single view to 3D init release
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// Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include "helper_math.h"
#include "cudadispatch.h"
#include "primtransf.h"
// Expands a 10-bit integer into 30 bits
// by inserting 2 zeros after each bit.
__device__ unsigned int expand_bits(unsigned int v) {
v = (v * 0x00010001u) & 0xFF0000FFu;
v = (v * 0x00000101u) & 0x0F00F00Fu;
v = (v * 0x00000011u) & 0xC30C30C3u;
v = (v * 0x00000005u) & 0x49249249u;
return v;
// Calculates a 30-bit Morton code for the
// given 3D point located within the unit cube [0,1].
__device__ unsigned int morton3D(float x, float y, float z) {
x = fminf(fmaxf(x * 1024.0f, 0.0f), 1023.0f);
y = fminf(fmaxf(y * 1024.0f, 0.0f), 1023.0f);
z = fminf(fmaxf(z * 1024.0f, 0.0f), 1023.0f);
unsigned int xx = expand_bits((unsigned int)x);
unsigned int yy = expand_bits((unsigned int)y);
unsigned int zz = expand_bits((unsigned int)z);
return xx * 4 + yy * 2 + zz;
template<typename PrimTransfT>
__global__ void compute_morton_kernel(
int N, int K,
typename PrimTransfT::Data data,
int * code
) {
const int count = N * K;
for (int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; index < count; index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
const int k = index % K;
const int n = index / K;
//float4 c = center[n * K + k];
float3 c = data.get_center(n, k);
code[n * K + k] = morton3D(c.x, c.y, c.z);
__forceinline__ __device__ int delta(int* sortedcodes, int x, int y, int K) {
if (x >= 0 && x <= K - 1 && y >= 0 && y <= K - 1) {
return sortedcodes[x] == sortedcodes[y] ?
32 + __clz(x ^ y) :
__clz(sortedcodes[x] ^ sortedcodes[y]);
return -1;
__forceinline__ __device__ int sign(int x) {
return (int)(x > 0) - (int)(x < 0);
__device__ int find_split(
int* sortedcodes,
int first,
int last,
int K) {
float commonPrefix = delta(sortedcodes, first, last, K);
int split = first;
int step = last - first;
do {
step = (step + 1) >> 1; // exponential decrease
int newSplit = split + step; // proposed new position
if (newSplit < last) {
int splitPrefix = delta(sortedcodes, first, newSplit, K);
if (splitPrefix > commonPrefix) {
split = newSplit; // accept proposal
} while (step > 1);
return split;
__device__ int2 determine_range(int* sortedcodes, int K, int idx) {
int d = sign(delta(sortedcodes, idx, idx + 1, K) - delta(sortedcodes, idx, idx - 1, K));
int dmin = delta(sortedcodes, idx, idx - d, K);
int lmax = 2;
while (delta(sortedcodes, idx, idx + lmax * d, K) > dmin) {
lmax = lmax * 2;
int l = 0;
for (int t = lmax / 2; t >= 1; t /= 2) {
if (delta(sortedcodes, idx, idx + (l + t)*d, K) > dmin) {
l += t;
int j = idx + l*d;
int2 range;
range.x = min(idx, j);
range.y = max(idx, j);
return range;
__global__ void build_tree_kernel(
int N, int K,
int * sortedcodes,
int2 * nodechildren,
int * nodeparent) {
const int count = N * (K + K - 1);
for (int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; index < count; index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
const int k = index % (K + K - 1);
const int n = index / (K + K - 1);
if (k >= K - 1) {
// leaf
nodechildren[n * (K + K - 1) + k] = make_int2(-(k - (K - 1)) - 1, -(k - (K - 1)) - 2);
} else {
// internal node
// find out which range of objects the node corresponds to
int2 range = determine_range(sortedcodes + n * K, K, k);
int first = range.x;
int last = range.y;
// determine where to split the range
int split = find_split(sortedcodes + n * K, first, last, K);
// select childA
int childa = split == first ? (K - 1) + split : split;
// select childB
int childb = split + 1 == last ? (K - 1) + split + 1 : split + 1;
// record parent-child relationships
nodechildren[n * (K + K - 1) + k] = make_int2(childa, childb);
