# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. import functools from itertools import islice from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import torch from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf from torchmetrics import MetricCollection from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything from tqdm import tqdm from logger import logger, EXPERIMENTS_PATH from dataset.torch import collate, unbatch_to_device from models.voting import argmax_xyr, fuse_gps from models.metrics import AngleError, LateralLongitudinalError, Location2DError # from models.sequential import GPSAligner, RigidAligner from module import GenericModule from utils.io import download_file, DATA_URL from evaluation.viz import plot_example_single, plot_example_sequential from evaluation.utils import write_dump pretrained_models = dict( OrienterNet_MGL=("orienternet_mgl.ckpt", dict(num_rotations=256)), ) def resolve_checkpoint_path(experiment_or_path: str) -> Path: path = Path(experiment_or_path) if not path.exists(): # provided name of experiment path = Path(EXPERIMENTS_PATH, *experiment_or_path.split("/")) if not path.exists(): if experiment_or_path in set(p for p, _ in pretrained_models.values()): download_file(f"{DATA_URL}/{experiment_or_path}", path) else: raise FileNotFoundError(path) if path.is_file(): return path # provided only the experiment name maybe_path = path / "last-step-v1.ckpt" if not maybe_path.exists(): maybe_path = path / "last.ckpt" if not maybe_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find any checkpoint in {path}.") return maybe_path @torch.no_grad() def evaluate_single_image( dataloader: torch.utils.data.DataLoader, model: GenericModule, num: Optional[int] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, progress: bool = True, mask_index: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, has_gps: bool = False, ): ppm = model.model.conf.pixel_per_meter metrics = MetricCollection(model.model.metrics()) metrics["directional_error"] = LateralLongitudinalError(ppm) if has_gps: metrics["xy_gps_error"] = Location2DError("uv_gps", ppm) metrics["xy_fused_error"] = Location2DError("uv_fused", ppm) metrics["yaw_fused_error"] = AngleError("yaw_fused") metrics = metrics.to(model.device) for i, batch_ in enumerate( islice(tqdm(dataloader, total=num, disable=not progress), num) ): batch = model.transfer_batch_to_device(batch_, model.device, i) # Ablation: mask semantic classes if mask_index is not None: mask = batch["map"][0, mask_index[0]] == (mask_index[1] + 1) batch["map"][0, mask_index[0]][mask] = 0 pred = model(batch) if has_gps: (uv_gps,) = pred["uv_gps"] = batch["uv_gps"] pred["log_probs_fused"] = fuse_gps( pred["log_probs"], uv_gps, ppm, sigma=batch["accuracy_gps"] ) uvt_fused = argmax_xyr(pred["log_probs_fused"]) pred["uv_fused"] = uvt_fused[..., :2] pred["yaw_fused"] = uvt_fused[..., -1] del uv_gps, uvt_fused results = metrics(pred, batch) if callback is not None: callback( i, model, unbatch_to_device(pred), unbatch_to_device(batch_), results ) del batch_, batch, pred, results return metrics.cpu() @torch.no_grad() def evaluate_sequential( dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset, chunk2idx: Dict, model: GenericModule, num: Optional[int] = None, shuffle: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, progress: bool = True, num_rotations: int = 512, mask_index: Optional[Tuple[int]] = None, has_gps: bool = True, ): chunk_keys = list(chunk2idx) if shuffle: chunk_keys = [chunk_keys[i] for i in torch.randperm(len(chunk_keys))] if num is not None: chunk_keys = chunk_keys[:num] lengths = [len(chunk2idx[k]) for k in chunk_keys] logger.info( "Min/max/med lengths: %d/%d/%d, total number of images: %d", min(lengths), np.median(lengths), max(lengths), sum(lengths), ) viz = callback is not None metrics = MetricCollection(model.model.metrics()) ppm = model.model.conf.pixel_per_meter metrics["directional_error"] = LateralLongitudinalError(ppm) metrics["xy_seq_error"] = Location2DError("uv_seq", ppm) metrics["yaw_seq_error"] = AngleError("yaw_seq") metrics["directional_seq_error"] = LateralLongitudinalError(ppm, key="uv_seq") if has_gps: metrics["xy_gps_error"] = Location2DError("uv_gps", ppm) metrics["xy_gps_seq_error"] = Location2DError("uv_gps_seq", ppm) metrics["yaw_gps_seq_error"] = AngleError("yaw_gps_seq") metrics = metrics.to(model.device) keys_save = ["uvr_max", "uv_max", "yaw_max", "uv_expectation"] if has_gps: keys_save.append("uv_gps") if viz: keys_save.append("log_probs") for chunk_index, key in enumerate(tqdm(chunk_keys, disable=not progress)): indices = chunk2idx[key] aligner = RigidAligner(track_priors=viz, num_rotations=num_rotations) if has_gps: aligner_gps = GPSAligner(track_priors=viz, num_rotations=num_rotations) batches = [] preds = [] for i in indices: data = dataset[i] data = model.transfer_batch_to_device(data, model.device, 0) pred = model(collate([data])) canvas = data["canvas"] data["xy_geo"] = xy = canvas.to_xy(data["uv"].double()) data["yaw"] = yaw = data["roll_pitch_yaw"][-1].double() aligner.update(pred["log_probs"][0], canvas, xy, yaw) if has_gps: (uv_gps) = pred["uv_gps"] = data["uv_gps"][None] xy_gps = canvas.to_xy(uv_gps.double()) aligner_gps.update(xy_gps, data["accuracy_gps"], canvas, xy, yaw) if not viz: data.pop("image") data.pop("map") batches.append(data) preds.append({k: pred[k][0] for k in keys_save}) del pred xy_gt = torch.stack([b["xy_geo"] for b in batches]) yaw_gt = torch.stack([b["yaw"] for b in batches]) aligner.compute() xy_seq, yaw_seq = aligner.transform(xy_gt, yaw_gt) if has_gps: aligner_gps.compute() xy_gps_seq, yaw_gps_seq = aligner_gps.transform(xy_gt, yaw_gt) results = [] for i in range(len(indices)): preds[i]["uv_seq"] = batches[i]["canvas"].to_uv(xy_seq[i]).float() preds[i]["yaw_seq"] = yaw_seq[i].float() if has_gps: preds[i]["uv_gps_seq"] = ( batches[i]["canvas"].to_uv(xy_gps_seq[i]).float() ) preds[i]["yaw_gps_seq"] = yaw_gps_seq[i].float() results.append(metrics(preds[i], batches[i])) if viz: callback(chunk_index, model, batches, preds, results, aligner) del aligner, preds, batches, results return metrics.cpu() def evaluate( experiment: str, cfg: DictConfig, dataset, split: str, sequential: bool = False, output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, num_workers: int = 1, viz_kwargs=None, **kwargs, ): if experiment in pretrained_models: experiment, cfg_override = pretrained_models[experiment] cfg = OmegaConf.merge(OmegaConf.create(dict(model=cfg_override)), cfg) logger.info("Evaluating model %s with config %s", experiment, cfg) checkpoint_path = resolve_checkpoint_path(experiment) model = GenericModule.load_from_checkpoint( checkpoint_path, cfg=cfg, find_best=not experiment.endswith(".ckpt") ) model = model.eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): model = model.cuda() dataset.prepare_data() dataset.setup() if output_dir is not None: output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if callback is None: if sequential: callback = plot_example_sequential else: callback = plot_example_single callback = functools.partial( callback, out_dir=output_dir, **(viz_kwargs or {}) ) kwargs = {**kwargs, "callback": callback} seed_everything(dataset.cfg.seed) if sequential: dset, chunk2idx = dataset.sequence_dataset(split, **cfg.chunking) metrics = evaluate_sequential(dset, chunk2idx, model, **kwargs) else: loader = dataset.dataloader(split, shuffle=True, num_workers=num_workers) metrics = evaluate_single_image(loader, model, **kwargs) results = metrics.compute() logger.info("All results: %s", results) if output_dir is not None: write_dump(output_dir, experiment, cfg, results, metrics) logger.info("Outputs have been written to %s.", output_dir) return metrics