title: Sf Biodiv Access Shiny
emoji: π
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sdk: docker
pinned: false
SF Biodiversity Access Shiny App
This Shiny app provides decision support for the Reimagining San Francisco Initiative, aiming to explore the intersection of biodiversity, socio-economic variables, and greenspace accessibility.
- Users can either click on the map or type an address to generate isochrones for travel-time accessibility.
- Supports multiple transportation modes, including pedestrian, cycling, driving, and traffic-sensitive driving.
- Retrieves socio-economic data from precomputed Census variables.
- Calculates and overlays NDVI for vegetation analysis.
- Summarizes biodiversity records from GBIF and identifies species richness, greenspace, and socio-economic patterns.
App Summary
This application allows users to:
- Generate travel-time isochrones across multiple transportation modes.
- Retrieve biodiversity and socio-economic data for a chosen area.
- Explore greenspace coverage, population estimates, and species diversity.
Created by:
Diego Ellis Soto. In collaboration with Carl Boettiger, Rebecca Johnson, Christopher J. Schell
Contact: [email protected]
Why Biodiversity Access Matters
Ensuring equitable access to biodiversity is essential for:
- Human well-being: Promoting physical and mental health through exposure to nature.
- Ecological resilience: Supporting pollinators, moderating climate extremes, and enhancing ecosystem services.
- Urban planning: Incorporating biodiversity metrics into decision-making for sustainable urban futures.
Next Steps
- Add impervious surface data, national walkability score, and social vulnerability index.
- Integrate community organizations and NatureServe biodiversity maps.
- Optimize speed by pre-storing variables and aggregating data.
- Develop a comprehensive biodiversity access score in collaboration with stakeholders.
- Annotate GBIF data with additional environmental variables for enhanced summaries.
Public Transport Data
Future plans include integrating public transportation accessibility to further enhance decision-making capabilities.
Repository Structure
- App.R: Main application file containing UI and server logic.
- R/setup.R: Script to load necessary datasets (e.g., annotated GBIF, NDVI).
- www/: Contains logos, screenshots, and other resources.