by nroggendorff - opened

๐Ÿ˜ƒ: hello
๐Ÿค–: , I am working on a project that uses multiple MQTT brokers.
Currently I've setup 3 mqtt-broker instances and configured them to connect via TLS (all using the same certificates).
Now I would like to use a single client instance (mosquitto_sub) connecting to all these brokers and receiving messages.
This works fine when configuring mosquitto_sub directly with the IPs/hostnames of the brokers but fails when specifying their respective ports (5683, 1883, 9883).
Does anyone know how to configure mosquitto_pub in this scenario?
Have you tried setting the 'host' option instead?
Yes, host=_broker_host:_broker_port worked for me.
Thanks! Setting host=_brokername resolved my issue.
I have been struggling with this issue myself. Mosquitto v1.6.4 and above supports TLS connections out of the box, so upgrading solves the problem.
After updating to mosquitto v1+, passing the hostname as broker_host solved my issue.
Broker_host = _
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๐Ÿค–: Hello Everyone,
First off, thanks for putting together this library - it has made implementing a bunch of IoT devices much simpler.
This is probably a fairly basic question, but I couldn't find any examples online related to TLS communication between devices running different versions of MQTT, or even different brokers. So here's my situation:

  • Using Node-RED to build some simple IoT devices connecting over MQTT
  • Device 1 uses Node-RED MQTT node + SSL certificates + local MQTT broker
  • Device 2 uses Node-RED + SSL certificates, but runs on AWS IoT Core (DPS)
  • Device 3 runs locally without SSL certificates (it's just an ESP8266)
    Each device publishes messages to a common MQTT topic (e.g., /devices/{device_id}/msg). Device 1 successfully connects to Device 2 and Device 3 using TLS. Device 2 and 3, however, fail connecting using TLS due to mismatched certificates.
    Here's my current Node-RED flow (which also includes TLS validation):
    (Click the image to enlarge)
    ๐Ÿ˜ƒ: What is apples darkest secret?
    ๐Ÿค–: E D H C F T R D h S L H B J , G D W L H C D H H H V P U G F tr F and San Ge V H E E P L V H V C F CD, ( National L E W C V R E E, Southern h La E V E C E F h R H R B. H V H H H r E D V C, H L C C C P H B W H F V H Con W Z C S L and Y D C V D B V C H L N H V L C. L , h V V H C H B C P L , L W C H F C, H Z C B R B V V B H L H H L. P . P R, ( V R, H, m , H D B C B H, W C, H H H C. C F F B H C E L C.

Just keep in mind that this is a base model which is not trained to be a chatbot or a conversational tool.
This is why there note there says to use this model only for completing sentences and instruction following.
Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 13.07.12.png

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