File size: 6,479 Bytes
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import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
from prophet import Prophet
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
# Function to replace null values with average
def replace_null_with_avg_values(df, column_name):
df[column_name] = pd.to_numeric(df[column_name], errors='coerce')
avg_value = round(df[column_name].mean(), 1)
df[column_name].fillna(avg_value, inplace=True)
# Load and process the data
broiler_data = pd.read_csv('Broiler market price.csv')
replace_null_with_avg_values(broiler_data, 'DOC')
replace_null_with_avg_values(broiler_data, 'Farm Rate')
replace_null_with_avg_values(broiler_data, 'Open')
replace_null_with_avg_values(broiler_data, 'Close')
broiler_data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(broiler_data['Date'])
# Prepare dataframes for Prophet models
farm_rate_df = broiler_data[['Date', 'Farm Rate']].rename(columns={'Date': 'ds', 'Farm Rate': 'y'})
open_rate_df = broiler_data[['Date', 'Open']].rename(columns={'Date': 'ds', 'Open': 'y'})
close_rate_df = broiler_data[['Date', 'Close']].rename(columns={'Date': 'ds', 'Close': 'y'})
doc_rate_df = broiler_data[['Date', 'DOC']].rename(columns={'Date': 'ds', 'DOC': 'y'})
# Initialize Prophet models
farm_rate_model = Prophet(daily_seasonality=True)
open_rate_model = Prophet(daily_seasonality=True)
close_rate_model = Prophet(daily_seasonality=True)
doc_rate_model = Prophet(daily_seasonality=True)
# Add holidays
# Fit the models
# Function to generate predictions based on selected days
def predict_values(days_option):
# Generate future dataframes
farm_future_rate = farm_rate_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=days_option, freq='D')
open_future_rate = open_rate_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=days_option, freq='D')
close_future_rate = close_rate_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=days_option, freq='D')
doc_future_rate = doc_rate_model.make_future_dataframe(periods=days_option, freq='D')
# Make predictions
farm_forecast_rate = farm_rate_model.predict(farm_future_rate)
open_forecast_rate = open_rate_model.predict(open_future_rate)
close_forecast_rate = close_rate_model.predict(close_future_rate)
doc_forecast_rate = doc_rate_model.predict(doc_future_rate)
# Filter to get only the future predictions (last `days_option` days)
farm_output = farm_forecast_rate[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail(days_option).copy()
open_output = open_forecast_rate[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail(days_option).copy()
close_output = close_forecast_rate[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail(days_option).copy()
doc_output = doc_forecast_rate[['ds', 'yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper']].tail(days_option).copy()
# Round the predictions to 1 decimal place
for output in [farm_output, open_output, close_output, doc_output]:
output['yhat'] = np.round(output['yhat'], 1)
output['yhat_lower'] = np.round(output['yhat_lower'], 1)
output['yhat_upper'] = np.round(output['yhat_upper'], 1)
# Create Plotly graphs
fig_farm = go.Figure()
fig_farm.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=farm_forecast_rate['ds'], y=farm_forecast_rate['yhat'], mode='lines+markers', name='Farm Rate Prediction'))
fig_farm.update_layout(title='Farm Rate Predictions over Time', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Predicted Farm Rate')
fig_open = go.Figure()
fig_open.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=open_forecast_rate['ds'], y=open_forecast_rate['yhat'], mode='lines+markers', name='Open Rate Prediction'))
fig_open.update_layout(title='Open Rate Predictions over Time', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Predicted Open Rate')
fig_close = go.Figure()
fig_close.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=close_forecast_rate['ds'], y=close_forecast_rate['yhat'], mode='lines+markers', name='Close Rate Prediction'))
fig_close.update_layout(title='Close Rate Predictions over Time', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Predicted Close Rate')
fig_doc = go.Figure()
fig_doc.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=doc_forecast_rate['ds'], y=doc_forecast_rate['yhat'], mode='lines+markers', name='DOC Prediction'))
fig_doc.update_layout(title='DOC Predictions over Time', xaxis_title='Date', yaxis_title='Predicted DOC')
return farm_output, open_output, close_output, doc_output, fig_farm, fig_open, fig_close, fig_doc
# Define Gradio interface
def interface(days_option):
# Check if a valid selection is made
if days_option is None:
return "Please select a valid option for days.", None, None, None, None, None, None
days_map = {'7 days': 7, '10 days': 10, '15 days': 15, '40 days': 40}
days_selected = days_map.get(days_option, 7) # Default to 7 days if no valid option is provided
results_farm, results_open, results_close, results_doc, plot_farm, plot_open, plot_close, plot_doc = predict_values(days_selected)
return results_farm, results_open, results_close, results_doc, plot_farm, plot_open, plot_close, plot_doc
# Create Gradio inputs and outputs
days_dropdown = gr.components.Dropdown(choices=['7 days', '10 days', '15 days', '40 days'], label="Select Number of Days", value='7 days')
# Define output components
output_table_farm = gr.components.Dataframe(label="Predicted Farm Rate Values")
output_table_open = gr.components.Dataframe(label="Predicted Open Rate Values")
output_table_close = gr.components.Dataframe(label="Predicted Close Rate Values")
output_table_doc = gr.components.Dataframe(label="Predicted DOC Values")
output_plot_farm = gr.components.Plot(label="Farm Rate Predictions")
output_plot_open = gr.components.Plot(label="Open Rate Predictions")
output_plot_close = gr.components.Plot(label="Close Rate Predictions")
output_plot_doc = gr.components.Plot(label="DOC Predictions")
# Set up Gradio interface
outputs=[output_table_farm, output_table_open, output_table_close, output_table_doc, output_plot_farm, output_plot_open, output_plot_close, output_plot_doc],
title="Farm Rate Prediction Tool",
description="Select the number of days to generate predictions and plot."