I release you, but can do no more.
Ĭnh achăng ih, mălei ưh kơ gơh pơm kiơ hloh dơ̆ng.
You have as much right to be a knight as any man.
Ih đei lơ trŏ kơ jing bơngai kơtang thoi mă bơngai bu ayơ.
No. Leave me alone.
Ưh. Lê̆ ĭnh adrô̆.
I'm here to help!
Ĭnh tơâu wă tơgŭm!
All you wanna do is pee.
Dôm tơdrong ih wă pơm jơ̆ chă-'nôm.#Dôm tơdrong ih wă pơm jơ̆ chă-bơyơ̆ng.#Dôm tơdrong ih wă pơm jơ̆ chă-hơyô.
And these platforms were certainly very helpful to activists in Tunisia and Egypt this past spring and beyond.
Păng dôm atur âu jơ̆ sĭt đei yuơ tơpă kơ khul bơ̆jang tơ Tunisia păng Egypt pơyan ninơng hlôi âu păng hloh 'biơ̆ dơ̆ng.
He's an architect, and Charlie is deeply concerned about global climate change.
Sư jơ̆ mĭnh 'nu bơngai bơ̆pơm, păng Charlie bơbĕng dêh gah tơdrong tơplih hơyuh yơm jơ̆p bŏlteh.
She took my little girl.
Hăp hlôi iŏk kon drŏkăn 'lơ̆p ĭnh.
No, please, it's not my freedom I seek.
Ưh, 'noh jơ̆ ưh kơ sĭ tơdrong rơngei ĭnh mă ĭnh chơchă ôh.
After all, who am I?
Tuch luch, ĭnh jơ̆ bu?
- I know, Megan.
Ĭnh băt, Megan.
Get all the weapons and ammo you can.
Iŏk đĭ dôm phao kơtuang păng 'brơ̆m ih gơh iŏk.
My daughter will get over it.
Kon drŏkăn ĭnh gô kĕ hlôi tơdrong noh.
- Chancellor Angela Merkel, during a news conference with President Putin.
Kơdră tehđak Angela Merkel, hơdai hăm 'Bok pơgơ̆r Putin hơnang lơ̆m tơjrơ̆m roipơdah.
And Hosain Rahman, the CEO of Aliph Jawbone, you know, really understands that you need a different structure.
Păng Hosain Rahman, Tơ'ngla wei hwơ̆r Aliph Jawbone, ih băt, hlôh mă tơpă noh ih kăl mĭnh pơkăp pha.
The court order to seize organization property owned by Jehovah's Witnesses adds insult to injury.
Nơ̆r athei anih sektơlang pơdŭ iŏk mŭk tơmam tơrô̆ pơjing gah Bơngai Răroi Jehovah yuơ pơthim ming tơdrong pơ'brơh truh tơ tơdrong jĭ rơka.
You've already found him.
Ih kah chă 'bôh sư bơih.
Once there's no tumor to attack, there's nothing for the antibodies to get confused about.
Mưh ưh kơ đei tơpu jĭ ayơ pơjĭ, leijơ̆ lu bơwei akâu ưh kơ đei hơwơ̆l kiơ ôh.
- Okay, well, we are until this is all over.
Huay ôh, lei, bơ̆n oei tơ âu truh kơ tơdrong âu keh đang.
I'll go check on Grandpa.
Ĭnh gô năm hơlen lăng 'Bok.
So the fact that I'm here asking you these questions, it does n't worry you?
Thoi noh tơdrong mă ĭnh truh tơ âu jet ih dôm nơ̆rjet âu, tơdrong âu ưh kơ pơm kơ ih tơtăm ôh?
You're lifting weights.
Ih oei hiŏng kua.
There's another major contributor: the muscle's ability to respond to signals from the brain.
Oei đei mĭnh tơdrong pơgop gĭtkăl nai: Tơdrong grau-mơn huan hăm tơdra băt đơ̆ng 'ngok.
I was a teenager, and at 15 or 16, I guess like all teenagers, we want to just do what we love and what we believe in.
Ĭnh oei mơlôh, păng kơplah 15 dah 16 sơnăm, Ĭnh pơma khan kư̆m leilăi kơ dôm lu mơlôh mơ̆n, nhôn wă pơm lăp tơdrong kiơ nhôn 'maih păng tơdrong kiơ nhôn lui ngeh.
What are you talking about?
Ih oei pơma gah tơdrong kiơ?
Yeah, they all say that.
Ŏ, lu sư pơma thoi ei ngăl.
