import sys |
import time |
from functools import partial |
import math |
import random |
import numpy as np |
import scipy.spatial |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter |
import skimage.draw |
import skimage |
from descartes import PolygonPatch |
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection |
from multiprocess import Pool |
import multiprocess |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from lydorn_utils import python_utils |
if python_utils.module_exists("skimage.measure"): |
from skimage.measure import approximate_polygon |
if python_utils.module_exists("shapely"): |
import shapely.geometry |
import shapely.affinity |
import shapely.ops |
import shapely.prepared |
import shapely.validation |
def is_polygon_clockwise(polygon): |
rolled_polygon = np.roll(polygon, shift=1, axis=0) |
double_signed_area = np.sum((rolled_polygon[:, 0] - polygon[:, 0]) * (rolled_polygon[:, 1] + polygon[:, 1])) |
if 0 < double_signed_area: |
return True |
else: |
return False |
def orient_polygon(polygon, orientation="CW"): |
poly_is_orientated_cw = is_polygon_clockwise(polygon) |
if (poly_is_orientated_cw and orientation == "CCW") or (not poly_is_orientated_cw and orientation == "CW"): |
return np.flip(polygon, axis=0) |
else: |
return polygon |
def orient_polygons(polygons, orientation="CW"): |
return [orient_polygon(polygon, orientation=orientation) for polygon in polygons] |
def raster_to_polygon(image, vertex_count): |
contours = skimage.measure.find_contours(image, 0.5) |
contour = np.empty_like(contours[0]) |
contour[:, 0] = contours[0][:, 1] |
contour[:, 1] = contours[0][:, 0] |
tolerance = 0.1 |
tolerance_step = 0.1 |
simplified_contour = contour |
while 1 + vertex_count < len(simplified_contour): |
simplified_contour = approximate_polygon(contour, tolerance=tolerance) |
tolerance += tolerance_step |
simplified_contour = simplified_contour[:-1] |
return simplified_contour |
def l2diffs(polygon1, polygon2): |
""" |
Computes vertex-wise L2 difference between the two polygons. |
As the two polygons may not have the same starting vertex, |
all shifts are considred and the shift resulting in the minimum mean L2 difference is chosen |
:param polygon1: |
:param polygon2: |
:return: |
""" |
if len(polygon1) != len(polygon2): |
while len(polygon1) < len(polygon2): |
polygon1 = np.append(polygon1, [polygon1[-1, :]], axis=0) |
while len(polygon2) < len(polygon1): |
polygon2 = np.append(polygon2, [polygon2[-1, :]], axis=0) |
vertex_count = len(polygon1) |
def naive_l2diffs(polygon1, polygon2): |
naive_l2diffs_result = np.sqrt(np.power(np.sum(polygon1 - polygon2, axis=1), 2)) |
return naive_l2diffs_result |
min_l2_diffs = naive_l2diffs(polygon1, polygon2) |
min_mean_l2_diffs = np.mean(min_l2_diffs, axis=0) |
for i in range(1, vertex_count): |
current_naive_l2diffs = naive_l2diffs(np.roll(polygon1, shift=i, axis=0), polygon2) |
current_naive_mean_l2diffs = np.mean(current_naive_l2diffs, axis=0) |
if current_naive_mean_l2diffs < min_mean_l2_diffs: |
min_l2_diffs = current_naive_l2diffs |
min_mean_l2_diffs = current_naive_mean_l2diffs |
return min_l2_diffs |
def intersect_polygons(simple_polygon, multi_polygon): |
""" |
:param input_polygon: |
:param target_polygon: |
:return: List of a simple polygon: [poly1, poly2,...] with a multi polygon: [[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...], [...]] |
""" |
poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(simple_polygon).buffer(0) |
poly2 = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon) for polygon in multi_polygon).buffer(0) |
intersection_poly = poly1.intersection(poly2) |
if 0 < intersection_poly.area: |
if intersection_poly.type == 'Polygon': |
coords = intersection_poly.exterior.coords |
return [coords] |
elif intersection_poly.type == 'MultiPolygon': |
ret_coords = [] |
for poly in intersection_poly: |
coords = poly.exterior.coords |
ret_coords.append(coords) |
return ret_coords |
return None |
def check_intersection_with_polygon(input_polygon, target_polygon): |
poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(input_polygon).buffer(0) |
poly2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(target_polygon).buffer(0) |
intersection_poly = poly1.intersection(poly2) |
intersection_area = intersection_poly.area |
is_intersection = 0 < intersection_area |
return is_intersection |
def check_intersection_with_polygons(input_polygon, target_polygons): |
""" |
Returns True if there is an intersection with at least one polygon in target_polygons |
:param input_polygon: |
:param target_polygons: |
:return: |
""" |
for target_polygon in target_polygons: |
if check_intersection_with_polygon(input_polygon, target_polygon): |
return True |
return False |
def polygon_area(polygon): |
poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon).buffer(0) |
return poly.area |
def polygon_union(polygon1, polygon2): |
poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon1).buffer(0) |
poly2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon2).buffer(0) |
union_poly = poly1.union(poly2) |
return np.array(union_poly.exterior.coords) |
def polygon_iou(polygon1, polygon2): |
poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon1).buffer(0) |
poly2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon2).buffer(0) |
intersection_poly = poly1.intersection(poly2) |
union_poly = poly1.union(poly2) |
intersection_area = intersection_poly.area |
union_area = union_poly.area |
if union_area: |
iou = intersection_area / union_area |
else: |
iou = 0 |
return iou |
def generate_polygon(cx, cy, ave_radius, irregularity, spikeyness, vertex_count): |
""" |
Start with the centre of the polygon at cx, cy, |
then creates the polygon by sampling points on a circle around the centre. |
Random noise is added by varying the angular spacing between sequential points, |
and by varying the radial distance of each point from the centre. |
Params: |
cx, cy - coordinates of the "centre" of the polygon |
ave_radius - in px, the average radius of this polygon, this roughly controls how large the polygon is, |
really only useful for order of magnitude. |
