import functools |
from itertools import islice |
from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple |
from pathlib import Path |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf |
from torchmetrics import MetricCollection |
from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from logger import logger, EXPERIMENTS_PATH |
from dataset.torch import collate, unbatch_to_device |
from models.voting import argmax_xyr, fuse_gps |
from models.metrics import AngleError, LateralLongitudinalError, Location2DError |
from module import GenericModule |
from utils.io import download_file, DATA_URL |
from evaluation.viz import plot_example_single, plot_example_sequential |
from evaluation.utils import write_dump |
pretrained_models = dict( |
OrienterNet_MGL=("orienternet_mgl.ckpt", dict(num_rotations=256)), |
) |
def resolve_checkpoint_path(experiment_or_path: str) -> Path: |
path = Path(experiment_or_path) |
if not path.exists(): |
path = Path(EXPERIMENTS_PATH, *experiment_or_path.split("/")) |
if not path.exists(): |
if experiment_or_path in set(p for p, _ in pretrained_models.values()): |
download_file(f"{DATA_URL}/{experiment_or_path}", path) |
else: |
raise FileNotFoundError(path) |
if path.is_file(): |
return path |
maybe_path = path / "last-step-v1.ckpt" |
if not maybe_path.exists(): |
maybe_path = path / "last.ckpt" |
if not maybe_path.exists(): |
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find any checkpoint in {path}.") |
return maybe_path |
@torch.no_grad() |
def evaluate_single_image( |
dataloader: torch.utils.data.DataLoader, |
model: GenericModule, |
num: Optional[int] = None, |
callback: Optional[Callable] = None, |
progress: bool = True, |
mask_index: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, |
has_gps: bool = False, |
): |
ppm = model.model.conf.pixel_per_meter |
metrics = MetricCollection(model.model.metrics()) |
metrics["directional_error"] = LateralLongitudinalError(ppm) |
if has_gps: |
metrics["xy_gps_error"] = Location2DError("uv_gps", ppm) |
metrics["xy_fused_error"] = Location2DError("uv_fused", ppm) |
metrics["yaw_fused_error"] = AngleError("yaw_fused") |
metrics = metrics.to(model.device) |
for i, batch_ in enumerate( |
islice(tqdm(dataloader, total=num, disable=not progress), num) |
): |
batch = model.transfer_batch_to_device(batch_, model.device, i) |
if mask_index is not None: |
mask = batch["map"][0, mask_index[0]] == (mask_index[1] + 1) |
batch["map"][0, mask_index[0]][mask] = 0 |
pred = model(batch) |
if has_gps: |
(uv_gps,) = pred["uv_gps"] = batch["uv_gps"] |
pred["log_probs_fused"] = fuse_gps( |
pred["log_probs"], uv_gps, ppm, sigma=batch["accuracy_gps"] |
) |
uvt_fused = argmax_xyr(pred["log_probs_fused"]) |
pred["uv_fused"] = uvt_fused[..., :2] |
pred["yaw_fused"] = uvt_fused[..., -1] |
del uv_gps, uvt_fused |
results = metrics(pred, batch) |
if callback is not None: |
callback( |
i, model, unbatch_to_device(pred), unbatch_to_device(batch_), results |
) |
del batch_, batch, pred, results |
return metrics.cpu() |
@torch.no_grad() |
def evaluate_sequential( |
dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset, |
chunk2idx: Dict, |
model: GenericModule, |
num: Optional[int] = None, |
shuffle: bool = False, |
callback: Optional[Callable] = None, |
progress: bool = True, |
num_rotations: int = 512, |
mask_index: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, |
has_gps: bool = True, |
): |
chunk_keys = list(chunk2idx) |
if shuffle: |
chunk_keys = [chunk_keys[i] for i in torch.randperm(len(chunk_keys))] |
if num is not None: |
chunk_keys = chunk_keys[:num] |
lengths = [len(chunk2idx[k]) for k in chunk_keys] |
logger.info( |
"Min/max/med lengths: %d/%d/%d, total number of images: %d", |
min(lengths), |
np.median(lengths), |
max(lengths), |
sum(lengths), |
) |
viz = callback is not None |
metrics = MetricCollection(model.model.metrics()) |
ppm = model.model.conf.pixel_per_meter |
metrics["directional_error"] = LateralLongitudinalError(ppm) |
