--- |
license: apache-2.0 |
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**⚠️ Disclaimer:** |
The huggingface models currently give different results to the detoxify library (see issue [here](https://github.com/unitaryai/detoxify/issues/15)). For the most up to date models we recommend using the models from https://github.com/unitaryai/detoxify |
# 🙊 Detoxify |
## Toxic Comment Classification with ⚡ Pytorch Lightning and 🤗 Transformers |
</div> |
## Description |
Trained models & code to predict toxic comments on 3 Jigsaw challenges: Toxic comment classification, Unintended Bias in Toxic comments, Multilingual toxic comment classification. |
Built by [Laura Hanu](https://laurahanu.github.io/) at [Unitary](https://www.unitary.ai/), where we are working to stop harmful content online by interpreting visual content in context. |
Dependencies: |
- For inference: |
- 🤗 Transformers |
- ⚡ Pytorch lightning |
- For training will also need: |
- Kaggle API (to download data) |
| Challenge | Year | Goal | Original Data Source | Detoxify Model Name | Top Kaggle Leaderboard Score | Detoxify Score |
|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |
| [Toxic Comment Classification Challenge](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-toxic-comment-classification-challenge) | 2018 | build a multi-headed model that’s capable of detecting different types of of toxicity like threats, obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. | Wikipedia Comments | `original` | 0.98856 | 0.98636 |
| [Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification) | 2019 | build a model that recognizes toxicity and minimizes this type of unintended bias with respect to mentions of identities. You'll be using a dataset labeled for identity mentions and optimizing a metric designed to measure unintended bias. | Civil Comments | `unbiased` | 0.94734 | 0.93639 |
| [Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-multilingual-toxic-comment-classification) | 2020 | build effective multilingual models | Wikipedia Comments + Civil Comments | `multilingual` | 0.9536 | 0.91655* |
*Score not directly comparable since it is obtained on the validation set provided and not on the test set. To update when the test labels are made available. |
It is also noteworthy to mention that the top leadearboard scores have been achieved using model ensembles. The purpose of this library was to build something user-friendly and straightforward to use. |
## Limitations and ethical considerations |
If words that are associated with swearing, insults or profanity are present in a comment, it is likely that it will be classified as toxic, regardless of the tone or the intent of the author e.g. humorous/self-deprecating. This could present some biases towards already vulnerable minority groups. |
The intended use of this library is for research purposes, fine-tuning on carefully constructed datasets that reflect real world demographics and/or to aid content moderators in flagging out harmful content quicker. |
Some useful resources about the risk of different biases in toxicity or hate speech detection are: |
- [The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection](https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~msap/pdfs/sap2019risk.pdf) |
- [Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.04009.pdf%201.pdf) |
- [Racial Bias in Hate Speech and Abusive Language Detection Datasets](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.12516.pdf) |
## Quick prediction |
The `multilingual` model has been trained on 7 different languages so it should only be tested on: `english`, `french`, `spanish`, `italian`, `portuguese`, `turkish` or `russian`. |
```bash |
# install detoxify |
pip install detoxify |
``` |
```python |
from detoxify import Detoxify |
# each model takes in either a string or a list of strings |
results = Detoxify('original').predict('example text') |
results = Detoxify('unbiased').predict(['example text 1','example text 2']) |
results = Detoxify('multilingual').predict(['example text','exemple de texte','texto de ejemplo','testo di esempio','texto de exemplo','örnek metin','пример текста']) |
# optional to display results nicely (will need to pip install pandas) |
import pandas as pd |
print(pd.DataFrame(results, index=input_text).round(5)) |
``` |
For more details check the Prediction section. |
## Labels |
All challenges have a toxicity label. The toxicity labels represent the aggregate ratings of up to 10 annotators according the following schema: |
- **Very Toxic** (a very hateful, aggressive, or disrespectful comment that is very likely to make you leave a discussion or give up on sharing your perspective) |
- **Toxic** (a rude, disrespectful, or unreasonable comment that is somewhat likely to make you leave a discussion or give up on sharing your perspective) |
- **Hard to Say** |
- **Not Toxic** |
More information about the labelling schema can be found [here](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification/data). |
### Toxic Comment Classification Challenge |
This challenge includes the following labels: |
- `toxic` |
- `severe_toxic` |
- `obscene` |
- `threat` |
- `insult` |
- `identity_hate` |
### Jigsaw Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification |
This challenge has 2 types of labels: the main toxicity labels and some additional identity labels that represent the identities mentioned in the comments. |
Only identities with more than 500 examples in the test set (combined public and private) are included during training as additional labels and in the evaluation calculation. |
