mini_project2 /
long1104's picture
6e58dd2 verified
# %%writefile
from setup_code import * # This imports everything from
general_greeting_num = 0
general_question_num = 1
machine_learning_num = 2
python_code_num = 3
obnoxious_num = 4
default_num = 5
query_classes = {'[General greeting]': general_greeting_num,
'[General question]': general_question_num,
'[Question about Machine Learning]': machine_learning_num,
'[Question about Python code]' : python_code_num,
'[Obnoxious statement]': obnoxious_num
query_classes_text = ", ".join(query_classes.keys())
class Classify_Agent:
def __init__(self, openai_client) -> None:
# TODO: Initialize the client and prompt for the Obnoxious_Agent
self.openai_client = openai_client
def classify_query(self, query):
prompt = f"Please classify this query in angle brackets <{query}> as one of the following in square brackets only: {query_classes_text}."
classification_response = get_completion(self.openai_client, prompt)
if classification_response != None and classification_response in query_classes.keys():
query_class = query_classes.get(classification_response, default_num)
# st.write(f"query <{query}>: {classification_response}")
return query_classes.get(classification_response, default_num)
# st.write(f"query <{query}>: {classification_response}")
return default_num
class Relevant_Documents_Agent:
def __init__(self, openai_client) -> None:
# TODO: Initialize the Relevant_Documents_Agent
self.client = openai_client
def get_relevance(self, conversation) -> str:
def get_relevant_docs(self, conversation, docs) -> str: # uses Query Agent to get relevant docs
def is_relevant(self, matches_text, user_query_plus_conversation) -> bool:
prompt = f"Please confirm that the text in angle brackets: <{matches_text}>, is relevant to the text in double square brackets: [[{user_query_plus_conversation}]]. Return Yes or No"
response = get_completion(self.client, prompt)
return is_Yes(response)
class Query_Agent:
def __init__(self, pinecone_index, pinecone_index_python, openai_client, embeddings) -> None:
# TODO: Initialize the Query_Agent agent
self.pinecone_index = pinecone_index
self.pinecone_index_python = pinecone_index_python
self.openai_client = openai_client
self.embeddings = embeddings
def get_openai_embedding(self, text, model="text-embedding-ada-002"):
text = text.replace("\n", " ")
return self.openai_client.embeddings.create(input=[text], model=model).data[0].embedding
def query_vector_store(self, query, index=None, k=5) -> str:
if index == None:
index = self.pinecone_index
query_embedding = self.get_openai_embedding(query)
def get_namespace(index):
stat = index.describe_index_stats()
stat_dict_key = stat['namespaces'].keys()
stat_dict_key_list = list(stat_dict_key)
first_key = stat_dict_key_list[0]
return first_key
ns = get_namespace(index)
matches_text = get_top_k_text(index.query(
return matches_text
class Answering_Agent:
def __init__(self, openai_client) -> None:
# TODO: Initialize the Answering_Agent
self.client = openai_client
def generate_response(self, query, docs, conv_history, selected_mode):
# TODO: Generate a response to the user's query
prompt_for_gpt = f"Based on this text in angle brackets: <{docs}>, please summarize a response to this query: {query} in the context of this conversation: {conv_history}. Please use language appropriate for a {selected_mode}."
return get_completion(self.client, prompt_for_gpt)
def generate_image(self, text):
caption_prompt = f"Based on this text, repeated here in double square brackets for your reference: [[{text}]], please generate a simple caption that I can use with dall-e to generate an instructional image."
