TTP / opencd /evaluation /metrics /
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# Copyright (c) Open-CD. All rights reserved.
import copy
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from mmengine.dist import (broadcast_object_list, collect_results,
from mmengine.evaluator.metric import _to_cpu
from mmengine.logging import MMLogger, print_log
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from mmseg.evaluation import IoUMetric
from opencd.registry import METRICS
class SCDMetric(IoUMetric):
"""Change Detection evaluation metric.
prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the metric
names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different evaluators.
If prefix is not provided in the argument, self.default_prefix
will be used instead. Defaults to 'binary'.
semantic_prefix (str, optional): The prefix that will be added in the
metric names to disambiguate homonymous metrics of different
evaluators. Defaults to 'semantic'.
cal_sek bool: Whether to calculate the separated kappa (SeK)
coefficient. Defaults: False.
def __init__(self,
prefix: Optional[str] = 'binary',
semantic_prefix: Optional[str] = 'semantic',
cal_sek: bool = False,
**kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(prefix=prefix, **kwargs)
self.semantic_results: List[Any] = []
self.semantic_prefix = semantic_prefix
self.cal_sek = cal_sek
def process(self, data_batch: dict, data_samples: Sequence[dict]) -> None:
"""Process one batch of data and data_samples.
The processed results should be stored in ``self.results``, which will
be used to compute the metrics when all batches have been processed.
data_batch (dict): A batch of data from the dataloader.
data_samples (Sequence[dict]): A batch of outputs from the model.
num_classes = len(self.dataset_meta['classes'])
num_semantic_classes = len(self.dataset_meta['semantic_classes'])
for data_sample in data_samples:
pred_label = data_sample['pred_sem_seg']['data'].squeeze()
label = data_sample['gt_sem_seg']['data'].squeeze().to(pred_label)
pred_label_from = data_sample['pred_sem_seg_from']['data'].squeeze()
label_from = data_sample['gt_sem_seg_from']['data'].squeeze().to(pred_label_from)
pred_label_to = data_sample['pred_sem_seg_to']['data'].squeeze()
label_to = data_sample['gt_sem_seg_to']['data'].squeeze().to(pred_label_to)
self.intersect_and_union(pred_label, label, num_classes,
# for semantic pred
self.intersect_and_union(pred_label_from, label_from, num_semantic_classes,
self.intersect_and_union(pred_label_to, label_to, num_semantic_classes,
def get_sek(self, results: list) -> np.array:
"""calculate the Sek value.
pre_eval_results (list[tuple[torch.Tensor]]): per image eval results
for computing evaluation metric
[torch.tensor]: The Sek value.
assert len(results) == 4
hist_00 = sum(results[0])[0]
hist_00_list = torch.zeros(len(results[0][0]))
hist_00_list[0] = hist_00
total_area_intersect = sum(results[0]) - hist_00_list
total_area_pred_label = sum(results[2]) - hist_00_list
total_area_label = sum(results[3]) - hist_00_list
# foreground
fg_intersect_sum = total_area_label[1:].sum(
) - total_area_pred_label[0]
fg_area_union_sum = total_area_label.sum()
po = total_area_intersect.sum() / total_area_label.sum()
pe = (total_area_label * total_area_pred_label).sum() / \
total_area_pred_label.sum() ** 2
kappa0 = (po - pe) / (1 - pe)
# the `iou_fg` is equal to the binary `changed` iou.
iou_fg = fg_intersect_sum / fg_area_union_sum
sek = (kappa0 * torch.exp(iou_fg)) / torch.e
return sek.numpy() # consistent with other metrics.
def compute_metrics(self, binary_results: list, semantic_results: list) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Compute the metrics from processed results.
binary_results (list): The processed results of each batch.
semantic_results (list): The semantic results of each batch
Dict[str, float]: The computed metrics. The keys are the names of
the metrics, and the values are corresponding results. The key
mainly includes aAcc, mIoU, mAcc, mDice, mFscore, mPrecision,
logger: MMLogger = MMLogger.get_current_instance()
