fix: historical chats appear in the new user's chat box #256 (#282)
balibabucommited on
Fixed an issue where refreshing the login page caused the language settings to become invalid. #249 (#250)
balibabucommited on
change language #245 (#246)
balibabucommited on
remove showDeleteConfirm function and center the Empty of knowledge list and extract the text of the login page to en.json (#203)
balibabucommited on
feat: add corresponding icons to files (#164)
balibabucommited on
feat: set the object-fit attribute of the chunk image to contain so that the image is not stretched and if the chunk number of the knowledge base is greater than 0, set the embedding model to disabled (#160)
balibabucommited on
add help info (#142)
KevinHuShcommited on
feat: add hooks for document table and refactor document-related modal (#141)
balibabucommited on
feat: add loading to ChatContainer and set font family to inter and add tooltip to Form.Item and download documents on the document list page (#136)
balibabucommited on
fix: disable sending messages if both application and conversation are empty and add loading to all pages (#134)
balibabucommited on
fix: fixed the issue that the prompt word for registering an account is not in English and fixed the issue where the last message would keep loading if the backend reported an error during chat and fixed the issue where the next button would float above the file list on the file upload page (#133)
balibabucommited on
feat: add chunkText to messageText to distinguish table rows and when parsing, the delete and other buttons are set to disabled. (#130)
balibabucommited on
feat: add programming language highlighting for markdown syntax (#129)
balibabucommited on
feat: fixed an issue where the default value for temperature was not set when creating a new chat and install remark-gfm so that the markdown table can be displayed (#124)
balibabucommited on
feat: remove loading from document table and fixed the issue where gif images could not be uploaded on the configuration page (#122)
balibabucommited on
feat: display chunk token number when category of knowledge as general and unavailable llm models appear disabled and if the backend returns 401, it will jump to the login page and fixed the issue where the greeting would disappear when clicking on a new dialog (#117)
balibabucommited on
feat: bind length of conversationList to chat count (#116)
balibabucommited on
feat: add UserSetting and set height of MoreIcon to 24px and replace logo (#111)
balibabucommited on
feat: fixed the issue that some PDF documents could not be displayed on the chunk list page in small screens and logout (#105)
balibabucommited on
feat: fetch knowledge detail on KnowledgeUploadFile mount and add category column to chunk table and set initial value for the model field of chat setting (#104)
balibabucommited on
feat: Add Skeleton to MessageItem before the backend returns a message and fixed the issue where ChatConfigurationModal displays old data when creating a new dialog (#99)
balibabucommited on
feat: add DocumentPreviewer for chunk of chat reference and remove duplicate \n from record.progress_msg (#97)
balibabucommited on
feat: fixed the issue where chat greetings could not appear (#95)
balibabucommited on
feat: locate the specific location of the document based on the coordinates of the chunk and add Upload to AssistantSetting (#92)
balibabucommited on
feat: let the messages I send appear immediately in the chat window and remove rewrite configuration from nginx proxy (#86)
balibabucommited on
feat: fetch parser list for SegmentSetModal (#81)
balibabucommited on
feat: rename conversation and delete conversation and preview reference image and fetch file thumbnails (#79)
balibabucommited on
feat: add file icon and add message popover content (#77)
balibabucommited on
feat: render message reference and add avatar to MessageItem (#73)
balibabucommited on
feat: fetch conversation and delete chat dialog (#69)
balibabucommited on
feat: create a chat assistant and extract SimilaritySlider (#67)
balibabucommited on
feat: add temperature and top-p to ModelSetting and add ChatConfigurationModal and bind backend data to KnowledgeCard (#65)
balibabucommited on
feat: remove loading from model and use DvaModel instead of redundant types such as kAModelType (#47)