import sys import time from functools import partial import math import random import numpy as np import scipy.spatial from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFilter import skimage.draw import skimage from descartes import PolygonPatch from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection from multiprocess import Pool import multiprocess from tqdm import tqdm from lydorn_utils import python_utils if python_utils.module_exists("skimage.measure"): from skimage.measure import approximate_polygon if python_utils.module_exists("shapely"): import shapely.geometry import shapely.affinity import shapely.ops import shapely.prepared import shapely.validation def is_polygon_clockwise(polygon): rolled_polygon = np.roll(polygon, shift=1, axis=0) double_signed_area = np.sum((rolled_polygon[:, 0] - polygon[:, 0]) * (rolled_polygon[:, 1] + polygon[:, 1])) if 0 < double_signed_area: return True else: return False def orient_polygon(polygon, orientation="CW"): poly_is_orientated_cw = is_polygon_clockwise(polygon) if (poly_is_orientated_cw and orientation == "CCW") or (not poly_is_orientated_cw and orientation == "CW"): return np.flip(polygon, axis=0) else: return polygon def orient_polygons(polygons, orientation="CW"): return [orient_polygon(polygon, orientation=orientation) for polygon in polygons] def raster_to_polygon(image, vertex_count): contours = skimage.measure.find_contours(image, 0.5) contour = np.empty_like(contours[0]) contour[:, 0] = contours[0][:, 1] contour[:, 1] = contours[0][:, 0] # Simplify until vertex_count tolerance = 0.1 tolerance_step = 0.1 simplified_contour = contour while 1 + vertex_count < len(simplified_contour): simplified_contour = approximate_polygon(contour, tolerance=tolerance) tolerance += tolerance_step simplified_contour = simplified_contour[:-1] # plt.imshow(image, cmap="gray") # plot_polygon(simplified_contour, draw_labels=False) # return simplified_contour def l2diffs(polygon1, polygon2): """ Computes vertex-wise L2 difference between the two polygons. As the two polygons may not have the same starting vertex, all shifts are considred and the shift resulting in the minimum mean L2 difference is chosen :param polygon1: :param polygon2: :return: """ # Make polygons of equal length if len(polygon1) != len(polygon2): while len(polygon1) < len(polygon2): polygon1 = np.append(polygon1, [polygon1[-1, :]], axis=0) while len(polygon2) < len(polygon1): polygon2 = np.append(polygon2, [polygon2[-1, :]], axis=0) vertex_count = len(polygon1) def naive_l2diffs(polygon1, polygon2): naive_l2diffs_result = np.sqrt(np.power(np.sum(polygon1 - polygon2, axis=1), 2)) return naive_l2diffs_result min_l2_diffs = naive_l2diffs(polygon1, polygon2) min_mean_l2_diffs = np.mean(min_l2_diffs, axis=0) for i in range(1, vertex_count): current_naive_l2diffs = naive_l2diffs(np.roll(polygon1, shift=i, axis=0), polygon2) current_naive_mean_l2diffs = np.mean(current_naive_l2diffs, axis=0) if current_naive_mean_l2diffs < min_mean_l2_diffs: min_l2_diffs = current_naive_l2diffs min_mean_l2_diffs = current_naive_mean_l2diffs return min_l2_diffs def intersect_polygons(simple_polygon, multi_polygon): """ :param input_polygon: :param target_polygon: :return: List of a simple polygon: [poly1, poly2,...] with a multi polygon: [[(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...], [...]] """ poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(simple_polygon).buffer(0) poly2 = shapely.geometry.MultiPolygon(shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon) for polygon in multi_polygon).buffer(0) intersection_poly = poly1.intersection(poly2) if 0 < intersection_poly.area: if intersection_poly.type == 'Polygon': coords = intersection_poly.exterior.coords return [coords] elif intersection_poly.type == 'MultiPolygon': ret_coords = [] for poly in intersection_poly: coords = poly.exterior.coords ret_coords.append(coords) return ret_coords return None def check_intersection_with_polygon(input_polygon, target_polygon): poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(input_polygon).buffer(0) poly2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(target_polygon).buffer(0) intersection_poly = poly1.intersection(poly2) intersection_area = intersection_poly.area is_intersection = 0 < intersection_area return is_intersection def check_intersection_with_polygons(input_polygon, target_polygons): """ Returns True if there is an intersection with at least one polygon in target_polygons :param input_polygon: :param target_polygons: :return: """ for target_polygon in target_polygons: if check_intersection_with_polygon(input_polygon, target_polygon): return True return False def polygon_area(polygon): poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon).buffer(0) return poly.area def polygon_union(polygon1, polygon2): poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon1).buffer(0) poly2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon2).buffer(0) union_poly = poly1.union(poly2) return np.array(union_poly.exterior.coords) def polygon_iou(polygon1, polygon2): poly1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon1).buffer(0) poly2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon(polygon2).buffer(0) intersection_poly = poly1.intersection(poly2) union_poly = poly1.union(poly2) intersection_area = intersection_poly.area union_area = union_poly.area if union_area: iou = intersection_area / union_area else: iou = 0 return iou def generate_polygon(cx, cy, ave_radius, irregularity, spikeyness, vertex_count): """ Start with the centre of the polygon at cx, cy, then creates the polygon by sampling points on a circle around the centre. Random noise is added by varying the angular spacing between sequential points, and by varying the radial distance of each point from the centre. Params: cx, cy - coordinates of the "centre" of the polygon ave_radius - in px, the average radius of this polygon, this roughly controls how large the polygon is, really only useful for order of magnitude. irregularity - [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in the angular spacing of vertices. [0,1] will map to [0, 2 * pi / vertex_count] spikeyness - [0,1] indicating how much variance there is in each vertex from the circle of radius ave_radius. [0,1] will map to [0, ave_radius] vertex_count - self-explanatory Returns a list of vertices, in CCW order. """ irregularity = clip(irregularity, 0, 1) * 2 * math.pi / vertex_count spikeyness = clip(spikeyness, 0, 1) * ave_radius # generate n angle steps angle_steps = [] lower = (2 * math.pi / vertex_count) - irregularity upper = (2 * math.pi / vertex_count) + irregularity angle_sum = 0 for i in range(vertex_count): tmp = random.uniform(lower, upper) angle_steps.append(tmp) angle_sum = angle_sum + tmp # normalize the steps so that point 0 and point n+1 are the same k = angle_sum / (2 * math.pi) for i in range(vertex_count): angle_steps[i] = angle_steps[i] / k # now generate the points points = [] angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi) for i in range(vertex_count): r_i = clip(random.gauss(ave_radius, spikeyness), 0, 2 * ave_radius) x = cx + r_i * math.cos(angle) y = cy + r_i * math.sin(angle) points.append((x, y)) angle = angle + angle_steps[i] return points def clip(x, mini, maxi): if mini > maxi: return x elif x < mini: return mini elif x > maxi: return maxi else: return x def scale_bounding_box(bounding_box, scale): half_width = math.ceil((bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) * scale / 2) half_height = math.ceil((bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) * scale / 2) center = [round((bounding_box[0] + bounding_box[2]) / 2), round((bounding_box[1] + bounding_box[3]) / 2)] scaled_bounding_box = [int(center[0] - half_width), int(center[1] - half_height), int(center[0] + half_width), int(center[1] + half_height)] return scaled_bounding_box def pad_bounding_box(bbox, pad): return [bbox[0] + pad, bbox[1] + pad, bbox[2] - pad, bbox[3] - pad] def