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TREAT is an AI web application Built with Flask and Python to Analyze Movie and Show scripts for Potential Triggers.
This tool scans through scripts from any form of media and flags anything related to but not limited to:
Violence: Scenes of physical aggression or harm.
Self-Harm: Depictions of self-inflicted injury.
Death: Depictions of death or dying characters.
Sexual Content: Any depiction or mention of sexual activity, intimacy, or behavior.
Sexual Abuse: Instances of sexual violence or exploitation.
Gun Use: Depictions of firearms and their usage.
Gore: Graphic depiction of injury, blood, or dismemberment.
Vomit: Depictions of vomiting or nausea-inducing content.
Mental Health Issues: Depictions of mental health struggles, including anxiety, depression, or disorders.
Animal Cruelty: Depictions of harm or abuse towards animals.
These categories help address a very real-world problem by forewarning viewers about potentially distressing content, enhancing their viewing experience.