import polars as pl |
import api_scraper |
mlb_scrape = api_scraper.MLB_Scrape() |
from stuff_model import * |
from shiny import App, reactive, ui, render |
from shiny.ui import h2, tags |
from api_scraper import MLB_Scrape |
import datetime |
from stuff_model import feature_engineering as fe |
from stuff_model import stuff_apply |
from pytabulator import TableOptions, Tabulator, output_tabulator, render_tabulator, theme |
theme.tabulator_site() |
scraper = MLB_Scrape() |
df_year_old_group = pl.read_parquet('pitch_data_agg_2024.parquet') |
pitcher_old_dict = dict(zip(df_year_old_group['pitcher_id'],df_year_old_group['pitcher_name'])) |
app_ui = ui.page_fluid( |
ui.card( |
ui.card_header("2025 Spring Training Pitch Data App"), |
ui.row( |
ui.column(4, |
ui.markdown("""This app generates a table which shows the 2025 Spring Training data. |
* Differences are calculated based on 2024 regular season data |
* If 2024 data does not exist for pitcher, 2023 Data is used |
* If no difference exists, the pitch is labelled as a new pitch"""), |
ui.input_action_button( |
"refresh", |
"Refresh Data", |
class_="btn-primary", |
width="100%" |
) |
), |
ui.column(3, |
ui.div( |
"By: ", |
ui.tags.a( |
"@TJStats", |
href="https://x.com/TJStats", |
target="_blank" |
) |
), |
ui.tags.p("Data: MLB"), |
ui.tags.p( |
ui.tags.a( |
"Support me on Patreon for more baseball content", |
href="https://www.patreon.com/TJ_Stats", |
target="_blank" |
) |
) |
) |
), |
ui.navset_tab( |
ui.nav("All Pitches", |
output_tabulator("table_all") |
), |
) |
) |
) |
def server(input, output, session): |
@output |
@render_tabulator |
@reactive.event(input.refresh) |
def table_all(): |
import polars as pl |
df_spring = pl.read_parquet(f"hf://datasets/TJStatsApps/mlb_data/data/mlb_pitch_data_2025_spring.parquet") |
date = datetime.datetime.now().date() |
date_str = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') |
game_list_input = (scraper.get_schedule(year_input=[int(date_str[0:4])], sport_id=[1], game_type=['S']) |
.filter(pl.col('date') == date)['game_id']) |
data = scraper.get_data(game_list_input) |
df = scraper.get_data_df(data) |
df_spring = pl.concat([df_spring, df]).sort('game_date', descending=True) |
df_spring_stuff = stuff_apply.stuff_apply(fe.feature_engineering(pl.concat([df_spring]))) |
import polars as pl |
df_pitcher_totals = df_spring_stuff.group_by("pitcher_id").agg( |
pl.col("start_speed").count().alias("pitcher_total") |
) |
df_spring_group = df_spring_stuff.group_by(['pitcher_id', 'pitcher_name', 'pitch_type']).agg([ |
pl.col('start_speed').count().alias('count'), |
pl.col('start_speed').mean().alias('start_speed'), |
pl.col('ivb').mean().alias('ivb'), |
pl.col('hb').mean().alias('hb'), |
pl.col('release_pos_z').mean().alias('release_pos_z'), |
pl.col('release_pos_x').mean().alias('release_pos_x'), |
pl.col('extension').mean().alias('extension'), |
pl.col('tj_stuff_plus').mean().alias('tj_stuff_plus'), |
(pl.col('start_speed').filter(pl.col('batter_hand')=='L').count()).alias('rhh_count'), |
(pl.col('start_speed').filter(pl.col('batter_hand')=='R').count()).alias('lhh_count') |
]) |
df_spring_group = df_spring_group.join(df_pitcher_totals, on="pitcher_id", how="left") |
df_spring_group = df_spring_group.with_columns( |
(pl.col("count") / pl.col("pitcher_total")).alias("pitch_percent") |
) |
df_spring_group = df_spring_group.with_columns([ |
(pl.col("rhh_count") / pl.col("pitcher_total")).alias("rhh_percent"), |
