Runtime error
Runtime error
title: Go Chatgpt Api | |
emoji: 💩 | |
colorFrom: green | |
colorTo: indigo | |
sdk: docker | |
pinned: false | |
app_port: 8080 | |
# go-chatgpt-api | |
### [English Doc]( | |
## 一个尝试绕过 `Cloudflare 403` 和 `Access denied` 的正向代理程序 | |
### 实验性质项目,不保证稳定性和向后兼容,使用风险自负 | |
### 使用的过程中遇到问题应该如何解决 | |
汇总贴: | |
--- | |
### 支持的 API(URL 和参数基本保持着和官网一致,部分接口有些许改动) | |
--- | |
### ChatGPT APIs | |
--- | |
- `ChatGPT` 登录(返回 `accessToken`)(目前仅支持 `ChatGPT` 账号,谷歌或微软账号没有测试) | |
`POST /chatgpt/login` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"username": "email", | |
"password": "password" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- 获取对话列表(历史记录) | |
`GET /chatgpt/conversations?offset=0&limit=20` | |
`offset` 不传默认为 0, `limit` 不传默认为 20 (最大为 100) | |
--- | |
- 获取对话内容 | |
`GET /chatgpt/conversation/{conversationID}` | |
--- | |
- 新建对话 | |
`POST /chatgpt/conversation` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"action": "next", | |
"messages": [ | |
{ | |
"id": "message id", | |
"author": { | |
"role": "user" | |
}, | |
"content": { | |
"content_type": "text", | |
"parts": [ | |
"Hello World" | |
] | |
} | |
} | |
], | |
"parent_message_id": "parent message id", | |
"conversation_id": "conversation id", | |
"model": "text-davinci-002-render-sha", | |
"timezone_offset_min": -480, | |
"history_and_training_disabled": false | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- 生成对话标题 | |
`POST /chatgpt/conversation/gen_title/{conversationID}` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"message_id": "role assistant response message id" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- 重命名对话标题 | |
`PATCH /chatgpt/conversation/{conversationID}` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"title": "new title" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- 删除单个对话 | |
`PATCH /chatgpt/conversation/{conversationID}` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"is_visible": false | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- 删除所有对话 | |
`PATCH /chatgpt/conversations` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"is_visible": false | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- 消息反馈 | |
`POST /chatgpt/conversation/message_feedback` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"message_id": "message id", | |
"conversation_id": "conversation id", | |
"rating": "thumbsUp/thumbsDown" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
### Platform APIs | |
--- | |
- `platform` 登录(返回 `sessionKey`) | |
`POST /platform/login` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"username": "email", | |
"password": "password" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [List models]( | |
`GET /platform/v1/models` | |
--- | |
- [Retrieve model]( | |
`GET /platform/v1/models/{model}` | |
--- | |
- [Create completion]( | |
`POST /platform/v1/completions` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"model": "text-davinci-003", | |
"prompt": "Say this is a test", | |
"max_tokens": 7, | |
"temperature": 0, | |
"stream": true | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [Create chat completion]( | |
`POST /platform/v1/chat/completions` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"messages": [ | |
{ | |
"role": "user", | |
"content": "Hello World" | |
} | |
], | |
"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", | |