compute_bounding_box(polygon, scale=1, boundingbox_margin=0, fit=None): # Compute base bounding box bounding_box = [np.min(polygon[:, 0]), np.min(polygon[:, 1]), np.max(polygon[:, 0]), np.max(polygon[:, 1])] # Scale half_width = math.ceil((bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) * scale / 2) half_height = math.ceil((bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) * scale / 2) # Add margin half_width += boundingbox_margin half_height += boundingbox_margin # Compute square bounding box if fit == "square": half_width = half_height = max(half_width, half_height) center = [round((bounding_box[0] + bounding_box[2]) / 2), round((bounding_box[1] + bounding_box[3]) / 2)] bounding_box = [int(center[0] - half_width), int(center[1] - half_height), int(center[0] + half_width), int(center[1] + half_height)] return bounding_box def compute_patch(polygon, patch_size): centroid = np.mean(polygon, axis=0) half_height = half_width = patch_size / 2 bounding_box = [math.ceil(centroid[0] - half_width), math.ceil(centroid[1] - half_height), math.ceil(centroid[0] + half_width), math.ceil(centroid[1] + half_height)] return bounding_box def bounding_box_within_bounds(bounding_box, bounds): return bounds[0] <= bounding_box[0] and bounds[1] <= bounding_box[1] and bounding_box[2] <= bounds[2] and \ bounding_box[3] <= bounds[3] def vertex_within_bounds(vertex, bounds): return bounds[0] <= vertex[0] <= bounds[2] and \ bounds[1] <= vertex[1] <= bounds[3] def edge_within_bounds(edge, bounds): return vertex_within_bounds(edge[0], bounds) and vertex_within_bounds(edge[1], bounds) def bounding_box_area(bounding_box): return (bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) * (bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) def convert_to_image_patch_space(polygon_image_space, bounding_box): polygon_image_patch_space = np.empty_like(polygon_image_space) polygon_image_patch_space[:, 0] = polygon_image_space[:, 0] - bounding_box[0] polygon_image_patch_space[:, 1] = polygon_image_space[:, 1] - bounding_box[1] return polygon_image_patch_space def translate_polygons(polygons, translation): for polygon in polygons: polygon[:, 0] += translation[0] polygon[:, 1] += translation[1] return polygons def strip_redundant_vertex(vertices, epsilon=1): assert len(vertices.shape) == 2 # Is a polygon new_vertices = vertices if 1 < vertices.shape[0]: if np.sum(np.absolute(vertices[0, :] - vertices[-1, :])) < epsilon: new_vertices = vertices[:-1, :] return new_vertices def remove_doubles(vertices, epsilon=0.1): dists = np.linalg.norm(np.roll(vertices, -1, axis=0) - vertices, axis=-1) new_vertices = vertices[epsilon < dists] return new_vertices def simplify_polygon(polygon, tolerance=1): approx_polygon = approximate_polygon(polygon, tolerance=tolerance) return approx_polygon def simplify_polygons(polygons, tolerance=1): approx_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: approx_polygon = approximate_polygon(polygon, tolerance=tolerance) approx_polygons.append(approx_polygon) return approx_polygons def pad_polygon(vertices, target_length): assert len(vertices.shape) == 2 # Is a polygon assert vertices.shape[0] <= target_length padding_length = target_length - vertices.shape[0] padding = np.tile(vertices[-1], [padding_length, 1]) padded_vertices = np.append(vertices, padding, axis=0) return padded_vertices def compute_diameter(polygon): dist = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(polygon, polygon) return dist.max() def plot_polygon(polygon, color=None, draw_labels=True, label_direction=1, indexing="xy", axis=None): if python_utils.module_exists("matplotlib.pyplot"): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if axis is None: axis = plt.gca() polygon_closed = np.append(polygon, [polygon[0, :]], axis=0) if indexing == "xy=": axis.plot(polygon_closed[:, 0], polygon_closed[:, 1], color=color, linewidth=3.0) elif indexing == "ij": axis.plot(polygon_closed[:, 1], polygon_closed[:, 0], color=color, linewidth=3.0) else: print("WARNING: Invalid indexing argument") if draw_labels: labels = range(1, polygon.shape[0] + 1) for label, x, y in zip(labels, polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 1]): axis.annotate( label, xy=(x, y), xytext=(-20 * label_direction, 20 * label_direction), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.25', fc=color, alpha=0.75), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', color=color, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0')) def plot_polygons(polygons, color=None, draw_labels=True, label_direction=1, indexing="xy", axis=None): for polygon in polygons: plot_polygon(polygon, color=color, draw_labels=draw_labels, label_direction=label_direction, indexing=indexing, axis=axis) def compute_edge_normal(edge): normal = np.array([- (edge[1][1] - edge[0][1]), edge[1][0] - edge[0][0]]) normal_norm = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(normal))) normal /= normal_norm return normal def compute_vector_angle(x, y): if x < 0.0: slope = y / x angle = np.pi + np.arctan(slope) elif 0.0 < x: slope = y / x angle = np.arctan(slope) else: if 0 < y: angle = np.pi / 2 else: angle = 3 * np.pi / 2 if angle < 0.0: angle += 2 * np.pi return angle def compute_edge_normal_angle_edge(edge): normal = compute_edge_normal(edge) normal_x = normal[1] normal_y = normal[0] angle = compute_vector_angle(normal_x, normal_y) return angle def polygon_in_bounding_box(polygon, bounding_box): """ Returns True if all vertices of polygons are inside bounding_box :param polygon: [N, 2] :param bounding_box: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max] :return: """ result = np.all( np.logical_and( np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 0] <= bounding_box[2]), np.logical_and(bounding_box[1] <= polygon[:, 1], polygon[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]) ) ) return result def filter_polygons_in_bounding_box(polygons, bounding_box): """ Only keep polygons that are fully inside bounding_box :param polygons: [shape(N, 2), ...] :param bounding_box: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max] :return: """ filtered_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: if polygon_in_bounding_box(polygon, bounding_box): filtered_polygons.append(polygon) return filtered_polygons def transform_polygon_to_bounding_box_space(polygon, bounding_box): """ :param polygon: shape(N, 2) :param bounding_box: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max] :return: """ assert len(polygon.shape) and polygon.shape[1] == 2, "polygon should have shape (N, 2), not shape {}".format( polygon.shape) assert len(bounding_box) == 4, "bounding_box should have 4 elements: [row_min, col_min, row_max, col_max]" transformed_polygon = polygon.copy() transformed_polygon[:, 0] -= bounding_box[0] transformed_polygon[:, 1] -= bounding_box[1] return transformed_polygon def transform_polygons_to_bounding_box_space(polygons, bounding_box): transformed_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: transformed_polygons.append(transform_polygon_to_bounding_box_space(polygon, bounding_box)) return transformed_polygons def crop_polygon_to_patch(polygon, bounding_box): return transform_polygon_to_bounding_box_space(polygon, bounding_box) def crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(polygon, bounding_box): assert type(polygon) == np.ndarray, "polygon should be a numpy array, not {}".format(type(polygon)) assert len(polygon.shape) == 2 and polygon.shape[1] == 2, "polygon should be of shape (N, 2), not {}".format( polygon.shape) # Verify that at least one vertex is inside bounding_box polygon_touches_patch = np.any( np.logical_and( np.logical_and(bounding_box[0] <= polygon[:, 0], polygon[:, 0] <= bounding_box[2]), np.logical_and(bounding_box[1] <= polygon[:, 1], polygon[:, 1] <= bounding_box[3]) ) ) if polygon_touches_patch: return crop_polygon_to_patch(polygon, bounding_box) else: return None def