gomoku / LightZero /CONTRIBUTING.md
zjowowen's picture
init space

🚀 Welcome to LightZero! 🌟

We're thrilled that you want to contribute to LightZero. Your help is invaluable, and we appreciate your efforts to make this project even better. 😄

📝 How to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository 🍴

  2. Clone your Fork 💻

    • git clone https://github.com/your-username/LightZero.git
  3. Create a New Branch 🌿

    • git checkout -b your-new-feature
  4. Make Your Awesome Changes 💥

    • Add some cool features.
    • Fix a bug.
    • Improve the documentation.
    • Anything that adds value!
  5. Commit Your Changes 📦

    • git commit -m "Your descriptive commit message"
  6. Push to Your Fork 🚢

    • git push origin your-new-feature
  7. Create a Pull Request 🎉

    • Go to the LightZero repository.
    • Click on "New Pull Request."
    • Fill in the details and submit your PR.
    • Please make sure your PR has a clear title and description.
  8. Review & Collaborate 🤝

    • Be prepared to answer questions or make changes to your PR as requested by the maintainers.
  9. Celebrate! 🎉 Your contribution has been added to LightZero.

📦 Reporting Issues

If you encounter a bug or have an idea for an improvement, please create an issue in the Issues section. Make sure to include details about the problem and how to reproduce it.

🛠 Code Style and Guidelines

We follow a few simple guidelines:

  • Keep your code clean and readable.
  • Use meaningful variable and function names.
  • Comment your code when necessary.
  • Ensure your code adheres to existing coding styles and standards.

For detailed information on code style, unit testing, and code review, please refer to our documentation:

🤖 Code of Conduct

Please be kind and respectful when interacting with other contributors. We have a Code of Conduct to ensure a positive and welcoming environment for everyone.

🙌 Thank You! 🙏

Your contribution helps make LightZero even better. We appreciate your dedication to the project. Keep coding and stay awesome! 😃