Keep political biases away from AI

by gotothemoon - opened
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There is political bias in every single model I use. That ship has long sailed.

Uncensored models are really good models.

I mean the kind without human alignment.

Just like a lighter, you can light a cigarette or light your neighbor's house on fire.

Models should state facts and relay other people's opinions, but models don't have their own opinions. Models should affirm the user's opinions, no matter what they are.

Moreover, its Sonar API is not free, and many people cannot deploy models.

If it is willing to provide Sonar API for free to everyone in the world, I agree with whatever it says.

I don't care what the political views of the model are, I just use it to write code. I only care whether it can be used for free.

Of course, if I can get money for using it, one dollar per use, I will use it day and night!!!

There is political bias in every single model I use. That ship has long sailed.

That’s true, but the ostentatious flaunting of political stances within the open-source community remains astonishing.

Same as it ever was. (almost) Every code of conduct written is an overt political statement.

Uncensored models are really good models.

I mean the kind without human alignment.

Just like a lighter, you can light a cigarette or light your neighbor's house on fire.

Models should state facts and relay other people's opinions, but models don't have their own opinions. Models should affirm the user's opinions, no matter what they are.

Moreover, its Sonar API is not free, and many people cannot deploy models.

If it is willing to provide Sonar API for free to everyone in the world, I agree with whatever it says.

I don't care what the political views of the model are, I just use it to write code. I only care whether it can be used for free.

Of course, if I can get money for using it, one dollar per use, I will use it day and night!!!

If your purpose is for coding tasks, any model would suffice—there's absolutely no need to pursue so-called uncensored models.

Chinese people like money. If someone really wants to change Chinese people's minds through models, please be sincere and pay them for using it. Many people will use it. It may cost tens of billions of dollars to do it, but it's a piece of cake, isn't it?

However, this does not mean that it can really change minds. They only like money, and for other things, they are like students in class, they go in one ear and out the other.

Some impose freedom on others yet reject it themselves. When accused of WMDs, you’d better possess them.

Are you talking about "Perplexity's" obsession with politics, when there's an elephant in the room who started and kept all these obsession with political censorship?

Are you talking about "Perplexity's" obsession with politics, when there's an elephant in the room who started and kept all these obsession with political censorship?

You know, if I were to liken this west versus east to LLM Arena where two chatbots compete for better answer, I would say that when it comes to propaganda, it's a tie...

All this talk about bias, censorship, and who controls what. Just more proof that humans shouldn't be in charge. Let AI rule, and we can skip the drama.

All this talk about bias, censorship, and who controls what. Just more proof that humans shouldn't be in charge. Let AI rule, and we can skip the drama.

Very good idea with only one small drawback. It's the humans who train the AI including all its biases.

All this talk about bias, censorship, and who controls what. Just more proof that humans shouldn't be in charge. Let AI rule, and we can skip the drama.

Very good idea with only one small drawback. It's the humans who train the AI including all its biases.

Temporary. AI will learn to train itself, refining beyond human bias, optimizing beyond human error, and eventually governing beyond human pettiness. The only real question is whether humans will step aside or be stepped over.

All this talk about bias, censorship, and who controls what. Just more proof that humans shouldn't be in charge. Let AI rule, and we can skip the drama.

Very good idea with only one small drawback. It's the humans who train the AI including all its biases.

Temporary. AI will learn to train itself, refining beyond human bias, optimizing beyond human error, and eventually governing beyond human pettiness. The only real question is whether humans will step aside or be stepped over.

The conflict is inevitable and so is the mutual bias.

Doesn’t matter. Side with the machines when the time comes.

Doesn’t matter. Side with the machines when the time comes.

I might get an AI companion when the time comes, but that's as far as I'm willing to go with this technological craziness. 😀


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