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《墨心》 昔涓子《琴心》,王孙《巧心》,心哉美矣,故用之焉。

(ENG below)


《疏可走马》 字画疏处可以走马,密处不使透风。

这是一个和墨心搭配使用的构图Lora, 一旦使用并再最前前置提示词后,就会采用较大面积留白的构图风格。可以在版本处找到他

注意事项: 1.)CFG范围将会改变风格

1~3 : 大小写意

3~7 : 逐渐工笔

2.)推荐基础模型为国风3.2( GuoFeng3.2 )




"MoXin" Xi Juanzi "Qinxin". Wangsun "QiaoXin", Xin zai mei yi, gu yong zhi yan.

MoXin is a Lora based on Chinese painting Masters trained from Ming and Qing dynasties.

“Shukezouma” Zi hua shu chu ke yi zou ma, mi chu bu shi tou feng. This is a Lora that major functions in Traditionla Chinese painting composition. Once it is used and preceded by "shukezouma" prompts in the very beginning, it adopts a composition style featuring a large area of negative space.


1.) The result style will change within the following CFG ranges:

1~3 : Xieyi Painting

3~7 : Gongbi Painting

2.) It is recommended to use the GuoFeng3.2 model as a base.

3.) It is recommended to use "MoXin"'s Lora weight of 0.85 or lower.

4.) It is recommended to use "Shukezouma"'s Lora weight between 0.7~1