You could scroll back through it, but interestingly, if you were watching it live, there was this suspense that built because the actual tweets, you had no control over when you would read them.
Ih gơh lôm hơlơ̆k hlôi kơ sư, mălei lăp dêh, tơdah ih lăng tơdrong noh hơmăt, ih gô mơn chhơchhơ̆t yua kơ trong tweets tơpă, ih ưh kơ gơh bơwei jơyan mưh ih wă pơre sư.
Why are you so interested?
Yua kơ kiơ ih bơbĕng dêh?
Come on, do something!
Adrin, pơm kiơ kiơ bĕ!
Oh, come on, your mom is totally doable.
Ô, 'nĕ nơh, mĕ ih gơh pơm tơpă.
- Can I go see her?
- Ĭnh hăm gơh năm tơ'bơ̆p hăp ưh?#- Ĭnh hăm gơh năm tơjrơ̆m hăp ưh?
We do n't have orders to kill innocent people.
Lu nhôn ưh kơ đei nơ̆r athei wă pơlôch bơngai kơyoch ôh.
What if she caught whatever that baby had?
Tơdrong kiơ gô truh tơdah hăp rôp iŏk tơmam mă nge noh đei?
All I know is it's still out there.
Dôm tơdrong ĭnh băt noh jơ̆ oei tơ'nguaih to.
It's not clinical depression.
'Noh ưh kơ trŏ sơ'ngon raih đaih.
I'll follow the rats. "
Ĭnh gô 'moi kiơ̆ lu kơne.
Similarly, governments do n't enact intelligent environmental and labor laws just because politicians wake up one day.
Leilăi thoi noh, dôm khul pơgơ̆r ưh kơ tơlĕch khôi bơ̆jang păng anih hlôh-sơlă lăp yua kơ mĭnh năr ayơ ei khul kơdră pơgơ̆r iung.
But despite these similarities, these creatures also have many biological differences, and one of the most remarkable is how they give birth.
Mălei mă đơ̆ng ưh kơ chu iŏk dôm tơdrong leilăi âu, lu sembrem âu kư̆m đei lơ kơnhĕch găl gah pang pơnhen kon sembrem, păng mĭnh lơ̆m dôm tơdrong trŏ kơ bơbĕng loi jơ̆ lu sư pơjing kon.
Of course there are other challenges -- health care, disease burdens and pandemics, environmental challenges and, of course, radicalized terrorism.
Trŏ thoi noh oei đei dôm pơjrot nai dơ̆ng - wei lăng jơhngơ̆m pran, hơnong trăp tơdrong jĭ jăn păng hơbuh hơbang, pơjrot gah anih rơwơ̆ng păng trŏ bơih 'noh jơ̆ trong gơlong pơrăm pơrai.
Another facet of how microbes get around is by people, and designers often cluster rooms together to facilitate interactions among people, or the sharing of ideas, like in labs and in offices.
Mĭnh pang nai gah pơrang kơmach yơyak jumdăr đơ̆ng kon bơngai păng khul bơngai pơjing pơcheh juăt kơ akŏm lu anih lăm dihbăl wă pơm kơ tơdrong tơ'bưh to âu lăm rim bơngai dah mă klah asong tơdrong tgơchĕng pơwao, thoi lĕ kơ anih pơlong tơdra păng anih jang.
You broke the rules.
Ih kah pơchah tơdrong hơgăt.#Ih kah ưh kơ pơm kiơ̆ tơdrong hơgăt.
There's no wound on his neck.
Ưh kơ đei rơka tơ ako sư.
More importantly, unless and until we solve economic growth and create sustainable, long - term economic growth, we'll be unable to address the seemingly intractable challenges that continue to pervade the globe today, whether it's health care, education or economic development.
Gĭtgăl hloh, ăpmă păng truh kơ bơ̆n gơh tơlang pơkeh gah wơ̆ tŏk mŭk drăm păng pơjing wơ̆ tŏk kơjăp, đunh jơnoi, bơ̆n gô kơgơh tơlang pơkeh dôm tơdrong pơjrot nhen lĕ anat kơ tơlang pơkeh oei pơtrơp lanh jơ̆pjang bŏlteh ahrei âu, mă khan 'noh jơ̆ bơwei jơhngơ̆m pran, tơdrong bơtho tơ'bôh dah wơ̆ tŏk mŭk drăm.
What if you could only see one color?
Đei tơdrong kiơ tơdah ih gơh 'bôh lăp mĭnh pôm gur đech?
See what I mean about the shocks?
Athei hlôh ĭnh wă khan kiơ gah tơdrong kơdrăt?
But one of the most popular ones involves green fluorescent protein.
Mălei mĭnh lơ̆m dôm khul jrah loi 'bơm truh tơ protein hơdah ang jơk hla.
So, I was going to throw some condoms in the room and what not, but I'm not sure it's the etiquette here.
Thoi noh, ĭnh kah wă klơ̆m tŭk dôm tơpu kơsu lơ̆m lăm păng ưh, mălei ĭnh ưh kơ hơđăl 'noh hăm trŏ kơ tơdrong juăt hơgăt tơâu dah ưh.
Hand me my book, honey.
Ăn kơ ĭnh hlabơar, oh 'mêm.
The report includes an annex listing Central Highland prisoners.
Hlak tơbăt hơdai đei mĭnh jăl pơihchă chihproh dôm bơngai bơnă Groi Kông.
If you know the wavelength or frequency of a wave of light, you can also figure out it s energy.
Tơdah ih băt gơlong pohpơ̆ dah kơsô̆ wihwơ̆t 'noh pohpơ̆ ang hơdah, ih kư̆m gơh akŏpjô̆ ayuh sư mơ̆n.
This is from Destroyer.
'Nâu jơ̆ đơ̆ng Bơngai pơrăm pơrai.
Sacrifice anyone, no.
Tơhiong mă bơngai bu bu bưh, ưh ôh.
You trust douchebag Uncle Joey with Angie but not Caitlin?
Ih lui kơ Ma Joey hăm Angie kơlĕl mălei ưh kơsĭ Caitlin?#Ih put kơ ma Joey hăm Angie kơlĕl mălei ưh kơsĭ Caitlin?
And we went away from obviously the beige.
Păng nhôn kah weh đơ̆ng gur be hơđăl bơih.
Well, may I suggest that when the 2 of you... show up in my office after lunch... you do have one.
A, ĭnh hăm gơh phơpho mưh măr biĕm ... truh tơ anih jang ĭnh đơ̆ng rŏng kơ sŏng sa kơ'năr... Măr biĕm jơ̆ gô đei mĭnh pôm.
What the villagers say must be true.
Dôm tơdrong kiơ kon pơlei pơma jơ̆ tơpă ngăl.
The experience of Egan's story, of course, like anything on Twitter, there were multiple ways to experience it.
Tơdrong tơdra hlôi tơdrong hơ'mon Egan, trŏ bơih, nhen thoi mă dôm tơdrong kiơ tơ kơpal Tweeter, đei lơ trong wă tơdra tơdrong noh.
We gotta get out of here now.
Lu nhôn wă lech đơ̆ng âu dang ei.
But you might not know that there are 20 space telescopes in orbit, missions that can each see part of the full spectrum of light.
Mălei ih ưh kơ gơh băt noh đei 20 đingkong rơwơ̆ng kơpal trong gơwang, rim anong jang gơh 'bôh mĭnh pah lơ̆m đĭ đăng ang gom hơdah.
Keep in mind, they're all Democrats.
Athei 'blŏk răk, lu sư noh jơ̆ ngăl kơ Khul Kon Pơlei Pơm Tơm.
Yeah, well, Mom, when you were getting sober you still had the right to see us.
Ŏ, Mĕ ah, mưh ih praih ih oei gơh wă tơjrơ̆m lu nhôn.
But some of the files were left behind intact, and activists, some of them, found their own surveillance dossiers full of transcripts of their email exchanges, their cellphone text message exchanges, even Skype conversations.
Mălei mơ'nah hlaknơ̆r oei plơ̆ngplăk, păng khul bơngai bơ̆jang, mĭnh lơ̆m lu sư, kah chă 'bôh sơ̆p'măn lăngtông kơdih lu sư 'măn 'bĕnh kơ hlak chih dôm tơdrong plihplak email, plihplak pơtruh-nơ̆r nơ̆r-chih lơ̆m dăngkong-chĕpti, kư̆mdai dôm nơ̆r pơma dơnuh lơ̆m Skyes.
Along with over 5,000 other species, they're mammals, or members of class mammalia.
Hơdai hăm yôh kơ 5.000 adrĕch nai, lu sư noh sembrem đei toh dah mă dơnŏ khul sembrem đei toh.
And so in that sense, I'm much more optimistic about what humans can do.
