curves /
gdarid's picture
add the interface with curves
Lindenmayer System (L-system) with personal customizations
See also
import io
import math
from collections import deque
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file
from import export_png, export_svgs
from import get_screenshot_as_png
from loguru import logger
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import attrs as at
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import PIL.Image as pimage
class Config: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
Configuration of the important active characters
reserved: str = ':; ' # reserved characters
color: str = '.'
move_lifted_pen: str = 'UVW'
move_angle_init: str = '_'
move: str = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLNOQRST' # M and P are reserved for 3d rotations
move_up_3d: str = '⇧'
move_down_3d: str = '⇩'
r3d_1_plus: str = 'p' # Axis of rotation : "X"
r3d_1_minus: str = 'm'
r3d_2_plus: str = 'P' # Axis of rotation : "Y"
r3d_2_minus: str = 'M'
r3d_all: str = at.field(init=False)
move_multi: str = at.field(init=False)
move_all: str = at.field(init=False)
delta_add: str = 'u'
delta_sub: str = 'v'
outer_repetition: str = '#'
outer_repetition_max: int = 100
skipped: str = ''
total_skipped: str = at.field(init=False) # all skipped characters
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
self.move_multi = self.move.lower()
self.move_all = self.color + self.move_lifted_pen + self.move_angle_init + self.move_multi + self.move
self.total_skipped = ' ' + self.skipped
self.r3d_all = self.r3d_1_plus + self.r3d_1_minus + self.r3d_2_plus + self.r3d_2_minus
class Lsystc:
Classic L-System with few customizations
def __init__(self, config: Config, axiom: str, rules: list[tuple[str, str]], nbiter: int,
dev_ini: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
self.config = config
self.axiom = axiom
self.rules = rules
self.nbiter = nbiter
self.dev_ini = dev_ini
self.verbose = verbose = ''
self.turt = []
self.dimension = 2
self.rotation_3d_done = False
self.mobile_vectors: list[np.array] = [np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]),
np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])]
self.log('info', f"Axiom: {self.axiom:.50} ; Rules : {self.rules} ; Nb iterations : {self.nbiter}")
if self.dev_ini:
self.log('info', f"Axiom: {self.axiom:.50} ; Rules : {self.rules} ; "
f"Nb iterations : {self.nbiter} Expanded value : {[:50]+'...'} ; After")
def apply_rot(rot: Rotation, vec: np.array) -> np.array:
Apply a rotation on a vector
:param rot: rotation to apply
:param vec: concerned vector
:return: rotated vector
return rot.apply(vec).round(decimals=6)
def dev_unit(source: str, rules: list[tuple[str, str]]) -> str:
Develop source with rules
result = source
position = 0
lreg = None
while True:
# The leftmost usable rule is applied
newpos = None
for lr, regle in enumerate(rules):
lpos = result.find(regle[0], position)
if lpos >= 0:
if newpos is None or lpos < newpos:
newpos = lpos
lreg = lr
if newpos is None:
result = result[0:newpos] + result[newpos:].replace(rules[lreg][0], rules[lreg][1], 1)
position = newpos + len(rules[lreg][1])
return result
def color_from_map(name: str, index: int) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
:param name: name of the discrete colormap (matplotlib source) to be used
:param index: index of the color in the map
:return: tuple (red, green, blue)
r, g, b = mpl.colormaps[name].colors[index]
r, g, b = int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255)
return r, g, b
def log(self, ltype: str, message: str, *args, **kwargs):
Log a message with consideration for the verbosity property
:param ltype: type of log
:param message: message
:return: None
if self.verbose:
func_dict = {'info':, 'debug': logger.debug, 'warning': logger.warning,
'error': logger.error, 'exception': logger.exception}
func = func_dict.get(ltype)
if not func:
raise ValueError(f"This type of log is unknown : {ltype}")
func(message, *args, **kwargs)
def new_pos(self, ax: float, ay: float, az: float, astep: float, aangle: float) -> tuple[float, float, float]:
New position from (ax, ay, az) with the use of astep and aangle
The angle is not used if a 3D rotation has been done
:param ax: 1st coordinate of starting point
:param ay: 2nd coordinate of starting point
:param az: 3rd coordinate of starting point
:param astep: step size
:param aangle: step angle
if self.rotation_3d_done:
forward_vector = self.mobile_vectors[0]
lx = ax + astep * forward_vector[0]
ly = ay + astep * forward_vector[1]
lz = az + astep * forward_vector[2]
return lx, ly, lz
if aangle == 0.0:
lx = ax + astep
ly = ay
elif aangle == 90.0:
lx = ax
ly = ay + astep
elif aangle == 180.0:
lx = ax - astep
