A newer version of the Streamlit SDK is available:
Implementation approach
We will use the Pygame library to create the game interface and handle user input. The game logic will be implemented using Python classes and data structures.
File list
Data structures and interfaces
classDiagram class Game { -grid: List[List[int]] -score: int -game_over: bool +init() +reset_game() +move(direction: str) +is_game_over() bool +get_empty_cells() List[Tuple[int, int]] +add_new_tile() +get_score() int } class UI { -game: Game +init(game: Game) +draw_grid() +draw_score() +draw_game_over() +handle_input() } Game --> UI
Program call flow
sequenceDiagram participant M as Main participant G as Game participant U as UI M->>G: reset_game() M->>U: draw_grid() M->>U: draw_score() M->>U: handle_input() U->>G: move(direction) G->>G: add_new_tile() G->>U: draw_grid() G->>U: draw_score() G->>U: draw_game_over() G->>G: is_game_over() G->>G: get_empty_cells() G->>G: get_score()
Anything UNCLEAR