Crypto-AI-Agent /
ziixh's picture
0270ffa verified
import gradio as gr
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import feedparser
from textblob import TextBlob
from statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters import ExponentialSmoothing
# Function to fetch cryptocurrency data
def get_crypto_data(symbol, period="30d", interval="1h"):
crypto = yf.Ticker(f"{symbol}-USD")
data = crypto.history(period=period, interval=interval)
return data
# Function to calculate RSI
def calculate_rsi(data, period=14):
delta = data['Close'].diff()
gain = (delta.where(delta > 0, 0)).rolling(window=period).mean()
loss = (-delta.where(delta < 0, 0)).rolling(window=period).mean()
rs = gain / loss
rsi = 100 - (100 / (1 + rs))
return rsi
# Function to calculate MACD
def calculate_macd(data, short_window=12, long_window=26, signal_window=9):
short_ema = data['Close'].ewm(span=short_window, adjust=False).mean()
long_ema = data['Close'].ewm(span=long_window, adjust=False).mean()
macd = short_ema - long_ema
signal = macd.ewm(span=signal_window, adjust=False).mean()
return macd, signal
# Function to calculate EMA
def calculate_ema(data, period=20):
return data['Close'].ewm(span=period, adjust=False).mean()
# Function to calculate ATR
def calculate_atr(data, period=14):
high_low = data['High'] - data['Low']
high_close = np.abs(data['High'] - data['Close'].shift())
low_close = np.abs(data['Low'] - data['Close'].shift())
true_range = pd.concat([high_low, high_close, low_close], axis=1).max(axis=1)
atr = true_range.rolling(window=period).mean()
return atr
# Function to calculate Stochastic Oscillator
def calculate_stochastic(data, period=14):
high = data['High'].rolling(window=period).max()
low = data['Low'].rolling(window=period).min()
stoch_k = 100 * ((data['Close'] - low) / (high - low))
stoch_d = stoch_k.rolling(window=3).mean()
return stoch_k, stoch_d
# Function to calculate Bollinger Bands
def calculate_bollinger_bands(data, period=20, std_dev=2):
sma = data['Close'].rolling(window=period).mean()
std = data['Close'].rolling(window=period).std()
upper_band = sma + (std * std_dev)
lower_band = sma - (std * std_dev)
return upper_band, lower_band
# Function to calculate On-Balance Volume (OBV)
def calculate_obv(data):
obv = (np.sign(data['Close'].diff()) * data['Volume']).cumsum()
return obv
# Function to calculate Average Directional Index (ADX)
def calculate_adx(data, period=14):
high = data['High']
low = data['Low']
close = data['Close']
# Calculate +DM and -DM
plus_dm = high.diff()
minus_dm = -low.diff()
plus_dm[plus_dm < 0] = 0
minus_dm[minus_dm < 0] = 0
# Calculate True Range (TR)
tr = pd.concat([high - low, abs(high - close.shift()), abs(low - close.shift())], axis=1).max(axis=1)
# Calculate +DI and -DI
plus_di = 100 * (plus_dm.ewm(alpha=1/period).mean() / tr.ewm(alpha=1/period).mean())
minus_di = 100 * (minus_dm.ewm(alpha=1/period).mean() / tr.ewm(alpha=1/period).mean())
# Calculate ADX
dx = 100 * abs(plus_di - minus_di) / (plus_di + minus_di)
adx = dx.ewm(alpha=1/period).mean()
return adx
# Function to calculate Fibonacci Retracement levels
def calculate_fibonacci_levels(data):
high = data['High'].max()
low = data['Low'].min()
diff = high - low
return {
"23.6%": high - diff * 0.236,
"38.2%": high - diff * 0.382,
"50%": high - diff * 0.5,
"61.8%": high - diff * 0.618,
"78.6%": high - diff * 0.786,
# Function to calculate probabilities
def calculate_probabilities(data):
# Calculate indicators
data['RSI'] = calculate_rsi(data)
data['MACD'], data['MACD_Signal'] = calculate_macd(data)
data['EMA_50'] = calculate_ema(data, period=50)
data['EMA_200'] = calculate_ema(data, period=200)
data['ATR'] = calculate_atr(data)
data['Stoch_K'], data['Stoch_D'] = calculate_stochastic(data)
data['Upper_Band'], data['Lower_Band'] = calculate_bollinger_bands(data)
data['OBV'] = calculate_obv(data)
data['ADX'] = calculate_adx(data)
# Use the most recent values for predictions
recent_data = data.iloc[-1]
# Calculate probabilities
probabilities = {
"RSI": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"MACD": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"EMA": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"ATR": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"Stochastic": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"Bollinger Bands": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"OBV": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
"ADX": {"Pump": 0, "Dump": 0},
rsi = recent_data['RSI']
if rsi < 25:
probabilities["RSI"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif 25 <= rsi < 30:
probabilities["RSI"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif 70 < rsi <= 75:
probabilities["RSI"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif rsi > 75:
probabilities["RSI"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
macd = recent_data['MACD']
macd_signal = recent_data['MACD_Signal']
if macd > macd_signal and macd > 0:
probabilities["MACD"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif macd > macd_signal and macd <= 0:
probabilities["MACD"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif macd < macd_signal and macd >= 0:
probabilities["MACD"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif macd < macd_signal and macd < 0:
probabilities["MACD"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
ema_short = recent_data['EMA_50']
ema_long = recent_data['EMA_200']
close = recent_data['Close']
if ema_short > ema_long and close > ema_short:
probabilities["EMA"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif ema_short > ema_long and close <= ema_short:
probabilities["EMA"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif ema_short < ema_long and close >= ema_short:
probabilities["EMA"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif ema_short < ema_long and close < ema_short:
probabilities["EMA"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
atr = recent_data['ATR']
if atr > 100:
