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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def get_entire_subset():
Returns the entire subset, which is an empty dictionary
:return: empty dictionary
return {}
def get_random_subset(coordinates: pd.DataFrame, prob: float, min_elements: int = 0):
Returns a random subset
:param coordinates: data frame containing having as columns the features
:param prob: probability to select a value of a feature
:param min_elements: minimum number of elements to be included in the randomly generated sub-population
:return: dictionary representing a random sub-population
subset_random_values = {}
shuffled_column_names = np.random.permutation(coordinates.columns.values)
# consider each column once, in random order
for column_name in shuffled_column_names:
# get unique values of the current column
temp = coordinates[column_name].unique()
# include each attribute value with probability = prob
mask_values = np.random.rand(len(temp)) < prob
if mask_values.sum() < len(temp):
# set values for the current column
subset_random_values[column_name] = temp[mask_values].tolist()
# compute the remaining records
mask_subset = coordinates[subset_random_values.keys()].isin(subset_random_values).all(axis=1)
remaining_records = len(coordinates.loc[mask_subset])
# only filter on this attribute if at least min_elements records would be kept
if remaining_records < min_elements:
del subset_random_values[column_name]
return subset_random_values