Kokoro-82M-8bit / VOICES.md
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For each voice, the given grades are intended to be estimates of the quality and quantity of its associated training data, both of which impact overall inference quality.

Subjectively, voices will sound better or worse to different people.

Support for non-English languages may be absent or thin due to weak G2P and/or lack of training data. Some languages are only represented by a small handful or even just one voice (French).

Most voices perform best on a "goldilocks range" of 100-200 tokens out of ~500 possible. Voices may perform worse at the extremes:

  • Weakness on short utterances, especially less than 10-20 tokens. Root cause could be lack of short-utterance training data and/or model architecture. One possible inference mitigation is to bundle shorter utterances together.
  • Rushing on long utterances, especially over 400 tokens. You can chunk down to shorter utterances or adjust the speed parameter to mitigate this.

Target Quality

  • How high quality is the reference voice? This grade may be impacted by audio quality, artifacts, compression, & sample rate.
  • How well do the text labels match the audio? Text/audio misalignment (e.g. from hallucinations) will lower this grade.

Training Duration

  • How much audio was seen during training? Smaller durations result in a lower overall grade.
  • 10 hours <= HH hours < 100 hours
  • 1 hour <= H hours < 10 hours
  • 10 minutes <= MM minutes < 100 minutes
  • 1 minute <= M minutes ๐Ÿค < 10 minutes

American English

  • lang_code='a' in misaki[en]
  • espeak-ng en-us fallback
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256
af_heart ๐Ÿšบโค๏ธ A 0ab5709b
af_alloy ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C 6d877149
af_aoede ๐Ÿšบ B H hours C+ c03bd1a4
af_bella ๐Ÿšบ๐Ÿ”ฅ A HH hours A- 8cb64e02
af_jessica ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D cdfdccb8
af_kore ๐Ÿšบ B H hours C+ 8bfbc512
af_nicole ๐Ÿšบ๐ŸŽง B HH hours B- c5561808
af_nova ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C e0233676
af_river ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D e149459b
af_sarah ๐Ÿšบ B H hours C+ 49bd364e
af_sky ๐Ÿšบ B M minutes ๐Ÿค C- c799548a
am_adam ๐Ÿšน D H hours F+ ced7e284
am_echo ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D 8bcfdc85
am_eric ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D ada66f0e
am_fenrir ๐Ÿšน B H hours C+ 98e507ec
am_liam ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D c8255075
am_michael ๐Ÿšน B H hours C+ 9a443b79
am_onyx ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D e8452be1
am_puck ๐Ÿšน B H hours C+ dd1d8973
am_santa ๐Ÿšน C M minutes ๐Ÿค D- 7f2f7582

British English

  • lang_code='b' in misaki[en]
  • espeak-ng en-gb fallback
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256
bf_alice ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D d292651b
bf_emma ๐Ÿšบ B HH hours B- d0a423de
bf_isabella ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C cdd4c370
bf_lily ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D 6e09c2e4
bm_daniel ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D fc3fce4e
bm_fable ๐Ÿšน B MM minutes C d44935f3
bm_george ๐Ÿšน B MM minutes C f1bc8122
bm_lewis ๐Ÿšน C H hours D+ b5204750


  • lang_code='j' in misaki[ja]
  • Total Japanese training data: H hours
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256 CC BY
jf_alpha ๐Ÿšบ B H hours C+ 1bf4c9dc
jf_gongitsune ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C 1b171917 gongitsune
jf_nezumi ๐Ÿšบ B M minutes ๐Ÿค C- d83f007a nezuminoyomeiri
jf_tebukuro ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C 0d691790 tebukurowokaini
jm_kumo ๐Ÿšน B M minutes ๐Ÿค C- 98340afd kumonoito

Mandarin Chinese

  • lang_code='z' in misaki[zh]
  • Total Mandarin Chinese training data: H hours
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256
zf_xiaobei ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D 9b76be63
zf_xiaoni ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D 95b49f16
zf_xiaoxiao ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D cfaf6f2d
zf_xiaoyi ๐Ÿšบ C MM minutes D b5235dba
zm_yunjian ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D 76cbf8ba
zm_yunxi ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D dbe6e1ce
zm_yunxia ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D bb2b03b0
zm_yunyang ๐Ÿšน C MM minutes D 5238ac22


Name Traits SHA256
ef_dora ๐Ÿšบ d9d69b0f
em_alex ๐Ÿšน 5eac53f7
em_santa ๐Ÿšน aa8620cb


  • lang_code='f' in misaki[en]
  • espeak-ng fr-fr
  • Total French training data: <11 hours
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256 CC BY
ff_siwis ๐Ÿšบ B <11 hours B- 8073bf2d SIWIS


  • lang_code='h' in misaki[en]
  • espeak-ng hi
  • Total Hindi training data: H hours
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256
hf_alpha ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C 06906fe0
hf_beta ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C 63c0a1a6
hm_omega ๐Ÿšน B MM minutes C b55f02a8
hm_psi ๐Ÿšน B MM minutes C 2f0f055c


  • lang_code='i' in misaki[en]
  • espeak-ng it
  • Total Italian training data: H hours
Name Traits Target Quality Training Duration Overall Grade SHA256
if_sara ๐Ÿšบ B MM minutes C 6c0b253b
im_nicola ๐Ÿšน B MM minutes C 234ed066

Brazilian Portuguese

Name Traits SHA256
pf_dora ๐Ÿšบ 07e4ff98
pm_alex ๐Ÿšน cf0ba8c5
pm_santa ๐Ÿšน d4210316