probabilities["ATR"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif 50 < atr <= 100:
probabilities["ATR"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif -100 <= atr < -50:
probabilities["ATR"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif atr < -100:
probabilities["ATR"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
# Stochastic Oscillator
stoch_k = recent_data['Stoch_K']
stoch_d = recent_data['Stoch_D']
if stoch_k < 20 and stoch_d < 20:
probabilities["Stochastic"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif 20 <= stoch_k < 30 and 20 <= stoch_d < 30:
probabilities["Stochastic"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif 70 < stoch_k <= 80 and 70 < stoch_d <= 80:
probabilities["Stochastic"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif stoch_k > 80 and stoch_d > 80:
probabilities["Stochastic"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
# Bollinger Bands
close = recent_data['Close']
upper_band = recent_data['Upper_Band']
lower_band = recent_data['Lower_Band']
if close <= lower_band:
probabilities["Bollinger Bands"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif lower_band < close <= lower_band * 1.05:
probabilities["Bollinger Bands"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif upper_band * 0.95 <= close < upper_band:
probabilities["Bollinger Bands"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif close >= upper_band:
probabilities["Bollinger Bands"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
obv = recent_data['OBV']
if obv > 100000:
probabilities["OBV"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif 50000 < obv <= 100000:
probabilities["OBV"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif -100000 <= obv < -50000:
probabilities["OBV"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif obv < -100000:
probabilities["OBV"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
adx = recent_data['ADX']
if adx > 25:
probabilities["ADX"]["Pump"] = 90 # Strong Pump
elif 20 < adx <= 25:
probabilities["ADX"]["Pump"] = 60 # Moderate Pump
elif 15 < adx <= 20:
probabilities["ADX"]["Dump"] = 60 # Moderate Dump
elif adx <= 15:
probabilities["ADX"]["Dump"] = 90 # Strong Dump
return probabilities, recent_data
# Function to predict future prices using Exponential Smoothing
def predict_price(data, days=7):
# Prepare data for Exponential Smoothing
df = data[['Close']]
# Train the model
model = ExponentialSmoothing(df, trend="add", seasonal="add", seasonal_periods=7)
fit =
# Make future predictions
forecast = fit.forecast(steps=days)
# Format predictions with dates
last_date = data.index[-1]
dates = pd.date_range(start=last_date + timedelta(days=1), periods=days)
forecast_df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates, "Price": forecast})
forecast_df["Date"] = forecast_df["Date"].dt.strftime("%B %d") # Format as "Month Day"
forecast_df["Price"] = forecast_df["Price"].round(2)
return forecast_df
except Exception as e:
return f"Error predicting prices: {e}"
# Function to fetch news from top 5 crypto news sites and perform sentiment analysis
def fetch_crypto_news(symbol):
# List of RSS feeds for top 5 crypto news sites
rss_feeds = [
news_items = []
for feed_url in rss_feeds:
feed = feedparser.parse(feed_url)
for entry in feed.entries[:5]: # Limit to 5 articles per site
if symbol.lower() in entry.title.lower() or symbol.lower() in entry.summary.lower():
# Perform sentiment analysis on the article title
analysis = TextBlob(entry.title)
sentiment = "Bullish" if analysis.sentiment.polarity > 0 else "Bearish" if analysis.sentiment.polarity < 0 else "Neutral"
# Format the date as "Month Day"
published_date = datetime.strptime(entry.published, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z").strftime("%B %d")
# Extract website name from the link
website ="//")[1].split("/")[0]
"title": entry.title,
"website": website,
"sentiment": sentiment,
"published": published_date,
return news_items[:5] # Return top 5 articles
except Exception as e:
return f"Error fetching crypto news: {e}"
# Gradio Interface
def crypto_app(symbol):
if symbol:
# Fetch data
data = get_crypto_data(symbol)
if data.empty:
return f"No data found for {symbol}. Please check the symbol and try again."
# Ensure the DataFrame has enough rows
if len(data) < 20:
return f"Not enough data to calculate indicators. Only {len(data)} rows available. Please try a longer period."
# Calculate probabilities
probabilities, recent_data = calculate_probabilities(data)
# Predict future prices
price_predictions = predict_price(data)
# Fetch crypto news and sentiment
news_items = fetch_crypto_news(symbol)
# Calculate Fibonacci Retracement levels
fib_levels = calculate_fibonacci_levels(data)
# Prepare output
output = f"**{symbol} Pump/Dump Probabilities:**\n"
for indicator, values in probabilities.items():
output += f"- **{indicator}**: Pump: {values['Pump']:.2f}%, Dump: {values['Dump']:.2f}%\n"
output += "\n**Price Predictions (Next 7 Days):**\n"
if isinstance(price_predictions, pd.DataFrame):
output += price_predictions.to_string(index=False)
output += price_predictions
output += "\n\n**Fibonacci Retracement Levels:**\n"
for level, price in fib_levels.items():
output += f"- **{level}**: ${price:.2f}\n"
output += "\n**Latest Crypto News Sentiment:**\n"
if isinstance(news_items, list):
for news in news_items:
output += f"- **{news['title']}** ({news['sentiment']}) - {news['website']}\n"
output += news_items
return output
return "Please enter a cryptocurrency symbol."
# Gradio Interface with Background Image
iface = gr.Interface(
inputs=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter cryptocurrency symbol (e.g., ETH, BTC)"),
title="Crypto AI Agent πŸ“ˆπŸ“‰",
description="This app provides technical indicator-based predictions, price forecasts, and sentiment analysis for any cryptocurrency.",
theme="default", # Use a theme that supports custom backgrounds
css=".gradio-container { background-image: url(''); background-size: cover; }",