# #!/usr/bin/env python | |
# """ | |
# Gradio App for NYC Taxi Fare Prediction & Road Route Visualization using OSRM | |
# Requirements: | |
# pip install torch gradio requests polyline folium pandas numpy | |
# """ | |
# import torch | |
# import torch.nn as nn | |
# import numpy as np | |
# import pandas as pd | |
# import requests | |
# import polyline | |
# import folium | |
# import gradio as gr | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # Model Definition (TabularModel) | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# class TabularModel(nn.Module): | |
# def __init__(self, emb_szs, n_cont, out_sz, layers, p=0.5): | |
# """ | |
# Model for tabular data combining embeddings for categorical variables and | |
# a feed-forward network for continuous features. | |
# """ | |
# super().__init__() | |
# self.embeds = nn.ModuleList([nn.Embedding(ni, nf) for ni, nf in emb_szs]) | |
# self.emb_drop = nn.Dropout(p) | |
# self.bn_cont = nn.BatchNorm1d(n_cont) | |
# n_emb = sum([nf for _, nf in emb_szs]) | |
# n_in = n_emb + n_cont | |
# layerlist = [] | |
# for i in layers: | |
# layerlist.append(nn.Linear(n_in, i)) | |
# layerlist.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) | |
# layerlist.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(i)) | |
# layerlist.append(nn.Dropout(p)) | |
# n_in = i | |
# layerlist.append(nn.Linear(layers[-1], out_sz)) | |
# self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layerlist) | |
# def forward(self, x_cat, x_cont): | |
# embeddings = [] | |
# for i, e in enumerate(self.embeds): | |
# embeddings.append(e(x_cat[:, i])) | |
# x =, 1) | |
# x = self.emb_drop(x) | |
# x_cont = self.bn_cont(x_cont) | |
# x =[x, x_cont], 1) | |
# x = self.layers(x) | |
# return x | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # Load the trained model | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # These parameters must match those used during training. | |
# emb_szs = [(24, 12), (2, 1), (7, 4)] | |
# n_cont = 6 # [pickup_lat, pickup_long, dropoff_lat, dropoff_long, passenger_count, dist_km] | |
# out_sz = 1 | |
# layers = [200, 100] | |
# p = 0.4 | |
# model = TabularModel(emb_szs, n_cont, out_sz, layers, p) | |
# # Load model state (using weights_only=True to address the warning) | |
# model.load_state_dict(torch.load("", map_location=torch.device("cpu"), weights_only=True)) | |
# model.eval() | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # Helper Function: Haversine | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# def haversine_distance_coords(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): | |
# """Compute haversine distance (in km) between two coordinate pairs.""" | |
# r = 6371 # Earth's radius in kilometers | |
# phi1 = np.radians(lat1) | |
# phi2 = np.radians(lat2) | |
# delta_phi = np.radians(lat2 - lat1) | |
# delta_lambda = np.radians(lon2 - lon1) | |
# a = np.sin(delta_phi/2)**2 + np.cos(phi1)*np.cos(phi2)*np.sin(delta_lambda/2)**2 | |
# c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) | |
# return r * c | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # OSRM Route Retrieval | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# def get_osrm_route(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): | |
# """ | |
# Query OSRM for a route between (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2). | |
# Returns: | |
# - route_points: list of (lat, lon) tuples for the route polyline | |
# - distance_m: route distance in meters (from OSRM) | |
# - duration_s: route duration in seconds (from OSRM) | |
# """ | |
# # OSRM expects coordinates as "lon,lat;lon,lat" | |
# coords = f"{lon1},{lat1};{lon2},{lat2}" | |
# OSRM_URL = f"{coords}?overview=full&geometries=polyline" | |
# response = requests.get(OSRM_URL) | |
# response.raise_for_status() | |
# data = response.json() | |
# if data.get("code") != "Ok": | |
# raise Exception("Route not found") | |
# route = data["routes"][0] | |
# encoded_poly = route["geometry"] | |
# route_points = polyline.decode(encoded_poly) | |
# distance_m = route["distance"] | |
# duration_s = route["duration"] | |
# return route_points, distance_m, duration_s | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # Main