--- |
title: CoNR |
emoji: ⚡ |
colorFrom: gray |
colorTo: red |
sdk: gradio |
sdk_version: 3.1.4 |
app_file: app.py |
pinned: false |
license: mit |
duplicated_from: nev/CoNR |
--- |
[English](https://github.com/megvii-research/CoNR/blob/main/README.md) | [中文](https://github.com/megvii-research/CoNR/blob/main/README_chinese.md) |
# Collaborative Neural Rendering using Anime Character Sheets |
## [Homepage](https://conr.ml) | Colab [English](https://colab.research.google.com/github/megvii-research/CoNR/blob/main/notebooks/conr.ipynb)/[中文](https://colab.research.google.com/github/megvii-research/CoNR/blob/main/notebooks/conr_chinese.ipynb) | [arXiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.05378) |
## Introduction |
This project is the official implement of [Collaborative Neural Rendering using Anime Character Sheets](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.05378), which aims to genarate vivid dancing videos from hand-drawn anime character sheets(ACS). Watch more demos in our [HomePage](https://conr.ml). |
Contributors: [@transpchan](https://github.com/transpchan/), [@P2Oileen](https://github.com/P2Oileen), [@hzwer](https://github.com/hzwer) |
## Usage |
#### Prerequisites |
* Python 3.6 |
#### Installation |
* Clone this repository |
```bash |
git clone https://github.com/megvii-research/CoNR |
``` |
* Dependencies |
To install all the dependencies, please run the following commands. |
```bash |
cd CoNR |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
``` |
* Download Weights |
Download weights from Google Drive. Alternatively, you can download from [Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1U11iIk-DiJodgCveSzB6ig?pwd=RDxc) (password:RDxc). |
``` |
mkdir weights && cd weights |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1M1LEpx70tJ72AIV2TQKr6NE_7mJ7tLYx |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1YvZy3NHkJ6gC3pq_j8agcbEJymHCwJy0 |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1AOWZxBvTo9nUf2_9Y7Xe27ZFQuPrnx9i |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=19jM1-GcqgGoE1bjmQycQw_vqD9C5e-Jm |
``` |
#### Prepare Inputs |
We provide two Ultra-Dense Pose sequences for two characters. You can generate more UDPs via 3D models and motions refers to [our paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.05378). |
[Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1hWvz4iQXnVTaTSb6vu1NBg?pwd=RDxc) (password:RDxc) |
``` |
# for short hair girl |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=11HMSaEkN__QiAZSnCuaM6GI143xo62KO |
unzip short_hair.zip |
mv short_hair/ poses/ |
# for double ponytail girl |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1WNnGVuU0ZLyEn04HzRKzITXqib1wwM4Q |
unzip double_ponytail.zip |
mv double_ponytail/ poses/ |
``` |
We provide sample inputs of anime character sheets. You can also draw more by yourself. |
Character sheets need to be cut out from the background and in png format. |
[Baidu Netdisk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1shpP90GOMeHke7MuT0-Txw?pwd=RDxc) (password:RDxc) |
``` |
# for short hair girl |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1r-3hUlENSWj81ve2IUPkRKNB81o9WrwT |
unzip short_hair_images.zip |
mv short_hair_images/ character_sheet/ |
# for double ponytail girl |
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1XMrJf9Lk_dWgXyTJhbEK2LZIXL9G3MWc |
unzip double_ponytail_images.zip |
mv double_ponytail_images/ character_sheet/ |
``` |
#### RUN! |
* with web UI (powered by [Streamlit](https://streamlit.io/)) |
``` |
streamlit run streamlit.py --server.port=8501 |
``` |
then open your browser and visit `localhost:8501`, follow the instructions to genarate video. |
* via terminal |
``` |
mkdir {dir_to_save_result} |
python -m torch.distributed.launch \ |
--nproc_per_node=1 train.py --mode=test \ |
--world_size=1 --dataloaders=2 \ |
--test_input_poses_images={dir_to_poses} \ |
--test_input_person_images={dir_to_character_sheet} \ |
--test_output_dir={dir_to_save_result} \ |
--test_checkpoint_dir={dir_to_weights} |
ffmpeg -r 30 -y -i {dir_to_save_result}/%d.png -r 30 -c:v libx264 output.mp4 -r 30 |
``` |
## Citation |
```bibtex |
@article{lin2022conr, |
title={Collaborative Neural Rendering using Anime Character Sheets}, |
author={Lin, Zuzeng and Huang, Ailin and Huang, Zhewei and Hu, Chen and Zhou, Shuchang}, |
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.05378}, |
year={2022} |
} |
``` |