- `toxicity` |
- `severe_toxicity` |
- `obscene` |
- `threat` |
- `insult` |
- `identity_attack` |
- `sexual_explicit` |
Identity labels used: |
- `male` |
- `female` |
- `homosexual_gay_or_lesbian` |
- `christian` |
- `jewish` |
- `muslim` |
- `black` |
- `white` |
- `psychiatric_or_mental_illness` |
A complete list of all the identity labels available can be found [here](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification/data). |
### Jigsaw Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification |
Since this challenge combines the data from the previous 2 challenges, it includes all labels from above, however the final evaluation is only on: |
- `toxicity` |
## How to run |
First, install dependencies |
```bash |
# clone project |
git clone https://github.com/unitaryai/detoxify |
# create virtual env |
python3 -m venv toxic-env |
source toxic-env/bin/activate |
# install project |
pip install -e detoxify |
cd detoxify |
# for training |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
``` |
## Prediction |
Trained models summary: |
|Model name| Transformer type| Data from |
|:--:|:--:|:--:| |
|`original`| `bert-base-uncased` | Toxic Comment Classification Challenge |
|`unbiased`| `roberta-base`| Unintended Bias in Toxicity Classification |
|`multilingual`| `xlm-roberta-base`| Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification |
For a quick prediction can run the example script on a comment directly or from a txt containing a list of comments. |
```bash |
# load model via torch.hub |
python run_prediction.py --input 'example' --model_name original |
# load model from from checkpoint path |
python run_prediction.py --input 'example' --from_ckpt_path model_path |
# save results to a .csv file |
python run_prediction.py --input test_set.txt --model_name original --save_to results.csv |
# to see usage |
python run_prediction.py --help |
``` |
Checkpoints can be downloaded from the latest release or via the Pytorch hub API with the following names: |
- `toxic_bert` |
- `unbiased_toxic_roberta` |
- `multilingual_toxic_xlm_r` |
```bash |
model = torch.hub.load('unitaryai/detoxify','toxic_bert') |
``` |
Importing detoxify in python: |
```python |
from detoxify import Detoxify |
results = Detoxify('original').predict('some text') |
results = Detoxify('unbiased').predict(['example text 1','example text 2']) |
results = Detoxify('multilingual').predict(['example text','exemple de texte','texto de ejemplo','testo di esempio','texto de exemplo','örnek metin','пример текста']) |
# to display results nicely |
import pandas as pd |
print(pd.DataFrame(results,index=input_text).round(5)) |
``` |
## Training |
If you do not already have a Kaggle account: |
- you need to create one to be able to download the data |
- go to My Account and click on Create New API Token - this will download a kaggle.json file |
- make sure this file is located in ~/.kaggle |
```bash |
# create data directory |
mkdir jigsaw_data |
cd jigsaw_data |
# download data |
kaggle competitions download -c jigsaw-toxic-comment-classification-challenge |
kaggle competitions download -c jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification |
kaggle competitions download -c jigsaw-multilingual-toxic-comment-classification |
``` |
## Start Training |
### Toxic Comment Classification Challenge |
```bash |
python create_val_set.py |
python train.py --config configs/Toxic_comment_classification_BERT.json |
``` |
### Unintended Bias in Toxicicity Challenge |
```bash |
python train.py --config configs/Unintended_bias_toxic_comment_classification_RoBERTa.json |
``` |
### Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification |
This is trained in 2 stages. First, train on all available data, and second, train only on the translated versions of the first challenge. |
The [translated data](https://www.kaggle.com/miklgr500/jigsaw-train-multilingual-coments-google-api) can be downloaded from Kaggle in french, spanish, italian, portuguese, turkish, and russian (the languages available in the test set). |
```bash |
# stage 1 |
python train.py --config configs/Multilingual_toxic_comment_classification_XLMR.json |
# stage 2 |
python train.py --config configs/Multilingual_toxic_comment_classification_XLMR_stage2.json |
``` |
### Monitor progress with tensorboard |
```bash |
tensorboard --logdir=./saved |
``` |
## Model Evaluation |
### Toxic Comment Classification Challenge |
This challenge is evaluated on the mean AUC score of all the labels. |
```bash |
python evaluate.py --checkpoint saved/lightning_logs/checkpoints/example_checkpoint.pth --test_csv test.csv |
``` |
### Unintended Bias in Toxicicity Challenge |
This challenge is evaluated on a novel bias metric that combines different AUC scores to balance overall performance. More information on this metric [here](https://www.kaggle.com/c/jigsaw-unintended-bias-in-toxicity-classification/overview/evaluation). |
```bash |
python evaluate.py --checkpoint saved/lightning_logs/checkpoints/example_checkpoint.pth --test_csv test.csv |
# to get the final bias metric |
python model_eval/compute_bias_metric.py |
``` |
### Multilingual Toxic Comment Classification |
This challenge is evaluated on the AUC score of the main toxic label. |
```bash |
python evaluate.py --checkpoint saved/lightning_logs/checkpoints/example_checkpoint.pth --test_csv test.csv |
``` |
### Citation |
``` |
@misc{Detoxify, |
title={Detoxify}, |
author={Hanu, Laura and {Unitary team}}, |
howpublished={Github. https://github.com/unitaryai/detoxify}, |
year={2020} |
} |
``` |