Prediction & Mapping Function | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# def predict_fare_and_map(plat, plong, dlat, dlong, psngr, dt): | |
# """ | |
# 1. Process pickup datetime to extract categorical features. | |
# 2. Compute haversine distance for the model input. | |
# 3. Use the PyTorch model to predict the taxi fare. | |
# 4. Query OSRM for the actual road route geometry & distance. | |
# 5. Draw a Folium map with the OSRM route (blue line) and markers. | |
# 6. Return a text string with predicted fare and route distance, plus the map HTML. | |
# """ | |
# # Process datetime | |
# try: | |
# pickup_dt = pd.to_datetime(dt) | |
# except Exception as e: | |
# return f"Error parsing date/time: {e}", "" | |
# hour = pickup_dt.hour | |
# am_or_pm = 0 if hour < 12 else 1 | |
# weekday_str = pickup_dt.strftime("%a") | |
# weekday_map = {'Fri': 0, 'Mon': 1, 'Sat': 2, 'Sun': 3, 'Thu': 4, 'Tue': 5, 'Wed': 6} | |
# weekday = weekday_map.get(weekday_str, 0) | |
# # Prepare tensors for model input (use haversine distance) | |
# dist_km = haversine_distance_coords(plat, plong, dlat, dlong) | |
# cat_array = np.array([[hour, am_or_pm, weekday]]) | |
# cat_tensor = torch.tensor(cat_array, dtype=torch.int64) | |
# cont_array = np.array([[plat, plong, dlat, dlong, psngr, dist_km]]) | |
# cont_tensor = torch.tensor(cont_array, dtype=torch.float) | |
# # Predict fare | |
# with torch.no_grad(): | |
# pred = model(cat_tensor, cont_tensor) | |
# fare_pred = pred.item() | |
# # Get route from OSRM | |
# try: | |
# route_points, route_distance_m, route_duration_s = get_osrm_route(plat, plong, dlat, dlong) | |
# except Exception as e: | |
# return f"Error from OSRM: {e}", "" | |
# # Create Folium map centered between pickup & dropoff | |
# mid_lat = (plat + dlat) / 2 | |
# mid_lon = (plong + dlong) / 2 | |
# m = folium.Map(location=[mid_lat, mid_lon], zoom_start=12) | |
# # Add markers | |
# folium.Marker([plat, plong], icon=folium.Icon(color="green"), tooltip="Pickup").add_to(m) | |
# folium.Marker([dlat, dlong], icon=folium.Icon(color="red"), tooltip="Dropoff").add_to(m) | |
# # Draw the route polyline (blue line) with popup showing OSRM distance | |
# folium.PolyLine( | |
# route_points, | |
# color="blue", | |
# weight=3, | |
# opacity=0.7, | |
# popup=f"OSRM Distance: {route_distance_m/1000:.2f} km" | |
# ).add_to(m) | |
# map_html = m._repr_html_() | |
# route_distance_km = route_distance_m / 1000 | |
# output_text = (f"Predicted Fare: ${fare_pred:.2f}\n" | |
# f"Route Distance (OSRM): {route_distance_km:.2f} km") | |
# return output_text, map_html | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# # Gradio Interface | |
# # ----------------------------- | |
# iface = gr.Interface( | |
# fn=predict_fare_and_map, | |
# inputs=[ | |
# gr.Number(label="Pickup Latitude", value=40.75), | |
# gr.Number(label="Pickup Longitude", value=-73.99), | |
# gr.Number(label="Dropoff Latitude", value=40.73), | |
# gr.Number(label="Dropoff Longitude", value=-73.98), | |
# gr.Number(label="Passenger Count", value=1), | |
# gr.Textbox(label="Pickup Date and Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)", value="2010-04-19 08:17:56") | |
# ], | |
# outputs=[ | |
# gr.Textbox(label="Prediction & Distance"), | |
# gr.HTML(label="Map") | |
# ], | |
# title="NYC Taxi Fare Prediction with OSRM Road Route", | |
# description=( | |
# "Enter pickup/dropoff coordinates, passenger count, and pickup datetime to predict the taxi fare. " | |
# "The app displays the actual road route (blue line) from OSRM on a Folium map." | |
# ) | |
# ) | |
# if __name__ == "__main__": | |
# iface.launch() | |
#!/usr/bin/env python | |
""" | |
Gradio App for NYC Taxi Fare Prediction & Road Route Visualization using OSRM | |
Requirements: | |
pip install torch gradio requests polyline folium pandas numpy | |
""" | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import requests | |
import polyline | |
import folium | |
import gradio as gr | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# Model Definition (TabularModel) | |
# ----------------------------- | |
class TabularModel(nn.Module): | |
def __init__(self, emb_szs, n_cont, out_sz, layers, p=0.5): | |
