Alex Scott
rebrand space to incognito

Scramjet is not currently production ready, DO NOT USE THIS AS THE MAIN OPTION IN YOUR SITE.

npm version

Scramjet is an experimental interception based web proxy that aims to be the successor to Ultraviolet. It is designed with security, developer friendliness, and performance in mind. Scramjet strives to have a clean, organized codebase to improve maintainability. Scramjet is made to evade internet censorship and bypass arbitrary web browser restrictions.

Supported Sites

Some of the popular websites that Scramjet supports include:




  • Clone the repository with git clone --recursive
  • Install the dependencies with pnpm i
  • Build the rewriter with pnpm rewriter:build
  • Build Scramjet with pnpm build

Running Scramjet Locally

You can run the Scramjet dev server with the command

pnpm dev

Scramjet should now be running at localhost:1337 and should rebuild upon a file being changed (excluding the rewriter).