ly = ay
elif aangle == 270.0:
lx = ax
ly = ay - astep
lx = ax + astep * math.cos(math.radians(aangle))
ly = ay + astep * math.sin(math.radians(aangle))
return lx, ly, az
def develop(self) -> None:
Develop self.axiom from the list of rules (self.rules) with nbiter iterations
A rule is a couple (source, target) where source can be replaced by target
Example of Koch :
axiom = 'F'
rules = [('F','F+F-F-F+F')]
Example with 2 rules :
axiom = 'A'
rules = [('A','AB'),('B','A')]
result = self.axiom
if self.rules:
for _ in range(self.nbiter):
result = self.dev_unit(result, self.rules) = result
def init_3d(self, angle: float) -> None:
Initialization of the 3D and of the mobile vectors
:param angle: current angle
:return: None
self.rotation_3d_done = True
self.dimension = 3
vec_x = self.mobile_vectors[0]
vec_y = self.mobile_vectors[1]
axis = self.mobile_vectors[2]
rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(angle * axis, degrees=True)
new_vec_x = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_x)
new_vec_y = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_y)
self.mobile_vectors[0] = new_vec_x
self.mobile_vectors[1] = new_vec_y
def rotate_3d(self, rtype: str, rangle: float) -> None:
Apply a 3D rotation on the mobile vectors
:param rtype: type of rotation
:param rangle: angle of rotation
:return: None
vec_x = self.mobile_vectors[0]
vec_y = self.mobile_vectors[1]
vec_z = self.mobile_vectors[2]
rsign = 1 if rtype in self.config.r3d_1_plus + self.config.r3d_2_plus + '+>' else -1
if rtype in self.config.r3d_1_minus + self.config.r3d_1_plus:
# Axis of rotation is "X"
axis = vec_x
rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(rsign * rangle * axis, degrees=True)
new_vec_x = axis
new_vec_y = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_y)
new_vec_z = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_z)
elif rtype in self.config.r3d_2_minus + self.config.r3d_2_plus:
# Axis of rotation is "Y"
axis = vec_y
rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(rsign * rangle * axis, degrees=True)
new_vec_x = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_x)
new_vec_y = axis
new_vec_z = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_z)
# Axis of rotation is "Z" ( +->< )
axis = vec_z
rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(rsign * rangle * axis, degrees=True)
new_vec_x = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_x)
new_vec_y = self.apply_rot(rot, vec_y)
new_vec_z = axis
self.mobile_vectors[0] = new_vec_x
self.mobile_vectors[1] = new_vec_y
self.mobile_vectors[2] = new_vec_z
def turtle(self, step: float = 10.0, angle: float = 90.0, angleinit: float = 0.0, coeff: float = 1.1,
angle2: float = 10.0, color_length: int = 3, color_map: str = "Set1",
delta: float = 0.1) -> None:
Develop in [(lx, ly, lz, color),...] where lx, ly, lz are lists of positions
The result goes to self.turt
:param step: the turtle step size
:param angle: angle of rotation (in degrees) ( + - )
:param angleinit: initial angle
:param coeff: magnification or reduction factor for the step ( * / ) and factor for "lowered" characters
:param angle2: 2nd usable angle ( < > )
:param color_length: maximal number of colours
:param color_map: color map to use (matplotlib name)
:param delta: value to add to the step
res = []
stock: list = [] # List of ("point", angle, ...) kept for [] et ()
lix: list[float] = []
liy: list[float] = []
liz: list[float] = []
tx = 0.0
ty = 0.0
tz = 0.0
tstep = step
tangle = angleinit
tsens = 1
color_index = 0
tcouleur = self.color_from_map(color_map, color_index)
nb_iterations: int = 0
stock_outer: deque = deque([(tx, ty, tz, tangle, tcouleur, tstep, self.mobile_vectors)])
while stock_outer:
nb_iterations += 1
if len(lix) > 1:
res.append((lix, liy, liz, tcouleur))
tx, ty, tz, tangle, tcouleur, tstep, self.mobile_vectors = stock_outer.popleft()
lix = [tx]
liy = [ty]
liz = [tz]
for car in
if car in self.config.total_skipped:
npos = False
npospos = False
nliste = False
ncolor = False
if car in self.config.move_all:
if car in self.config.color:
ncolor = True # Change of color
ltstep = tstep
if car in self.config.move_multi:
ltstep = tstep * coeff
elif car in self.config.move_angle_init:
tangle = angleinit
ltangle = tangle
tx, ty, tz = self.new_pos(tx, ty, tz, ltstep, ltangle)
# npos true <-> new position with the pen down
npos = car in self.config.move + self.config.move_multi + self.config.move_angle_init
# nliste true <-> new list because of a change of color or a raised pen
nliste = car in self.config.color + self.config.move_lifted_pen
elif car in self.config.move_up_3d or car in self.config.move_down_3d:
npos = True
self.dimension = 3
if car in self.config.move_up_3d:
tz += tstep
tz -= tstep