""" | |
Model for tabular data combining embeddings for categorical variables and | |
a feed-forward network for continuous features. | |
""" | |
super().__init__() | |
self.embeds = nn.ModuleList([nn.Embedding(ni, nf) for ni, nf in emb_szs]) | |
self.emb_drop = nn.Dropout(p) | |
self.bn_cont = nn.BatchNorm1d(n_cont) | |
n_emb = sum([nf for _, nf in emb_szs]) | |
n_in = n_emb + n_cont | |
layerlist = [] | |
for i in layers: | |
layerlist.append(nn.Linear(n_in, i)) | |
layerlist.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True)) | |
layerlist.append(nn.BatchNorm1d(i)) | |
layerlist.append(nn.Dropout(p)) | |
n_in = i | |
layerlist.append(nn.Linear(layers[-1], out_sz)) | |
self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layerlist) | |
def forward(self, x_cat, x_cont): | |
embeddings = [] | |
for i, e in enumerate(self.embeds): | |
embeddings.append(e(x_cat[:, i])) | |
x =, 1) | |
x = self.emb_drop(x) | |
x_cont = self.bn_cont(x_cont) | |
x =[x, x_cont], 1) | |
x = self.layers(x) | |
return x | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# Load the trained model | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# These parameters must match those used during training. | |
emb_szs = [(24, 12), (2, 1), (7, 4)] | |
n_cont = 6 # [pickup_lat, pickup_long, dropoff_lat, dropoff_long, passenger_count, dist_km] | |
out_sz = 1 | |
layers = [200, 100] | |
p = 0.4 | |
model = TabularModel(emb_szs, n_cont, out_sz, layers, p) | |
# Load model state (using weights_only=True to address the warning) | |
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("", map_location=torch.device("cpu"), weights_only=True)) | |
model.eval() | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# Helper Function: Haversine | |
# ----------------------------- | |
def haversine_distance_coords(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): | |
"""Compute haversine distance (in km) between two coordinate pairs.""" | |
r = 6371 # Earth's radius in kilometers | |
phi1 = np.radians(lat1) | |
phi2 = np.radians(lat2) | |
delta_phi = np.radians(lat2 - lat1) | |
delta_lambda = np.radians(lon2 - lon1) | |
a = np.sin(delta_phi/2)**2 + np.cos(phi1)*np.cos(phi2)*np.sin(delta_lambda/2)**2 | |
c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a)) | |
return r * c | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# OSRM Route Retrieval | |
# ----------------------------- | |
def get_osrm_route(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2): | |
""" | |
Query OSRM for a route between (lat1, lon1) and (lat2, lon2). | |
Returns: | |
- route_points: list of (lat, lon) tuples for the route polyline | |
- distance_m: route distance in meters (from OSRM) | |
- duration_s: route duration in seconds (from OSRM) | |
""" | |
# OSRM expects coordinates as "lon,lat;lon,lat" | |
coords = f"{lon1},{lat1};{lon2},{lat2}" | |
OSRM_URL = f"{coords}?overview=full&geometries=polyline" | |
response = requests.get(OSRM_URL) | |
response.raise_for_status() | |
data = response.json() | |
if data.get("code") != "Ok": | |
raise Exception("Route not found") | |
route = data["routes"][0] | |
encoded_poly = route["geometry"] | |
route_points = polyline.decode(encoded_poly) | |
distance_m = route["distance"] | |
duration_s = route["duration"] | |
return route_points, distance_m, duration_s | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# Main Prediction & Mapping Function | |
# ----------------------------- | |
def predict_fare_and_map(plat, plong, dlat, dlong, psngr, dt): | |
""" | |
1. Process pickup datetime to extract categorical features. | |
2. Compute haversine distance for the model input. | |
3. Use the PyTorch model to predict the taxi fare. | |
4. Query OSRM for the actual road route geometry & distance. | |
5. Draw a Folium map with the OSRM route (blue line) and markers. | |
6. Return a text string with predicted fare and route distance, plus the map HTML. | |
""" | |
# Process datetime | |
try: | |
pickup_dt = pd.to_datetime(dt) | |
except Exception as e: | |
return f"Error parsing date/time: {e}", "" | |
hour = pickup_dt.hour | |
am_or_pm = 0 if hour < 12 else 1 | |
weekday_str = pickup_dt.strftime("%a") | |
