import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import datasets | |
import streamlit as st | |
from streamlit_cytoscapejs import st_cytoscapejs | |
import networkx as nx | |
st.set_page_config(layout='wide') | |
# parse out gene_ids from URL query args to it's possible to link to this page | |
query_params = st.query_params | |
if "gene_ids" in query_params.keys(): | |
input_gene_ids = query_params["gene_ids"] | |
else: | |
input_gene_ids = "CNAG_04365,CNAG_06468" | |
# use "\n" as the separator so it shows correctly in the text area | |
input_gene_ids = input_gene_ids.replace(",", "\n") | |
if "coexp_score_threshold" in query_params.keys(): | |
coexp_score_threshold = query_params["coexp_score_threshold"] | |
else: | |
coexp_score_threshold = "0.85" | |
if "max_per_gene" in query_params.keys(): | |
max_per_gene = query_params["max_per_gene"] | |
else: | |
max_per_gene = "25" | |
st.markdown(""" | |
# CryptoCEN Network | |
**CryptoCEN** is a co-expression network for *Cryptococcus neoformans* built on 1,524 RNA-seq runs across 34 studies. | |
A pair of genes are said to be co-expressed when their expression is correlated across different conditions and | |
is often a marker for genes to be involved in similar processes. | |
To Cite: | |
O'Meara MJ, Rapala JR, Nichols CB, Alexandre C, Billmyre RB, Steenwyk JL, A Alspaugh JA, O'Meara TR | |
CryptoCEN: A Co-Expression Network for Cryptococcus neoformans reveals novel proteins involved in DNA damage repair. | |
PLoS Genet 20(2): e1011158. (2024) | |
* Code available at | |
* Full network and dataset: | |
## Plot a network for a set of genes | |
Put a ``CNAG_#####`` gene_id, one one each row to seed the network | |
""") | |
h99_transcript_annotations = datasets.load_dataset( | |
path = "maomlab/CryptoCEN", | |
data_files = {"h99_transcript_annotations": "h99_transcript_annotations.tsv"}) | |
h99_transcript_annotations = h99_transcript_annotations["h99_transcript_annotations"].to_pandas() | |
top_coexp_hits = datasets.load_dataset( | |
path = "maomlab/CryptoCEN", | |
data_files = {"top_coexp_hits": "top_coexp_hits.tsv"}) | |
top_coexp_hits = top_coexp_hits["top_coexp_hits"].to_pandas() | |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(spec = [0.3, 0.2, 0.5]) | |
with col1: | |
input_gene_ids = st.text_area( | |
label = "Gene IDs", | |
value = f"{input_gene_ids}", | |
height = 130, | |
help = "CNAG Gene ID e.g. CNAG_04365") | |
with col2: | |
coexp_score_threshold = st.text_input( | |
label = "Co-expression threshold [0-1]", | |
value = f"{coexp_score_threshold}", | |
help = "Default: 0.85") | |
try: | |
coexp_score_threshold = float(coexp_score_threshold) | |
except: | |
st.error(f"Co-expression threshold should be a number between 0 and 1, instead it is '{coexp_score_threshold}'") | |
if coexp_score_threshold < 0 or 1 < coexp_score_threshold: | |
st.error(f"Co-expression threshold should be a number between 0 and 1, instead it is '{coexp_score_threshold}'") | |
max_per_gene = st.text_input( | |
label = "Max per gene", | |
value = f"{max_per_gene}", | |
help = "Default: 25") | |
try: | |
max_per_gene = int(max_per_gene) | |
except: | |
st.error(f"Max per gene should be a number greater than 0, instead it is '{max_per_gene}'") | |
if max_per_gene <= 0: | |
st.error(f"Max per gene should be a number greater than 0, instead it is '{max_per_gene}'") | |
################################## | |
# Parse and check the user input # | |
################################## | |
seed_gene_ids = [] | |
for input_gene_id in input_gene_ids.split("\n"): | |
gene_id = input_gene_id.strip() | |
if gene_id == "": | |
continue | |
else: | |
seed_gene_ids.append(gene_id) | |
neighbors = [] | |
for seed_gene_id in seed_gene_ids: | |
hits = top_coexp_hits[ | |
(top_coexp_hits.gene_id_1 == seed_gene_id) & (top_coexp_hits.coexp_score > coexp_score_threshold)] | |
if len(hits.index) > max_per_gene: | |
