File size: 7,126 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
from streamlit_mic_recorder import mic_recorder
from transformers import pipeline
import torch
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification
# from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import altair as alt
def callback():
if st.session_state.my_recorder_output:
audio_bytes = st.session_state.my_recorder_output['bytes']
def load_text_to_speech_model(model="openai/whisper-base"):
pipe = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model=model)
return pipe
def translate(inputs, model="openai/whisper-base"):
pipe = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model=model)
translate_result = pipe(inputs, generate_kwargs={'task': 'translate'})
return translate_result['text']
# def encode_depracated(docs, tokenizer):
# '''
# This function takes list of texts and returns input_ids and attention_mask of texts
# '''
# encoded_dict = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(docs, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=128, padding='max_length',
# return_attention_mask=True, truncation=True, return_tensors='pt')
# input_ids = encoded_dict['input_ids']
# attention_masks = encoded_dict['attention_mask']
# return input_ids, attention_masks
# def load_classification_model():
# CUSTOMMODEL_PATH = "./bert-itserviceclassification"
# PRETRAINED_LM = "bert-base-uncased"
# tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_LM, do_lower_case=True)
# model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_LM,
# num_labels=8,
# output_attentions=False,
# output_hidden_states=False)
# model.load_state_dict(torch.load(CUSTOMMODEL_PATH, map_location ='cpu'))
# return model, tokenizer
def load_classification_model():
PRETRAINED_LM = "kkngan/bert-base-uncased-it-service-classification"
# model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_LM, num_labels=8)
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_LM)
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_LM, do_lower_case=True)
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(PRETRAINED_LM,
return model, tokenizer
def predict(text, model, tokenizer):
lookup_key ={0: 'Hardware',
1: 'Access',
2: 'Miscellaneous',
3: 'HR Support',
4: 'Purchase',
5: 'Administrative rights',
6: 'Storage',
7: 'Internal Project'}
# with torch.no_grad():
# input_ids, att_mask = encode([text], tokenizer)
# logits = model(input_ids = input_ids, attention_mask=att_mask).logits
inputs = tokenizer(text,
padding = True,
truncation = True,
outputs = model(**inputs)
predicted_class_id = outputs.logits.argmax().item()
predicted_label = lookup_key.get(predicted_class_id)
probability = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=-1).cpu().detach().numpy()
return predicted_label, predicted_class_id, probability
def display_result(translate_text, prediction, predicted_class_id, probability):
st.markdown('<font color="purple"><b>Text:</b></font>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# st.markdown(f'<font color="green"><b>Predicted Class: (Probability: {(probability[0][predicted_class_id] * 100):.2f}%) </b></font>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.markdown('<font color="green"><b>Predicted Class:</b></font>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Convert probability to bar cart
# Show Probability of each Service Category
category = ('Hardware', 'Access', 'Miscellaneous', 'HR Support', 'Purchase', 'Administrative rights', 'Storage', 'Internal Project')
probability = np.array(probability[0])
df = pd.DataFrame({'Category': category, 'Probability (%)': probability * 100})
df['Probability (%)'] = df['Probability (%)'].apply(lambda x: round(x, 2))
base = alt.Chart(df).encode(
x='Probability (%)',
# color='b:O',
tooltip=['Category',alt.Tooltip('Probability (%)', format=",.2f")],
text='Probability (%)'
).properties(title="Probability of each Service Category")
chart = base.mark_bar() + base.mark_text(align='left', dx=2)
st.altair_chart(chart, use_container_width=True)
def main():
# st.cache_resource.clear()
st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="NLP IT Service Classification", page_icon="🤖",)
st.markdown('<b>🤖 Welcome to IT Service Classification Assistant!!! 🤖</b>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
with st.sidebar:
st.image('front_page_image.jpg' , use_column_width=True)
text_to_speech_model = st.selectbox("Pick select a speech to text model", ["openai/whisper-base", "openai/whisper-large-v3"])
options = st.selectbox("Pick select an input method", ["Start a recording", "Upload an audio", "Enter a transcript"])
if options == "Start a recording":
audio = mic_recorder(key='my_recorder', callback=callback)
elif options == "Upload an audio":
audio = st.file_uploader("Please upload an audio", type=["wav", "mp3"])
text = st.text_area("Please input the transcript (Only support English)")
button = st.button('Submit')
if button:
with st.spinner(text="Loading... It may take a while if you are running the app for the first time."):
start_time = time.time()
if options == "Start a recording":
# transcibe_text, translate_text = transcribe_and_translate(upload=audio["bytes"])
translate_text = translate(inputs=audio["bytes"], model=text_to_speech_model)
elif options == "Upload an audio":
# transcibe_text, translate_text = transcribe_and_translate(upload=audio.getvalue())
translate_text = translate(inputs=audio.getvalue(), model=text_to_speech_model)
translate_text = text
model, tokenizer = load_classification_model()
prediction, predicted_class_id, probability = predict(text=translate_text, model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
end_time = time.time()
display_result(translate_text, prediction, predicted_class_id, probability)
st.markdown(f'*It took {(end_time-start_time):.2f} sec to process the input.', unsafe_allow_html=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':