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G4F - Webview GUI

Open the GUI in a window of your OS. Runs on a local/static/ssl server and use a JavaScript API. Supports login into the OpenAI Chat (.har files), Image Upload and streamed Text Generation.

Supports all platforms, but only Linux/Windows tested.

  1. Install all python requirements with:
pip install g4f[webview]
  1. a) Follow the OS specific steps here: pywebview installation

  2. b) WebView2 on Windows: Our application requires the WebView2 Runtime to be installed on your system. If you do not have it installed, please download and install it from the Microsoft Developer Website. If you already have WebView2 Runtime installed but are encountering issues, navigate to Installed Windows Apps, select WebView2, and opt for the repair option.

  3. Run the app with:

from g4f.gui.webview import run_webview

or execute the following command:

python -m g4f.gui.webview -debug

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