irregularity - [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in the angular spacing of vertices. [0,1] will map to |
[0, 2 * pi / vertex_count] |
spikeyness - [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in each vertex from the circle of radius ave_radius. |
[0,1] will map to [0, ave_radius] |
vertex_count - self-explanatory |
Returns a list of vertices, in CCW order. |
""" |
irregularity = clip(irregularity, 0, 1) * 2 * math.pi / vertex_count |
spikeyness = clip(spikeyness, 0, 1) * ave_radius |
angle_steps = [] |
lower = (2 * math.pi / vertex_count) - irregularity |
upper = (2 * math.pi / vertex_count) + irregularity |
angle_sum = 0 |
for i in range(vertex_count): |
tmp = random.uniform(lower, upper) |
angle_steps.append(tmp) |
angle_sum = angle_sum + tmp |
k = angle_sum / (2 * math.pi) |
for i in range(vertex_count): |
angle_steps[i] = angle_steps[i] / k |
points = [] |
angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi) |
for i in range(vertex_count): |
r_i = clip(random.gauss(ave_radius, spikeyness), 0, 2 * ave_radius) |
x = cx + r_i * math.cos(angle) |
y = cy + r_i * math.sin(angle) |
points.append((x, y)) |
angle = angle + angle_steps[i] |
return points |
def clip(x, mini, maxi): |
if mini > maxi: |
return x |
elif x < mini: |
return mini |
elif x > maxi: |
return maxi |
else: |
return x |
def scale_bounding_box(bounding_box, scale): |
half_width = math.ceil((bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) * scale / 2) |
half_height = math.ceil((bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) * scale / 2) |
center = [round((bounding_box[0] + bounding_box[2]) / 2), round((bounding_box[1] + bounding_box[3]) / 2)] |
scaled_bounding_box = [int(center[0] - half_width), int(center[1] - half_height), int(center[0] + half_width), |
int(center[1] + half_height)] |
return scaled_bounding_box |
def pad_bounding_box(bbox, pad): |
return [bbox[0] + pad, bbox[1] + pad, bbox[2] - pad, bbox[3] - pad] |
def compute_bounding_box(polygon, scale=1, boundingbox_margin=0, fit=None): |
bounding_box = [np.min(polygon[:, 0]), np.min(polygon[:, 1]), np.max(polygon[:, 0]), np.max(polygon[:, 1])] |
half_width = math.ceil((bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) * scale / 2) |
half_height = math.ceil((bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) * scale / 2) |
half_width += boundingbox_margin |
half_height += boundingbox_margin |
if fit == "square": |
half_width = half_height = max(half_width, half_height) |
center = [round((bounding_box[0] + bounding_box[2]) / 2), round((bounding_box[1] + bounding_box[3]) / 2)] |
bounding_box = [int(center[0] - half_width), int(center[1] - half_height), int(center[0] + half_width), |
int(center[1] + half_height)] |
return bounding_box |
def compute_patch(polygon, patch_size): |
centroid = np.mean(polygon, axis=0) |
half_height = half_width = patch_size / 2 |
bounding_box = [math.ceil(centroid[0] - half_width), math.ceil(centroid[1] - half_height), |
math.ceil(centroid[0] + half_width), math.ceil(centroid[1] + half_height)] |
return bounding_box |
def bounding_box_within_bounds(bounding_box, bounds): |
return bounds[0] <= bounding_box[0] and bounds[1] <= bounding_box[1] and bounding_box[2] <= bounds[2] and \ |
bounding_box[3] <= bounds[3] |
def vertex_within_bounds(vertex, bounds): |
return bounds[0] <= vertex[0] <= bounds[2] and \ |
bounds[1] <= vertex[1] <= bounds[3] |
def edge_within_bounds(edge, bounds): |
return vertex_within_bounds(edge[0], bounds) and vertex_within_bounds(edge[1], bounds) |
def bounding_box_area(bounding_box): |
return (bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) * (bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) |
def convert_to_image_patch_space(polygon_image_space, bounding_box): |
polygon_image_patch_space = np.empty_like(polygon_image_space) |
polygon_image_patch_space[:, 0] = polygon_image_space[:, 0] - bounding_box[0] |
polygon_image_patch_space[:, 1] = polygon_image_space[:, 1] - bounding_box[1] |
return polygon_image_patch_space |
def translate_polygons(polygons, translation): |
for polygon in polygons: |
polygon[:, 0] += translation[0] |
polygon[:, 1] += translation[1] |
return polygons |
def strip_redundant_vertex(vertices, epsilon=1): |
assert len(vertices.shape) == 2 |
new_vertices = vertices |
if 1 < vertices.shape[0]: |
if np.sum(np.absolute(vertices[0, :] - vertices[-1, :])) < epsilon: |
new_vertices = vertices[:-1, :] |
return new_vertices |
def remove_doubles(vertices, epsilon=0.1): |
dists = np.linalg.norm(np.roll(vertices, -1, axis=0) - vertices, axis=-1) |
new_vertices = vertices[epsilon < dists] |
return new_vertices |
def simplify_polygon(polygon, tolerance=1): |
approx_polygon = approximate_polygon(polygon, tolerance=tolerance) |
return approx_polygon |
def simplify_polygons(polygons, tolerance=1): |
approx_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
approx_polygon = approximate_polygon(polygon, tolerance=tolerance) |
approx_polygons.append(approx_polygon) |
return approx_polygons |
def pad_polygon(vertices, target_length): |
assert len(vertices.shape) == 2 |
assert vertices.shape[0] <= target_length |
padding_length = target_length - vertices.shape[0] |
padding = np.tile(vertices[-1], [padding_length, 1]) |
padded_vertices = np.append(vertices, padding, axis=0) |
return padded_vertices |
def compute_diameter(polygon): |
dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(polygon, polygon) |
return dist.max() |
def plot_polygon(polygon, color=None, draw_labels=True, label_direction=1, indexing="xy", axis=None): |
if python_utils.module_exists("matplotlib.pyplot"): |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
if axis is None: |
axis = plt.gca() |
polygon_closed = np.append(polygon, [polygon[0, :]], axis=0) |
if indexing == "xy=": |
axis.plot(polygon_closed[:, 0], polygon_closed[:, 1], color=color, linewidth=3.0) |
elif indexing == "ij": |
axis.plot(polygon_closed[:, 1], polygon_closed[:, 0], color=color, linewidth=3.0) |
else: |
print("WARNING: Invalid indexing argument") |
if draw_labels: |
labels = range(1, polygon.shape[0] + 1) |
for label, x, y in zip(labels, polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 1]): |
axis.annotate( |
label, |