crop_polygons_to_patch_if_touch(polygons, bounding_box, return_indices=False): assert type(polygons) == list, "polygons should be a list" if return_indices: indices = [] cropped_polygons = [] for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): cropped_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(polygon, bounding_box) if cropped_polygon is not None: cropped_polygons.append(cropped_polygon) if return_indices: indices.append(i) if return_indices: return cropped_polygons, indices else: return cropped_polygons def crop_polygons_to_patch(polygons, bounding_box): cropped_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: cropped_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch(polygon, bounding_box) if cropped_polygon is not None: cropped_polygons.append(cropped_polygon) return cropped_polygons def patch_polygons(polygons, minx, miny, maxx, maxy): """ Filters out polygons that do not touch the bbox and translate those that do to the box's coordinate system. @param polygons: [shapely.geometry.Polygon, ...] @param maxy: @param maxx: @param miny: @param minx: @return: [shapely.geometry.Polygon, ...] """ assert type(polygons) == list, "polygons should be a list" if len(polygons) == 0: return polygons assert type(polygons[0]) == shapely.geometry.Polygon, \ f"Items of the polygons list should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(polygons[0])}" box_polygon =, miny, maxx, maxy) polygons = filter(box_polygon.intersects, polygons) polygons = map(partial(shapely.affinity.translate, xoff=-minx, yoff=-miny), polygons) return list(polygons) def polygon_remove_holes(polygon): polygon_no_holes = [] for coords in polygon: if not np.isnan(coords[0]) and not np.isnan(coords[1]): polygon_no_holes.append(coords) else: break return np.array(polygon_no_holes) def polygons_remove_holes(polygons): gt_polygons_no_holes = [] for polygon in polygons: gt_polygons_no_holes.append(polygon_remove_holes(polygon)) return gt_polygons_no_holes def apply_batch_disp_map_to_polygons(pred_disp_field_map_batch, disp_polygons_batch): """ :param pred_disp_field_map_batch: shape(batch_size, height, width, 2) :param disp_polygons_batch: shape(batch_size, polygon_count, vertex_count, 2) :return: """ # Apply all displacements at once batch_count = pred_disp_field_map_batch.shape[0] row_count = pred_disp_field_map_batch.shape[1] col_count = pred_disp_field_map_batch.shape[2] disp_polygons_batch_int = np.round(disp_polygons_batch).astype( # Clip coordinates to the field map: disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field = np.maximum(0, disp_polygons_batch_int) disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 0] = np.minimum( disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 0], row_count - 1) disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 1] = np.minimum( disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[:, :, :, 1], col_count - 1) aligned_disp_polygons_batch = disp_polygons_batch.copy() for batch_index in range(batch_count): mask = ~np.isnan(disp_polygons_batch[batch_index, :, :, 0]) # Checking one coordinate is enough aligned_disp_polygons_batch[batch_index, mask, 0] += pred_disp_field_map_batch[batch_index, disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ batch_index, mask, 0], disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ batch_index, mask, 1], 0].flatten() aligned_disp_polygons_batch[batch_index, mask, 1] += pred_disp_field_map_batch[batch_index, disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ batch_index, mask, 0], disp_polygons_batch_int_nearest_valid_field[ batch_index, mask, 1], 1].flatten() return aligned_disp_polygons_batch def apply_disp_map_to_polygons(disp_field_map, polygons): """ :param disp_field_map: shape(height, width, 2) :param polygon_list: [shape(N, 2), shape(M, 2), ...] :return: """ disp_field_map_batch = np.expand_dims(disp_field_map, axis=0) disp_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: polygon_batch = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(polygon, axis=0), axis=0) # Add batch and polygon_count dims disp_polygon_batch = apply_batch_disp_map_to_polygons(disp_field_map_batch, polygon_batch) disp_polygon_batch = disp_polygon_batch[0, 0] # Remove batch and polygon_count dims disp_polygons.append(disp_polygon_batch) return disp_polygons # This next function is somewhat redundant with apply_disp_map_to_polygons... (but displaces in the opposite direction) def apply_displacement_field_to_polygons(polygons, disp_field_map): disp_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: mask_nans = np.isnan(polygon) # Will be necessary when polygons with holes are handled polygon_int = np.round(polygon).astype( polygon_int_clipped = np.maximum(0, polygon_int) polygon_int_clipped[:, 0] = np.minimum(disp_field_map.shape[0] - 1, polygon_int_clipped[:, 0]) polygon_int_clipped[:, 1] = np.minimum(disp_field_map.shape[1] - 1, polygon_int_clipped[:, 1]) disp_polygon = polygon.copy() disp_polygon[~mask_nans[:, 0], 0] -= disp_field_map[polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 0], 0], polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 0], 1], 0] disp_polygon[~mask_nans[:, 1], 1] -= disp_field_map[polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 1], 0], polygon_int_clipped[~mask_nans[:, 1], 1], 1] disp_polygons.append(disp_polygon) return disp_polygons def apply_displacement_fields_to_polygons(polygons, disp_field_maps): disp_field_map_count = disp_field_maps.shape[0] disp_polygons_list = [] for i in range(disp_field_map_count): disp_polygons = apply_displacement_field_to_polygons(polygons, disp_field_maps[i, :, :, :]) disp_polygons_list.append(disp_polygons) return disp_polygons_list def draw_line(shape, line, width, blur_radius=0): im ="L", (shape[1], shape[0])) # im_px_access = im.load() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) vertex_list = [] for coords in line: vertex = (coords[1], coords[0]) vertex_list.append(vertex) draw.line(vertex_list, fill=255, width=width) if 0 < blur_radius: im = im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur_radius)) array = np.array(im) / 255 return array def draw_triangle(shape, triangle, blur_radius=0): im ="L", (shape[1], shape[0])) # im_px_access = im.load() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) vertex_list = [] for coords in triangle: vertex = (coords[1], coords[0]) vertex_list.append(vertex) draw.polygon(vertex_list, fill=255) if 0 < blur_radius: im = im.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=blur_radius)) array = np.array(im) / 255 return array def draw_polygon(polygon, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3): # TODO: handle holes in polygons im ="RGB", (shape[1], shape[0])) im_px_access = im.load() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) vertex_list = [] for coords in polygon: vertex = (coords[1], coords[0]) if not np.isnan(vertex[0]) and not np.isnan(vertex[1]): vertex_list.append(vertex) else: break if edges: draw.line(vertex_list, fill=(0, 255, 0), width=line_width) if fill: draw.polygon(vertex_list, fill=(255, 0, 0)) if vertices: draw.point(vertex_list, fill=(0, 0, 255)) # Convert image to numpy array with the right number of channels array = np.array(im) selection = [fill, edges, vertices] selected_array = array[:, :, selection] return selected_array def _draw_circle(draw, center, radius, fill): draw.ellipse([center[0] - radius, center[1] - radius, center[0] + radius, center[1] + radius], fill=fill, outline=None) def draw_polygons(polygons, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3, antialiasing=False): # TODO: handle holes in polygons polygons = polygons_remove_holes(polygons) polygons = polygons_close(polygons) if antialiasing: draw_shape = (2 * shape[0], 2 * shape[1]) else: draw_shape = shape # Channels fill_channel_index = 0 # Always first channel edges_channel_index = fill # If fill == True, take second channel. If not then take first vertices_channel_index = fill + edges # Same principle as above