# Compatibility with Other Libraries |
## Compatibility with Detectron (and maskrcnn-benchmark) |
Detectron2 addresses some legacy issues left in Detectron. As a result, their models |
are not compatible: |
running inference with the same model weights will produce different results in the two code bases. |
The major differences regarding inference are: |
- The height and width of a box with corners (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is now computed more naturally as |
width = x2 - x1 and height = y2 - y1; |
In Detectron, a "+ 1" was added both height and width. |
Note that the relevant ops in Caffe2 have [adopted this change of convention](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/20550) |
with an extra option. |
So it is still possible to run inference with a Detectron2-trained model in Caffe2. |
The change in height/width calculations most notably changes: |
- encoding/decoding in bounding box regression. |
- non-maximum suppression. The effect here is very negligible, though. |
- RPN now uses simpler anchors with fewer quantization artifacts. |
In Detectron, the anchors were quantized and |
[do not have accurate areas](https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/issues/227). |
In Detectron2, the anchors are center-aligned to feature grid points and not quantized. |
- Classification layers have a different ordering of class labels. |
This involves any trainable parameter with shape (..., num_categories + 1, ...). |
In Detectron2, integer labels [0, K-1] correspond to the K = num_categories object categories |
and the label "K" corresponds to the special "background" category. |
In Detectron, label "0" means background, and labels [1, K] correspond to the K categories. |
- ROIAlign is implemented differently. The new implementation is [available in Caffe2](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/23706). |
1. All the ROIs are shifted by half a pixel compared to Detectron in order to create better image-feature-map alignment. |
See `layers/roi_align.py` for details. |
To enable the old behavior, use `ROIAlign(aligned=False)`, or `POOLER_TYPE=ROIAlign` instead of |
`ROIAlignV2` (the default). |
1. The ROIs are not required to have a minimum size of 1. |
This will lead to tiny differences in the output, but should be negligible. |
- Mask inference function is different. |
In Detectron2, the "paste_mask" function is different and should be more accurate than in Detectron. This change |
can improve mask AP on COCO by ~0.5% absolute. |
There are some other differences in training as well, but they won't affect |
model-level compatibility. The major ones are: |
- We fixed a [bug](https://github.com/facebookresearch/Detectron/issues/459) in |
Detectron, by making `RPN.POST_NMS_TOPK_TRAIN` per-image, rather than per-batch. |
The fix may lead to a small accuracy drop for a few models (e.g. keypoint |
detection) and will require some parameter tuning to match the Detectron results. |
- For simplicity, we change the default loss in bounding box regression to L1 loss, instead of smooth L1 loss. |
We have observed that this tends to slightly decrease box AP50 while improving box AP for higher |
overlap thresholds (and leading to a slight overall improvement in box AP). |
- We interpret the coordinates in COCO bounding box and segmentation annotations |
as coordinates in range `[0, width]` or `[0, height]`. The coordinates in |
COCO keypoint annotations are interpreted as pixel indices in range `[0, width - 1]` or `[0, height - 1]`. |
Note that this affects how flip augmentation is implemented. |
[This article](https://ppwwyyxx.com/blog/2021/Where-are-Pixels/) |
explains more details on the above mentioned issues |
about pixels, coordinates, and "+1"s. |
## Compatibility with Caffe2 |
As mentioned above, despite the incompatibilities with Detectron, the relevant |
ops have been implemented in Caffe2. |
Therefore, models trained with detectron2 can be converted in Caffe2. |
See [Deployment](../tutorials/deployment.md) for the tutorial. |
## Compatibility with TensorFlow |
Most ops are available in TensorFlow, although some tiny differences in |
the implementation of resize / ROIAlign / padding need to be addressed. |
A working conversion script is provided by [tensorpack Faster R-CNN](https://github.com/tensorpack/tensorpack/tree/master/examples/FasterRCNN/convert_d2) |
to run a standard detectron2 model in TensorFlow. |