weekday_map = {'Fri': 0, 'Mon': 1, 'Sat': 2, 'Sun': 3, 'Thu': 4, 'Tue': 5, 'Wed': 6} | |
weekday = weekday_map.get(weekday_str, 0) | |
# Prepare tensors for model input (use haversine distance) | |
dist_km = haversine_distance_coords(plat, plong, dlat, dlong) | |
cat_array = np.array([[hour, am_or_pm, weekday]]) | |
cat_tensor = torch.tensor(cat_array, dtype=torch.int64) | |
cont_array = np.array([[plat, plong, dlat, dlong, psngr, dist_km]]) | |
cont_tensor = torch.tensor(cont_array, dtype=torch.float) | |
# Predict fare | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
pred = model(cat_tensor, cont_tensor) | |
fare_pred = pred.item() | |
# Get route from OSRM | |
try: | |
route_points, route_distance_m, route_duration_s = get_osrm_route(plat, plong, dlat, dlong) | |
except Exception as e: | |
return f"Error from OSRM: {e}", "" | |
# Create Folium map centered between pickup & dropoff | |
mid_lat = (plat + dlat) / 2 | |
mid_lon = (plong + dlong) / 2 | |
m = folium.Map(location=[mid_lat, mid_lon], zoom_start=12) | |
# Add markers | |
folium.Marker([plat, plong], icon=folium.Icon(color="green"), tooltip="Pickup").add_to(m) | |
folium.Marker([dlat, dlong], icon=folium.Icon(color="red"), tooltip="Dropoff").add_to(m) | |
# Draw the route polyline (blue line) with popup showing OSRM distance | |
folium.PolyLine( | |
route_points, | |
color="blue", | |
weight=3, | |
opacity=0.7, | |
popup=f"OSRM Distance: {route_distance_m/1000:.2f} km" | |
).add_to(m) | |
map_html = m._repr_html_() | |
route_distance_km = route_distance_m / 1000 | |
output_text = (f"Predicted Fare: ${fare_pred:.2f}\n" | |
f"Route Distance (OSRM): {route_distance_km:.2f} km") | |
return output_text, map_html | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# Example Locations (Popular NYC Spots) | |
# Each example is a list of 6 inputs: | |
# [pickup_lat, pickup_lon, dropoff_lat, dropoff_lon, passenger_count, pickup_datetime] | |
# ----------------------------- | |
examples = [ | |
# 1. Times Square to Central Park (short ride) | |
[40.7580, -73.9855, 40.7690, -73.9819, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"], | |
# 2. Times Square to JFK Airport (long ride) | |
[40.7580, -73.9855, 40.6413, -73.7781, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"], | |
# 3. Grand Central Terminal to Empire State Building (very short ride) | |
[40.7527, -73.9772, 40.7484, -73.9857, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"], | |
# 4. Brooklyn Bridge to Wall Street (short urban ride) | |
[40.7061, -73.9969, 40.7069, -74.0113, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"], | |
# 5. Yankee Stadium to Central Park (moderate ride) | |
[40.8296, -73.9262, 40.7829, -73.9654, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"], | |
# 6. Columbia University area to Rockefeller Center (cross-city ride) | |
[40.8075, -73.9626, 40.7587, -73.9787, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"], | |
# 7. Battery Park to Central Park (longer ride across Manhattan) | |
[40.7033, -74.0170, 40.7829, -73.9654, 1, "2010-04-19 08:17:56"] | |
] | |
# ----------------------------- | |
# Gradio Interface | |
# ----------------------------- | |
iface = gr.Interface( | |
fn=predict_fare_and_map, | |
inputs=[ | |
gr.Number(label="Pickup Latitude", value=40.75), | |
gr.Number(label="Pickup Longitude", value=-73.99), | |
gr.Number(label="Dropoff Latitude", value=40.73), | |
gr.Number(label="Dropoff Longitude", value=-73.98), | |
gr.Number(label="Passenger Count", value=1), | |
gr.Textbox(label="Pickup Date and Time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)", value="2010-04-19 08:17:56") | |
], | |
outputs=[ | |
gr.Textbox(label="Prediction & Distance"), | |
gr.HTML(label="Map") | |
], | |
examples=examples, | |
title="NYC Taxi Fare Prediction with OSRM Road Route", | |
description=( | |
"Enter pickup/dropoff coordinates, passenger count, and pickup datetime to predict the taxi fare. " | |
"The app displays the actual road route (blue line) from OSRM on a Folium map. " | |
"You can also choose from several example routes between popular locations in New York." | |
) | |
) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
iface.launch() | |