caption_text = get_completion(self.client, caption_prompt)
image = Head_Agent.text_to_image(self.client, caption_text)
return image
class Head_Agent:
def __init__(self, openai_key, pinecone_key) -> None:
# TODO: Initialize the Head_Agent
self.openai_key = openai_key
self.pinecone_key = pinecone_key
self.selected_mode = ""
self.openai_client = OpenAI(api_key=self.openai_key)
self.pc = Pinecone(api_key=self.pinecone_key)
self.pinecone_index = self.pc.Index("index-600")
self.pinecone_index_python = self.pc.Index("index-py-files")
def setup_sub_agents(self):
# TODO: Setup the sub-agents
self.classify_agent = Classify_Agent(self.openai_client)
self.query_agent = Query_Agent(self.pinecone_index, self.pinecone_index_python, self.openai_client, None) # Pass embeddings if needed
self.answering_agent = Answering_Agent(self.openai_client)
self.relevant_documents_agent = Relevant_Documents_Agent(self.openai_client)
def process_query_response(self, user_query, query_topic):
# Retrieve the history related to the query_topic
conversation = []
index = self.pinecone_index
if query_topic == "ml":
conversation = Head_Agent.get_history_about('ml')
elif query_topic == 'python':
conversation = Head_Agent.get_history_about('python')
index = self.pinecone_index_python
# get matches from Query_Agent, which uses Pinecone
user_query_plus_conversation = f"The current query is: {user_query}"
if len(conversation) > 0:
conversation_text = "\n".join(conversation)
user_query_plus_conversation += f'The current conversation is: {conversation_text}'
# st.write(user_query_plus_conversation)
matches_text = self.query_agent.query_vector_store(user_query_plus_conversation, index)
if self.relevant_documents_agent.is_relevant(matches_text, user_query_plus_conversation):
#maybe here we can ask GPT to make up an answer if there is no match
response = self.answering_agent.generate_response(user_query, matches_text, conversation, self.selected_mode)
response = "Sorry, I don't have relevant information to answer that query."
return response
def get_conversation():
# ... (code for getting conversation history)
return Head_Agent.get_history_about()
def get_history_about(topic=None):
history = []
for message in st.session_state.messages:
role = message["role"]
content = message["content"]
if topic == None:
if role == "user":
history.append(f"{content} ")
if message["topic"] == topic:
history.append(f"{content} ")
# st.write(f"user history in get_conversation is {history}")
if history != None:
history = history[-2:]
return history
def text_to_image(openai_client, text):
response = openai_client.images.generate(
prompt = text,
image_url =[0].url
with urllib.request.urlopen(image_url) as image_url:
img =
return img
def main_loop_1(self):
# TODO: Run the main loop for the chatbot
st.title("Mini Project 2: Streamlit Chatbot")
# Check for existing session state variables
if "openai_model" not in st.session_state:
# ... (initialize model)
# st.session_state.openai_model = openai_client #'GPT-3.5-turbo'
st.session_state.openai_model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'
if "messages" not in st.session_state:
# ... (initialize messages)
st.session_state.messages = []
# Define the selection options
modes = ['1st grade student', 'middle school student', 'high school student', 'college student', 'grad student']
# Use st.selectbox to let the user select a mode
self.selected_mode = st.selectbox("Select your education level:", modes)
# Display existing chat messages
# ... (code for displaying messages)
for message in st.session_state.messages:
if message["role"] == "assistant":
with st.chat_message("assistant"):
if message['image'] != None:
with st.chat_message("user"):
# Wait for user input
if user_query := st.chat_input("What would you like to chat about?"):
# # ... (append user message to messages)
# ... (display user message)
with st.chat_message("user"):
# Generate AI response
with st.chat_message("assistant"):
# ... (send request to OpenAI API)
response = ""
topic = None
image = None
hasImage = False
# Get the current conversation with new user query to check for users' intension
conversation = self.get_conversation()
user_query_plus_conversation = f"The current query is: {user_query}. The current conversation is: {conversation}"
classify_query = self.classify_agent.classify_query(user_query_plus_conversation)
if classify_query == general_greeting_num:
response = "How can I assist you today?"
elif classify_query == general_question_num:
response = "Please ask a question about Machine Learning or Python Code."
elif classify_query == machine_learning_num:
# answering agent will 1. call query agent te get matches from pinecone, 2. verify the matches r relevant, 3. generate response
response = self.process_query_response(user_query, 'ml')
# answering agent will generate an image
if not contains_sorry(response):
image = self.answering_agent.generate_image(response)
hasImage = True
topic = "ml"
elif classify_query == python_code_num:
response = self.process_query_response(user_query, 'python')
# answering agent will generate an image
if not contains_sorry(response):
image = self.answering_agent.generate_image(response)
hasImage = True
topic = "python"
elif classify_query == obnoxious_num:
response = "Please dont be obnoxious."
elif classify_query == default_num:
response = "I'm not sure how to respond to that."
response = "I'm not sure how to respond to that."
# ... (get AI response and display it)
if hasImage:
# Test moving append user_query down here:
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_query, "topic": topic, "image": None})
# ... (append AI response to messages)
st.session_state.messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": response, "topic": topic, "image": image})
if __name__ == "__main__":
head_agent = Head_Agent(OPENAI_KEY, pc_apikey)