xy=(x, y), xytext=(-20 * label_direction, 20 * label_direction), |
textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', |
bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.25', fc=color, alpha=0.75), |
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color=color, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0')) |
def plot_polygons(polygons, color=None, draw_labels=True, label_direction=1, indexing="xy", axis=None): |
for polygon in polygons: |
plot_polygon(polygon, color=color, draw_labels=draw_labels, label_direction=label_direction, indexing=indexing, |
axis=axis) |
def compute_edge_normal(edge): |
normal = np.array([- (edge[1][1] - edge[0][1]), |
edge[1][0] - edge[0][0]]) |
normal_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(normal))) |
normal /= normal_norm |
return normal |
def compute_vector_angle(x, y): |
if x < 0.0: |
slope = y / x |
angle = np.pi + np.arctan(slope) |
elif 0.0 < x: |
slope = y / x |
angle = np.arctan(slope) |
else: |
if 0 < y: |
angle = np.pi / 2 |
else: |
angle = 3 * np.pi / 2 |
if angle < 0.0: |
angle += 2 * np.pi |
return angle |
def compute_edge_normal_angle_edge(edge): |
normal = compute_edge_normal(edge) |
normal_x = normal[1] |
normal_y = normal[0] |
angle = compute_vector_angle(normal_x, normal_y) |
return angle |
def polygon_in_bounding_box(polygon, bounding_box): |
""" |
Returns True if all vertices of polygons are inside bounding_box |
:param polygon: [N, 2] |
:param bounding_box: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max] |
:return: |
""" |
result = np.all( |
np.logical_and( |
np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 0] <= bounding_box[2]), |
np.logical_and(bounding_box[1] <= polygon[:, 1], polygon[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]) |
) |
) |
return result |
def filter_polygons_in_bounding_box(polygons, bounding_box): |
""" |
Only keep polygons that are fully inside bounding_box |
:param polygons: [shape(N, 2), ...] |
:param bounding_box: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max] |
:return: |
""" |
filtered_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
if polygon_in_bounding_box(polygon, bounding_box): |
filtered_polygons.append(polygon) |
return filtered_polygons |
def transform_polygon_to_bounding_box_space(polygon, bounding_box): |
""" |
:param polygon: shape(N, 2) |
:param bounding_box: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max] |
:return: |
""" |
assert len(polygon.shape) and polygon.shape[1] == 2, "polygon should have shape (N, 2), not shape {}".format( |
polygon.shape) |
assert len(bounding_box) == 4, "bounding_box should have 4 elements: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max]" |
transformed_polygon = polygon.copy() |
transformed_polygon[:, 0] -= bounding_box[0] |
transformed_polygon[:, 1] -= bounding_box[1] |
return transformed_polygon |
def transform_polygons_to_bounding_box_space(polygons, bounding_box): |
transformed_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
transformed_polygons.append(transform_polygon_to_bounding_box_space(polygon, bounding_box)) |
return transformed_polygons |
def crop_polygon_to_patch(polygon, bounding_box): |
return transform_polygon_to_bounding_box_space(polygon, bounding_box) |
def crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(polygon, bounding_box): |
assert type(polygon) == np.ndarray, "polygon should be a numpy array, not {}".format(type(polygon)) |
assert len(polygon.shape) == 2 and polygon.shape[1] == 2, "polygon should be of shape (N, 2), not {}".format( |
polygon.shape) |
polygon_touches_patch = np.any( |
np.logical_and( |
np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 0] <= bounding_box[2]), |
np.logical_and(bounding_box[1] <= polygon[:, 1], polygon[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]) |
) |
) |
if polygon_touches_patch: |
return crop_polygon_to_patch(polygon, bounding_box) |
else: |
return None |
def crop_polygons_to_patch_if_touch(polygons, bounding_box, return_indices=False): |
assert type(polygons) == list, "polygons should be a list" |
if return_indices: |
indices = [] |
cropped_polygons = [] |
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): |
cropped_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(polygon, bounding_box) |
if cropped_polygon is not None: |
cropped_polygons.append(cropped_polygon) |
if return_indices: |
indices.append(i) |
if return_indices: |
return cropped_polygons, indices |
else: |
return cropped_polygons |
def crop_polygons_to_patch(polygons, bounding_box): |
cropped_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
cropped_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch(polygon, bounding_box) |
if cropped_polygon is not None: |
cropped_polygons.append(cropped_polygon) |
return cropped_polygons |
def patch_polygons(polygons, minx, miny, maxx, maxy): |
""" |
Filters out polygons that do not touch the bbox and translate those that do to the box's coordinate system. |
@param polygons: [shapely.geometry.Polygon, ...] |
@param maxy: |
@param maxx: |
@param miny: |
@param minx: |
@return: [shapely.geometry.Polygon, ...] |
""" |
assert type(polygons) == list, "polygons should be a list" |
if len(polygons) == 0: |
return polygons |
assert type(polygons[0]) == shapely.geometry.Polygon, \ |
f"Items of the polygons list should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(polygons[0])}" |
box_polygon = shapely.geometry.box(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) |
polygons = filter(box_polygon.intersects, polygons) |
polygons = map(partial(shapely.affinity.translate, xoff=-minx, yoff=-miny), polygons) |
return list(polygons) |
def polygon_remove_holes(polygon): |
polygon_no_holes = [] |
for coords in polygon: |
if not np.isnan(coords[0]) and not np.isnan(coords[1]): |
polygon_no_holes.append(coords) |
else: |
break |
return np.array(polygon_no_holes) |
def polygons_remove_holes(polygons): |
gt_polygons_no_holes = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
gt_polygons_no_holes.append(polygon_remove_holes(polygon)) |
return gt_polygons_no_holes |
def apply_batch_disp_map_to_polygons(pred_disp_field_map_batch, disp_polygons_batch): |
""" |
:param pred_disp_field_map_batch: shape(batch_size, height, width, 2) |
:param disp_polygons_batch: shape(batch_size, polygon_count, vertex_count, 2) |
:return: |
""" |
batch_count = pred_disp_field_map_batch.shape[0] |
row_count = pred_disp_field_map_batch.shape[1] |
col_count = pred_disp_field_map_batch.shape[2] |
disp_polygons_batch_int = np.round(disp_polygons_batch).astype(np.int) |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field = np.maximum(0, disp_polygons_batch_int) |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 0] = np.minimum( |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 0], row_count - 1) |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 1] = np.minimum( |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 1], col_count - 1) |
aligned_disp_polygons_batch = disp_polygons_batch.copy() |
for batch_index in range(batch_count): |
mask = ~np.isnan(disp_polygons_batch[batch_index, :, :, 0]) |
aligned_disp_polygons_batch[batch_index, mask, 0] += pred_disp_field_map_batch[batch_index, |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ |
batch_index, mask, 0], |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ |
batch_index, mask, 1], 0].flatten() |
aligned_disp_polygons_batch[batch_index, mask, 1] += pred_disp_field_map_batch[batch_index, |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ |
batch_index, mask, 0], |
disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ |
batch_index, mask, 1], 1].flatten() |
return aligned_disp_polygons_batch |
def apply_disp_map_to_polygons(disp_field_map, polygons): |
""" |
:param disp_field_map: shape(height, width, 2) |
:param polygon_list: [shape(N, 2), shape(M, 2), ...] |
:return: |
""" |
disp_field_map_batch = np.expand_dims(disp_field_map, axis=0) |
disp_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
polygon_batch = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(polygon, axis=0), axis=0) |
disp_polygon_batch = apply_batch_disp_map_to_polygons(disp_field_map_batch, polygon_batch) |
disp_polygon_batch = disp_polygon_batch[0, 0] |
disp_polygons.append(disp_polygon_batch) |
return disp_polygons |
def apply_displacement_field_to_polygons(polygons, disp_field_map): |
disp_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
mask_nans = np.isnan(polygon) |
polygon_int = np.round(polygon).astype(np.int) |
polygon_int_clipped = np.maximum(0, polygon_int) |
polygon_int_clipped[:, 0] = np.minimum(disp_field_map.shape[0] - 1, polygon_int_clipped[:, 0]) |
polygon_int_clipped[:, 1] = np.minimum(disp_field_map.shape[1] - 1, polygon_int_clipped[:, 1]) |
disp_polygon = polygon.copy() |
disp_polygon[~mask_nans[:, 0], 0] -= disp_field_map[polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 0], 0], |
polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 0], 1], 0] |
disp_polygon[~mask_nans[:, 1], 1] -= disp_field_map[polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 1], 0], |
polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 1], 1], 1] |
disp_polygons.append(disp_polygon) |
return disp_polygons |
def apply_displacement_fields_to_polygons(polygons, disp_field_maps): |
disp_field_map_count = disp_field_maps.shape[0] |
disp_polygons_list = [] |
for i in range(disp_field_map_count): |
disp_polygons = apply_displacement_field_to_polygons(polygons, disp_field_maps[i, :, :, :]) |
disp_polygons_list.append(disp_polygons) |
return disp_polygons_list |
def draw_line(shape, line, width, blur_radius=0): |
im = Image.new("L", (shape[1], shape[0])) |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) |
vertex_list = [] |
for coords in line: |
vertex = (coords[1], coords[0]) |
vertex_list.append(vertex) |
draw.line(vertex_list, fill=255, width=width) |
if 0 < blur_radius: |
im = im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur_radius)) |
array = np.array(im) / 255 |
return array |
def draw_triangle(shape, triangle, blur_radius=0): |
im = Image.new("L", (shape[1], shape[0])) |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) |
vertex_list = [] |
for coords in triangle: |
vertex = (coords[1], coords[0]) |
vertex_list.append(vertex) |
draw.polygon(vertex_list, fill=255) |
if 0 < blur_radius: |
im = im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur_radius)) |
array = np.array(im) / 255 |
return array |
def draw_polygon(polygon, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3): |
im = Image.new("RGB", (shape[1], shape[0])) |
im_px_access = im.load() |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) |
vertex_list = [] |
for coords in polygon: |
vertex = (coords[1], coords[0]) |
if not np.isnan(vertex[0]) and not np.isnan(vertex[1]): |
vertex_list.append(vertex) |
else: |
break |
if edges: |
draw.line(vertex_list, fill=(0, 255, 0), width=line_width) |
if fill: |
draw.polygon(vertex_list, fill=(255, 0, 0)) |
if vertices: |
draw.point(vertex_list, fill=(0, 0, 255)) |
array = np.array(im) |
selection = [fill, edges, vertices] |
selected_array = array[:, :, selection] |
return selected_array |
def _draw_circle(draw, center, radius, fill): |
draw.ellipse([center[0] - radius, |
center[1] - radius, |
center[0] + radius, |
center[1] + radius], fill=fill, outline=None) |
def draw_polygons(polygons, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3, antialiasing=False): |
polygons = polygons_remove_holes(polygons) |
polygons = polygons_close(polygons) |
if antialiasing: |
draw_shape = (2 * shape[0], 2 * shape[1]) |
else: |
draw_shape = shape |
fill_channel_index = 0 |
edges_channel_index = fill |
vertices_channel_index = fill + edges |
channel_count = fill + edges + vertices |
im_draw_list = [] |
for channel_index in range(channel_count): |
im = Image.new("L", (draw_shape[1], draw_shape[0])) |
im_px_access = im.load() |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) |
im_draw_list.append((im, draw)) |
for polygon in polygons: |
if antialiasing: |
polygon *= 2 |
vertex_list = [] |
for coords in polygon: |
vertex_list.append((coords[1], coords[0])) |
if fill: |
draw = im_draw_list[fill_channel_index][1] |
draw.polygon(vertex_list, fill=255) |
if edges: |
draw = im_draw_list[edges_channel_index][1] |
draw.line(vertex_list, fill=255, width=line_width) |
if vertices: |
draw = im_draw_list[vertices_channel_index][1] |
for vertex in vertex_list: |
_draw_circle(draw, vertex, line_width / 2, fill=255) |
im_list = [] |
if antialiasing: |
for im_draw in im_draw_list: |
resize_shape = (shape[1], shape[0]) |
im_list.append(im_draw[0].resize(resize_shape, Image.BILINEAR)) |
else: |
for im_draw in im_draw_list: |
im_list.append(im_draw[0]) |
array_list = [np.array(im) for im in im_list] |
array = np.stack(array_list, axis=-1) |
return array |
def draw_polygon_map(polygons, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3): |
""" |
Alias for draw_polygon function |
:param polygons: |
:param shape: |
:param fill: |
:param edges: |
:param vertices: |
:param line_width: |
:return: |
""" |
return draw_polygons(polygons, shape, fill=fill, edges=edges, vertices=vertices, line_width=line_width) |
def draw_polygon_maps(polygons_list, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3): |
polygon_maps_list = [] |
for polygons in polygons_list: |
polygon_map = draw_polygon_map(polygons, shape, fill=fill, edges=edges, vertices=vertices, |
line_width=line_width) |
polygon_maps_list.append(polygon_map) |
disp_field_maps = np.stack(polygon_maps_list, axis=0) |
return disp_field_maps |
def swap_coords(polygon): |
polygon_new = polygon.copy() |
polygon_new[..., 0] = polygon[..., 1] |
polygon_new[..., 1] = polygon[..., 0] |
return polygon_new |
def prepare_polygons_for_tfrecord(gt_polygons, disp_polygons_list, boundingbox=None): |
assert len(gt_polygons) |
dtype = gt_polygons[0].dtype |
cropped_gt_polygons = [] |
cropped_disp_polygons_list = [[] for i in range(len(disp_polygons_list))] |
polygon_length = 0 |
for polygon_index, gt_polygon in enumerate(gt_polygons): |
if boundingbox is not None: |
cropped_gt_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(gt_polygon, boundingbox) |
else: |
cropped_gt_polygon = gt_polygon |
if cropped_gt_polygon is not None: |
cropped_gt_polygons.append(cropped_gt_polygon) |
if polygon_length < cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0]: |
polygon_length = cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0] |
for disp_index, disp_polygons in enumerate(disp_polygons_list): |
disp_polygon = disp_polygons[polygon_index] |
if boundingbox is not None: |
cropped_disp_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch(disp_polygon, boundingbox) |
else: |
cropped_disp_polygon = disp_polygon |
cropped_disp_polygons_list[disp_index].append(cropped_disp_polygon) |
polygon_count = len(cropped_gt_polygons) |
if polygon_count: |
padded_gt_polygons = np.empty((polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), dtype=dtype) |
padded_gt_polygons[:, :, :] = np.nan |
padded_disp_polygons_array = np.empty((len(disp_polygons_list), polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), |
dtype=dtype) |
padded_disp_polygons_array[:, :, :] = np.nan |
for i, polygon in enumerate(cropped_gt_polygons): |
padded_gt_polygons[i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon |
for j, polygons in enumerate(cropped_disp_polygons_list): |
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): |
padded_disp_polygons_array[j, i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon |
else: |
padded_gt_polygons = padded_disp_polygons_array = None |
return padded_gt_polygons, padded_disp_polygons_array |
def prepare_stages_polygons_for_tfrecord(gt_polygons, disp_polygons_list_list, boundingbox): |
assert len(gt_polygons) |
print(gt_polygons) |
print(disp_polygons_list_list) |
exit() |
dtype = gt_polygons[0].dtype |
cropped_gt_polygons = [] |
cropped_disp_polygons_list_list = [[[] for i in range(len(disp_polygons_list))] for disp_polygons_list in |
disp_polygons_list_list] |
polygon_length = 0 |
for polygon_index, gt_polygon in enumerate(gt_polygons): |
cropped_gt_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(gt_polygon, boundingbox) |
if cropped_gt_polygon is not None: |
cropped_gt_polygons.append(cropped_gt_polygon) |
if polygon_length < cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0]: |
polygon_length = cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0] |
for stage_index, disp_polygons_list in enumerate(disp_polygons_list_list): |
for disp_index, disp_polygons in enumerate(disp_polygons_list): |
disp_polygon = disp_polygons[polygon_index] |
cropped_disp_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch(disp_polygon, boundingbox) |
cropped_disp_polygons_list_list[stage_index][disp_index].append(cropped_disp_polygon) |
polygon_count = len(cropped_gt_polygons) |
if polygon_count: |
padded_gt_polygons = np.empty((polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), dtype=dtype) |
padded_gt_polygons[:, :, :] = np.nan |
padded_disp_polygons_array = np.empty( |
(len(disp_polygons_list_list), len(disp_polygons_list_list[0]), polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), |
dtype=dtype) |
padded_disp_polygons_array[:, :, :] = np.nan |
for i, polygon in enumerate(cropped_gt_polygons): |
padded_gt_polygons[i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon |
for k, cropped_disp_polygons_list in enumerate(cropped_disp_polygons_list_list): |
for j, polygons in enumerate(cropped_disp_polygons_list): |
for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): |
padded_disp_polygons_array[k, j, i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon |
else: |
padded_gt_polygons = padded_disp_polygons_array = None |
return padded_gt_polygons, padded_disp_polygons_array |
def rescale_polygon(polygons, scaling_factor): |
""" |
:param polygons: |
:return: scaling_factor |
""" |
if len(polygons): |
rescaled_polygons = [polygon * scaling_factor for polygon in polygons] |
return rescaled_polygons |
else: |
return polygons |
def get_edge_center(edge): |
return np.mean(edge, axis=0) |
def get_edge_length(edge): |
return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(edge[0] - edge[1]))) |
def get_edges_angle(edge1, edge2): |
x1 = edge1[1, 0] - edge1[0, 0] |
y1 = edge1[1, 1] - edge1[0, 1] |
x2 = edge2[1, 0] - edge2[0, 0] |
y2 = edge2[1, 1] - edge2[0, 1] |
angle1 = compute_vector_angle(x1, y1) |
angle2 = compute_vector_angle(x2, y2) |
edges_angle = math.fabs(angle1 - angle2) % (2 * math.pi) |
if math.pi < edges_angle: |
edges_angle = 2 * math.pi - edges_angle |
return edges_angle |
def compute_angle_two_points(point_source, point_target): |
vector = point_target - point_source |
angle = compute_vector_angle(vector[0], vector[1]) |
return angle |
def compute_angle_three_points(point_source, point_target1, point_target2): |
squared_dist_source_target1 = math.pow((point_source[0] - point_target1[0]), 2) + math.pow( |
(point_source[1] - point_target1[1]), 2) |
squared_dist_source_target2 = math.pow((point_source[0] - point_target2[0]), 2) + math.pow( |
(point_source[1] - point_target2[1]), 2) |
squared_dist_target1_target2 = math.pow((point_target1[0] - point_target2[0]), 2) + math.pow( |
(point_target1[1] - point_target2[1]), 2) |
dist_source_target1 = math.sqrt(squared_dist_source_target1) |
dist_source_target2 = math.sqrt(squared_dist_source_target2) |
try: |
cos = (squared_dist_source_target1 + squared_dist_source_target2 - squared_dist_target1_target2) / ( |
2 * dist_source_target1 * dist_source_target2) |
except ZeroDivisionError: |
return float('inf') |
cos = max(min(cos, 1), |
-1) |
angle = math.acos(cos) |
return angle |
def are_edges_overlapping(edge1, edge2, threshold): |
""" |
Checks if at least 2 different vertices of either edge lies on the other edge: it characterizes an overlap |
:param edge1: |
:param edge2: |
:param threshold: |
:return: |
""" |
count_list = [ |
is_vertex_on_edge(edge1[0], edge2, threshold), |
is_vertex_on_edge(edge1[1], edge2, threshold), |
is_vertex_on_edge(edge2[0], edge1, threshold), |
is_vertex_on_edge(edge2[1], edge1, threshold), |
] |
identical_vertex_list = [ |
np.array_equal(edge1[0], edge2[0]), |
np.array_equal(edge1[0], edge2[1]), |
np.array_equal(edge1[1], edge2[0]), |
np.array_equal(edge1[1], edge2[1]), |
] |
adjusted_count = np.sum(count_list) - np.sum(identical_vertex_list) |
return 2 <= adjusted_count |
def get_line_intersect(a1, a2, b1, b2): |
""" |
Returns the point of intersection of the lines passing through a2,a1 and b2,b1. |
a1: [x, y] a point on the first line |
a2: [x, y] another point on the first line |
b1: [x, y] a point on the second line |
b2: [x, y] another point on the second line |
""" |
s = np.vstack([a1, a2, b1, b2]) |
h = np.hstack((s, np.ones((4, 1)))) |
l1 = np.cross(h[0], h[1]) |
l2 = np.cross(h[2], h[3]) |
x, y, z = np.cross(l1, l2) |
if z == 0: |
return float('inf'), float('inf') |
return x / z, y / z |
def are_edges_intersecting(edge1, edge2, epsilon=1e-6): |
""" |
edge1 and edge2 should not have a common vertex between them |
:param edge1: |
:param edge2: |
:return: |
""" |
intersect = get_line_intersect(edge1[0], edge1[1], edge2[0], edge2[1]) |
if intersect[0] == float('inf') or intersect[1] == float('inf'): |
return False |
else: |
angle1 = compute_angle_three_points(intersect, edge1[0], edge1[1]) |
angle2 = compute_angle_three_points(intersect, edge2[0], edge2[1]) |
intersect_belongs_to_edges = (math.pi - epsilon) < angle1 and (math.pi - epsilon) < angle2 |
return intersect_belongs_to_edges |
def shorten_edge(edge, length_to_cut1, length_to_cut2, min_length): |
center = get_edge_center(edge) |
total_length = get_edge_length(edge) |
new_length = total_length - length_to_cut1 - length_to_cut2 |
if min_length <= new_length: |
scale = new_length / total_length |
new_edge = (edge.copy() - center) * scale + center |
return new_edge |
else: |
return None |
def is_edge_in_triangle(edge, triangle): |
return edge[0] in triangle and edge[1] in triangle |
def get_connectivity_of_edge(edge, triangles): |
connectivity = 0 |
for triangle in triangles: |
connectivity += is_edge_in_triangle(edge, triangle) |
return connectivity |
def get_connectivity_of_edges(edges, triangles): |
connectivity_of_edges = [] |
for edge in edges: |
connectivity_of_edge = get_connectivity_of_edge(edge, triangles) |
connectivity_of_edges.append(connectivity_of_edge) |
return connectivity_of_edges |
def polygon_to_closest_int(polygons): |
int_polygons = [] |
for polygon in polygons: |
int_polygon = np.round(polygon) |
int_polygons.append(int_polygon) |
return int_polygons |
def is_vertex_on_edge(vertex, edge, threshold): |
""" |
:param vertex: |
:param edge: |
:param threshold: |
:return: |
""" |
edge_length = get_edge_length(edge) |
dist1 = get_edge_length([vertex, edge[0]]) |
dist2 = get_edge_length([vertex, edge[1]]) |
vertex_on_edge = (dist1 + dist2) < (edge_length + threshold) |
return vertex_on_edge |
def get_face_edges(face_vertices): |
edges = [] |
prev_vertex = face_vertices[0] |
for vertex in face_vertices[1:]: |
edge = (prev_vertex, vertex) |
edges.append(edge) |
prev_vertex = vertex |
return edges |
def find_edge_in_face(edge, face_vertices): |
face_vertices = face_vertices[:] |
face_vertices.append(face_vertices[0]) |
edges = get_face_edges(face_vertices) |
index = edges.index(edge) |
return index |
def clean_degenerate_face_edges(face_vertices): |
def recursive_clean_degenerate_face_edges(open_face_vertices): |
face_vertex_count = len(open_face_vertices) |
cleaned_open_face_vertices = [] |
skip = False |
for index in range(face_vertex_count): |
if skip: |
skip = False |
else: |
prev_vertex = open_face_vertices[(index - 1) % face_vertex_count] |
vertex = open_face_vertices[index] |
next_vertex = open_face_vertices[(index + 1) % face_vertex_count] |
if prev_vertex != next_vertex: |
cleaned_open_face_vertices.append(vertex) |
else: |
skip = True |
if len(cleaned_open_face_vertices) < face_vertex_count: |
return recursive_clean_degenerate_face_edges(cleaned_open_face_vertices) |
else: |
return cleaned_open_face_vertices |
open_face_vertices = face_vertices[:-1] |
cleaned_face_vertices = recursive_clean_degenerate_face_edges(open_face_vertices) |
cleaned_face_vertices.append(cleaned_face_vertices[0]) |
return cleaned_face_vertices |
def merge_vertices(main_face_vertices, extra_face_vertices, common_edge): |
sorted_common_edge = tuple(sorted(common_edge)) |
open_face_vertices_pair = (main_face_vertices[:-1], extra_face_vertices[:-1]) |
face_index = 0 |
vertex_index = 0 |
start_vertex = vertex = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index][vertex_index] |
merged_face_vertices = [start_vertex] |
faces_merged = False |
