File size: 5,986 Bytes
a228fac 16d7e9b a228fac 16d7e9b a228fac 1be0846 a228fac 80d398c a228fac d0225fc a228fac 1be0846 75c54a9 1be0846 75c54a9 1be0846 75c54a9 1be0846 16d7e9b 1be0846 |
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from import vision
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToJson
import pandas as pd
import json
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import io
import requests
image_ext = ("*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.png")
class VisionClient:
def __init__(self, auth):
# with open('temp/client_secret.json') as f:
# auth = json.load(f)
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info(
self.client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient(credentials=credentials)
def send_request(self, image):
image = vision.Image(content=image)
except ValueError as e:
print("Image could not be read")
response = self.client.document_text_detection(image, timeout=60)
return response
def get_response(self, content):
resp_js = self.send_request(content)
except Exception as e:
print("OCR request failed. Reason : {}".format(e))
return resp_js
def post_process(self, resp_js):
boxObjects = []
for i in range(1, len(resp_js.text_annotations)):
# We need to do that because vision sometimes reverse the left and right coords so then we have negative
# width which causes problems when drawing link buttons
obj = resp_js
if obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[1].x > obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[3].x:
leftX = obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[3].x
leftX = obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[1].x
if obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[1].x > obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[3].x:
rightX = obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[1].x
rightX = obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[3].x
"id": i-1,
"text": obj.text_annotations[i].description,
"left": leftX,
"width": rightX - leftX,
"top": obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[1].y,
"height":obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[3].y - obj.text_annotations[i].bounding_poly.vertices[1].y
return boxObjects
def convert_to_df(self, boxObjects, image):
ocr_df = pd.DataFrame(boxObjects)
# ocr_df = ocr_df.sort_values(by=['top', 'left'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)
width, height = image.size
w_scale = 1000/width
h_scale = 1000/height
ocr_df = ocr_df.dropna() \
.assign(left_scaled = ocr_df.left*w_scale,
width_scaled = ocr_df.width*w_scale,
top_scaled =*h_scale,
height_scaled = ocr_df.height*h_scale,
right_scaled = lambda x: x.left_scaled + x.width_scaled,
bottom_scaled = lambda x: x.top_scaled + x.height_scaled)
float_cols = ocr_df.select_dtypes('float').columns
ocr_df[float_cols] = ocr_df[float_cols].round(0).astype(int)
ocr_df = ocr_df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True)
ocr_df = ocr_df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
return ocr_df
def ocr(self, content, image):
resp_js = self.get_response(content)
boxObjects = self.post_process(resp_js)
ocr_df = self.convert_to_df(boxObjects, image)
return ocr_df
class TrOCRClient():
def __init__(self, api_url):
self.api_url = api_url
def convert_to_df(self, boxObjects, image):
ocr_df = pd.DataFrame(boxObjects)
# ocr_df = ocr_df.sort_values(by=['top', 'left'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)
width, height = image.size
w_scale = 1000/width
h_scale = 1000/height
ocr_df = ocr_df.dropna() \
.assign(left_scaled = ocr_df.left*w_scale,
width_scaled = ocr_df.width*w_scale,
top_scaled =*h_scale,
height_scaled = ocr_df.height*h_scale,
right_scaled = lambda x: x.left_scaled + x.width_scaled,
bottom_scaled = lambda x: x.top_scaled + x.height_scaled)
float_cols = ocr_df.select_dtypes('float').columns
ocr_df[float_cols] = ocr_df[float_cols].round(0).astype(int)
ocr_df = ocr_df.replace(r'^\s*$', np.nan, regex=True)
ocr_df = ocr_df.dropna().reset_index(drop=True)
return ocr_df
def send_request(self, handwritten_img):
jpeg_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format='JPEG')
jpeg_content = jpeg_bytes.getvalue()
# Send a POST request with the image file
response =, files={"file": jpeg_content})
# Check the response status code
if response.status_code == 200:
# Get the extracted text from the response
extracted_text = response.json()["ocr_result"]
print(f"Error: {response.text}")
return extracted_text
def ocr(self, handwritten_imgs, image):
boxObjects = []
for i in range(len(handwritten_imgs)):
handwritten_img = handwritten_imgs[i]
ocr_result = self.send_request(handwritten_img[0])
"id": i-1,
"text": ocr_result,
"left": handwritten_img[1],
"width": handwritten_img[3],
"top": handwritten_img[2],
ocr_df = self.convert_to_df(boxObjects, image)
return ocr_df