channel_count = fill + edges + vertices im_draw_list = [] for channel_index in range(channel_count): im ="L", (draw_shape[1], draw_shape[0])) im_px_access = im.load() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) im_draw_list.append((im, draw)) for polygon in polygons: if antialiasing: polygon *= 2 vertex_list = [] for coords in polygon: vertex_list.append((coords[1], coords[0])) if fill: draw = im_draw_list[fill_channel_index][1] draw.polygon(vertex_list, fill=255) if edges: draw = im_draw_list[edges_channel_index][1] draw.line(vertex_list, fill=255, width=line_width) if vertices: draw = im_draw_list[vertices_channel_index][1] for vertex in vertex_list: _draw_circle(draw, vertex, line_width / 2, fill=255) im_list = [] if antialiasing: # resize images: for im_draw in im_draw_list: resize_shape = (shape[1], shape[0]) im_list.append(im_draw[0].resize(resize_shape, Image.BILINEAR)) else: for im_draw in im_draw_list: im_list.append(im_draw[0]) # Convert image to numpy array with the right number of channels array_list = [np.array(im) for im in im_list] array = np.stack(array_list, axis=-1) return array def draw_polygon_map(polygons, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3): """ Alias for draw_polygon function :param polygons: :param shape: :param fill: :param edges: :param vertices: :param line_width: :return: """ return draw_polygons(polygons, shape, fill=fill, edges=edges, vertices=vertices, line_width=line_width) def draw_polygon_maps(polygons_list, shape, fill=True, edges=True, vertices=True, line_width=3): polygon_maps_list = [] for polygons in polygons_list: polygon_map = draw_polygon_map(polygons, shape, fill=fill, edges=edges, vertices=vertices, line_width=line_width) polygon_maps_list.append(polygon_map) disp_field_maps = np.stack(polygon_maps_list, axis=0) return disp_field_maps def swap_coords(polygon): polygon_new = polygon.copy() polygon_new[..., 0] = polygon[..., 1] polygon_new[..., 1] = polygon[..., 0] return polygon_new def prepare_polygons_for_tfrecord(gt_polygons, disp_polygons_list, boundingbox=None): assert len(gt_polygons) # print("Starting to crop polygons") # start = time.time() dtype = gt_polygons[0].dtype cropped_gt_polygons = [] cropped_disp_polygons_list = [[] for i in range(len(disp_polygons_list))] polygon_length = 0 for polygon_index, gt_polygon in enumerate(gt_polygons): if boundingbox is not None: cropped_gt_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(gt_polygon, boundingbox) else: cropped_gt_polygon = gt_polygon if cropped_gt_polygon is not None: cropped_gt_polygons.append(cropped_gt_polygon) if polygon_length < cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0]: polygon_length = cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0] # Crop disp polygons for disp_index, disp_polygons in enumerate(disp_polygons_list): disp_polygon = disp_polygons[polygon_index] if boundingbox is not None: cropped_disp_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch(disp_polygon, boundingbox) else: cropped_disp_polygon = disp_polygon cropped_disp_polygons_list[disp_index].append(cropped_disp_polygon) # end = time.time() # print("Finished cropping polygons in in {}s".format(end - start)) # # print("Starting to pad polygons") # start = time.time() polygon_count = len(cropped_gt_polygons) if polygon_count: # Add +1 to both dimensions for end-of-item NaNs padded_gt_polygons = np.empty((polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), dtype=dtype) padded_gt_polygons[:, :, :] = np.nan padded_disp_polygons_array = np.empty((len(disp_polygons_list), polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), dtype=dtype) padded_disp_polygons_array[:, :, :] = np.nan for i, polygon in enumerate(cropped_gt_polygons): padded_gt_polygons[i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon for j, polygons in enumerate(cropped_disp_polygons_list): for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): padded_disp_polygons_array[j, i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon else: padded_gt_polygons = padded_disp_polygons_array = None # end = time.time() # print("Finished padding polygons in in {}s".format(end - start)) return padded_gt_polygons, padded_disp_polygons_array def prepare_stages_polygons_for_tfrecord(gt_polygons, disp_polygons_list_list, boundingbox): assert len(gt_polygons) print(gt_polygons) print(disp_polygons_list_list) exit() # print("Starting to crop polygons") # start = time.time() dtype = gt_polygons[0].dtype cropped_gt_polygons = [] cropped_disp_polygons_list_list = [[[] for i in range(len(disp_polygons_list))] for disp_polygons_list in disp_polygons_list_list] polygon_length = 0 for polygon_index, gt_polygon in enumerate(gt_polygons): cropped_gt_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch_if_touch(gt_polygon, boundingbox) if cropped_gt_polygon is not None: cropped_gt_polygons.append(cropped_gt_polygon) if polygon_length < cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0]: polygon_length = cropped_gt_polygon.shape[0] # Crop disp polygons for stage_index, disp_polygons_list in enumerate(disp_polygons_list_list): for disp_index, disp_polygons in enumerate(disp_polygons_list): disp_polygon = disp_polygons[polygon_index] cropped_disp_polygon = crop_polygon_to_patch(disp_polygon, boundingbox) cropped_disp_polygons_list_list[stage_index][disp_index].append(cropped_disp_polygon) # end = time.time() # print("Finished cropping polygons in in {}s".format(end - start)) # # print("Starting to pad polygons") # start = time.time() polygon_count = len(cropped_gt_polygons) if polygon_count: # Add +1 to both dimensions for end-of-item NaNs padded_gt_polygons = np.empty((polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), dtype=dtype) padded_gt_polygons[:, :, :] = np.nan padded_disp_polygons_array = np.empty( (len(disp_polygons_list_list), len(disp_polygons_list_list[0]), polygon_count + 1, polygon_length + 1, 2), dtype=dtype) padded_disp_polygons_array[:, :, :] = np.nan for i, polygon in enumerate(cropped_gt_polygons): padded_gt_polygons[i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon for k, cropped_disp_polygons_list in enumerate(cropped_disp_polygons_list_list): for j, polygons in enumerate(cropped_disp_polygons_list): for i, polygon in enumerate(polygons): padded_disp_polygons_array[k, j, i, 0:polygon.shape[0], :] = polygon else: padded_gt_polygons = padded_disp_polygons_array = None # end = time.time() # print("Finished padding polygons in in {}s".format(end - start)) return padded_gt_polygons, padded_disp_polygons_array def rescale_polygon(polygons, scaling_factor): """ :param polygons: :return: scaling_factor """ if len(polygons): rescaled_polygons = [polygon * scaling_factor for polygon in polygons] return rescaled_polygons else: return polygons def get_edge_center(edge): return np.mean(edge, axis=0) def get_edge_length(edge): return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(edge[0] - edge[1]))) def get_edges_angle(edge1, edge2): x1 = edge1[1, 0] - edge1[0, 0] y1 = edge1[1, 1] - edge1[0, 1] x2 = edge2[1, 0] - edge2[0, 0] y2 = edge2[1, 1] - edge2[0, 1] angle1 = compute_vector_angle(x1, y1) angle2 = compute_vector_angle(x2, y2) edges_angle = math.fabs(angle1 - angle2) % (2 * math.pi) if math.pi < edges_angle: edges_angle = 2 * math.pi - edges_angle return edges_angle def compute_angle_two_points(point_source, point_target): vector = point_target - point_source angle = compute_vector_angle(vector[0], vector[1]) return angle def compute_angle_three_points(point_source, point_target1, point_target2): squared_dist_source_target1 = math.pow((point_source[0] - point_target1[0]), 2) + math.pow( (point_source[1] - point_target1[1]), 2) squared_dist_source_target2 = math.pow((point_source[0] - point_target2[0]), 2) + math.pow( (point_source[1] - point_target2[1]), 2) squared_dist_target1_target2 = math.pow((point_target1[0] - point_target2[0]), 2) + math.pow( (point_target1[1] - point_target2[1]), 2) dist_source_target1 = math.sqrt(squared_dist_source_target1) dist_source_target2 = math.sqrt(squared_dist_source_target2) try: cos = (squared_dist_source_target1 + squared_dist_source_target2 - squared_dist_target1_target2) / ( 2 * dist_source_target1 * dist_source_target2) except ZeroDivisionError: return float('inf') cos = max(min(cos, 1), -1) # Avoid some math domain error due to cos being slightly bigger than 1 (from floating point operations) angle = math.acos(cos) return angle def are_edges_overlapping(edge1, edge2, threshold): """ Checks if at least 2 different vertices of either edge lies on the other edge: it characterizes an overlap :param edge1: :param edge2: :param threshold: :return: """ count_list = [ is_vertex_on_edge(edge1[0], edge2, threshold), is_vertex_on_edge(edge1[1], edge2, threshold), is_vertex_on_edge(edge2[0], edge1, threshold), is_vertex_on_edge(edge2[1], edge1, threshold), ] # Count number of identical vertices identical_vertex_list = [ np.array_equal(edge1[0], edge2[0]), np.array_equal(edge1[0], edge2[1]), np.array_equal(edge1[1], edge2[0]), np.array_equal(edge1[1], edge2[1]), ] adjusted_count = np.sum(count_list) - np.sum(identical_vertex_list) return 2 <= adjusted_count # def are_edges_collinear(edge1, edge2, angle_threshold): # edges_angle = get_edges_angle(edge1, edge2) # return edges_angle < angle_threshold def get_line_intersect(a1, a2, b1, b2): """ Returns the point of intersection of the lines passing through a2,a1 and b2,b1. a1: [x, y] a point on the first line a2: [x, y] another point on the first line b1: [x, y] a point on the second line b2: [x, y] another point on the second line """ s = np.vstack([a1, a2, b1, b2]) # s for stacked h = np.hstack((s, np.ones((4, 1)))) # h for homogeneous l1 = np.cross(h[0], h[1]) # get first line l2 = np.cross(h[2], h[3]) # get second line x, y, z = np.cross(l1, l2) # point of intersection if z == 0: # lines are parallel return float('inf'), float('inf') return x / z, y / z def are_edges_intersecting(edge1, edge2, epsilon=1e-6): """ edge1 and edge2 should not have a common vertex between them :param edge1: :param edge2: :return: """ intersect = get_line_intersect(edge1[0], edge1[1], edge2[0], edge2[1]) # print("---") # print(edge1) # print(edge2) # print(intersect) if intersect[0] == float('inf') or intersect[1] == float('inf'): # Lines don't intersect return False else: # Lines intersect # Check if intersect point belongs to both edges angle1 = compute_angle_three_points(intersect, edge1[0], edge1[1]) angle2 = compute_angle_three_points(intersect, edge2[0], edge2[1]) intersect_belongs_to_edges = (math.pi - epsilon) < angle1 and (math.pi - epsilon) < angle2 return intersect_belongs_to_edges def shorten_edge(edge, length_to_cut1, length_to_cut2, min_length): center = get_edge_center(edge) total_length = get_edge_length(edge) new_length = total_length - length_to_cut1 - length_to_cut2 if min_length <= new_length: scale = new_length / total_length new_edge = (edge.copy() - center) * scale + center return new_edge else: return None def is_edge_in_triangle(edge, triangle): return edge[0] in triangle and edge[1] in triangle def get_connectivity_of_edge(edge, triangles): connectivity = 0 for triangle in triangles: connectivity += is_edge_in_triangle(edge, triangle) return connectivity def get_connectivity_of_edges(edges, triangles): connectivity_of_edges = [] for edge in edges: connectivity_of_edge = get_connectivity_of_edge(edge, triangles) connectivity_of_edges.append(connectivity_of_edge) return connectivity_of_edges def polygon_to_closest_int(polygons): int_polygons = [] for polygon in polygons: int_polygon = np.round(polygon) int_polygons.append(int_polygon) return int_polygons def is_vertex_on_edge(vertex, edge, threshold): """ :param vertex: :param edge: :param threshold: :return: """ # Compare distances sum to edge length edge_length = get_edge_length(edge) dist1 = get_edge_length([vertex, edge[0]]) dist2 = get_edge_length([vertex, edge[1]]) vertex_on_edge = (dist1 + dist2) < (edge_length + threshold) return vertex_on_edge def get_face_edges(face_vertices): edges = [] prev_vertex = face_vertices[0] for vertex in face_vertices[1:]: edge = (prev_vertex, vertex) edges.append(edge) # For next iteration: prev_vertex = vertex return edges def find_edge_in_face(edge, face_vertices): # Copy inputs list so that we don't modify it face_vertices = face_vertices[:] face_vertices.append(face_vertices[0]) # Close face (does not matter if it is already closed) edges = get_face_edges(face_vertices) index = edges.index(edge) return index def clean_degenerate_face_edges(face_vertices): def recursive_clean_degenerate_face_edges(open_face_vertices): face_vertex_count = len(open_face_vertices) cleaned_open_face_vertices = [] skip = False for index in range(face_vertex_count): if skip: skip = False else: prev_vertex = open_face_vertices[(index - 1) % face_vertex_count] vertex = open_face_vertices[index] next_vertex = open_face_vertices[(index + 1) % face_vertex_count] if prev_vertex != next_vertex: cleaned_open_face_vertices.append(vertex) else: skip = True if len(cleaned_open_face_vertices) < face_vertex_count: return recursive_clean_degenerate_face_edges(cleaned_open_face_vertices) else: return cleaned_open_face_vertices open_face_vertices = face_vertices[:-1] cleaned_face_vertices = recursive_clean_degenerate_face_edges(open_face_vertices) # Close cleaned_face_vertices cleaned_face_vertices.append(cleaned_face_vertices[0]) return cleaned_face_vertices def merge_vertices(main_face_vertices, extra_face_vertices, common_edge): sorted_common_edge = tuple(sorted(common_edge)) open_face_vertices_pair = (main_face_vertices[:-1], extra_face_vertices[:-1]) face_index = 0 # 0: current_face == main_face, 1: current_face == extra_face vertex_index = 0 start_vertex = vertex = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index][vertex_index] merged_face_vertices = [start_vertex] faces_merged = False while not faces_merged: # Get next vertex next_vertex_index = (vertex_index + 1) % len(open_face_vertices_pair[face_index]) next_vertex = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index][next_vertex_index] edge = (vertex, next_vertex) sorted_edge = tuple(sorted(edge)) if sorted_edge == sorted_common_edge: # Switch current face face_index = 1 - face_index # Find vertex_index in new current face reverse_edge = (edge[1], edge[0]) # Because we are now on the other face edge_index = find_edge_in_face(reverse_edge, open_face_vertices_pair[face_index]) vertex_index = edge_index + 1 # Index of the second vertex of edge # vertex_index = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index].index(vertex) vertex_index = (vertex_index + 1) % len(open_face_vertices_pair[face_index]) vertex = open_face_vertices_pair[face_index][vertex_index] merged_face_vertices.append(vertex) faces_merged = vertex == start_vertex # This also makes the merged_face closed # Remove degenerate face edges (edges where the face if on both sides of it) cleaned_merged_face_vertices = clean_degenerate_face_edges(merged_face_vertices) return cleaned_merged_face_vertices def polygon_close(polygon): return np.concatenate((polygon, polygon[0:1, :]), axis=0) def polygons_close(polygons): return [polygon_close(polygon) for polygon in polygons] # def init_cross_field(polygons, shape): # """ # Cross field: {v_1, v_2, -v_1, -v_2} encoded as {v_1, v_2}. # This is not invariant to symmetries. # # :param polygons: # :param shape: # :return: cross_field_array (shape[0], shape[1], 2), dtype=np.int8 # """ # def draw_edge(edge, v1): # rr, cc = skimage.draw.line(edge[0][0], edge[0][1], edge[1][0], edge[1][1]) # mask = (0 <= rr) & (rr < shape[0]) & (0 <= cc) & (cc < shape[1]) # cross_field_array[rr[mask], cc[mask], 0] = v1.real # cross_field_array[rr[mask], cc[mask], 1] = v1.imag # # polygons = polygons_remove_holes(polygons) # polygons = polygons_close(polygons) # # cross_field_array = np.zeros(shape + (4,), dtype=np.float) # # for polygon