Pathfinder /
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This is a web application designed to allow job-seekers to learn more about various occupations and explore their future career path. See below for details and page descriptions. If you like the app, please star and/or fork and check back frequently for future releases.

Note: This is an in-progress FastAPI version of the "ONET-Application" Flask app in my repo.

To Access the App:

To Clone the App and Run it Locally:


  • You must have python3.10.9 installed.

In a terminal run the following commands:

pip3 install --user virtualenv
git clone
cd Pathfinder
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app

And navigate to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser

(Advanced: You can also use the Dockerfile in the repo to build an image and run a container.)

Page Descriptions:

Home Page:

Select a job title from the dropdown and click submit to get information about the selected job.


Job Neighborhoods Page:

Click on the "Explore Job Neighborhoods" link to see which job neighborhood(s) your job(s) of interest occupy.


*Please see the version history below for a description of the models and algorithms underlying the app functionality.

Version history:

  • Initial commit - 2/3/2023 - Allows users to select a job title to learn more about and get a brief description of the selected job and the major tasks involved, which is dynamically scraped from The job neighborhoods page was generated by using Co:here AI's LLM to embed ONET's task statements and subsequently performing dimension reduction using t-SNE to get a 2-D representation of job "clusters." The distance between jobs in the plot corresponds to how similar they are to one another - i.e., more similar jobs (according to the tasks involved in the job) will appear more closely "clustered" on the plot.