denoising /
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title: Denoising
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This is a repo that implements web interface for DEMUCS model proposed in Real Time Speech Enhancement in the Waveform Domain. The model was trained from scratch in Pytorch. The proposed model is based on an encoder-decoder architecture with skip-connections. It is optimized on both time and frequency domains, using multiple loss functions. You can record your voice in noisy conditions and get denoised version using DEMUCS model. There is also Spectral Gating denoiser as baseline.


Without docker:

pip install -r requirement.txt

Using docker:

docker build . --tag python-docker 
docker run -p 7860:7860 -e GRADIO_SERVER_NAME= -it python-docker:latest


In the scope of this project Valentini dataset in used. It is clean and noisy parallel speech database. The database was designed to train and test speech enhancement methods that operate at 48kHz. There are 56 speakers and ~10 gb of speech data.

For model improvement it is possible to use a bigger training set from DNS challenge.


The training process in impemented in Pytorch. The data is (noisy speech, clean speech) pairs that are loaded as 2 second samples, randomly cutted from audio and padded if necessary. Model is optimized using SGD. In terms of loss functions, the L1 loss and MultiResolutionSTFTLoss are used. MultiResolutionSTFTLoss is the sum of STFT loss over different window sizes, hop sizes and fft sizes.

LSTFT=Lsc+LmagL_{STFT}= L_{sc} + L_{mag}

Lsc=∣∣∣STFT(x~)βˆ£βˆ’βˆ£STFT(x)∣∣∣F1∣STFT(x)∣L_{sc}= \frac{|| |STFT(\tilde{x})| - |STFT(x)| ||_{F}^{1}}{|STFT(x)|}

Lmag=1T∣∣log∣STFT(x~)βˆ£βˆ’log∣STFT(x)∣∣∣F1L_{mag} = \frac{1}{T}|| log|STFT(\tilde{x})| - log|STFT(x)| ||_{F}^{1}

where T is the time points in the waveform.


  • Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ)
  • Short-Time Objective Intelligibility (STOI)

The PESQ metric is used for estimating overall speech quality after denoising and STOI is used for estimating speech intelligibility after denoising. Intelligibility measure is highly correlated with the intelligibility of degraded speech signals


For tracking experiments local server of Weights & Biases is used. To manage configs for different experiments hydra is used. It allows an easy way to track configs and override paramaters.

Experiment Description Result
Baseline Initial experiment with L1 loss Poor quality
Baseline_L1_Multi_STFT_loss Changed loss to Multi STFT + L1 loss Better performance
L1_Multi_STFT_no_resample Tried to train without resampling No impovement, probably because RELU on the last layer
Updated_DEMUCS Used relu in the last layer. Removed it. Significant improvement
wav_normalization Tried to normalized wav by std during training Small improvement
original_sr Train with original sample rate Significant improvement
increased_L Increased number of encoder-decoder pairs from 3 to 5 Performance comparable with original_sr
double_sr Train with double sample rate Small improvement
replicate paper Lower learning rate and fix bug in dataloader Massive improvement!