in polygons: # # --- edges: # edge_vect_array = np.diff(polygon, axis=0) # norm = np.linalg.norm(edge_vect_array, axis=1, keepdims=True) # # if not np.all(0 < norm): # # print("WARNING: one of the norms is zero, which cannot be used to divide") # # print("polygon that raised this warning:") # # print(polygon) # # exit() # edge_dir_array = edge_vect_array / norm # edge_v1_array = edge_dir_array.view(np.complex)[..., 0] # # edge_v2_array is zero # # # --- vertices: # vertex_v1_array = edge_v1_array # vertex_v2_array = - np.roll(edge_v1_array, 1, axis=0) # # # --- Draw values # polygon = polygon.astype( # # for i in range(polygon.shape[0] - 1): # edge = (polygon[i], polygon[i+1]) # v1 = edge_v1_array[i] # draw_edge(edge, v1) # # vertex_array = polygon[:-1] # mask = (0 <= vertex_array[:, 0]) & (vertex_array[:, 0] < shape[0])\ # & (0 <= vertex_array[:, 1]) & (vertex_array[:, 1] < shape[1]) # cross_field_array[vertex_array[mask, 0], vertex_array[mask, 1], 0] = vertex_v1_array[mask].real # cross_field_array[vertex_array[mask, 0], vertex_array[mask, 1], 1] = vertex_v1_array[mask].imag # cross_field_array[vertex_array[mask, 0], vertex_array[mask, 1], 2] = vertex_v2_array[mask].real # cross_field_array[vertex_array[mask, 0], vertex_array[mask, 1], 3] = vertex_v2_array[mask].imag # # # --- Encode cross-field with integer complex to save memory because abs(cross_field_array) <= 1 anyway. # cross_field_array = (127*cross_field_array).astype(np.int8) # # return cross_field_array # def init_angle_field(polygons, shape): # """ # Angle field {\theta_1} the tangent vector's angle for every pixel, specified on the polygon edges. # Angle between 0 and pi. # Also indices of those angle values. # This is not invariant to symmetries. # # :param polygons: # :param shape: # :return: (angles: np.array((num_edge_pixels, ), dtype=np.uint8), # indices: np.array((num_edge_pixels, 2), # """ # def draw_edge(edge, angle): # rr, cc = skimage.draw.line(edge[0][0], edge[0][1], edge[1][0], edge[1][1]) # edge_mask = (0 <= rr) & (rr < shape[0]) & (0 <= cc) & (cc < shape[1]) # angle_field_array[rr[edge_mask], cc[edge_mask]] = angle # mask[rr[edge_mask], cc[edge_mask]] = True # # polygons = polygons_remove_holes(polygons) # polygons = polygons_close(polygons) # # angle_field_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float) # mask = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool) # # for polygon in polygons: # # --- edges: # edge_vect_array = np.diff(polygon, axis=0) # edge_angle_array = np.angle(edge_vect_array[:, 0] + 1j * edge_vect_array[:, 1]) # neg_indices = np.where(edge_angle_array < 0) # edge_angle_array[neg_indices] += np.pi # # # --- Draw values # polygon = polygon.astype( # # for i in range(polygon.shape[0] - 1): # edge = (polygon[i], polygon[i+1]) # angle = edge_angle_array[i] # draw_edge(edge, angle) # # # --- Encode angle-field with positive integers to save memory because angle is between 0 and pi. # indices = np.stack(np.where(mask), axis=-1) # angles = angle_field_array[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] # angles = (255*angles/np.pi).round().astype(np.uint8) # # return angles, indices def init_angle_field(polygons, shape, line_width=1): """ Angle field {\theta_1} the tangent vector's angle for every pixel, specified on the polygon edges. Angle between 0 and pi. This is not invariant to symmetries. :param polygons: :param shape: :return: (angles: np.array((num_edge_pixels, ), dtype=np.uint8), mask: np.array((num_edge_pixels, 2), """ assert type(polygons) == list, "polygons should be a list" polygons = polygons_remove_holes(polygons) polygons = polygons_close(polygons) im ="L", (shape[1], shape[0])) im_px_access = im.load() draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) for polygon in polygons: # --- edges: edge_vect_array = np.diff(polygon, axis=0) edge_angle_array = np.angle(edge_vect_array[:, 0] + 1j * edge_vect_array[:, 1]) neg_indices = np.where(edge_angle_array < 0) edge_angle_array[neg_indices] += np.pi for i in range(polygon.shape[0] - 1): edge = (polygon[i], polygon[i + 1]) angle = edge_angle_array[i] uint8_angle = int((255 * angle / np.pi).round()) line = [(edge[0][1], edge[0][0]), (edge[1][1], edge[1][0])] draw.line(line, fill=uint8_angle, width=line_width) _draw_circle(draw, line[0], radius=line_width / 2, fill=uint8_angle) _draw_circle(draw, line[1], radius=line_width / 2, fill=uint8_angle) # Convert image to numpy array array = np.array(im) return array def plot_geometries(axis, geometries, linewidths=1, markersize=3): if len(geometries): patches = [] for i, geometry in enumerate(geometries): if geometry.geom_type == "Polygon": polygon = shapely.geometry.Polygon(geometry) if not polygon.is_empty: patch = PolygonPatch(polygon) patches.append(patch) axis.plot(*polygon.exterior.xy, marker="o", markersize=markersize) for interior in polygon.interiors: axis.plot(*interior.xy, marker="o", markersize=markersize) elif geometry.geom_type == "LineString" or geometry.geom_type == "LinearRing": axis.plot(*geometry.xy, marker="o", markersize=markersize) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Geom type {geometry.geom_type} not recognized.") random.seed(1) colors = random.choices([ [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [0.5, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0.5, 0, 1], [0.5, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0.5, 1], [0, 0.5, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0.5, 1], ], k=len(patches)) edgecolors = np.array(colors) facecolors = edgecolors.copy() p = PatchCollection(patches, facecolors=facecolors, edgecolors=edgecolors, linewidths=linewidths) axis.add_collection(p) def sample_geometry(geom, density): """ Sample edges of geom with a homogeneous density. @param geom: @param density: @return: """ if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): # tic = time.time() sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection([sample_geometry(g, density) for g in geom]) # toc = time.time() # print(f"sample_geometry: {toc - tic}s") elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): sampled_exterior = sample_geometry(geom.exterior, density) sampled_interiors = [sample_geometry(interior, density) for interior in geom.interiors] sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(sampled_exterior, sampled_interiors) elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): sampled_x = [] sampled_y = [] coords = np.array(geom.coords[:]) lengths = np.linalg.norm(coords[:-1] - coords[1:], axis=1) for i in range(len(lengths)): start = geom.coords[i] end = geom.coords[i + 1] length = lengths[i] num = max(1, int(round(length / density))) + 1 x_seq = np.linspace(start[0], end[0], num) y_seq = np.linspace(start[1], end[1], num) if 0 < i: x_seq = x_seq[1:] y_seq = y_seq[1:] sampled_x.append(x_seq) sampled_y.append(y_seq) sampled_x = np.concatenate(sampled_x) sampled_y = np.concatenate(sampled_y) sampled_coords = zip(sampled_x, sampled_y) sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.LineString(sampled_coords) else: raise TypeError(f"geom of type {type(geom)} not supported!") return sampled_geom # # def sample_half_tangent_endpoints(geom, length=0.1): # """ # Add 2 vertices per edge, very close to the edge's endpoints. They represent both half-tangent endpoints # @param geom: # @param length: # @return: # """ # if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): # sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection([sample_half_tangent_endpoints(g, length) for g in geom]) # elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): # sampled_exterior = sample_half_tangent_endpoints(geom.exterior, length) # sampled_interiors = [sample_half_tangent_endpoints(interior, length) for interior in geom.interiors] # sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(sampled_exterior, sampled_interiors) # elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): # coords = np.array(geom.coords[:]) # edge_vecs = coords[1:] - coords[:-1] # norms = np.linalg.norm(edge_vecs, axis=1) # edge_dirs = edge_vecs / norms[:, None] # sampled_coords = [coords[0]] # Init with first vertex # for edge_i in range(edge_dirs.shape[0]): # first_half_tangent_endpoint = coords[edge_i] + length * edge_dirs[edge_i] # sampled_coords.append(first_half_tangent_endpoint) # second_half_tangent_endpoint = coords[edge_i + 1] - length * edge_dirs[edge_i] # sampled_coords.append(second_half_tangent_endpoint) # sampled_coords.append(coords[edge_i + 1]) # Next vertex # sampled_geom = shapely.geometry.LineString(sampled_coords) # else: # raise TypeError(f"geom of type {type(geom)} not supported!") # return sampled_geom def point_project_onto_geometry(coord, target): point = shapely.geometry.Point(coord) _, projected_point = shapely.ops.nearest_points(point, target) # dist = point.distance(projected_point) return projected_point.coords[0] def project_onto_geometry(geom, target, pool: Pool=None): """ Projects all points from line_string onto target. @param geom: @param target: @param pool: @return: """ if isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): # tic = time.time() if pool is None: projected_geom = [project_onto_geometry(g, target, pool=pool) for g in geom] else: partial_project_onto_geometry = partial(project_onto_geometry, target=target) projected_geom =, geom) projected_geom = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection(projected_geom) # toc = time.time() # print(f"project_onto_geometry: {toc - tic}s") elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.Polygon): projected_exterior = project_onto_geometry(geom.exterior, target) projected_interiors = [project_onto_geometry(interior, target) for interior in geom.interiors] try: projected_geom = shapely.geometry.Polygon(projected_exterior, projected_interiors) except shapely.errors.TopologicalError as e: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax = axes.ravel() plot_geometries(ax[0], [geom]) plot_geometries(ax[1], target) plot_geometries(ax[2], [projected_exterior, *projected_interiors]) fig.tight_layout() raise e elif isinstance(geom, shapely.geometry.LineString): projected_coords = [point_project_onto_geometry(coord, target) for coord in geom.coords] projected_geom = shapely.geometry.LineString(projected_coords) else: raise TypeError(f"geom of type {type(geom)} not supported!") return projected_geom # # def compute_edge_measures(geom1, geom2, max_stretch, metric_name="cosine"): # """ # # @param geom1: # @param geom2: # @param max_stretch: Edges of geom2 than are longer than those of geom1 with a factor greater than max_stretch are ignored # @param metric_name: # @return: # """ # assert type(geom1) == type(geom2), f"geom1 and geom2 must be of the same type, not {type(geom1)} and {type(geom2)}" # if isinstance(geom1, shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection): # # tic = time.time() # # edge_measures_edge_dists_list = [compute_edge_measures(_geom1, _geom2, max_stretch, metric_name=metric_name) for _geom1, _geom2 in zip(geom1, geom2)] # if len(edge_measures_edge_dists_list): # edge_measures_list, edge_dists_list = zip(*edge_measures_edge_dists_list) # edge_measures = np.concatenate(edge_measures_list) # edge_dists = np.concatenate(edge_dists_list) # else: # edge_measures = np.array([]) # edge_dists = np.array([]) # # # toc = time.time() # # print(f"compute_edge_distance: {toc - tic}s") # # elif isinstance(geom1, shapely.geometry.Polygon): # # distances_exterior = compute_edge_distance(geom1.exterior, geom2.exterior, tolerance, max_stretch, dist=dist) # # distances_interiors = [compute_edge_distance(interior1, interior2, tolerance, max_stretch, dist=dist) for interior1, interior2 in zip(geom1.interiors, geom2.interiors)] # # distances = [distances_exterior, *distances_interiors] # # distances = np.concatenate(distances) # elif isinstance(geom1, shapely.geometry.LineString): # assert len(geom1.coords) == len(geom2.coords), "geom1 and geom2 must have the same length" # points1 = np.array(geom1.coords) # points2 = np.array(geom2.coords) # # Mark points that are farther away than tolerance between points1 and points2 to remove then from further computation # point_dists = np.linalg.norm(points1 - points2, axis=1) # if metric_name == "cosine": # edges1 = points1[1:] - points1[:-1] # edges2 = points2[1:] - points2[:-1] # edge_dists = (point_dists[1:] + point_dists[:-1]) / 2 # # Remove edges with a norm of zero # norm1 = np.linalg.norm(edges1, axis=1) # norm2 = np.linalg.norm(edges2, axis=1) # norm_valid_mask = 0 < norm1 * norm2 # edges1 = edges1[norm_valid_mask] # edges2 = edges2[norm_valid_mask] # norm1 = norm1[norm_valid_mask] # norm2 = norm2[norm_valid_mask] # edge_dists = edge_dists[norm_valid_mask] # # Remove edges that have been stretched more than max_stretch # stretch = norm2 / norm1 # stretch_valid_mask = np.logical_and(1 / max_stretch < stretch, stretch < max_stretch) # edges1 = edges1[stretch_valid_mask] # edges2 = edges2[stretch_valid_mask] # norm1 = norm1[stretch_valid_mask] # norm2 = norm2[stretch_valid_mask] # edge_dists = edge_dists[stretch_valid_mask] # # Compute # edge_measures = np.sum(np.multiply(edges1, edges2), axis=1) / (norm1 * norm2) # else: # raise NotImplemented(f"Metric '{metric_name}' is not implemented") # else: # raise TypeError(f"geom of type {type(geom1)} not supported!") # return edge_measures, edge_dists def compute_contour_measure(pred_polygon, gt_contours, sampling_spacing, max_stretch, metric_name="cosine"): pred_contours = shapely.geometry.GeometryCollection([pred_polygon.exterior, *pred_polygon.interiors]) sampled_pred_contours = sample_geometry(pred_contours, sampling_spacing) # Project sampled contour points to ground truth contours projected_pred_contours = project_onto_geometry(sampled_pred_contours, gt_contours) contour_measures = [] for contour, proj_contour in zip(sampled_pred_contours, projected_pred_contours): coords = np.array(contour.coords[:]) proj_coords = np.array(proj_contour.coords[:]) edges = coords[1:] - coords[:-1] proj_edges = proj_coords[1:] - proj_coords[:-1] # Remove edges with a norm of zero edge_norms = np.linalg.norm(edges, axis=1) proj_edge_norms = np.linalg.norm(proj_edges, axis=1) norm_valid_mask = 0 < edge_norms * proj_edge_norms edges = edges[norm_valid_mask] proj_edges = proj_edges[norm_valid_mask] edge_norms = edge_norms[norm_valid_mask] proj_edge_norms = proj_edge_norms[norm_valid_mask] # Remove edge that have stretched more than max_stretch (invalid projection) stretch = edge_norms / proj_edge_norms stretch_valid_mask = np.logical_and(1 / max_stretch < stretch, stretch < max_stretch) edges = edges[stretch_valid_mask] if edges.shape[0] == 0: # Invalid projection for the whole contour, skip it continue proj_edges = proj_edges[stretch_valid_mask] edge_norms = edge_norms[stretch_valid_mask] proj_edge_norms = proj_edge_norms[stretch_valid_mask] scalar_products = np.abs(np.sum(np.multiply(edges, proj_edges), axis=1) / (edge_norms * proj_edge_norms)) try: contour_measures.append(scalar_products.min()) except ValueError: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax = axes.ravel() plot_geometries(ax[0], [contour]) plot_geometries(ax[1], [proj_contour]) plot_geometries(ax[2], gt_contours) fig.tight_layout() if len(contour_measures): min_scalar_product = min(contour_measures) measure = np.arccos(min_scalar_product) return measure else: return None def compute_polygon_contour_measures(pred_polygons: list, gt_polygons: list, sampling_spacing: float, min_precision: float, max_stretch: float, metric_name: str="cosine", progressbar=False): """ pred_polygons are sampled with sampling_spacing before projecting those sampled points to gt_polygons. Then the @param pred_polygons: @param gt_polygons: @param sampling_spacing: @param min_precision: Polygons in pred_polygons must have a precision with gt_polygons above min_precision to be included in further computations @param max_stretch: Exclude edges