Păng kiơ̆ kơ tơdrong khan 'noh, ĭnh jơ̆ rơnang lơ 'biơ̆ gah dôm tơdrong kiơ mă kon bơngai gơh pơm.
I always see things better.
Ĭnh ling lang 'bôh dôm tơdrong 'lơ̆ng 'biơ̆.
And their sovereignties, cross - cutting, globally interlinked, can in some ways challenge the sovereignties of nation - states in very exciting ways, but sometimes also act to project and extend it at a time when control over what people can and can not do with information has more effect than ever on the exercise of power in our physical world.
Păng tơ'ngla bơwei lu sư, jơ̆pjang, tơlir tơbưh dihbăl jơ̆p bŏlteh, kiơ̆ kơ mĭnh trong thoi yơ 'noh gơh pơjrot tơngla bơwei dôm lu tehđak - tehđak kiơ̆ lu trong iă tơpă, mălei mơ'nah dai bơ̆jang wă kơ tơdă-prŏ păng lang să sư 'bơ̆t kơplah mă rim 'nu bơngai gơh păng kơgơh pơm kiơ hăm tơdrong tơbăt đei atŭt lơ 'biơ̆ kơ đĭ đăng truh tơdrong pơm kiơ̆ tơdrong pơgơ̆r lỡm dêhchar sĕch-akar bơ̆n.
Now all flights from infected areas in South Korea will be diverted to smaller airports – Van Don in the northern Quang Ninh Province, Phu Cat in the south central Binh Dinh Province and Can Tho in the Mekong Delta.
Dang ei dôm chuĕnpăr đơ̆ng lu anih đei jĭ abuh lơ̆m Korea gô tơplih trong păr tơ champăr iĕ 'biơ̆ - Vân Đôn gah tu char Quang Ninh, Phu Cat tơ gah bơbah char Binh Đinh păng Cân Thơ lơ̆m glă-mơnglei krong Cưu Long.
Reviews, ratings, checkmarks: these are the attestations about our identities that we cobble together today and use to lower uncertainty about who we're dealing with.
What are you thinking?
Ih oei tơchĕng kiơ?
It's actually just launched, actually launched on Valentine's Day, February 14, about 10 days ago.
Mă tơpă sư 'nao tơlĕch, mă tơpă jơ̆ kah tơlĕch lơ̆m Năr Giĕng Pơyô, năr 14 khei 2, dang 10 năr yơâu ki.#Mă tơpă sư 'nao tơlĕch, mă tơpă jơ̆ kah tơlĕch lơ̆m Năr Giĕng Tơhưch, năr 14 khei 2, dang 10 năr yơâu ki.
I love feeling the aura of a space that has so much history.
Ĭnh 'maih gơh mơn ang hơdah rơwơ̆ng mă đei lơ tơdrong chih-'măn.
From the dust, we pulled out bacterial cells, broke them open, and compared their gene sequences.
Đơ̆ng teh, nhôn iŏk-tơlĕch dôm lu adrok-tơm pơrang, raih lu sư păng pơting hơrĭ gen lu bơ̆n.
He's, uh... trying out for the knights.
Sư, ô... oei adrin tơgar iŏk lu bơngai kơtang.
Cameron, I was drinking, Caitlin's a junkie!
Cameron, ĭnh oei et sik, Caitlin jơ̆ bơngai et sik dư-mơlŭk.
I'm certain of it.
Ĭnh hơđăl gah tơdrong 'noh.
Yes sire, I do.
Trŏ bơih 'bok, ĭnh băt.
It was blown to pieces at a rest stop.
Sư đôh pơchah pơchek 'bơ̆t anih dơ̆ng pơdơh.
You have situations, for instance, in France where president Sarkozy tells the CEO's of Internet companies, "We're the only legitimate representatives of the public interest."
Pơtih gia, ih đei tơjrơ̆m tơdrong tơ tehđak Phalăng kơplah 'Bok Pơgơ̆r Tơm Sarkozy akhan kơ CEO lu Anihjang Internet khan, "Pôm lu bơ̆n đĕch dơ̆ngtang trŏ'blep khôi kơ tơdrong yuơ lơ̆m kơrơ̆m tơpôl"
The book Sabrina gave you, I wrote it.
Sơ̆p hlabơar Sabrina kah ăn kơ ih, ĭnh kah chih sư.
See, if the cells are frozen, there's very little molecular movement, and diffusion practically stops.
Lăng bĕ, tơdah adrok-tơm krăl, gô đei 'biơ̆ molecular adrŏ, păng bluh-yuh thoi wă jê̆ dơ̆ng hloi.
