short notes on the following:
(a). Text editor.
3. (a). What is a Programming language?
(b). Identify the various types of programming languages.
1. Describe a Firmware.
2. What is an Operating System?
3. (a). What is meant by ‘Machine language’?
(b). What is the difference between machine and Assembly language?
4. (a). Most computer programming is carried out using High-level or Third generation
languages. What is a High-level language?
(b). Name THREE popular High-level programming languages. |
Subsets and Splits