while not faces_merged: |
next_vertex_index = (vertex_index + 1) % len(open_face_vertices_pair[face_index]) |
next_vertex = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index][next_vertex_index] |
edge = (vertex, next_vertex) |
sorted_edge = tuple(sorted(edge)) |
if sorted_edge == sorted_common_edge: |
face_index = 1 - face_index |
reverse_edge = (edge[1], edge[0]) |
edge_index = find_edge_in_face(reverse_edge, open_face_vertices_pair[face_index]) |
vertex_index = edge_index + 1 |
vertex_index = (vertex_index + 1) % len(open_face_vertices_pair[face_index]) |
vertex = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index][vertex_index] |
merged_face_vertices.append(vertex) |
faces_merged = vertex == start_vertex |
cleaned_merged_face_vertices = clean_degenerate_face_edges(merged_face_vertices) |
return cleaned_merged_face_vertices |
def polygon_close(polygon): |
return np.concatenate((polygon, polygon[0:1, :]), axis=0) |
def polygons_close(polygons): |
return [polygon_close(polygon) for polygon in polygons] |
def init_angle_field(polygons, shape, line_width=1): |
""" |
Angle field {\theta_1} the tangent vector's angle for every pixel, specified on the polygon edges. |
Angle between 0 and pi. |
This is not invariant to symmetries. |
:param polygons: |
:param shape: |
:return: (angles: np.array((num_edge_pixels, ), dtype=np.uint8), |
mask: np.array((num_edge_pixels, 2), dtype=np.int)) |
""" |
assert type(polygons) == list, "polygons should be a list" |
polygons = polygons_remove_holes(polygons) |
polygons = polygons_close(polygons) |
im = Image.new("L", (shape[1], shape[0])) |
im_px_access = im.load() |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) |
for polygon in polygons: |
edge_vect_array = np.diff(polygon, axis=0) |
edge_angle_array = np.angle(edge_vect_array[:, 0] + 1j * edge_vect_array[:, 1]) |
neg_indices = np.where(edge_angle_array < 0) |
edge_angle_array[neg_indices] += np.pi |
for i in range(polygon.shape[0] - 1): |
edge = (polygon[i], polygon[i + 1]) |
angle = edge_angle_array[i] |
uint8_angle = int((255 * angle / np.pi).round()) |
line = [(edge[0][1], edge[0][0]), (edge[1][1], edge[1][0])] |
draw.line(line, fill=uint8_angle, width=line_width) |
_draw_circle(draw, line[0], radius=line_width / 2, fill=uint8_angle) |
_draw_circle(draw, line[1], radius=line_width / 2, fill=uint8_angle) |
array = np.array(im) |
return array |
def plot_geometries(axis, geometries, linewidths=1, markersize=3): |
if len(geometries): |
patches = [] |
for i, geometry in enumerate(geometries): |
if geometry.geom_type == "Polygon": |
polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon(geometry) |
if not polygon.is_empty: |
patch = PolygonPatch(polygon) |
patches.append(patch) |
axis.plot(*polygon.exterior.xy, marker="o", markersize=markersize) |
for interior in polygon.interiors: |
axis.plot(*interior.xy, marker="o", markersize=markersize) |
elif geometry.geom_type == "LineString" or geometry.geom_type == "LinearRing": |
axis.plot(*geometry.xy, marker="o", markersize=markersize) |
else: |
raise NotImplementedError(f"Geom type {geometry.geom_type} not recognized.") |
random.seed(1) |
colors = random.choices([ |
[0, 0, 1, 1], |
[0, 1, 0, 1], |
[1, 0, 0, 1], |
[1, 1, 0, 1], |
[1, 0, 1, 1], |
[0, 1, 1, 1], |
[0.5, 1, 0, 1], |
[1, 0.5, 0, 1], |
[0.5, 0, 1, 1], |
[1, 0, 0.5, 1], |
[0, 0.5, 1, 1], |
[0, 1, 0.5, 1], |
], k=len(patches)) |
edgecolors = np.array(colors) |
facecolors = edgecolors.copy() |
p = PatchCollection(patches, facecolors=facecolors, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidths=linewidths) |
axis.add_collection(p) |
def sample_geometry(geom, density): |
""" |
Sample edges of geom with a homogeneous density. |
@param geom: |
@param density: |
@return: |
""" |
if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): |
sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection([sample_geometry(g, density) for g in geom]) |
elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): |
sampled_exterior = sample_geometry(geom.exterior, density) |
sampled_interiors = [sample_geometry(interior, density) for interior in geom.interiors] |
sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(sampled_exterior, sampled_interiors) |
elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): |
sampled_x = [] |
sampled_y = [] |
coords = np.array(geom.coords[:]) |
lengths = np.linalg.norm(coords[:-1] - coords[1:], axis=1) |
for i in range(len(lengths)): |
start = geom.coords[i] |
end = geom.coords[i + 1] |
length = lengths[i] |
num = max(1, int(round(length / density))) + 1 |
x_seq = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], num) |
y_seq = np.linspace(start[1], end[1], num) |
if 0 < i: |
x_seq = x_seq[1:] |
y_seq = y_seq[1:] |
sampled_x.append(x_seq) |
sampled_y.append(y_seq) |
sampled_x = np.concatenate(sampled_x) |
sampled_y = np.concatenate(sampled_y) |
sampled_coords = zip(sampled_x, sampled_y) |
sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.LineString(sampled_coords) |
else: |
raise TypeError(f"geom of type {type(geom)} not supported!") |
return sampled_geom |
def point_project_onto_geometry(coord, target): |
point = shapely.geometry.Point(coord) |
_, projected_point = shapely.ops.nearest_points(point, target) |
return projected_point.coords[0] |
def project_onto_geometry(geom, target, pool: Pool=None): |
""" |
Projects all points from line_string onto target. |
@param geom: |
@param target: |
@param pool: |
@return: |
""" |
if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): |
if pool is None: |
projected_geom = [project_onto_geometry(g, target, pool=pool) for g in geom] |
else: |
partial_project_onto_geometry = partial(project_onto_geometry, target=target) |
projected_geom = pool.map(partial_project_onto_geometry, geom) |
projected_geom = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection(projected_geom) |
elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): |
projected_exterior = project_onto_geometry(geom.exterior, target) |
projected_interiors = [project_onto_geometry(interior, target) for interior in geom.interiors] |
try: |
projected_geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(projected_exterior, projected_interiors) |
