Incognito /
namelessai's picture
873f543 verified
license: apache-2.0
title: Incognito
sdk: docker
emoji: 💻
colorFrom: red
colorTo: gray
short_description: Proxy web app and server hosted on HuggingFace spaces. POC.
app_port: 8000

repo size website status commit a week original repo


  • For Cyclic users this will unfortunatley not work due to Cyclic supporting very little languages
  • This will NOT deploy on Github Pages, Netlify, Vercel, Gitlab Pages or any other static host
  • This will NOT work on Render

How to get links

Titanium Network Discord



Tech Stack


    • Remove dependency on Fastify & switch completely to Hono
    • General codebase cleanup & remove all of the functions exisiting on window
    • Games page needs to be reworked due to more games
    • More themes




  • Node & npm
  • Deno 2.0
  • Git
  1. Clone the repo:
git clone && cd incognito
  1. Install all of the dependencies:
deno install --allow-scripts # This is here for sharp and other dependencies like bufferutil
  1. Create a config.toml file
cp config.example.toml config.toml
  1. Modify the config.toml file to you liking (docs here)
nano config.toml
  1. Build the frontend:
deno task build
  1. Start the server
deno task start

You can run deno task start:standalone to use Hono over Fastify, recommended if you're using an external Wisp server like Epoxy Server

You can run deno task bstart to build and start the server at the same time

You can run deno task bstart:standalone to do the same as above but use the Hono server instead

The Hono server has no built-in Wisp server so you'll have to provide one.


  • By default, games are reverse proxied by the server
    • Game assets are located here
  • To turn off Games, and access to them see #config


Normal Docker


  • Git
  • Docker
  1. Clone the repo (skip if using prebuilt image):
git clone && cd incognito
  1. Create an config.toml file (if using prebuilt image, copy the example from the repo):
cp config.example.toml config.toml
  1. Modify the .env file to your liking (docs here)
nano config.toml
  1. Build the docker image (skip if using prebuilt):
docker build -t incog:latest
  1. Run the docker images:

    • Prebuilt:
    docker run --volume ./config.toml:/app/config.toml motortruck1221/incognito:latest
    • Image you built yourself:
    docker run --volume ./config.toml:/app/config.toml incog:latest

Docker Compose


  • Git
  • Docker w/compose
  1. Clone the repo (skip if using prebuilt image):
git clone
  1. Create an config.toml file (if using prebuilt image, copy the example from the repo):
cp config.example.toml config.toml
  1. Modify the config.toml file to your liking (docs on that here]
nano config.toml
  1. Build the docker image (skip if using prebuilt):
docker compose -f ./ build
  1. Run the docker image:

    • Prebuilt:
    docker compose up
    • Image you built yourself:
    docker compose -f ./ up


  • The config is rather simple and quick, it's done in TOML and there are only two object:
  • buildOpts & server below there will be 2 tables showcasing the possible values.

    As it says, buildOpts will only apply when building the website. This can be changed in the docker-compose files.

Build Opts
Type Default Description Can be overwritten by ENV var
games true Disables or enables the games page - [ ] - No
Type Default Description Can be overwritten by ENV var
port 8000 Change the default port. Note: the environment var PORT takes precedence - [x] - Yes
wisp true Disable or enables the in built wisp server. *Note: when using the Hono server there is no built-in wisp server - [ ] - No
Type Default Description Can be overwritten by ENV var Is used at build time
SEO false Change whether or not to enabled SEO - [x] - Yes - SEO - [x] - Yes
DOMAIN http://localhost:8000 When the both option is enable, only show the SEO stuff on this domain - [x] - Yes - DOMAIN - [ ] - No
BOTH false Works in tandem with option DOMAIN - [x] - Yes - BOTH - [ ] - No