text2keywords / README.md
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Model Details

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Model Description

Easy models to extract string text to keywords, it can be use for analysys user prompt then query fulltext search in indexed datasets, Apache Lucense, Sphinx...

  • Developed by: HuyRemy
  • Funded by : HuyRemy
  • Shared by : HuyRemy
  • Model type: NLP

Direct Use

import joblib
import nltk
extract_keywords_model = joblib.load('huyremy_keywords_model.pkl')

# Sử dụng model để trích xuất từ khóa từ văn bản
text = """
    Hello! I’m HuyRemy, a Software and Hardware Developer based 
    in Ha Noi. I have completed everything in Electronic Engineering and
    and Electrical Engineering. In the fact I dev this mod for fun and...try it...it work. Good luck.
keywords = extract_keywords_model(text)

# In ra màn hình những từ khóa có tần suất xuất hiện cao nhất
for keyword, count in keywords.most_common():

Attention: Google about me first (Google:HuyRemy) then...lookkkkkkkkkkkkk....what's it ? Uh Mine Jesssieeeeeee...
