Menu UX
- opened
Hi, yes, what I've done is:
- Change the model_id to a dropdown (we'll see later how to handle if there is too much models)
- Change the model filename to a dropdown and limit to onnx and nn (instead of having all the files of the repo).
Oh and I found how to automatically increase the font size for the dropdown :party
Works great :party: :party: :)
@ThomasSimonini FYI it's not possible to launch on mobile (my screen is too small). Maybe important as most traffic on Spaces happens on mobile.
Yes I'm agree that will be a problem in the future the second problem is the inference engine is super heavy like 400mb of CPU. So for now it's web only but I will see how we can optimize that.
The inference engine is super heavy like 400mb of CPU.
I feel it will not be a problem for an iPhone 12/13, did you try on those devices?
Didn't tried yet, I will try today with different configurations.