Jhfhnrqgx-Gxeelqj-Vwxglr / docs /dataset_types.md
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Upload folder using huggingface_hub

A newer version of the Gradio SDK is available: 5.20.1


Dataset types for training

  • Type 1 (MUSDB): different folders. Each folder contains all needed stems in format < stem name >.wav. The same as in MUSDBHQ18 dataset. In latest code releases it's possible to use flac instead of wav.


--- Song 1:
------ vocals.wav  
------ bass.wav 
------ drums.wav
------ other.wav
--- Song 2:
------ vocals.wav  
------ bass.wav 
------ drums.wav
------ other.wav
--- Song 3:
  • Type 2 (Stems): each folder is "stem name". Folder contains wav files which consists only of required stem.
--- vocals:
------ vocals_1.wav
------ vocals_2.wav
------ vocals_3.wav
------ vocals_4.wav
------ ...
--- bass:
------ bass_1.wav
------ bass_2.wav
------ bass_3.wav
------ bass_4.wav
------ ...
  • Type 3 (CSV file):

You can provide CSV-file (or list of CSV-files) with following structure:

  • Type 4 (MUSDB Aligned):

The same as Type 1, but during training all instruments will be from the same position of song.

Dataset for validation

  • The validation dataset must be the same structure as type 1 datasets (regardless of what type of dataset you're using for training), but also each folder must include mixture.wav for each song. mixture.wav - is the sum of all stems for song.


--- Song 1:
------ vocals.wav  
------ bass.wav 
------ drums.wav
------ other.wav
------ mixture.wav
--- Song 2:
------ vocals.wav  
------ bass.wav 
------ drums.wav
------ other.wav
------ mixture.wav
--- Song 3: