# type: ignore -- ignores linting import issues when using multiple virtual environments | |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components | |
import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
import logging | |
from deeploy import Client, CreateEvaluation | |
from constants import ( | |
relationship_dict, | |
occupation_dict, | |
education_dict, | |
type_of_work_dict, | |
countries_dict, | |
marital_status_dict, | |
) | |
# reset Plotly theme after streamlit import | |
import as pio | |
pio.templates.default = "plotly" | |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) | |
st.set_page_config(layout="wide") | |
st.title("Loan application model example") | |
def get_model_url(): | |
model_url = st.text_area( | |
"Model URL (without the /explain endpoint, default is the demo deployment)", | |
"", | |
height=125, | |
) | |
elems = model_url.split("/") | |
try: | |
workspace_id = elems[4] | |
deployment_id = elems[6] | |
except IndexError: | |
workspace_id = "" | |
deployment_id = "" | |
return model_url, workspace_id, deployment_id | |
def ChangeButtonColour(widget_label, font_color, background_color="transparent"): | |
# func to change button colors | |
htmlstr = f""" | |
<script> | |
var elements = window.parent.document.querySelectorAll('button'); | |
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i) {{ | |
if (elements[i].innerText == '{widget_label}') {{ | |
elements[i].style.color ='{font_color}'; | |
elements[i].style.background = '{background_color}' | |
}} | |
}} | |
</script> | |
""" | |
components.html(f"{htmlstr}", height=0, width=0) | |
with st.sidebar: | |
st.image("deeploy_logo_wide.png", width=250) | |
# Ask for model URL and token | |
host = st.text_input("Host (Changing is optional)", "") | |
model_url, workspace_id, deployment_id = get_model_url() | |
st.session_state.deployment_id = deployment_id | |
deployment_token = st.text_input("Deeploy API token", "my-secret-token") | |
if deployment_token == "my-secret-token": | |
st.warning("Please enter Deeploy API token.") | |
client_options = { | |
"host": host, | |
"deployment_token": deployment_token, | |
"workspace_id": workspace_id, | |
} | |
client = Client(**client_options) | |
if "expander_toggle" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.expander_toggle = True | |
if "evaluation_submitted" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.evaluation_submitted = False | |
if "predict_button_clicked" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.predict_button_clicked = False | |
if "request_body" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.request_body = None | |
if "deployment_id" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.deployment_id = None | |
if "exp" not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.exp = None | |
def form_request_body(): | |
"""Create the request body for the prediction endpoint""" | |
marital_status_id = marital_status_dict[st.session_state.marital_status] | |
native_country_id = countries_dict[st.session_state.native_country] | |
relationship_id = relationship_dict[st.session_state.relationship] | |
occupation_id = occupation_dict[st.session_state.occupation] | |
education_id = education_dict[] | |
type_of_work_id = type_of_work_dict[st.session_state.type_of_work] | |
return { | |
"instances": [ | |
[ | |
st.session_state.age, | |
type_of_work_id, | |
education_id, | |
marital_status_id, | |
occupation_id, | |
relationship_id, | |
st.session_state.capital_gain, | |
st.session_state.capital_loss, | |
st.session_state.hours_per_week, | |
native_country_id, | |
] | |
] | |
} | |
def predict_callback(): | |
"""Callback function to call the prediction endpoint""" | |
request_body = form_request_body() # Make sure we have the latest values after user input | |
st.session_state.exp = None | |
with st.spinner("Loading prediction and explanation..."): | |
try: | |
# Call the explain endpoint as it also includes the prediction | |
exp = client.explain( | |
request_body=request_body, deployment_id=st.session_state.deployment_id | |
) | |
st.session_state.exp = exp | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(e) | |
st.error( | |
"Failed to get a prediction and explanation." | |
+ "Check whether you are using the right model URL and token for predictions. " | |
+ "Contact Deeploy if the problem persists." | |
) | |
st.session_state.predict_button_clicked = True | |
st.session_state.evaluation_submitted = False | |
def hide_expander(): | |
st.session_state.expander_toggle = False | |
def show_expander(): | |
st.session_state.expander_toggle = True | |
def submit_and_clear(agree: str, comment: str = None): | |
if agree == "yes": | |
evaluation_input: CreateEvaluation = { | |
"agree": True, | |
"comment": comment, | |
} | |
else: | |
desired_output = not predictions[0] | |
evaluation_input: CreateEvaluation = { | |
"agree": False, | |
"desired_output": { "predictions": [desired_output] }, | |
"comment": comment, | |
} | |
try: | |
client.evaluate(st.session_state.deployment_id, prediction_log_id, evaluation_input) | |
st.session_state.evaluation_submitted = True | |
st.session_state.predict_button_clicked = False | |
st.session_state.exp = None | |
show_expander() | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(e) | |
st.error( | |
"Failed to submit feedback." | |
+ "Check whether you are using the right model URL and token for evaluations. " | |
+ "Contact Deeploy if the problem persists." | |
) | |
# with st.expander("Debug session state", expanded=False): | |
# st.write(st.session_state) | |
# Attributes | |
with st.expander("**Loan application form**", expanded=st.session_state.expander_toggle): | |
# Split view in 2 columns | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
# Create input fields for attributes from constant dicts | |
age = st.number_input("Age", min_value=10, max_value=100, value=30, key="age", on_change=predict_callback) | |
marital_status = st.selectbox("Marital Status", marital_status_dict.keys(), key="marital_status", on_change=predict_callback,) | |
native_country = st.selectbox( | |
"Native Country", countries_dict.keys(), index=len(countries_dict) - 1, key="native_country",on_change=predict_callback | |
) | |
relationship = st.selectbox("Family situation", relationship_dict.keys(), key="relationship", on_change=predict_callback) | |
occupation = st.selectbox("Occupation", occupation_dict.keys(), index=1, key="occupation", on_change=predict_callback) | |
with col2: | |
education = st.selectbox("Highest education level", education_dict.keys(), key="education", index=4, on_change=predict_callback) | |
type_of_work = st.selectbox("Type of work", type_of_work_dict.keys(), key="type_of_work", on_change=predict_callback) | |
hours_per_week = st.number_input( | |
"Working hours per week", min_value=0, max_value=100, value=40, key="hours_per_week", on_change=predict_callback, | |
) | |
capital_gain = st.number_input( | |
"Yearly income [€]", min_value=0, max_value=10000000, value=70000, key="capital_gain", on_change=predict_callback, | |
) | |
capital_loss = st.number_input( | |
"Yearly expenditures [€]", min_value=0, max_value=10000000, value=60000, key="capital_loss", on_change=predict_callback, | |
) | |
data_df = pd.DataFrame( | |
[ | |
[ | |
st.session_state.age, | |
st.session_state.type_of_work, | |, | |
st.session_state.marital_status, | |
st.session_state.occupation, | |
st.session_state.relationship, | |
st.session_state.capital_gain, | |
st.session_state.capital_loss, | |
st.session_state.hours_per_week, | |
st.session_state.native_country, | |
] | |
], | |
columns=[ | |
"Age", | |
"Type of work", | |
"Highest education level", | |
"Marital Status", | |
"Occupation", | |
"Family situation", | |
"Yearly Income [€]", | |
"Yearly expenditures [€]", | |
"Working hours per week", | |
"Native Country", | |
], | |
) | |
data_df_t = data_df.T | |
# Show predict button if token is set | |
if deployment_token != "my-secret-token" and st.session_state.exp is None: | |
predict_button = st.button( | |
"Send loan application", key="predict_button", help="Click to get the AI prediction.", on_click=predict_callback, | |
) | |
if st.session_state.evaluation_submitted: | |
st.success("Evaluation submitted successfully!") | |
# Show prediction and explanation after predict button is clicked | |
elif st.session_state.predict_button_clicked and st.session_state.exp is not None: | |
try: | |
exp = st.session_state.exp | |
# Read explanation to dataframe from json | |
predictions = exp["predictions"] | |
request_log_id = exp["requestLogId"] | |
prediction_log_id = exp["predictionLogIds"][0] | |
exp_df = pd.DataFrame( | |
[exp["explanations"][0]["shap_values"]], columns=exp["featureLabels"] | |
) | |
exp_df.columns = data_df.columns | |
exp_df_t = exp_df.T | |
# Merge data and explanation | |
exp_df_t = data_df_t.merge(exp_df_t, left_index=True, right_index=True) | |
weight_feat = "Weight" | |
feat_val_col = "Value" | |
exp_df_t.columns = [feat_val_col, weight_feat] | |
exp_df_t["Feature"] = exp_df_t.index | |
exp_df_t = exp_df_t[["Feature", feat_val_col, weight_feat]] | |
exp_df_t[feat_val_col] = exp_df_t[feat_val_col].astype(str) | |
# Filter values below 0.01 | |
exp_df_t = exp_df_t[ | |
(exp_df_t[weight_feat] > 0.01) | (exp_df_t[weight_feat] < -0.01) | |
] | |
exp_df_t[weight_feat] = exp_df_t[weight_feat].astype(float).round(2) | |
pos_exp_df_t = exp_df_t[exp_df_t[weight_feat] > 0] | |
pos_exp_df_t = pos_exp_df_t.sort_values(by=weight_feat, ascending=False) | |
neg_exp_df_t = exp_df_t[exp_df_t[weight_feat] < 0] | |
neg_exp_df_t = neg_exp_df_t.sort_values(by=weight_feat, ascending=True) | |
neg_exp_df_t[weight_feat] = neg_exp_df_t[weight_feat].abs() | |
# Get 3 features with highest positive relevance score | |
pos_feats = pos_exp_df_t[weight_feat].nlargest(3).index.tolist() | |
# For feature, get feature value and concatenate into a single string | |
pos_feats = [ | |
f"{feat}: {pos_exp_df_t.loc[feat, feat_val_col]}" | |
for feat in pos_feats | |
] | |
# Get 3 features with highest negative relevance score | |
neg_feats = neg_exp_df_t[weight_feat].nlargest(3).index.tolist() | |
# For feature, get feature value and concatenate into a single string | |
neg_feats = [ | |
f"{feat}: {neg_exp_df_t.loc[feat, feat_val_col]}" | |
for feat in neg_feats | |
] | |
if predictions[0]: | |
# Show prediction | |
st.subheader("Loan Decision: :green[Approve]", divider="green") | |
# Format subheader to green | |
st.markdown( | |
"<style>.css-1v3fvcr{color: green;}</style>", unsafe_allow_html=True | |
) | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
# If prediction is positive, first show positive features, then negative features | |
st.success( | |
"The most important characteristics in favor of loan approval are: \n - " | |
+ " \n- ".join(pos_feats) | |
) | |
with col2: | |
st.error( | |
"However, the following features weight against the loan applicant: \n - " | |
+ " \n- ".join(neg_feats) | |
# + " \n For more details, see full explanation of the credit assessment below.", | |
) | |
else: | |
st.subheader("Loan Decision: :red[Reject]", divider="red") | |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) | |
with col1: | |
# If prediction is negative, first show negative features, then positive features | |
st.error( | |
"The most important reasons for loan rejection are: \n - " | |
+ " \n - ".join(neg_feats) | |
) | |
with col2: | |
st.success( | |
"However, the following factors weigh in favor of the loan applicant: \n - " | |
+ " \n - ".join(pos_feats) | |
) | |
try: | |
# Show explanation | |
if predictions[0]: | |
col_pos, col_neg = st.columns(2) | |
else: | |
col_neg, col_pos = st.columns(2) # Swap columns if prediction is negative | |
with col_pos: | |
st.subheader("Factors :green[in favor] of loan approval") | |
# st.success("**Factors in favor of loan approval**") | |
st.dataframe( | |
pos_exp_df_t, | |
hide_index=True, | |
width=600, | |
column_config={ | |
"Weight": st.column_config.ProgressColumn( | |
"Weight", | |
width="small", | |
format=" ", | |
min_value=0, | |
max_value=1, | |
) | |
}, | |
) | |
with col_neg: | |
st.subheader("Factors :red[against] loan approval") | |
# st.error("**Factors against loan approval**") | |
st.dataframe( | |
neg_exp_df_t, | |
hide_index=True, | |
width=600, | |
column_config={ | |
"Weight": st.column_config.ProgressColumn( | |
"Weight", | |
width="small", | |
format=" ", | |
min_value=0, | |
max_value=1, | |
) | |
}, | |
) | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(e) | |
st.error( | |
"Failed to show the explanation." | |
+ "Refresh the page to reset the application." | |
+ "Contact Deeploy if the problem persists." | |
) | |
st.divider() | |
if not st.session_state.evaluation_submitted: | |
# Add prediction evaluation | |
st.subheader("Evaluation: Do you agree with the loan assessment?") | |
st.write( | |
"AI model predictions always come with a certain level of uncertainty. Evaluate the correctness of the assessment based on your expertise and experience." | |
) | |
st.session_state.evaluation_input = {} | |
comment = st.text_input("Your assessment:", placeholder="For example: 'Income is too low, given applicant's background'") | |
cols = st.columns(4) | |
col_yes, col_no = cols[:2] | |
with col_yes: | |
yes_button = st.button( | |
"Yes, I agree", | |
key="yes_button", | |
use_container_width=True, | |
help="Click if you agree with the prediction", | |
on_click=submit_and_clear, | |
args=["yes", comment] | |
) | |
ChangeButtonColour("Yes, I agree", "white", "green") | |
with col_no: | |
no_button = st.button( | |
"No, I disagree", | |
key="no_button", | |
use_container_width=True, | |
help="Click if you disagree with the prediction", | |
type="primary", | |
on_click=submit_and_clear, | |
args=["no", comment] | |
) | |
ChangeButtonColour("No, I disagree", "white", "#DD360C") # Red color for disagree button | |
except Exception as e: | |
logging.error(e) | |
st.error( | |
"Failed to retrieve the prediction or explanation." | |
+ "Check whether you are using the right model URL and Token. " | |
+ "Contact Deeploy if the problem persists." | |
) | |