This "scripts" folder contains stand-alone scripts for some useful tasks detailed below.
Use this script to convert .png segmentation masks from the Open Solution from the CrowdAI challenge ( to the COCO .json format with RLE mask encododing. Run as: --mask_dirpath <path to directory with the png masks> --output_filepath <path to the output .json COCO format annotation file>
Use this script to plot a framefield saved as a .npy file. Can be useful for visualization. Explanation about its arguments can be accessed with: --help
Use this script to convert .ply segmentation polygons from the paper "Li, M., Lafarge, F., Marlet, R.: Approximating shapes in images with low-complexity polygons. In: CVPR (2020)" to the COCO .json format with [polygon] mask encoding. In order to fill the score field of each annotation in the COCO format, we also need access to segmentation masks.
Run as --ply_dirpath <path to directory with the .ply files> --mask_dirpath <path to directory with the probability masks> --output_filepath <path to the output .json COCO format annotation file>