metrics["xy_seq_error"] = Location2DError("uv_seq", ppm) |
metrics["yaw_seq_error"] = AngleError("yaw_seq") |
metrics["directional_seq_error"] = LateralLongitudinalError(ppm, key="uv_seq") |
if has_gps: |
metrics["xy_gps_error"] = Location2DError("uv_gps", ppm) |
metrics["xy_gps_seq_error"] = Location2DError("uv_gps_seq", ppm) |
metrics["yaw_gps_seq_error"] = AngleError("yaw_gps_seq") |
metrics = metrics.to(model.device) |
keys_save = ["uvr_max", "uv_max", "yaw_max", "uv_expectation"] |
if has_gps: |
keys_save.append("uv_gps") |
if viz: |
keys_save.append("log_probs") |
for chunk_index, key in enumerate(tqdm(chunk_keys, disable=not progress)): |
indices = chunk2idx[key] |
aligner = RigidAligner(track_priors=viz, num_rotations=num_rotations) |
if has_gps: |
aligner_gps = GPSAligner(track_priors=viz, num_rotations=num_rotations) |
batches = [] |
preds = [] |
for i in indices: |
data = dataset[i] |
data = model.transfer_batch_to_device(data, model.device, 0) |
pred = model(collate([data])) |
canvas = data["canvas"] |
data["xy_geo"] = xy = canvas.to_xy(data["uv"].double()) |
data["yaw"] = yaw = data["roll_pitch_yaw"][-1].double() |
aligner.update(pred["log_probs"][0], canvas, xy, yaw) |
if has_gps: |
(uv_gps) = pred["uv_gps"] = data["uv_gps"][None] |
xy_gps = canvas.to_xy(uv_gps.double()) |
aligner_gps.update(xy_gps, data["accuracy_gps"], canvas, xy, yaw) |
if not viz: |
data.pop("image") |
data.pop("map") |
batches.append(data) |
preds.append({k: pred[k][0] for k in keys_save}) |
del pred |
xy_gt = torch.stack([b["xy_geo"] for b in batches]) |
yaw_gt = torch.stack([b["yaw"] for b in batches]) |
aligner.compute() |
xy_seq, yaw_seq = aligner.transform(xy_gt, yaw_gt) |
if has_gps: |
aligner_gps.compute() |
xy_gps_seq, yaw_gps_seq = aligner_gps.transform(xy_gt, yaw_gt) |
results = [] |
for i in range(len(indices)): |
preds[i]["uv_seq"] = batches[i]["canvas"].to_uv(xy_seq[i]).float() |
preds[i]["yaw_seq"] = yaw_seq[i].float() |
if has_gps: |
preds[i]["uv_gps_seq"] = ( |
batches[i]["canvas"].to_uv(xy_gps_seq[i]).float() |
) |
preds[i]["yaw_gps_seq"] = yaw_gps_seq[i].float() |
results.append(metrics(preds[i], batches[i])) |
if viz: |
callback(chunk_index, model, batches, preds, results, aligner) |
del aligner, preds, batches, results |
return metrics.cpu() |
def evaluate( |
experiment: str, |
cfg: DictConfig, |
dataset, |
split: str, |
sequential: bool = False, |
output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, |
callback: Optional[Callable] = None, |
num_workers: int = 1, |
viz_kwargs=None, |
**kwargs, |
): |
if experiment in pretrained_models: |
experiment, cfg_override = pretrained_models[experiment] |
cfg = OmegaConf.merge(OmegaConf.create(dict(model=cfg_override)), cfg) |
logger.info("Evaluating model %s with config %s", experiment, cfg) |
checkpoint_path = resolve_checkpoint_path(experiment) |
model = GenericModule.load_from_checkpoint( |
checkpoint_path, cfg=cfg, find_best=not experiment.endswith(".ckpt") |
) |
model = model.eval() |
if torch.cuda.is_available(): |
model = model.cuda() |
dataset.prepare_data() |
dataset.setup() |
if output_dir is not None: |
output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) |
if callback is None: |
if sequential: |
callback = plot_example_sequential |
else: |
callback = plot_example_single |
callback = functools.partial( |
callback, out_dir=output_dir, **(viz_kwargs or {}) |
) |
kwargs = {**kwargs, "callback": callback} |
seed_everything(dataset.cfg.seed) |
if sequential: |
dset, chunk2idx = dataset.sequence_dataset(split, **cfg.chunking) |
metrics = evaluate_sequential(dset, chunk2idx, model, **kwargs) |
else: |
loader = dataset.dataloader(split, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers) |
metrics = evaluate_single_image(loader, model, **kwargs) |
results = metrics.compute() |
logger.info("All results: %s", results) |
if output_dir is not None: |
write_dump(output_dir, experiment, cfg, results, metrics) |
logger.info("Outputs have been written to %s.", output_dir) |
return metrics |