except shapely.errors.TopologicalError as e: |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) |
ax = axes.ravel() |
plot_geometries(ax[0], [geom]) |
plot_geometries(ax[1], target) |
plot_geometries(ax[2], [projected_exterior, *projected_interiors]) |
fig.tight_layout() |
plt.show() |
raise e |
elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): |
projected_coords = [point_project_onto_geometry(coord, target) for coord in geom.coords] |
projected_geom = shapely.geometry.LineString(projected_coords) |
else: |
raise TypeError(f"geom of type {type(geom)} not supported!") |
return projected_geom |
def compute_contour_measure(pred_polygon, gt_contours, sampling_spacing, max_stretch, metric_name="cosine"): |
pred_contours = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection([pred_polygon.exterior, *pred_polygon.interiors]) |
sampled_pred_contours = sample_geometry(pred_contours, sampling_spacing) |
projected_pred_contours = project_onto_geometry(sampled_pred_contours, gt_contours) |
contour_measures = [] |
for contour, proj_contour in zip(sampled_pred_contours, projected_pred_contours): |
coords = np.array(contour.coords[:]) |
proj_coords = np.array(proj_contour.coords[:]) |
edges = coords[1:] - coords[:-1] |
proj_edges = proj_coords[1:] - proj_coords[:-1] |
edge_norms = np.linalg.norm(edges, axis=1) |
proj_edge_norms = np.linalg.norm(proj_edges, axis=1) |
norm_valid_mask = 0 < edge_norms * proj_edge_norms |
edges = edges[norm_valid_mask] |
proj_edges = proj_edges[norm_valid_mask] |
edge_norms = edge_norms[norm_valid_mask] |
proj_edge_norms = proj_edge_norms[norm_valid_mask] |
stretch = edge_norms / proj_edge_norms |
stretch_valid_mask = np.logical_and(1 / max_stretch < stretch, stretch < max_stretch) |
edges = edges[stretch_valid_mask] |
if edges.shape[0] == 0: |
continue |
proj_edges = proj_edges[stretch_valid_mask] |
edge_norms = edge_norms[stretch_valid_mask] |
proj_edge_norms = proj_edge_norms[stretch_valid_mask] |
scalar_products = np.abs(np.sum(np.multiply(edges, proj_edges), axis=1) / (edge_norms * proj_edge_norms)) |
try: |
contour_measures.append(scalar_products.min()) |
except ValueError: |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) |
ax = axes.ravel() |
plot_geometries(ax[0], [contour]) |
plot_geometries(ax[1], [proj_contour]) |
plot_geometries(ax[2], gt_contours) |
fig.tight_layout() |
plt.show() |
if len(contour_measures): |
min_scalar_product = min(contour_measures) |
measure = np.arccos(min_scalar_product) |
return measure |
else: |
return None |
def compute_polygon_contour_measures(pred_polygons: list, gt_polygons: list, sampling_spacing: float, min_precision: float, max_stretch: float, metric_name: str="cosine", progressbar=False): |
""" |
pred_polygons are sampled with sampling_spacing before projecting those sampled points to gt_polygons. |
Then the |
@param pred_polygons: |
@param gt_polygons: |
@param sampling_spacing: |
@param min_precision: Polygons in pred_polygons must have a precision with gt_polygons above min_precision to be included in further computations |
@param max_stretch: Exclude edges that have been stretched by the projection more than max_stretch from further computation |
@param metric_name: Metric type, can be "cosine" or ... |
@return: |
""" |
assert isinstance(pred_polygons, list), "pred_polygons should be a list" |
assert isinstance(gt_polygons, list), "gt_polygons should be a list" |
if len(pred_polygons) == 0 or len(gt_polygons) == 0: |
return np.array([]), [], [] |
assert isinstance(pred_polygons[0], shapely.geometry.Polygon), \ |
f"Items of pred_polygons should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(pred_polygons[0])}" |
assert isinstance(gt_polygons[0], shapely.geometry.Polygon), \ |
f"Items of gt_polygons should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(gt_polygons[0])}" |
gt_polygons = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(gt_polygons) |
pred_polygons = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(pred_polygons) |
filtered_pred_polygons = [pred_polygon for pred_polygon in pred_polygons if min_precision < pred_polygon.intersection(gt_polygons).area / pred_polygon.area] |
gt_contours = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection([contour for polygon in gt_polygons for contour in [polygon.exterior, *polygon.interiors]]) |
if progressbar: |
process_id = int(multiprocess.current_process().name[-1]) |
iterator = tqdm(filtered_pred_polygons, desc="Contour measure", leave=False, position=process_id) |
else: |
iterator = filtered_pred_polygons |
half_tangent_max_angles = [compute_contour_measure(pred_polygon, gt_contours, sampling_spacing=sampling_spacing, max_stretch=max_stretch, metric_name=metric_name) |
for pred_polygon in iterator] |
return half_tangent_max_angles |
def fix_polygons(polygons, buffer=0.0): |
polygons_geom = shapely.ops.unary_union(polygons) |
polygons_geom = polygons_geom.buffer(buffer) |
fixed_polygons = [] |
if polygons_geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": |
for poly in polygons_geom: |
fixed_polygons.append(poly) |
elif polygons_geom.geom_type == "Polygon": |
fixed_polygons.append(polygons_geom) |
else: |
raise TypeError(f"Geom type {polygons_geom.geom_type} not recognized.") |
return fixed_polygons |
POINTS = [] |
def main(): |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
gt_polygon_1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon( |
[ |
[0, 0], |
[10, 0], |
[10, 10], |
[0, 10] |
], |
) |
pred_polygon_1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon( |
[ |
[0.1, 0.1], |
[10.1, 0], |
[9.9, 9], |
[9, 10.1], |
[0.1, 10] |
], |
) |
pred_polygons = [pred_polygon_1] |
gt_polygons = [gt_polygon_1] |
max_angle_diffs = compute_polygon_contour_measures(pred_polygons, gt_polygons, sampling_spacing=0.1, min_precision=0.5, max_stretch=2) |
print(max_angle_diffs[0] * 180 / np.pi) |
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) |
ax = axes.ravel() |
plot_geometries(ax[0], gt_polygons) |
plot_geometries(ax[1], pred_polygons) |
for point in POINTS: |
ax[2].plot(*point.xy, marker="o", markersize=1) |
fig.tight_layout() |
plt.show() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |