import os | |
import utils | |
import numpy as np | |
import gradio as gr | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
from ttictoc import tic,toc | |
from urllib.request import urlretrieve | |
# '''--------------------------- Preprocesamiento ----------------------------''' | |
# tic() | |
# 3D U-Net\ | |
if not os.path.exists("unet.h5"): | |
urlretrieve("", "unet.h5") | |
if not os.path.exists("resnet_50_23dataset.pth"): | |
urlretrieve("", "resnet_50_23dataset.pth") | |
path_3d_unet = 'unet.h5' | |
with tf.device("cpu:0"): | |
model_unet = utils.import_3d_unet(path_3d_unet) | |
# # Cargar imagen | |
# img = utils.load_img('F:/Downloads/ADNI_002_S_0295_MR_MP-RAGE__br_raw_20070525135721811_1_S32678_I55275.nii') | |
# # Extraer cerebro | |
# with tf.device("cpu:0"): | |
# brain = utils.brain_stripping(img, model_unet) | |
# print(toc()) | |
# '''---------------------------- Procesamiento ------------------------------''' | |
# # Med net | |
# weight_path = 'resnet_50_23dataset.pth' | |
# device_ids = [0] | |
# mednet = utils.create_mednet(weight_path, device_ids) | |
# # Extraer caracter铆sticas | |
# features = utils.get_features(brain, mednet) | |
def load_img(file): | |
sitk, array = utils.load_img( | |
# Redimenci贸n | |
mri_image = np.transpose(array) | |
mri_image = np.append(mri_image, np.zeros((192-mri_image.shape[0],256,256,)), axis=0) | |
# Rotaci贸n | |
mri_image = mri_image.astype(np.float32) | |
mri_image = np.rot90(mri_image, axes=(1,2)) | |
return sitk, mri_image | |
def show_img(img, mri_slice, update): | |
fig = plt.figure() | |
plt.imshow(img[mri_slice,:,:], cmap='gray') | |
if update == True: | |
return fig, gr.update(visible=True), gr.update(visible=True) | |
else: | |
return fig | |
# def show_brain(brain, brain_slice): | |
# fig = plt.figure() | |
# plt.imshow(brain[brain_slice,:,:], cmap='gray') | |
# return fig, gr.update(visible=True) | |
def process_img(img, brain_slice, progress=gr.Progress()): | |
progress(880,desc="Processing...") | |
with tf.device("cpu:0"): | |
brain = utils.brain_stripping(img, model_unet) | |
fig, update_slider, _ = show_img(brain, brain_slice, update=True) | |
return brain, fig, update_slider | |
def clear(): | |
return gr.File.update(value=None), gr.Plot.update(value=None), gr.update(visible=False) | |
# gr.Textbox.update(placeholder='Ingrese nombre del paciente'), gr.Number.update(value=0), | |
# demo = gr.Interface(fn=load_img, | |
# inputs=gr.File(file_count="single", file_type=[".nii"]), | |
# outputs=gr.Plot() | |
# # outputs='text' | |
# ) | |
# theme = gr.themes.Base().load('css_new.json') | |
with gr.Blocks(theme=gr.themes.Base()) as demo: | |
with gr.Row(): | |
# gr.HTML(r"""<center><img src='' width="30%" height="30%"></center>""") | |
gr.HTML(r"""<center><img src='' width="40%" height="40%"></center>""") | |
# gr.Markdown(""" | |
# # SIMCI | |
# Interfaz de SIMCI | |
# """) | |
# Inputs | |
with gr.Row(): | |
with gr.Column(variant="panel", scale=1): | |
gr.Markdown('<h2 style="text-align: center; color:#235784;">Patient Information</h2>') | |
with gr.Tab("Personal data"): | |
# Objeto para subir archivo nifti | |
input_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter the patient name', label='Patient name') | |
input_age = gr.Number(label='Age') | |
input_phone_num = gr.Number(label='Phone number') | |
input_emer_name = gr.Textbox(placeholder='Enter the emergency contact name', label='Emergency contact name') | |
input_emer_phone_num = gr.Number(label='Emergency contact name phone number') | |
input_sex = gr.Dropdown(["Male", "Female"], label="Sex") | |
with gr.Tab("Clinical data"): | |
input_MMSE = gr.Number(label='MMSE') | |
input_GDSCALE = gr.Number(label='GDSCALE') | |
input_CDR = gr.Number(label='Global CDR') | |
input_FAQ = gr.Number(label='FAQ Total Score') | |
input_NPI_Q = gr.Number(label='NPI-Q Total Score') | |
with gr.Tab("Vital Signs"): | |
input_Diastolic_blood_pressure = gr.Number(label='Diastolic Blood Pressure(mm Hg)') | |
input_Systolic_blood_pressure = gr.Number(label='Systolic Blood Pressure(mm Hg)') | |
input_Body_heigth = gr.Number(label='Body heigth (cm)') | |
input_Body_weight = gr.Number(label='Body weigth (kg)') | |
input_Heart_rate = gr.Number(label='Heart rate (bpm)') | |
input_Respiratory_rate = gr.Number(label='Respiratory rate (bpm)') | |
input_Body_temperature = gr.Number(label='Body temperature (掳C)') | |
input_Pluse_oximetry = gr.Number(label='Pluse oximetry (%)') | |
with gr.Tab("Medications"): | |
input_medications = gr.Textbox(label='Medications', lines=5) | |
input_allergies = gr.Textbox(label='Allergies', lines=5) | |
input_file = gr.File(file_count="single", label="MRI Image File (.nii)") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
# Bot贸n para cargar imagen | |
load_img_button = gr.Button(value="Load") | |
# Bot贸n para borrar | |
clear_button = gr.Button(value="Clear") | |
# Bot贸n para procesar imagen | |
process_button = gr.Button(value="Procesar", visible=False) | |
# Outputs | |
with gr.Column(variant="panel", scale=1): | |
gr.Markdown('<h2 style="text-align: center; color:#235784;">MRI visualization</h2>') | |
# Plot para im谩gen original | |
plot_img_original = gr.Plot(label="Imagen MRI original") | |
# Slider para im谩gen original | |
mri_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, | |
maximum=192, | |
value=100, | |
step=1, | |
label="MRI Slice", | |
visible=False) | |
# Plot para im谩gen procesada | |
plot_brain = gr.Plot(label="Imagen MRI procesada", visible=True) | |
# Slider para im谩gen procesada | |
brain_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, | |
maximum=192, | |
value=100, | |
step=1, | |
label="MRI Slice", | |
visible=False) | |
# componentes = | |
# Variables | |
original_input_sitk = gr.State() | |
original_input_img = gr.State() | |
brain_img = gr.State() | |
update_true = gr.State(True) | |
update_false = gr.State(False) | |
# Cambios | |
# Cargar imagen nueva | |
input_file.change(load_img, | |
input_file, | |
[original_input_sitk, original_input_img]) | |
# Mostrar imagen nueva | |, | |
[original_input_img, mri_slider, update_true], | |
[plot_img_original, mri_slider, process_button]) | |
# Limpiar campos | |, | |
outputs=[input_file, plot_img_original, mri_slider]) | |
# Actualizar imagen original | |
mri_slider.change(show_img, | |
[original_input_img, mri_slider, update_false], | |
[plot_img_original]) | |
# Procesar imagen | |, | |
inputs=[original_input_sitk, brain_slider], | |
outputs=[brain_img,plot_brain,brain_slider]) | |
# Actualizar imagen procesada | |
brain_slider.change(show_img, | |
[brain_img, brain_slider, update_false], | |
[plot_brain]) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
demo.queue(concurrency_count=20) | |
demo.launch() | |
# # Visualizaci贸n resultados | |
# mri_slice = 100 | |
# # Plot Comparaci贸n m谩scaras | |
# fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,2) | |
# fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) | |
# fig.suptitle('Comparaci贸n M谩scaras Obtenidas') | |
# axs[0].set_title('MRI original') | |
# axs[0].imshow(img[mri_slice,:,:],cmap='gray') | |
# axs[1].set_title('Cerebro extraido con 3D U-Net') | |
# axs[1].imshow(brain[mri_slice,:,:],cmap='gray') | |
# # Slider para cambiar slice | |
# ax_slider = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.75, 0.03]) | |
# mri_slice_slider = Slider(ax_slider, 'Slice', 0, 192, 100, valstep=1) | |
# def update(val): | |
# mri_slice = mri_slice_slider.val | |
# axs[0].imshow(img[:,:,mri_slice],cmap='gray') | |
# axs[1].imshow(brain[mri_slice,:,:],cmap='gray') | |
# # Actualizar plot comparaci贸n m谩scaras | |
# mri_slice_slider.on_changed(update) |