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title: Sf Biodiv Access Shiny
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SF Biodiversity Access Shiny App

This Shiny app provides decision support for the Reimagining San Francisco Initiative, aiming to explore the intersection of biodiversity, socio-economic variables, and greenspace accessibility.

Screenshot of the App


  • Users can either click on the map or type an address to generate isochrones for travel-time accessibility.
  • Supports multiple transportation modes, including pedestrian, cycling, driving, and traffic-sensitive driving.
  • Retrieves socio-economic data from precomputed Census variables.
  • Calculates and overlays NDVI for vegetation analysis.
  • Summarizes biodiversity records from GBIF and identifies species richness, greenspace, and socio-economic patterns.

Combined Logos

App Summary

This application allows users to:

  • Generate travel-time isochrones across multiple transportation modes.
  • Retrieve biodiversity and socio-economic data for a chosen area.
  • Explore greenspace coverage, population estimates, and species diversity.

Created by: Diego Ellis Soto. In collaboration with Carl Boettiger, Rebecca Johnson, Christopher J. Schell
Contact: [email protected]

Why Biodiversity Access Matters

Ensuring equitable access to biodiversity is essential for:

  • Human well-being: Promoting physical and mental health through exposure to nature.
  • Ecological resilience: Supporting pollinators, moderating climate extremes, and enhancing ecosystem services.
  • Urban planning: Incorporating biodiversity metrics into decision-making for sustainable urban futures.

Next Steps

  1. Add impervious surface data, national walkability score, and social vulnerability index.
  2. Integrate community organizations and NatureServe biodiversity maps.
  3. Optimize speed by pre-storing variables and aggregating data.
  4. Develop a comprehensive biodiversity access score in collaboration with stakeholders.
  5. Annotate GBIF data with additional environmental variables for enhanced summaries.

Public Transport Data

Future plans include integrating public transportation accessibility to further enhance decision-making capabilities.

Repository Structure

  • App.R: Main application file containing UI and server logic.
  • R/setup.R: Script to load necessary datasets (e.g., annotated GBIF, NDVI).
  • www/: Contains logos, screenshots, and other resources.