nodeparent[n * (K + K - 1) + childa] = k;
nodeparent[n * (K + K - 1) + childb] = k;
template<typename PrimTransfT>
__global__ void compute_aabb_kernel(
int N, int K,
typename PrimTransfT::Data data,
int * sortedobjid,
int2 * nodechildren,
int * nodeparent,
float3 * nodeaabb,
int * atom) {
const int count = N * K;
for (int index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; index < count; index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
const int k = index % K;
const int n = index / K;
// compute BBOX for leaf
int kk = sortedobjid[n * K + k];
float3 pmin;
float3 pmax;
data.compute_aabb(n, kk, pmin, pmax);
nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + ((K - 1) + k) * 2 + 0] = pmin;
nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + ((K - 1) + k) * 2 + 1] = pmax;
int node = nodeparent[n * (K + K - 1) + ((K - 1) + k)];
while (node != -1 && atomicCAS(&atom[n * (K - 1) + node], 0, 1) == 1) {
int2 children = nodechildren[n * (K + K - 1) + node];
float3 laabbmin = nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + children.x * 2 + 0];
float3 laabbmax = nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + children.x * 2 + 1];
float3 raabbmin = nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + children.y * 2 + 0];
float3 raabbmax = nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + children.y * 2 + 1];
float3 aabbmin = fminf(laabbmin, raabbmin);
float3 aabbmax = fmaxf(laabbmax, raabbmax);
nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + node * 2 + 0] = aabbmin;
nodeaabb[n * (K + K - 1) * 2 + node * 2 + 1] = aabbmax;
node = nodeparent[n * (K + K - 1) + node];
void compute_morton_cuda(
int N, int K,
float * primpos,
int * code,
int algorithm,
cudaStream_t stream) {
int count = N * K;
int blocksize = 512;
int gridsize = (count + blocksize - 1) / blocksize;
std::shared_ptr<PrimTransfDataBase> primtransf_data;
primtransf_data = std::make_shared<PrimTransfSRT::Data>(PrimTransfSRT::Data{
K, (float3*)primpos, nullptr,
K * 3, nullptr, nullptr,
K, nullptr, nullptr});
std::map<int, std::function<void(dim3, dim3, cudaStream_t, int, int, std::shared_ptr<PrimTransfDataBase>, int*)>> dispatcher = {
{ 0, make_cudacall(compute_morton_kernel<PrimTransfSRT>) }
auto iter = dispatcher.find(min(0, algorithm));
if (iter != dispatcher.end()) {
dim3(gridsize), dim3(blocksize), stream,
N, K,
void build_tree_cuda(
int N, int K,
int * sortedcode,
int * nodechildren,
int * nodeparent,
cudaStream_t stream) {
int count = N * (K + K - 1);
int nthreads = 512;
int nblocks = (count + nthreads - 1) / nthreads;
build_tree_kernel<<<nblocks, nthreads, 0, stream>>>(
N, K,
reinterpret_cast<int2 *>(nodechildren),
void compute_aabb_cuda(
int N, int K,
float * primpos,
float * primrot,
float * primscale,
int * sortedobjid,
int * nodechildren,
int * nodeparent,
float * nodeaabb,
int algorithm,
cudaStream_t stream) {
int * atom;
cudaMalloc(&atom, N * (K - 1) * 4);
cudaMemset(atom, 0, N * (K - 1) * 4);
int count = N * K;
int blocksize = 512;
int gridsize = (count + blocksize - 1) / blocksize;
std::shared_ptr<PrimTransfDataBase> primtransf_data;
primtransf_data = std::make_shared<PrimTransfSRT::Data>(PrimTransfSRT::Data{
K, (float3*)primpos, nullptr,
K * 3, (float3*)primrot, nullptr,
K, (float3*)primscale, nullptr});
std::map<int, std::function<void(dim3, dim3, cudaStream_t, int, int, std::shared_ptr<PrimTransfDataBase>, int*, int2*, int*, float3*, int*)>> dispatcher = {
{ 0, make_cudacall(compute_aabb_kernel<PrimTransfSRT>) }
auto iter = dispatcher.find(min(0, algorithm));
if (iter != dispatcher.end()) {
dim3(gridsize), dim3(blocksize), stream,
N, K,
reinterpret_cast<int2 *>(nodechildren),
reinterpret_cast<float3 *>(nodeaabb),