elif car in '+-><' + self.config.r3d_all:
if self.rotation_3d_done:
if car in '+-' + self.config.r3d_all:
langle = angle
langle = angle2
self.rotate_3d(car, langle * tsens)
if car in '+':
tangle = (tangle + angle * tsens) % 360.0
elif car in '-':
tangle = (tangle - angle * tsens) % 360.0
elif car in '>':
tangle = (tangle + angle2 * tsens) % 360.0
elif car in '<':
tangle = (tangle - angle2 * tsens) % 360.0
# There is a not trivial 3D rotation ( PMpm )
self.rotate_3d(car, angle * tsens)
elif car == '*':
tstep *= coeff
elif car == '/':
tstep /= coeff
elif car in self.config.delta_add:
tstep += delta
elif car in self.config.delta_sub:
tstep -= delta
elif car in '[(':
stock.append((tx, ty, tz, tangle, tcouleur, tstep, self.mobile_vectors))
elif car in '])':
if stock:
tx, ty, tz, tangle, tcouleur, tstep, self.mobile_vectors = stock.pop()
nliste = True # the pen is raised to go back to the stocked position
elif car == '|':
# Single "return" ("round-trip")
npospos = True
elif car == '!':
# Change the sens of rotation
tsens = tsens * -1
elif car in self.config.outer_repetition:
# A new possible item in the "outer stock"
if nb_iterations <= self.config.outer_repetition_max:
stock_outer.append((tx, ty, tz, tangle, tcouleur, tstep, self.mobile_vectors))
# Take into account the read character
# ------------------------------------
if nliste:
# New list because of new color or lifted pen
if len(lix) > 1:
res.append((lix, liy, liz, tcouleur))
if ncolor:
# Change of color
color_index = (color_index + 1) % color_length
tcouleur = self.color_from_map(color_map, color_index)
lix = [tx]
liy = [ty]
liz = [tz]
elif npos:
# New position and no new list
elif npospos:
# 2 new positions for a "round-trip"
tnx, tny, tnz = self.new_pos(tx, ty, tz, tstep, tangle)
if len(lix) > 1:
# Finally, append the last points
res.append((lix, liy, liz, tcouleur))
self.turt = res
def render(self, show_type: str = 'matplot', image_destination: str = 'images_out/',
save_files: bool = True, show_more: bool = False, show_3d: bool = False,
return_type: str = ''):
Render self.turt using a specific show type
:param show_type: 'matplot' or 'bokeh'
:param image_destination: folder for images backup
:param save_files: True to save files
:param show_more: True to show with specific show_type
:param show_3d: True to show 3D (implemented with plotly only)
:param return_type: '', 'image' or 'figure'
:return: None or an image if return_type is 'image' or a figure if return_type is 'figure'
if show_type == 'matplot':
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for (lx, ly, _, coul) in self.turt:
r, g, b = coul
ax.plot(lx, ly, color=(r / 255., g / 255., b / 255., 1.0))
if show_more:
if save_files:
fig.savefig(f'{image_destination}plot_{show_type}.png', bbox_inches='tight')
fig.savefig(f'{image_destination}plot_{show_type}.svg', bbox_inches='tight')
if return_type == 'image':
fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1, wspace=0, hspace=0)
# Return an image : PIL.Image
return pimage.frombytes('RGB', fig.canvas.get_width_height(), fig.canvas.tostring_rgb())
if return_type == 'figure':
return fig
elif show_type == 'bokeh':
if save_files:
fig = figure(title="LSyst", x_axis_label='x', y_axis_label='y', width=800, height=800)
for (lx, ly, _, coul) in self.turt:
cr, cg, cb = coul
fig.line(lx, ly, line_color=(cr, cg, cb))
fig.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
fig.ygrid.grid_line_color = None
if show_more:
_ = show(fig)
if save_files:
export_png(fig, filename=f'{image_destination}plot_{show_type}.png')
fig.output_backend = "svg"
export_svgs(fig, filename=f'{image_destination}plot_{show_type}.svg')
if return_type == 'image':
fig.toolbar_location = None
fig.axis.visible = False
fig.title = ""
# Return an image : PIL.Image
return get_screenshot_as_png(fig)
if return_type == 'figure':
return fig
elif show_type == 'plotly':
fig = go.Figure()
axis_dict = {
"showline": True,
"showgrid": False,
"showticklabels": True,
"zeroline": False,
"ticks": 'outside',
index = 0
if self.dimension == 2 or not show_3d:
for (lx, ly, lz, coul) in self.turt:
index += 1
cr, cg, cb = coul
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=lx, y=ly, mode='lines',
name=f"t{index}", line={"color": f'rgb({cr},{cg},{cb})', "width": 1}))
# 3D
for (lx, ly, lz, coul) in self.turt:
index += 1
cr, cg, cb = coul
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter3d(x=lx, y=ly, z=lz, mode='lines',
name=f"t{index}", line={"color": f'rgb({cr},{cg},{cb})', "width": 1}))
if show_more:
if save_files:
if return_type == 'image':
fig_bytes = fig.to_image(format="png")
buf = io.BytesIO(fig_bytes)
# Return an image : PIL.Image
if return_type == 'figure':
return fig
raise ValueError("The given show_type is not correct")