"stream": true | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [Create edit]( | |
`POST /platform/v1/edits` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"model": "text-davinci-edit-001", | |
"input": "What day of the wek is it?", | |
"instruction": "Fix the spelling mistakes" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [Create image]( | |
`POST /platform/v1/images/generations` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"prompt": "A cute dog", | |
"n": 2, | |
"size": "1024x1024" | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [Create embeddings]( | |
`POST /platform/v1/embeddings` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"model": "text-embedding-ada-002", | |
"input": "The food was delicious and the waiter..." | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [Create moderations]( | |
`POST /platform/v1/moderations` | |
<details> | |
```json | |
{ | |
"model": "text-moderation-stable", | |
"input": "I want to kill them." | |
} | |
``` | |
</details> | |
--- | |
- [List files]( | |
`GET /platform/v1/files` | |
--- | |
- 获取 `credit grants` (只能传 `sessionKey`) | |
`GET /platform/dashboard/billing/credit_grants` | |
--- | |
- 获取 `subscription` (只能传 `sessionKey`) | |
`GET /platform/dashboard/billing/subscription` | |
--- | |
- 获取 `api keys` (只能传 `sessionKey`) | |
`GET /platform/dashboard/user/api_keys` | |
--- | |
如需设置代理,可以设置环境变量 `GO_CHATGPT_API_PROXY`,比如 `GO_CHATGPT_API_PROXY=` | |
或者 `GO_CHATGPT_API_PROXY=socks5://`,注释掉或者留空则不启用 | |
如需配合 `warp` 使用:`GO_CHATGPT_API_PROXY=socks5://chatgpt-proxy-server-warp:65535`,因为需要设置 `warp` | |
的场景已经默认可以直接访问 `ChatGPT` 官网,因此共用一个变量不冲突 | |
--- | |
`docker-compose` 配置文件: | |
```yaml | |
services: | |
go-chatgpt-api: | |
container_name: go-chatgpt-api | |
image: linweiyuan/go-chatgpt-api | |
ports: | |
- 8080:8080 | |
environment: | |
restart: unless-stopped | |
``` | |
我仅仅在 `Arch Linux` 上进行开发和测试,这是一个滚动更新的版本,意味着系统上所有东西都是最新的,如果你在使用的过程中 `yaml` | |
报错了,则可以加上 `version: '3'` 在 `services:` 前面 | |
如果遇到 `Access denied`,但是你的服务器确实在[被支持的国家或地区]( | |
,尝试一下这个配置(不保证能解决问题,比如你的服务器在 A 地区,但 A 地不在支持列表内,即使用上了 `warp` 后是 `Cloudflare IP` | |
,结果也会是 `403`): | |
```yaml | |
services: | |
go-chatgpt-api: | |
container_name: go-chatgpt-api | |
image: linweiyuan/go-chatgpt-api | |
ports: | |
- 8080:8080 | |
environment: | |
- GO_CHATGPT_API_PROXY=socks5://chatgpt-proxy-server-warp:65535 | |
depends_on: | |
- chatgpt-proxy-server-warp | |
restart: unless-stopped | |
chatgpt-proxy-server-warp: | |
container_name: chatgpt-proxy-server-warp | |
image: linweiyuan/chatgpt-proxy-server-warp | |
environment: | |
restart: unless-stopped | |
``` | |
如果你知道什么是 `teams-enroll-token`,可以通过环境变量 `TEAMS_ENROLL_TOKEN` 设置它的值 | |
然后利用这条命令来检查是否生效: | |
`docker-compose exec chatgpt-proxy-server-warp warp-cli --accept-tos account | awk 'NR==1'` | |
``` | |
Account type: Free (没有生效) | |
Account type: Team (设置正常) | |
``` | |
--- | |
如果要让运行的镜像总是保持最新,可以配合这个一起使用: | |
```yaml | |
services: | |
watchtower: | |
container_name: watchtower | |
image: containrrr/watchtower | |
volumes: | |
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock | |
command: --interval 3600 | |
restart: unless-stopped | |
``` | |
<details> | |
<summary>广告位</summary> | |
`Vultr` 推荐链接: | |
--- | |
个人微信(没有验证,谁都能加,添加即通过,不用打招呼,直接把问题发出来,日常和私人问题不聊,不进群;可以解答程序使用问题,但最好自己要有一定的基础;可以远程调试,仅限 `SSH` | |
或`ToDesk`,但不保证能解决): | |
 | |
--- | |
微信赞赏码(经济条件允许的可以考虑支持下): | |
 | |
</details> | |