I do n't see you volunteering to cut your finger - and eternally damn your family members.
Ĭnh ưh kơ 'bôh ih yak adrol wă kăt anglâu ih - păng hlŏng hloi hiap-pơtê̆ dôm bơngai lơ̆m hnam dơnŏ ih.
I've never cast a spell of enchantment this powerful.
Ĭnh tam lah layơ yua sơkat rơhưch kơtang thoi noh.
It is not my destiny.
Noh ưh kơ trŏ tơdrong hơgăt-arih ĭnh ôh.
Do nt worry, Merlin, I know you're trying.
'Nĕ kơ bơngơ̆t, Merlin, ĭnh băt ih oei adrin.
It's very dangerous to get lost in there.
Kuơ̆l lơ̆m noh krê hơmơt dêh.
Succeed and you join the elite.
Jingkeh păng ih mơ̆t tơ khul kơnao kơjung.
So, thank you.
Thoi noh, bơnê kơ ih.
If we had to draw the universe and could only use visible light, it would be like having only one crayon -- pretty sad.
Tơdah bơ̆n khŏm chhơ̆ hông-hang păng yua pôm hơdah măt-'bôh, sư gô nhen thoi đei lăp mĭnh pôm gơ̆rchih gur đĕch - sơ'ngon dêh.
Sodium flows in, and potassium flows out.
Natri tơro mơ̆t păng kali tơro lĕch.
And Robin Li, CEO of Baidu, China's dominant search engine, was one of the recipients.
Păng Robin Li, Tơ'ngla Tơm Hwơ̆r Baidu, tơmam-jang chơchă pơgowxr Sinoa, jơ̆ mĭnh lơ̆m dôm bơngai đei iŏk tơmam bơnê 'nâu.
It therefore needs to be revised as soon as possible.
Thoi noh kăl khŏm mă ming hơmet rai hrôih rai 'lơ̆ng.
Ran into a little problem.
Tơjrơ̆m tơdrong kơtha iĕ.
The key is to maximize the support each assistant provides, not wasting a single kiloliter of fuel.
Tơdrong gĭtkăl jơ̆ pơm tôch ai tơdrong tơgŭm mă rim bơngai tơgŭm đei asong, ưh kơ brahbrư hơya mĭnh kilôlit đak dâu.
You ca n't get anything done in the world without rules.
Ih ưh kow gơh pơm kiơ lơ̆m dêhchar âu tơdah ưh kơ đei tơdrong achơ̆t-hơgăt.
When I got comfortable in the space, it also felt like a big playground.
Hơnang ĭnh mơn hơhau lơ̆m yan rơwơ̆ng, sw kư̆m thoi lĕ kơ mĭnh pôm cham ngôi.
If growth wanes, the risk to human progress and the risk of political and social instability rises, and societies become dimmer, coarser and smaller.
Tơdah tơdrong bluh wơ̆ rơdu, krê hơmơt truh tơ tơdrong tơplih-hơgei kon bơngai păng krê hơmơt ưh kơ hơđơ̆ng tơdrong tơm-pơgơ̆r păng kơdrơ̆m-tơpôl gô tŏk kơjung, hơdai noh kơdrơ̆m-tơpôl jing bơbul hloh, rơ̆l-hmă hloh păng iĕ hloh dơ̆ng.
So it's thanks to the combined efforts of generations of engineers, material scientists, and quantum physicists that this tool of incredible power and precision can spin in the palm of your hand.
Thoi noh, gơnơm kơ tơdrong adrin adran pơpôi akŏm lơ jơhnơr kisư, khul khoa-hŏk tơmam-pơjing păng Khul vât ly̆ lương tư mă tơmam-jang đei kơtang trŏ'blep trŏ kơ kơdrăt âu gơh dăr lơ̆m tơpang ti ih.
You know this for fact?
Ih băt tơdrong 'nâu tơpă?
Jesus, what am I doing.
Yêsu ơi, ĭnh oei pơm kiơ âu?
I think that in both of these examples, you're beginning to see ways in which people are telling stories with nonfiction content that can be built into new types of fictional storytelling.
Ĭnh tơchĕng lơ̆m pơđĭ bar pơtih gia 'nâu, ih pơtơm hlôh dôm trong thoi yơ mă đe roi dôm hơ'mon đei jăl ưh kơ tơpă gơh pơjing jing dôm khul tơdrong hơ'mon ưh kơ tơpă plơ̆ng dơ̆ng.