(pl.col("lhh_count") / pl.col("pitcher_total")).alias("lhh_percent") |
]) |
df_merge = df_spring_group.join(df_year_old_group,on=['pitcher_id','pitcher_name','pitch_type'],how='left',suffix='_old') |
df_merge = df_merge.with_columns( |
pl.col('pitcher_id').is_in(df_year_old_group['pitcher_id']).alias('exists_in_old') |
) |
df_merge = df_merge.with_columns( |
pl.when(pl.col('start_speed_old').is_null() & pl.col('exists_in_old')) |
.then(pl.lit("TRUE")) |
.otherwise(pl.lit(None)) |
.alias("new_pitch") |
) |
import polars as pl |
cols_to_subtract = [ |
("start_speed", "start_speed_old"), |
("ivb", "ivb_old"), |
("hb", "hb_old"), |
("release_pos_z", "release_pos_z_old"), |
("release_pos_x", "release_pos_x_old"), |
("extension", "extension_old"), |
("tj_stuff_plus", "tj_stuff_plus_old") |
] |
df_merge = df_merge.with_columns([ |
pl.when(pl.col(old).is_null()) |
.then(pl.lit(10000)) |
.otherwise(pl.col(new) - pl.col(old)) |
.alias(new + "_diff") |
for new, old in cols_to_subtract |
]) |
df_merge = df_merge.with_columns([ |
pl.when(pl.col(new + "_diff").eq(10000)) |
.then(pl.col(new).round(1).cast(pl.Utf8)+'\n\t') |
.otherwise( |
pl.col(new).round(1).cast(pl.Utf8) + |
"\n(" + |
pl.col(new + "_diff").round(1) |
.map_elements(lambda x: f"{x:+.1f}") + |
")" |
).alias(new + "_formatted") |
for new, _ in cols_to_subtract |
]) |
percent_cols = ['pitch_percent', 'rhh_percent', 'lhh_percent'] |
df_merge = df_merge.with_columns([ |
(pl.col(col) * 100) |
.round(1) |
.map_elements(lambda x: f"{x:.1f}%") |
.alias(col + "_formatted") |
for col in percent_cols |
]).sort(['pitcher_id','count'],descending=True) |
columns = [ |
{ "title": "Pitcher Name", "field": "pitcher_name", "width": 250, "headerFilter":"input" ,"frozen":True,}, |
{ "title": "Team", "field": "pitcher_team", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input" ,"frozen":True,}, |
{ "title": "Pitch Type", "field": "pitch_type", "width": 125, "headerFilter":"input" ,"frozen":True,}, |
{ "title": "New Pitch?", "field": "new_pitch", "width": 125, "headerFilter":"input" ,"frozen":False,}, |
{ "title": "Pitches", "field": "count", "width": 100 , "headerFilter":"input"}, |
{ "title": "Pitch%", "field": "pitch_percent_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input"}, |
{ "title": "RHH%", "field": "rhh_percent_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input"}, |
{ "title": "LHH%", "field": "lhh_percent_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input"}, |
{ "title": "Velocity", "field": "start_speed_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" }, |
{ "title": "iVB", "field": "ivb_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" }, |
{ "title": "HB", "field": "hb_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" }, |
{ "title": "RelH", "field": "release_pos_z_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" }, |
{ "title": "RelS", "field": "release_pos_x_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" }, |
{ "title": "Extension", "field": "extension_formatted", "width": 125, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" }, |
{ "title": "tjStuff+", "field": "tj_stuff_plus_formatted", "width": 100, "headerFilter":"input", "formatter":"textarea" } |
] |
df_plot = df_merge.to_pandas() |
team_dict = dict(zip(df_spring['pitcher_id'],df_spring['pitcher_team'])) |
df_plot['pitcher_team'] = df_plot['pitcher_id'].map(team_dict) |
return Tabulator( |
df_plot, |
table_options=TableOptions( |
height=750, |
columns=columns, |
) |
) |
app = App(app_ui, server) |