Dify Backend API
In the v0.6.12 release, we deprecated
as the package management tool for Dify API Backend service and replaced it withpoetry
Start the docker-compose stack
The backend require some middleware, including PostgreSQL, Redis, and Weaviate, which can be started together using
.cd ../docker cp middleware.env.example middleware.env # change the profile to other vector database if you are not using weaviate docker compose -f docker-compose.middleware.yaml --profile weaviate -p dify up -d cd ../api
cp .env.example .env
Generate a
in the.env
file.bash for Linux
sed -i "/^SECRET_KEY=/c\SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 42)" .env
bash for Mac
secret_key=$(openssl rand -base64 42) sed -i '' "/^SECRET_KEY=/c\\ SECRET_KEY=${secret_key}" .env
Create environment.
Dify API service uses Poetry to manage dependencies. First, you need to add the poetry shell plugin, if you don't have it already, in order to run in a virtual environment. [Note: Poetry shell is no longer a native command so you need to install the poetry plugin beforehand]
poetry self add poetry-plugin-shell
Then, You can execute
poetry shell
to activate the environment.Install dependencies
poetry env use 3.12 poetry install
Run migrate
Before the first launch, migrate the database to the latest version.
poetry run python -m flask db upgrade
Start backend
poetry run python -m flask run --host --port=5001 --debug
Start Dify web service.
Setup your application by visiting
...If you need to handle and debug the async tasks (e.g. dataset importing and documents indexing), please start the worker service.
poetry run python -m celery -A app.celery worker -P gevent -c 1 --loglevel INFO -Q dataset,generation,mail,ops_trace,app_deletion
Install dependencies for both the backend and the test environment
poetry install -C api --with dev
Run the tests locally with mocked system environment variables in
section inpyproject.toml
poetry run -P api bash dev/pytest/pytest_all_tests.sh