# convert list of tuples to tuple of lists, e.g.
# [(A_1, B_1, C_1, D_1), ..., (A_n, B_n, C_n, D_n)] to
# ([A_1, ..., A_n], ..., [D_1, ..., D_n])
binary_results = tuple(zip(*binary_results))
semantic_results = tuple(zip(*semantic_results))
assert len(binary_results) == 4 and len(semantic_results) == 4
# for binary results
binary_total_area_intersect = sum(binary_results[0])
binary_total_area_union = sum(binary_results[1])
binary_total_area_pred_label = sum(binary_results[2])
binary_total_area_label = sum(binary_results[3])
binary_ret_metrics = self.total_area_to_metrics(
binary_total_area_intersect, binary_total_area_union, binary_total_area_pred_label,
binary_total_area_label, self.metrics, self.nan_to_num, self.beta)
binary_class_names = self.dataset_meta['classes']
# summary table
binary_ret_metrics_summary = OrderedDict({
ret_metric: np.round(np.nanmean(ret_metric_value) * 100, 2)
for ret_metric, ret_metric_value in binary_ret_metrics.items()
binary_metrics = dict()
for key, val in binary_ret_metrics_summary.items():
if key == 'aAcc':
binary_metrics[key] = val
binary_metrics['m' + key] = val
# each class table
binary_ret_metrics.pop('aAcc', None)
binary_ret_metrics_class = OrderedDict({
ret_metric: np.round(ret_metric_value * 100, 2)
for ret_metric, ret_metric_value in binary_ret_metrics.items()
binary_ret_metrics_class.update({'Class': binary_class_names})
binary_ret_metrics_class.move_to_end('Class', last=False)
binary_class_table_data = PrettyTable()
for key, val in binary_ret_metrics_class.items():
binary_class_table_data.add_column(key, val)
print_log('per binary class results:', logger)
print_log('\n' + binary_class_table_data.get_string(), logger=logger)
# for semantic results
semantic_total_area_intersect = sum(semantic_results[0])
semantic_total_area_union = sum(semantic_results[1])
semantic_total_area_pred_label = sum(semantic_results[2])
semantic_total_area_label = sum(semantic_results[3])
semantic_ret_metrics = self.total_area_to_metrics(
semantic_total_area_intersect, semantic_total_area_union, semantic_total_area_pred_label,
semantic_total_area_label, self.metrics, self.nan_to_num, self.beta)
semantic_class_names = self.dataset_meta['semantic_classes']
# summary table
semantic_ret_metrics_summary = OrderedDict({
ret_metric: np.round(np.nanmean(ret_metric_value) * 100, 2)
for ret_metric, ret_metric_value in semantic_ret_metrics.items()
# for semantic change detection
if self.cal_sek:
sek = self.get_sek(semantic_results)
semantic_ret_metrics_summary.update({'Sek': np.round(sek * 100, 2)})
semantic_ret_metrics_summary.update({'SCD_Score': \
np.round(0.3 * binary_ret_metrics_summary['IoU'] + 0.7 * sek * 100, 2)})
semantic_metrics = dict()
for key, val in semantic_ret_metrics_summary.items():
if key in ['aAcc', 'Sek', 'SCD_Score']:
semantic_metrics[key] = val
semantic_metrics['m' + key] = val
# each class table
semantic_ret_metrics.pop('aAcc', None)
semantic_ret_metrics_class = OrderedDict({
ret_metric: np.round(ret_metric_value * 100, 2)
for ret_metric, ret_metric_value in semantic_ret_metrics.items()
semantic_ret_metrics_class.update({'Class': semantic_class_names})
semantic_ret_metrics_class.move_to_end('Class', last=False)
semantic_class_table_data = PrettyTable()
for key, val in semantic_ret_metrics_class.items():
semantic_class_table_data.add_column(key, val)
print_log('per semantic class results:', logger)
print_log('\n' + semantic_class_table_data.get_string(), logger=logger)
return binary_metrics, semantic_metrics
def evaluate(self, size: int) -> dict:
"""Evaluate the model performance of the whole dataset after processing
all batches.
size (int): Length of the entire validation dataset. When batch
size > 1, the dataloader may pad some data samples to make
sure all ranks have the same length of dataset slice. The
``collect_results`` function will drop the padded data based on
this size.
dict: Evaluation metrics dict on the val dataset. The keys are the
names of the metrics, and the values are corresponding results.
if len(self.results) == 0:
f'{self.__class__.__name__} got empty `self.results`. Please '
'ensure that the processed results are properly added into '
'`self.results` in `process` method.',
if len(self.semantic_results) == 0:
f'{self.__class__.__name__} got empty `self.semantic_results`. '
'Please ensure that the processed results are properly added '
'into `self.semantic_results` in `process` method.',
binary_results = collect_results(self.results, size, self.collect_device)
semantic_results = collect_results(self.semantic_results, \
size * 2, self.collect_device)
if is_main_process():
# cast all tensors in results list to cpu
binary_results = _to_cpu(binary_results)
semantic_results = _to_cpu(semantic_results)
_binary_metrics, _semantic_metrics = \
self.compute_metrics(binary_results, semantic_results) # type: ignore
# Add prefix to metric names
if self.prefix:
_binary_metrics = {
'/'.join((self.prefix, k)): v
for k, v in _binary_metrics.items()
_semantic_metrics = {
'/'.join((self.semantic_prefix, k)): v
for k, v in _semantic_metrics.items()
_metrics = {**_binary_metrics, **_semantic_metrics}
metrics = [_metrics]
metrics = [None] # type: ignore
# reset the results list
return metrics[0]