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def handle_response(response):
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
return {"error": f"Failed to fetch data. Status code: {response.status_code}"}
def get_income_statement(ticker, period='annual', limit=5):
Fetches the income statement for a given company (ticker) over a specified period and with a limit on the number of records returned.
ticker : str
The stock symbol or CIK (Central Index Key) for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple or '0000320193' for its CIK).
period : str, optional
The reporting period for the income statement. Allowable values are:
- 'annual' : Retrieves the annual income statement (default).
- 'quarter' : Retrieves the quarterly income statement.
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of records returned. The default value is 5.
dict or list of dict
The income statement data, including fields like date, symbol, reported currency, filing date, etc.
get_income_statement('AAPL', period='annual', limit=5)
Response format:
"date": "2022-09-24",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"reportedCurrency": "USD",
"cik": "0000320193",
"fillingDate": "2022-10-28",
"acceptedDate": "2022-10-27 18:01:14",
params = {
"period": period, # Accepts 'annual' or 'quarter'
"limit": limit, # Limits the number of records returned
"apikey": os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'] # API Key for authentication
# Construct the full URL with query parameters
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/income-statement/{ticker}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def ticker_search(query, limit=10, exchange='NYSE'):
Searches for ticker symbols and exchanges for both equity securities and exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
by searching with the company name or ticker symbol.
query : str
The name or ticker symbol to search for (e.g., 'AA' for Alcoa).
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of records returned. The default is 10.
exchange : str, optional
Specifies the exchange to filter results by. Allowable values include:
- 'NYSE' : New York Stock Exchange (default).
- 'NASDAQ' : NASDAQ Exchange.
- Other exchange codes supported by the API.
dict or list of dict
The search results, including the symbol, name, currency, stock exchange, and exchange short name.
ticker_search('AA', limit=10, exchange='NASDAQ')
Response format:
"symbol": "PRAA",
"name": "PRA Group, Inc.",
"currency": "USD",
"stockExchange": "NasdaqGS",
"exchangeShortName": "NASDAQ"
"symbol": "PAAS",
"name": "Pan American Silver Corp.",
"currency": "USD",
"stockExchange": "NasdaqGS",
"exchangeShortName": "NASDAQ"
params = {
"limit": limit,
"exchange": exchange,
"apikey": os.environ['FMP_API_KEY']
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/search?query={query}&{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def company_profile(symbol):
Fetches a company's profile, including key stats such as price, market capitalization, beta, and other essential details.
symbol : str
The stock ticker symbol or CIK (Central Index Key) for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
dict or list of dict
The company's profile data, including fields such as symbol, price, beta, market cap, industry, CEO, and description.
Response format:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"price": 145.30,
"beta": 1.25,
"volAvg": 98364732,
"mktCap": 2423446000000,
"lastDiv": 0.88,
"range": "122.25-157.33",
"changes": -2.00,
"companyName": "Apple Inc.",
"currency": "USD",
"cik": "0000320193",
"isin": "US0378331005",
"cusip": "037833100",
"exchange": "NasdaqGS",
"exchangeShortName": "NASDAQ",
"industry": "Consumer Electronics",
"website": "",
"description": "Apple Inc. designs, manufactures, and markets smartphones, personal computers, tablets, wearables, and accessories worldwide."
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY']
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/profile/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def stock_grade(symbol, limit = 500):
params = {
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/grade/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def current_market_cap(symbol):
Fetches the current market capitalization of a given company based on its stock symbol.
symbol : str
The stock ticker symbol for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
dict or list of dict
The market capitalization data, including fields such as symbol, date, and market cap.
Response format:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"date": "2023-03-02",
"marketCap": 2309048053309
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY']
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/market-capitalization/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def historical_market_cap(symbol, from_date=None, to_date=None, limit=None):
Fetches the historical market capitalization of a given company within a specified date range.
symbol : str
The stock ticker symbol for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
from_date : str, optional
The start date for the historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (e.g., '2023-10-10').
Default is None, which fetches data from the earliest available date.
to_date : str, optional
The end date for the historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (e.g., '2023-12-10').
Default is None, which fetches data up to the latest available date.
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of records returned. Default is None, which fetches all available records.
dict or list of dict
The historical market cap data, including fields such as symbol, date, and market capitalization.
historical_market_cap('AAPL', from_date='2023-10-10', to_date='2023-12-10', limit=100)
Response format:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"date": "2023-03-02",
"marketCap": 2313794623242
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'],
'from': from_date,
'to': to_date,
'limit': limit
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/historical-market-capitalization/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def analyst_recommendations(symbol):
Fetches the analyst recommendations for a given company based on its stock symbol.
This includes buy, hold, and sell ratings.
symbol : str
The stock ticker symbol for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
dict or list of dict
The analyst recommendation data, including fields such as buy, hold, sell, and strong buy ratings.
Response format:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"date": "2023-08-01",
"analystRatingsBuy": 21,
"analystRatingsHold": 6,
"analystRatingsSell": 0,
"analystRatingsStrongSell": 0,
"analystRatingsStrongBuy": 11
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY']
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/analyst-stock-recommendations/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def stock_peers(symbol):
Fetches a list of companies that are considered peers of the given company.
These peers are companies that trade on the same exchange, are in the same sector,
and have a similar market capitalization.
symbol : str
The stock ticker symbol for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
dict or list of dict
The peers data, including a list of peer company ticker symbols.
Response format:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"peersList": [
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'],
'symbol': symbol
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/stock_peers?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def earnings_historical_and_upcoming(symbol, limit=100):
Fetches historical and upcoming earnings announcements for a given company.
The response includes the date, EPS (earnings per share), estimated EPS, revenue, and estimated revenue.
symbol : str
The stock ticker symbol for the company (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
limit : int, optional
Limits the number of records returned. The default is 100.
dict or list of dict
The earnings data, including fields such as date, EPS, estimated EPS, revenue, and estimated revenue.
earnings_historical_and_upcoming('AAPL', limit=100)
Response format:
"date": "1998-10-14",
"symbol": "AAPL",
"eps": 0.0055,
"epsEstimated": 0.00393,
"time": "amc",
"revenue": 1556000000,
"revenueEstimated": 2450700000,
"updatedFromDate": "2023-12-04",
"fiscalDateEnding": "1998-09-25"
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'],
'limit': limit
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/historical/earning_calendar/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def intraday_stock_prices(timeframe, symbol, from_date=None, to_date=None, extended='false'):
Fetches the historical intraday stock price for a given company over a specified timeframe.
timeframe : str
The time interval for the stock data. Allowable values are:
- '1min' : 1 minute interval
- '5min' : 5 minute interval
- '15min' : 15 minute interval
- '30min' : 30 minute interval
- '1hour' : 1 hour interval
- '4hour' : 4 hour interval
symbol : str
The stock symbol for which to retrieve the data (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
from_date : str, optional
The start date for the historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (e.g., '2023-08-10').
Default is None, which fetches all available data up to the present.
to_date : str, optional
The end date for the historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (e.g., '2023-09-10').
Default is None, which fetches data from the beginning up to the current date.
extended : str, optional
Whether to fetch extended market data (pre-market and after-hours).
Allowable values:
- 'true' : Fetch extended market data
- 'false' : Fetch only regular market hours data (default).
dict or list of dict
The historical intraday stock data, including open, high, low, close, and volume for each time interval.
intraday_stock_price('5min', 'AAPL', from_date='2023-08-10', to_date='2023-09-10', extended='false')
Response format:
"date": "2023-03-02 16:00:00",
"open": 145.92,
"low": 145.72,
"high": 146.00,
"close": 145.79,
"volume": 1492644
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'],
'from': from_date,
'to': to_date,
'extended': extended
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/historical-chart/{timeframe}/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)
def daily_stock_prices(symbol, from_date=None, to_date=None, serietype='line'):
Fetches the daily End-Of-Day (EOD) stock price for a given company over a specified date range.
symbol : str
The stock symbol for which to retrieve the data (e.g., 'AAPL' for Apple).
from_date : str, optional
The start date for the historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (e.g., '1990-10-10').
Default is None, which fetches the earliest available data.
to_date : str, optional
The end date for the historical data in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format (e.g., '2023-10-10').
Default is None, which fetches data up to the most recent date.
serietype : str, optional
The type of data series to return. Allowable values are:
- 'line' : Line chart data (default).
- 'other types' can be specified if supported by the API in the future.
dict or list of dict
The daily stock data, including open, high, low, close, volume, adjusted close, etc.
daily_stock_price('AAPL', from_date='1990-10-10', to_date='2023-10-10', serietype='line')
Response format:
"symbol": "AAPL",
"historical": [
"date": "2023-10-06",
"open": 173.8,
"high": 176.61,
"low": 173.18,
"close": 176.53,
"adjClose": 176.53,
"volume": 21712747,
"unadjustedVolume": 21712747,
"change": 2.73,
"changePercent": 1.57077,
"vwap": 175.44,
"label": "October 06, 23",
"changeOverTime": 0.0157077
params = {
'apikey': os.environ['FMP_API_KEY'],
'from': from_date,
'to': to_date,
'serietype': serietype
endpoint = f"{BASE_URL}/historical-price-full/{symbol}?{urlencode(params)}"
response = requests.get(endpoint)
return handle_response(response)