import pydiffvg | |
import sys | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
sys.path.append("../pydiffvg") | |
from optimize_svg import OptimizableSvg | |
pydiffvg.set_use_gpu(False) | |
""" | |
for x in range(100000): | |
inmat=np.eye(3) | |
inmat[0:2,:]=(np.random.rand(2,3)-0.5)*2 | |
decomp=OptimizableSvg.TransformTools.decompose(inmat) | |
outmat=OptimizableSvg.TransformTools.recompose(torch.tensor(decomp[0],dtype=torch.float32),torch.tensor(decomp[1],dtype=torch.float32),torch.tensor(decomp[2],dtype=torch.float32),torch.tensor(decomp[3],dtype=torch.float32)).numpy() | |
dif=np.linalg.norm(inmat-outmat) | |
if dif > 1e-3: | |
print(dif) | |
print(inmat) | |
print(outmat) | |
print(decomp)""" | |
infile='./imgs/note_small.svg' | |
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups = \ | |
pydiffvg.svg_to_scene(infile) | |
scene_args = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(\ | |
canvas_width, canvas_height, shapes, shape_groups) | |
render = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.apply | |
img = render(canvas_width, # width | |
canvas_height, # height | |
2, # num_samples_x | |
2, # num_samples_y | |
0, # seed | |
None, # background_image | |
*scene_args) | |
# The output image is in linear RGB space. Do Gamma correction before saving the image. | |
pydiffvg.imwrite(img.cpu(), 'test_old.png', gamma=1.0) | |
#optim=OptimizableSvg('linux.svg',verbose=True) | |
optim=OptimizableSvg(infile,verbose=True) | |
scene=optim.build_scene() | |
scene_args = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(*scene) | |
render = pydiffvg.RenderFunction.apply | |
img = render(scene[0], # width | |
scene[1], # height | |
2, # num_samples_x | |
2, # num_samples_y | |
0, # seed | |
None, # background_image | |
*scene_args) | |
with open("resaved.svg","w") as f: | |
f.write(optim.write_xml()) | |
# The output image is in linear RGB space. Do Gamma correction before saving the image. | |
pydiffvg.imwrite(img.cpu(), 'test_new.png', gamma=1.0) | |
print("Done!") |