hits = hits[0:max_per_gene] | |
neighbors.append(hits) | |
neighbors = pd.concat(neighbors) | |
neighbor_gene_ids = list(set(neighbors.gene_id_2)) | |
gene_ids = seed_gene_ids + neighbor_gene_ids | |
gene_types = ['seed'] * len(seed_gene_ids) + ['neighbor'] * len(neighbor_gene_ids) | |
cnag_ids = [] | |
gene_products = [] | |
descriptions = [] | |
for gene_id in gene_ids: | |
try: | |
cnag_id = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id]["cnag_id"].values[0] | |
gene_product = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id]["gene_product"].values[0] | |
description = h99_transcript_annotations.loc[h99_transcript_annotations["gene_id"] == gene_id]["description"].values[0] | |
except: | |
st.error(f"Unable to locate cnag_id for Gene ID: '{gene_id}', it should be of the form 'cnag_#####'") | |
cnag_id = None | |
gene_product = None | |
description = None | |
cnag_ids.append(cnag_id) | |
gene_products.append(gene_product) | |
descriptions.append(description) | |
node_info = pd.DataFrame({ | |
"gene_index": range(len(gene_ids)), | |
"gene_id" : gene_ids, | |
"gene_type" : gene_types, | |
"cnag_id": cnag_ids, | |
"gene_product": gene_products, | |
"description": description}) | |
neighbors = neighbors.merge( | |
right = node_info, | |
left_on = "gene_id_1", | |
right_on = "gene_id") | |
neighbors = neighbors.merge( | |
right = node_info, | |
left_on = "gene_id_2", | |
right_on = "gene_id", | |
suffixes = ("_a", "_b")) | |
################################ | |
# Use NetworkX to layout graph # | |
################################ | |
# note I think CytoscapeJS can layout graphs | |
# but I'm unsure how to do it through the streamlit-cytoscapejs interface :( | |
st.write(neighbors) | |
G = nx.Graph() | |
for i in range(len(neighbors.index)): | |
edge = neighbors.iloc[i] | |
G.add_edge( | |
edge["gene_index_a"], | |
edge["gene_index_b"], | |
weight = edge["coexp_score"]) | |
layout = nx.spring_layout(G) | |
node_color_lut = { | |
"seed" : "#4866F0", # blue | |
"neighbor" : "#F0C547" # gold | |
} | |
elements = [] | |
singleton_index = 0 | |
for i in range(len(node_info.index)): | |
node = node_info.iloc[i] | |
if node["gene_index"] in layout.keys(): | |
layout_x = layout[node["gene_index"]][0] * 600 + 1500/2 | |
layout_y = layout[node["gene_index"]][1] * 600 + 1500/2 | |
else: | |
layout_x = (singleton_index % 8) * 150 + 100 | |
layout_y = np.floor(singleton_index / 8) * 50 + 30 | |
singleton_index += 1 | |
elements.append({ | |
"data": { | |
"id": node["gene_id"], | |
"label": node["gene_product"] if node["gene_product"] is not None else node["gene_id"], | |
"color": node_color_lut[node["gene_type"]]}, | |
"position": { | |
"x" : layout_x, | |
"y" : layout_y}}) | |
for i in range(len(neighbors.index)): | |
edge = neighbors.iloc[i] | |
elements.append({ | |
"data" : { | |
"source" : edge["gene_id_1"], | |
"target" : edge["gene_id_2"], | |
"width" : | |
20 if edge["coexp_score"] > 0.99 else | |
15 if edge["coexp_score"] > 0.96 else | |
10 if edge["coexp_score"] > 0.94 else | |
8 if edge["coexp_score"] > 0.89 else | |
5}}) | |
with col3: | |
st.text('') # help alignment with input box | |
st.download_button( | |
label = "Download as as TSV", | |
data = neighbors.to_csv(sep ='\t').encode('utf-8'), | |
file_name = f"CryptoCEN_network.tsv", | |
mime = "text/csv") | |
########################################################## | |
stylesheet = [ | |
{"selector": "node", "style": { | |
"width": 140, | |
"height": 30, | |
"shape": "rectangle", | |
"label" : "data(label)", | |
"labelFontSize": 100, | |
'background-color': 'data(color)', | |
"text-halign": "center", | |
"text-valign": "center", | |
}}, | |
{"selector": "edge", "style": { | |
"width": "data(width)" | |
}} | |
] | |
st.title("ToxoCEN Network") | |
clicked_elements = st_cytoscapejs( | |
elements = elements, | |
stylesheet = stylesheet, | |
width = 1000, | |
height= 1000, | |
key = "1") | |