that have been stretched by the projection more than max_stretch from further computation @param metric_name: Metric type, can be "cosine" or ... @return: """ assert isinstance(pred_polygons, list), "pred_polygons should be a list" assert isinstance(gt_polygons, list), "gt_polygons should be a list" if len(pred_polygons) == 0 or len(gt_polygons) == 0: return np.array([]), [], [] assert isinstance(pred_polygons[0], shapely.geometry.Polygon), \ f"Items of pred_polygons should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(pred_polygons[0])}" assert isinstance(gt_polygons[0], shapely.geometry.Polygon), \ f"Items of gt_polygons should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(gt_polygons[0])}" gt_polygons = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(gt_polygons) pred_polygons = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(pred_polygons) # Filter pred_polygons to have at least a precision with gt_polygons of min_precision filtered_pred_polygons = [pred_polygon for pred_polygon in pred_polygons if min_precision < pred_polygon.intersection(gt_polygons).area / pred_polygon.area] # Extract contours of gt polygons gt_contours = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection([contour for polygon in gt_polygons for contour in [polygon.exterior, *polygon.interiors]]) # Measure metric for each pred polygon if progressbar: process_id = int(multiprocess.current_process().name[-1]) iterator = tqdm(filtered_pred_polygons, desc="Contour measure", leave=False, position=process_id) else: iterator = filtered_pred_polygons half_tangent_max_angles = [compute_contour_measure(pred_polygon, gt_contours, sampling_spacing=sampling_spacing, max_stretch=max_stretch, metric_name=metric_name) for pred_polygon in iterator] return half_tangent_max_angles def fix_polygons(polygons, buffer=0.0): polygons_geom = shapely.ops.unary_union(polygons) # Fix overlapping polygons polygons_geom = polygons_geom.buffer(buffer) # Fix self-intersecting polygons and other things fixed_polygons = [] if polygons_geom.geom_type == "MultiPolygon": for poly in polygons_geom: fixed_polygons.append(poly) elif polygons_geom.geom_type == "Polygon": fixed_polygons.append(polygons_geom) else: raise TypeError(f"Geom type {polygons_geom.geom_type} not recognized.") return fixed_polygons POINTS = [] # # def compute_half_tangent_measure(pred_polygon, gt_contours, step=0.1, metric_name="angle"): # """ # For each vertex in pred_polygon, find the closest gt contour and the closest point on that contour. From that point, compute both half-tangents. # measure angle difference between half-tangents of pred and corresponding gt points. # @param pred_polygon: # @param gt_contours: # @param metric_name: # @return: # """ # assert isinstance(pred_polygon, shapely.geometry.Polygon), "pred_polygon should be a shapely Polygon" # pred_contours = [pred_polygon.exterior, *pred_polygon.interiors] # tangent_measures_list = [] # for pred_contour in pred_contours: # pos_array = np.array(pred_contour.coords[:]) # pred_tangents = pos_array[1:] - pos_array[:-1] # gt_tangent_1_list = [] # gt_tangent_2_list = [] # for i, pos in enumerate(pos_array[:-1]): # pred_point = shapely.geometry.Point(pos) # dist_to_gt = np.inf # closest_gt_contour = None # for gt_contour in gt_contours: # d = pred_point.distance(gt_contour) # if d < dist_to_gt: # dist_to_gt = d # closest_gt_contour = gt_contour # gt_point_t = closest_gt_contour.project(pred_point) # References the projection of pred_point onto closest_gt_contour with a 1d referencing coordinate t # # --- Compute tangents of projected point on gt: # gt_point_tangent_1 = closest_gt_contour.interpolate(gt_point_t - step) # POINTS.append(gt_point_tangent_1) # gt_point = closest_gt_contour.interpolate(gt_point_t) # POINTS.append(gt_point) # gt_point_tangent_2 = closest_gt_contour.interpolate(gt_point_t + step) # POINTS.append(gt_point_tangent_2) # gt_pos_tangent_1 = np.array(gt_point_tangent_1.coords[0]) # gt_pos_tangent_2 = np.array(gt_point_tangent_2.coords[0]) # gt_pos = np.array(gt_point.coords[0]) # gt_tangent_1 = gt_pos_tangent_1 - gt_pos # gt_tangent_2 = gt_pos_tangent_2 - gt_pos # gt_tangent_1_list.append(gt_tangent_1) # gt_tangent_2_list.append(gt_tangent_2) # gt_tangents_1 = np.stack(gt_tangent_1_list, axis=0) # gt_tangents_2 = np.stack(gt_tangent_2_list, axis=0) # # Measure dist between pred_tangents and gt_tangents # pred_norms = np.linalg.norm(pred_tangents, axis=1) # tangent_1_measures = np.abs(np.sum(np.multiply(np.roll(pred_tangents, 1, axis=0), gt_tangents_1), axis=1) / (np.roll(pred_norms, 1, axis=0) * step)) # tangent_2_measures = np.abs(np.sum(np.multiply(pred_tangents, gt_tangents_2), axis=1) / (pred_norms * step)) # print(tangent_1_measures) # print(tangent_2_measures) # tangent_measures_list.append(tangent_1_measures) # tangent_measures_list.append(tangent_2_measures) # tangent_measures = np.concatenate(tangent_measures_list) # min_scalar_product = np.min(tangent_measures) # max_angle = np.arccos(min_scalar_product) # return max_angle # # def compute_vertex_measures(pred_polygons: list, gt_polygons: list, min_precision: float, metric_name: str="angle", pool: Pool=None): # """ # Computes measure for each pred_polygon # @param pred_polygons: # @param gt_polygons: # @param min_precision: # @param metric_name: # @param pool: # @return: # """ # assert isinstance(pred_polygons, list), "pred_polygons should be a list" # assert isinstance(gt_polygons, list), "gt_polygons should be a list" # if len(pred_polygons) == 0 or len(gt_polygons) == 0: # return np.array([]), [], [] # assert isinstance(pred_polygons[0], shapely.geometry.Polygon), \ # f"Items of pred_polygons should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(pred_polygons[0])}" # assert isinstance(gt_polygons[0], shapely.geometry.Polygon), \ # f"Items of gt_polygons should be of type shapely.geometry.Polygon, not {type(gt_polygons[0])}" # gt_polygons = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(gt_polygons) # pred_polygons = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection(pred_polygons) # # Filter pred_polygons to have at least a precision with gt_polygons of min_precision # filtered_pred_polygons = [pred_polygon for pred_polygon in pred_polygons if min_precision < pred_polygon.intersection(gt_polygons).area / pred_polygon.area] # # Extract contours of gt polygons # gt_contours = shapely.geometry.collection.GeometryCollection([contour for polygon in gt_polygons for contour in [polygon.exterior, *polygon.interiors]]) # # Measure metric for each pre polygon # half_tangent_max_angles = [compute_half_tangent_measure(pred_polygon, gt_contours, metric_name=metric_name) # for pred_polygon in filtered_pred_polygons] # return half_tangent_max_angles def main(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt gt_polygon_1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon( [ [0, 0], [10, 0], [10, 10], [0, 10] ], # [[ # [0.1, 0.1], # [0.9, 0.1], # [0.9, 0.9], # [0.1, 0.9] # ]] ) # gt_polygon_2 = shapely.geometry.Polygon([ # [2, 2], # [5, 0], # [5, 6], # [0, 4] # ]) pred_polygon_1 = shapely.geometry.Polygon( [ [0.1, 0.1], [10.1, 0], [9.9, 9], [9, 10.1], [0.1, 10] ], # [ # [0, 0], # [10, 0], # [10, 9], # [10, 10], # [9, 10], # [0, 10] # ], ) pred_polygons = [pred_polygon_1] gt_polygons = [gt_polygon_1] max_angle_diffs = compute_polygon_contour_measures(pred_polygons, gt_polygons, sampling_spacing=0.1, min_precision=0.5, max_stretch=2) # half_tangent_max_angles = compute_vertex_measures(pred_polygons, gt_polygons, min_precision=0.5) # print(cosine_similarities.mean()) print(max_angle_diffs[0] * 180 / np.pi) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 4), sharex=True, sharey=True) ax = axes.ravel() plot_geometries(ax[0], gt_polygons) plot_geometries(ax[1], pred_polygons) # plot_geometries(ax[2], projected_pred_contours) for point in POINTS: ax[2].plot(*point.xy, marker="o", markersize=1) fig.tight_layout() if __name__ == "__main__": main()