stated_aims,patent_id,year,labor-saving |
The object of my invention is to provide improved apparatus for the flushing of water closets urinals and the like. It is well known that where closets are used in common some men from fear of contamination refuse to sit upon or touch the seat. As a consequence where the apparatus has a seat action no flush takes place the soil &c. remaining in the basin. In order to overcome this I connect the seat R Fig. 3 with the treadle V which I place in such a position that it must be stood upon to use the closet and by this means a flush is ensured.,GB189404124A,1894,0 |
,GB189208724A,1892,1 |
,GB189100215A,1891,1 |
,GB186803438A,1868,0 |
,GB188203202A,1882,1 |
,GB188611863A,1886,0 |
,GB188102258A,1881,0 |
The invention has reference to telegraph messages and is designed with a view of producing an apparatus which can be worked in connection with telegraph lines so that two or more messages cau be transmitted at one and the same time through one and the same wire or cable.,GB189322765A,1893,0 |
These Improvements have for their object greater security and convenience in the handling and use of engineer's and similar files.,GB188416265A,1884,0 |
"""According to this invention two or any reasonably greater number of barbs are simultaneously formed on the main wire or wires by one action of the mechanism thereby greatly increasing the rapidity and economy of manufacture. To do this I form the barbs upon the wire when it is at one level and then allow it to assume another level so that the portion that has been barbed can be drawn out through the machine clear of the barbing mechanism.""",GB189213281A,1892,1 |
"This Invention has for its object improvements in printing several colors at one time from a single stone, plate, or block.",GB185602640A,1856,0 |
"""Now according to my invention I so construct a jig or holding appliance as to be universal, that is to say, by my invention any one of many different kinds or sizes of lugs or brackets or other articles can be adjusted and held in the exact positions required whilst the different holes are being drilled in the article so that all the holes in the several articles of the same shape and size will correspond, and a separate jig or holder for each shape and size of article will no longer be necessary.""",GB189404782A,1894,1 |
"My invention has for its object to enable liquids (such for example as champagne) to be drawn off in quantities as desired, it may be carried out in the form of a machine combining all the several parts of my invention, or in the simple form of a tap.",GB189222135A,1892,0 |
"The object of the invention is to cheapen the cost of manufacturing covers and to produce at the same time a superior article; and it consists essentially, in first pasting the paper or other stiffening material upon the face of the leather, then cutting the edges to the proper shape then binding the edges so shaped with a narrow strip of very thin leather or other suitable material, then placing the cover so prepared in an embossing press by which the embossing is effected after which the crease is formed by a tool placed in an embossing press substantially as hereinafter more particularly explained.",GB188704933A,1887,0 |
"The object of my invention is to provide a crochet hook or hooks, which the point of the book is so constructed, that it may be reversed by forcing the head of the hook down a split or other shape tube, the hook being provided with a collar under the head to prevent the hook passing down the tube any further than the required distance, or the hook may be withdrawn, and reversed, with the head down into the tube, which is intended to fit tightly. The advantages of this invention, are that it can be carried in a dress pocket, or work box, basket or bag, and does not tear or hook any material which it may come in contact with.",GB188804439A,1888,0 |
"The object being to decrease the amount of framework, & at the same time permit of a single and central set of driving gear being used, which being midway between the driving wheels, distributes the power equally to both of them.",GB188200467A,1882,0 |
"This invention which relates to an improved apparatus for drying grain, malt, seeds and other analogous vegetable products has for its object to effect the said drying operations in a more efficient and economical manner than hitherto, the said apparatus being practically automatic in its working, and not liable to get out of order.",GB188919553A,1889,1 |
"The object of this invention is to provide means for suspending sieves with more |
flexible and shorter suspenders than springs and whereas the sieves can be more |
easily shaken and will rebound with less liability to Break the suspenders. The object of this invention is to provide means for suspending sieves which hang |
loose and move independent of the box or supports which contain the sieves.",GB189618865A,1896,0 |
"By thus interposing elastic material between the base of the rail and the flanges of the sleepers all jarring and rattling between the rail and sleepers is prevented, and the nuts of the screw bolts which connect them together are less liable to become loose.",GB187102705A,1871,0 |
The invention is designed to overcome these objections.,GB189710579A,1897,0 |
"The object of this invention is to furnish dealers in piece good fabrics with a convenient apparatus for checking the length of such goods when receiving them, when stock taking, and when selling in long lengths, and in such manner that tho goods are re-blocked in the same apparatus, while facility is afforded (by thus changing the goods end for end) for closely examining the quality and condition of all parts of the piece. The object of this invention is to furnish dealers in picco good fabrics with a convenient apparatus for checking the length of such goods when receiving them, when stocktaking, and when selling in long lengths, and in such manner that tho goods are reblocked in the same apparatus thus saving a great deal of labour and time while facility is afforded (by thus changing the goods end for end) for closoly examining the quality and condition of all parts of the piece.",GB188401481A,1884,1 |
"It is to be remarked, that this system permits of regulating the passage of the fluid as desired. By this disposition, we dispense with the adjusting of the surface of the movable diaphragm, to the surface of the fixed one.",GB188914487A,1889,0 |
"The object of our invention is to remedy this defect or defects, by providing the gas making apparatus, with an additional gasoline store chamber, from whence the gasoline is continuously drawn, forced, or conveyed to the pans, in manner, that the gasoline flows constantly from one pan to another, and from the lower one, to the under reservoir, which is in communication with the additional chamber, which is provided with reticulated or meshed horizontal partitions in order to govern and equalise the gravitation of the liquid gasoline, which is first introduced into the said chamber. This invention relates to an improvement in gas making machines, and more particularly on the well known gas apparatus, the ""Muller's Alpha, and the object of our said invention, is to both regulate the pressure, and prevent smoke, when fresh gasoline is supplied, and thereby to economise the consumption of gasoline, and to enable a machine making gas from hydro-carbon liquids, to be filled whilst in actual use. |
This Invention which relates to improvements in weaving the end borders of towels, napkins, table cloths and other such articles, has for its object to produce automatically in the loom, open work borders, in which the openings more or less have a square or rectangular shape and appearance, and this in combination with damask, huckaback diaper, or plain cloth. This Invention which relates to improvements in weaving the end or cross borders of towels, napkins, table-cloths, and other such articles, has for its object to produce automatically in the loom, open work borders, in which the openings more or less have a square or rectangular shape and appearance, and this in combination with damask, huckaback, diaper, or plain cloth. |
The object of this apparatus is to utilize the heat produced by the incomplete combustion of coal, and to produce besides hydrogen and other rich gases, so as to form a product containing a large per-centage of inflammable gas. |
This apparatus has for its object the utilization of the heat produced by the com- plete combustion of carbonaceous fuel, and to give, besides hydrogen, oxide of carbon and other gas, so as to form a product containing 50 per cent. of inflammable gas. |
This construction has for its object facility of cleaning and disencrusting the envelope. |
The Invention has for its object improvements in pens or marking instruments, and the first part of our Invention relates more particularly to that class of pens or marking instruments in which two or more broad plates fixed at a certain distance apart from each other are employed to form a reservoir for the ink or other marking fluid, and this part of our Invention consists in the employment of only one plate to come into contact with the paper or other surface to produce the writing or marks required, and in order to enable the ink readily to flow down such single plate we form it at its lower end with a number of fine grooves down (which the ink will flow, partly by aid of capillary attraction and partly by aid of the force of gravitation. Our Invention consists, secondly, in connecting such plates together by means of eyeletting or rivetting, in which case for some descriptions of pens only one of such plates will be made long enough to pass into the handle, and the others will be made considerably shorter. By these means we dispense with the costly process of soldering the plates together and provide means whereby the plates can be readily separated from each other by being turned on the eyelet or rivet to enable them to be more readily cleansed than when united together as heretofore. |
The main object of my invention is to provide an apparatus by means of which upon inserting a coin or coins of the proper value into the said apparatus a primary or secondary current of electricity can be applied to the human body, for medical purposes, the regulation of the strength of said current being entirely under the control of the person operating the apparatus. The main object of my invention is to provide an apparatus of this kind or class which is so constructed that the person using it may, at pleasure vary the strength of the current received, and the strength of the current will be indicated by the motion of an index needle or otherwise as hereinafter described, so that a person may know the exact strength of current passing and may on two or more separate occasions, adjust the apparatus so that he will receive currents of the same strength. |
My invention relates to improvements in the construction of ships' rudders, and has for its object to render the stocks and heads (either or both) of such rudders greater in strength, and therefore capable of resisting greater strain in proportion to their weight than heretofore, and at the same time to enable the soundness of the material composing such rudder stocks or heads to be more readily ascertained and ensured than formerly was possible; and the invention consists in constructing the stocks and heads of vessel's rudders (either or both as aforesaid) of hollow construction, the material composing such stocks and heads being bronze, steel, iron, or other suitable metal according to which is found desirable or convenient. |
My invention relates to improvements in castors and protectors for furniture,. and other objects, and is designed, on the one hand, to deaden the noise when moving furniture, or other objects and, on the other hand, to protect the carpet or floor. |
Our invention relates particularly to the manufacture of sinks for household or general purposes and consists of an improved method of and means for moulding such sinks from clay or other plastic substance, which operation has been usually performed hitherto by hand labour necessitating the expenditure of much time and skill. By the use of our improved pressing apparatus we produce a sink not only in a very short space of time but one perfectly moulded, solid, and hard pressed and far superior to a hand made article. |
This Invention or improvement combines a railway chair or seat for the support of the ends of the rails, and also a splice which serves the purpose of a joint to hold the ends of the rails in position, and prevent them moving sideways or vertically, and which is so arranged in respect to the ends of the rails that there can be no break or opening between the ends of the rails to effect the motion of the carriage, or by which the rails can be injured by the percussion of the wheels, but a continuous unbroken bearing surface is secured. |
The implement or machine which I am now about to describe in the first place, and which forms one of the objects for which the said recited Letters Patent have been granted to me, furnishes by its use the means of performing this operation, and I denominate such implement or machine a Decorticator. The implement or machine which I am about to describe in the second place, and which forms another object for which the said recited Letters Patent have been granted to me, furnishes, by its use, the means of so dividing the fibre into such small filaments; and this implement or machine I denominate a Finisher. |
In order to prevent leakage of this character, I form the inner sur- faces of the frames A with grooves or corrugations a, same being arranged parallel with the faces of the frame and transverse to the general direction of flow of the liquid; whereby the wash-water is caused to pass through the mass of the material instead of around its sides. To prevent this waste, I coat the edges and sides of the cloth b with vulcanized rubber c or similar composition, so that a solid piece of rubber may lie outside the edges of the cloth and extend inwards so far as the catch on the face of the plates, where the plates grip when pressure is applied to close the press for work. In order to prevent the stretching of the edges of the filter-cloth, I introduce brass or other suitable wire d into the said edges during the process of weaving the cloth, and I afterwards coat these portions with the vulcanized rubber. In working a filter-press provided with a feeding channel arranged along the top of the filter-plates, great difficulty is experienced, on opening the plates, in preventing the material falling between the filter-plates and the filter-cloth. To obviate this inconvenience, I form on the lug g of the feeding channel a recess or pocket gl in which a flap c¹ on the upper edge of the filter-cloth is inserted. Various devices have also been resorted to with the object of making a tight joint between the channels of the plates and of the frames, but all have proved more or less faulty and troublesome. According to my improved method of con- struction, I fit over the channel lug g of the plate a cloth hood h provided with holes to match the channel holes; and I saturate the cloth surrounding the holes with india-rubber h² to the extent of the grip of the lug on the cloth; the holes in the cloth hood being preferably made 1/8th inch larger than the channel hole so that the rubber may cover the edge of the cloth, and thus prevent the liquid being forced out through the pores of the cloth. |
The object of my Invention is the production of a machine by which pills can be rounded much more rapidly than by the well known hand method; which is performed by rotating the irregular shaped Pills between a disc of Iron or wood having a rim corresponding to the diameter of the Pills, and a slab of marble, wood or other suitable substance, in such a manner that while the pills are carried over a considerable surface they revolve on an ever changing axis. The object of my Invention is the production of a machine by which Pills can be rounded much more rapidly than by the well known hand_method, which is performed by rotating the irregular shaped Pills between a disk of Iron or wood, having a rim corresponding to the size of the Pills to be rounded, and a slab of marble, wood or other suitable substance in such a manner that while the pills are carried over a considerable surface they revolve on an ever changing axis. |
Hitherto the difficulty has been that where the load became excessive the burning of the armature of the dynamo machine (in consequence of its ceasing to revolve) took place and the principal object of the present invention is to obviate this. |
The object of my invention is to save this labour by chroming, rinsing and dyeing and in some cases also veneering the hats in the same vat and stirring and exposing them to the atmosphere by mechanical means and power without lifting or removing them from the vat until finally dyed, washed, and veneered. |
This invention has been devised for the purpose of providing a machine which will raise potatoes from the ground, clean them and deposit them in bags or elsewhere without bruising or otherwise injuring them and without requiring the expenditure of so much time and labour as has hitherto been necessary. |
This Invention, which relates to the breaking, softening, crushing, or bruising of jute, has for its object to convert the layers, bundles, cakes, or streaks from the hard condition in which they now reach the ports at which they are imported in bales into such a soft and flexible condition that the jute may be easily handled, separated, or selected before being batched or manufactured, thereby also avoiding the tedious and laborious operation of dealing with the jute in this hard condition by hand. |
The main advantage of my process is, that owing to so little moisture being used in the operation, the chemicals employed as well as the lint leave the seed in the form of powder, and the seed being both clean and dry no subsequent washing, or drying process is required. The seed is thus much less liable to be injured than by the existing wet processes, and much costly. manipulation and waste of fuel in drying are saved. |
The main advantage of my process is that owing to so little moisture.being used in the operation, the chemicals employed as well as the lint leave the seed in the form of powder and the seed being both clean and dry, no subsequent washing or drying process is required. The seed is thus much less liable to be injured than by the existing wet processes and much costly manipulation, and waste of fuel in drying are saved. |
This Invention has for its object improvements in apparatus for removing. |
straw from thrashing machines. |
The object of this is to provide that a ground shall always be on during the sending of the first box signal even though the local battery P' should be weakened or ruptured after the beginning of the signal, and should thereby allow the ground through the core of magnet E to be thrown off by the falling back of armature E. The object of this will be explained presently. The object of this is to eliminate as far as possible the danger of both contacts being accidentally made at the same time, and to provide for a trouble alarm only in case of an abnormal temperature but one not warranting the calling out of the fire department.",GB189614996A,1896,0 |
"Now our Invention has for its object the attaining by mechanical means the same cleansing as has heretofore been obtained by hand brushing, and this we effect in the following manner:-After the plates have been coated with metal, and before they receive their final coating of metal, we subject them to the action of rollers immersed in hot grease or other suitable flux, such rollers being of iron or steel, or other metal suitablo to receive tinning, and and having their surfaces well tinned, and we cause these rollers to revolve so as to pass the plates through the hot flux, and we give to the rollers differential surface speeds: We take care not to nip the plates hard with the rollers, as were we to do so there would be a liability to strip the plate, but we so arrange the rollers as to ensure a species of fluid contact, that is to say, a contact of the fluid tin with which the rollers are coated, rather than a contact with the rollers themselves, and we prefer to accomplish this by setting the 5 rollers one past the other, so that the plate in passing through between them is not within the nip of the rollers, and to prevent the plate deviating from its course it is desirable to apply other steadying rollers.",GB187202920A,1872,1 |
"This Iuvention relates, firstly, to an improved mode of cutting and making up the uppers of boots with the view to the manufacture of waterproof boots; and, secondly, to the mode of and machinery for finishing such boots, and also boots and shoes of the ordinary construction, so as to effect an economy in and improve the quality of the manufacture.",GB186900966A,1869,1 |
"This Invention has principally for its object to preserve animal and vegetable substances, and to admit of otherwise perishable food being transported in a preserved state from localities, such as the Australian colonies, where it is produced in large quantities and at a cheap rate to such places as the United Kingdom, where the supply of food is comparatively deficient and its cost high.",GB186801006A,1868,0 |
This Invention has for its object improvements in machinery for excavating narrow channels or trenches for draining land. This invention has for its object improvements in machinery for excavating narrow channels or trenches for draining land.,GB188201547A,1882,1 |
"The object of this invention is to ensure a larger proportion of the heat contained in the fuel being transmitted to the combustion Chamber than can be obtained by furnaces now in use, as well as to reduce the labour of stoking. |
This invention has for its object to so construct and arrange furnaces and the parts connected therewith that practically perfect combustion is ensured whereby the maximum evaporative efficiency is obtained from the fuel employed.",GB188702153A,1887,1 |
"My object being to perform the processes of sizing, bleaching, and dyeing during the operation of slubbing, roving, spinning, or doubling, thereby not only saving the time and labor of consequently sizing, bleaching, and dyeing the yarn or thread, but producing a better result, as the sizing, bleaching, or dyeing liquids being applied to the fibres before the twist is put in become more thoroughly incorporated with them.",GB185902149A,1859,1 |
"The purpose of the present invention is to devise a machine for punching and riveting the overlapping ends of the hoop iron automatically, and in which the jaws and die plates carrying the punching, riveting and wire feeding mechanism will be relatively fixed as regards any longitudinal movement thereof, and which will tilt on their pivotal support only to open and close said jaws on the overlapping ends of the hoop iron. A further purpose of the invention is to provide simple and efficient mechanism for moving the former around which the hoop iron is bent, so as to carry the overlapping ends of the hoop iron between the die plates of the jaws at the proper time and in proper position to be operated upon by the punching mechanism, receive the rivets, and upset the ends of the rivets, thereby completing the operation of riveting the overlapping ends of the hoop iron. A still further purpose of the invention is to improve this class of machinery and provide a machine which will be comparatively simple in construction, efficient, and perform the work in a rapid and satisfactory manner, and which will be durable, easily manipulated, and in which the parts are readily accessible for purposes of repair and cleaning.",GB189313937A,1893,1 |
"The object of this Invention is to make button-holes in a more perfect manner than heretofore, and to give the operator of the machine complete control over the character of the work done upon it, so that after adjustment for a particular class of button hole the movements of the machine are entirely automatic, motion only being given to the main shaft in any well known way.The object of this Invention is to make button-holes in a more perfect manner than heretofore, and to give to the operator of the machine complete control over the character of the work to be done upon it, so that after an adjustment for a particular class of button-hole the movements of the machine are entirely automatic, motion only being given to the main shaft in any well known and convenient manner.",GB188105211A,1881,1 |
The apparatus constructed according to these Improvements is intended for turning over the leaves of music by the agency of a magnet or electromagnet.,GB188817273A,1888,0 |
"This Invention has for its object improvements in apparatus to be employed in treating and curing the tea leaf. The form and arrangement of the second or stationary surface may be varied so long as it is made suitable for accomplishing the object desired, that of causing the leaves to curl or roll up as they are carried forward by the surface of the cylinder against the stationary surface.",GB186600131A,1866,0 |
"My improvement in machinery for cutting corks consists in the con- struction of a self-acting feeder, and its adaptation to machines of a similar description to the machine known as ""Gilbee's cork cutting machine; by which feeder, squares or pieces of cork to be afterwards cut into corks are supplied to the machine. The feeder is worked by a cam attached to the machine in such manner that as each square or piece of cork is cut and removed by the machine, another square or piece comes down the feeder into a position ready to be presented to the holders of the machine at the proper time, previous to the nction of the knife, thus avoiding the possibility of injuring the person employed to feed the machine, and at the same time supplying the squares or pieces of cork to the machine with greater rapidity and precision than can be done by hand. |
My invention has for its object to provide a novel chainless power-transmitting device or gear for cycles, which, as compared with other like devices hitherto devised or built with the object of doing away with chains and their numerous drawbacks, presents certain advantages which will clearly be made apparent hereinafter. My invention has for its object to do away with the said inconveniences and to provide a power-device which shall be simple, strong, low in cost, incapable of getting out of adjustment, run very smoothly and be capable of any desired multiplication. |
Instead of using the direct heat of ordinary fuel, wherein the smoke and dust from the fuel has liberty to mingle with the articles under treatment, it is intended, by this Invention, to heat a current of air in a separate apparatus, and then force the air so heated through pipes or ducts into the oven. By this system a great heat can easily be secured, without any objections from the presence of smoke and dust, and the baking operation is more effectively con- conducted than heretofore. |
The invention consists in improved means for actuating the toolholder slides whereby the machine can be driven and maintained at a very much increased speed; secondly in improved means for feeding the moulding uninterruptedly consecutively through the machine whereby the machine can be kept continuously running while the attendant merely pushes in one moulding after, and against the end of, the other, so that the daily yield of the machine is greatly increased; thirdly in means for holding the tools, the toolholder chuck being easily removable whereby the machine needs only to be stopped while one toolholder chuck is taken out in order to be replaced by another the tools of which have meanwhile or previously been sharpened without being removed from their chuck. The above improvements thus all tend to enormously increase the yield of the machine and to enable it to be worked by one attendant. Fourthly the invention comprises means for altering the angle at which the tools act on the moulding and means for adapting them to mouldings of various widths and thicknesses. |
The object of this Invention is to prepare by mechanical means bats of pugged clay ready for the potter of an uniform guage, and of any desired thickness. To avoid the necessity for employing skilled labor in this preliminary operation of the potters' art, I take a roller or cylinder of clay as it leaves the pug mill, and deliver it on to an inclined bed composed of rollers arranged transversely, which rollers may, if desired, support an endless travelling apron.",GB187600302A,1876,1 |
"This invention relates to improvements in percussion fuses of the kind described in the Specification of Letters Patent No. 112 of 1886 for use with shell torpedoes and the like, the object of the present invention being to adapt the principle of the fuse described in the said Specification to fuses that are screwed from the outside into the bases of shells and also to produce more uniform results in the working of the fuses.",GB189002769A,1890,0 |
"The object of this invention is to modify the pressure in the powder chamber and adjacent parts of the guns in which the explosive compound is used, which pressure has a tendency to rise to a dangerous point, owing to the charge being confined in a contracted space.",GB189627197A,1896,0 |
"It was the recognition of these inherent defects in the Bessemer and low and medium grades steel which led us to the investigation of the subject which has developed our present invention, the object of which is the production at slight cost and a minimum degree of labor, of a higher grade and more refined steel by treating the Bessemer and other low and medium grades steel in such manner as to produce a molecular change from a coarse grain to a fine grain, and silky fracture, to increase the tensile strength, elasticity, toughness and ductility and to greatly increase the carbon.",GB188902070A,1889,1 |
"One of the improvements has for its object to arrest the cam-shaft by a clutch, as hereinafter set forth, whereby its movement is arrested while the needles are in position above the supporting plate and throat plates. In order to produce by the sewing machine a book which shall have all the advantages of the best hand made work, there is added to the sewing mechanism, a pasting or gumming mechanism to tip or gum each signature consecutively as it is being sewn; such ""tipping"" avoiding the necessity of fastening or ""kettle stitching"" the end bands, which is a matter of considerable expense.",GB188003890A,1880,1 |
"This invention applies to the letting off mechanism known as the ""cratch or warp rack by which the warp and warp beam are held with the desired amount of tension on the yarn and by which the warp yarn is delivered as required to pass into the loom, and is designed to render the delivery of the warp to the loom automatic without the attention of the weaver and to enable the warp beams to be changed or replaced in the cratch easily or quickly while the loom is in motion.",GB189401997A,1894,1 |
"My present invention relates to mechanisms for performing these operations, and has for its object to provide mechanical appliances and combinations whereby the performance of them may be rendered as nearly as possible automatic. The object of this construction is as follows:",GB188414869A,1884,1 |
"The object of my invention is to construct a rotary machine which shall mould, press and emboss bricks, tiles or other like articles made from clay or other plastic materials and also punch' and camber such articles when required. |
The same end is the object of one portion of this Invention, this embodying changes which result in increased economy of cost of manufacture. Another portion of this Invention has for its object to furnish means for clamping these leading in wires to the incandescing conductora moro cheaply and roadily than by the platinum clamps heretofore used. Another part of this Invention relates to the carbons used as the incandescing conductors in lamps for giving light by electrical incandescence, and its object is to render more stable these carbon filaments, to the end that the life of the lamps may on the average be prolonged. Therefore some means seems desirable by which, when a lamp gives out and the current ceases to pass through it, the circuit will be instantly and automatically completed through another lamp, so that the extinguishment of the light will be only momentary. To accomplish this is the object of this portion of the Invention. A further object of this Invention is to obviate any ill effects from this causo, to which end it consists in attaching to each lamp a short lamp presenting such a polarity to the positive side of the carbon filament that it will attract the highly electrified carbon vapor downwardly to the clamps instead of permitting it to be deposited upon the glass, as would be the case under ordinary circumstances, especially in high vacua. The object of a further portion of this Invention therefore is to furnish an arrangement by which a minimum of platinum only is used in the leading in conductors, the remainder being of cheaper material. |
The object of this Invention is more conveniently and economically han heretofore to produce from crude or impure acetate of lime (such as is met with in commerce or such as is obtained by the neutrali- zation of impure acetic acid) a commercially pure salt, and further to obtain from such salt a commercially pure acetic acid. |
My Invention has for its object to obviate these objections, and to this end it consists in furnishing the frame in which the roll is supported with a straight edge, bar, or equivalent device placed either above or beneath the roll and resting against the same and hinged or pivoted so as to be thrown out of the way when a fresh roll is being placed in the frame and when the paper is about to bo drawn off. |
My invention has for its object an instrument by means of which a broken cork situated in the neck of a bottle, or inquid-containing vessel may be pushed into such bottle or vessel and kept sufficiently clear of the neck or exit therefrom to allow the liquid free passage whilst it is being poured out. |
This Invention has for its object an improvement in the manufacture of metallic reels, and consists of causing the metal ends (which are made with openings through them in order to be enabled to see the quantity of thread wound thereon) to be fixed on to metal tubes, by turning over the ends of the metal tubes after passing them partly through the centres of the ends, thus connecting the parts of such reels more conveniently and at less cost than when they have been fixed by soldering. |
The Invention of improvements in machinery for making pins and pin nails, which has been communicated to me by a foreigner residing abroad (as above said), consists in a novel construction or arrangement of machinery, containing many known agents before employed for similar purposes, but in this instance differently formed and newly arranged, in order to effect the manufacture of pins and pin nails in a more perfect, convenient, and expeditious manner than could be done in the existing machines, to which I have alluded, having the like objects. |
The object of the present invention is to provide a machine for forming such grooves and for analogous purposes, which shall not require the constant interference of the operator, and which will successfully and expeditiously perform the work required. |
This invention relates to that class of machines used to distribute pigments in fine art painting, and has for its object to improve the manner of attaching to the wind wheel the pitman which operates the needle operating arm; the manner of connecting the needle operating arm to the pitman; the manner of supporting the needle operating arm; the manner of attaching the needle to the said arm; the manner of supporting and guiding the bow needle; the manner of regulating the stroke of the needle; and the construction of the needles. The object of providing this flange is to afford a rest for one end of the needle operating arm, so that the needle may not vibrate in its longitudinal movement, and the top edge is inclined so that the inclination of the needle in its movement may be maintained without variation. |
My invention relates to an indicator for the purpose of registering revolutions, yards, furlongs, miles, tens, hundreds & thousands of miles. |
My invention has for its object the production of a doorlock which combines |
facility of manufacture with durability. |
The principal object of my Invention is to effect the insertion and clenching of a |
staple in sheets of paper, pamphlets or other articles to be bound, by one continuous |
and instantaneous operation or movement of the device. |
The principal object of this Invention is to effect the insertion and clinching of a |
metallic staple in sheets of paper, pamphlets or other articles to be bound, by one |
continuous and instantaneous operation or movement of the device. |
The object of their outward flare is to overcome any slight displacement of the staple |
shanks in passing through the articles being bound. |
The office of the channel e is to admit the portion of the goods clasped by the |
staple being forced down into said channel and thereby assist in the clinching of |
the staple shanks as herein before described. |
The object of such |
arrangement in the present instance being to bring one of its cross grooves on a |
line under the staple seat d. d. of the case D with every quarter revolution of the |
anvil plate. |
The object of this construction of the device is to produce a hand press that will insert staples |
by continuous pressure applied to its lever arm instead of the blow required in the |
presses herein first described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object of this construction of the device is to produce a hand press that will insert staples |
by continuous pressure applied to its lever arm instead of the blow required in the |
presses herein first described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape is to enable the automatic feed to supply the device, |
and the device to drive, or insert, one staple at a time which it does in a manner |
which will be hereinafter fully described. |
The object in making the foot |
of the plunger of this shape |
The said Invention relates to an improved process for purifying colza, rape, and other oils, whereby a superior product is obtained with considerable economy of time, and at a reduced cost. |
It is the object of my invention to provide a more efficient and rapidly operating means for applying the electric current at the desired time and place, thus saving large amount of time and labour and greatly increasing the capacity of the machine to which my improvements are applied. |
This invention relates to further improvements upon or modifications of the lower die or matrix described and shewn at figure 1 in the specification to Lotters Patent No 1404 AD 1880 and has for its object the manufacture or production from dust or powdered clay by compression in a more perfect expeditious and economical manner than heretofore of the larger class of bottle stoppers or of feeding bottle tops (in contradistinction to what are known as sprinklers) provided with screwed shanks and formed with a perforation passing wholly or only. |
Our said invention relates to the manufacture from clay dust by compression in undivided moulds or matrices, of the larger class of screwed bottle stoppers such for example as Stoppers for beer bottles, feeding bottle tops and the like in contra- distinction to what are known as perfume sprinklers, and has for its object the manufacture of stoppers of the kind' referred to in a more perfect expeditious and economical manner than heretoforo.",GB188411713A,1884,1 |
"This Invention has for its object certain improvements in wringing skeins of silk or any other spun material, and separating the threads, whereby those operations in the various stages of manipulation which precede and follow the dipping of the skeins in the dyeing vat, at present done by hand labour, are to be done by machinery.",GB187503757A,1875,1 |
"Now by this my invention the inconveniences referred to are entirely obviated in the following manner, that is to say, I cause my traveller's bag to be constructed in a telescopic shape or form so that the bag may be extended to any desired length (sufficient for the purpose for which it is required) without rendering it cumbersome or inconvenient to be attached to the bicycle or beast of burden. |
This Invention relates to a process and apparatus for smelting zinc in such a manner that there shall be little or no waste of metal by volatilisation; that the heat employed for smelting shall be applied directly to the ore, and fully utilised; that retorts and other vessels ordinarily used in reduction shall be dispensed with; and that the reduction of large charges of ore shall be rapidly and completely effected by simple means and by comparatively unskilled labour. |
My invention has reference to improvements relating to croquet hoops. According to my invention I provide a rigid attachment for the hoop's ends or limbs, which will entirely prevent the tendency to spread.",GB189812846A,1898,0 |
"The present improvements have for their object to obviate the said difficulties, and they consist essentially in arranging the inner steam nozzle fixed to the nozzle fittings, that is with the collecting cone, and in arranging it to project with its end that is directed towards the steam inlet of the injector into the outer steam nozzle.",GB189821597A,1898,0 |
"In forming the mixture of the material, as herein-after described, my object is to decompose the sulphate of lead by charcoal, for instance, which takes from the sulphuric acid of the sulphate a part of its oxygen for the formation of carbonic acid and of sulphurous acid gas.",GB185501715A,1855,0 |
"This Invention, which has for its essential object the production of a highly efficient fuel, is composed as follows, the proportions given having been found to produce good results:-One ton of finely sifted anthracite coal or other screened or pulverized bituminous coal known as ""duff"" or culm, two hundredweight of sawdust, and forty gallons of heated coal tar or other heavy mineral oils, such as the still bottoms or residuums left after the distillation of coal or shale oils; to which is added. from two to three hundredweights of pulverized rock or other salt.",GB186602683A,1866,0 |
My invention relates to the kind of almanacs in which the indications of months and days are printed on leaves to be detached one by one and my object has been to reduce the number of these leaves and thereby also the work in printing and manufacturing the said almanacs as well as their weight and bulk; I obtain hereby great advantage and saving when the almanacs have to be mailed. A further object of my improvements is firmly to secure the block of leaves to the piece of paste-board which is to be attached to the wall.,GB189119249A,1891,1 |
"This Invention of improvements in the manufacture of salt and in |
the apparatus employed therein has for its objects :- |
First. To effect the purification of brine from its impurities. |
Second. To obtain the largest possible amount of evaporation with the |
smallest possible amount of fuel. |
Third. To effect the most perfect utilization of all the caloric evolved |
by the fuel. |
Fourth. To obtain removal of all the salt from the evaporating |
structures by mechanical means and appliances.",GB187002782A,1870,1 |
By my invention I entirely remove danger of accidental firing of the ships' rocket signal light Roman candle or other firework as the two frictional parts of the igniting composition are entirely separate from the composition in the case and also from each other.,GB189308226A,1893,0 |
,GB186000895A,1860,1 |
,GB188305036A,1883,0 |
,GB186803620A,1868,0 |
,GB187602693A,1876,1 |
,GB189712759A,1897,0 |
,GB189614643A,1896,0 |
,GB187402620A,1874,1 |
This invention relates to an improved drilling machine wherein the tool is thrown into gear just at the moment when it encounters the resistance of the work to be drilled and thrown out of gear as soon as the work is drilled when the resistance ceases. The present invention is directed mainly to overcoming these defects.,GB188401376A,1884,0 |
,GB186203455A,1862,1 |
,GB187802320A,1878,1 |
,GB186902752A,1869,0 |
,GB189405533A,1894,1 |
,GB188515004A,1885,1 |
,GB189907072A,1899,1 |
The object of the raised segmental ledges is to prevent the packet from getting jambed between the lower edges of the receptacle A and the rotary bottom C.,GB189826056A,1898,0 |
,GB189728578A,1897,0 |
,GB189623906A,1896,1 |
,GB189610736A,1896,0 |
,GB187503140A,1875,1 |
,GB187904605A,1879,0 |
,GB189619026A,1896,0 |
,GB187704326A,1877,1 |
,GB189300330A,1893,0 |
,GB188416103A,1884,1 |
,GB185701064A,1857,1 |
,GB187801682A,1878,1 |
,GB189608065A,1896,0 |
,GB185802004A,1858,0 |
,GB189423572A,1894,0 |
The object of this Invention is to render the employment of a second jacquard apparatus (now used for producing the ground work) unnecessary.,GB185400643A,1854,1 |
,GB187404280A,1874,1 |
,GB185200409A,1852,1 |
,GB187600220A,1876,1 |
Now the object of this invention is to construct a machine for dividing or separating the fibres into bunches or tufts and presenting them to the workwoman or attendant as successively formed.,GB188302901A,1883,1 |
,GB189304222A,1893,0 |
,GB189119551A,1891,0 |
This invention has for its object to provide a machine tool for moulding stone wherein the cutter is rendered interchangeable and adjustable and which can be made more accurate and at considerable less cost than those hitherto in use.,GB189916009A,1899,0 |
,GB189001525A,1890,1 |
,GB189919999A,1899,0 |
,GB189605916A,1896,0 |
,GB180602944A,1806,1 |
,GB186100511A,1861,1 |
,GB186302753A,1863,0 |
,GB189408907A,1894,1 |
,GB189101893A,1891,0 |
,GB185801448A,1858,0 |
,GB186501641A,1865,0 |
,GB187803839A,1878,1 |
,GB189411857A,1894,0 |
,GB189315097A,1893,0 |
,GB186400540A,1864,1 |
,GB188403898A,1884,1 |
,GB187402413A,1874,1 |
,GB185700881A,1857,0 |
,GB188603750A,1886,0 |
,GB189218308A,1892,1 |
,GB189628169A,1896,0 |
,GB186602441A,1866,0 |
,GB189512400A,1895,1 |
,GB189017027A,1890,1 |
,GB189308953A,1893,1 |
,GB188604235A,1886,0 |
,GB186001223A,1860,1 |
,GB186502817A,1865,1 |
,GB189102982A,1891,0 |
,GB189508727A,1895,0 |
,GB186802115A,1868,1 |
,GB189914590A,1899,0 |
This Invention relates to an improved lawn tennis pole and is designed for the purpose of rendering such poles more portable and more readily fixed into the ground.,GB188515377A,1885,0 |
,GB187900370A,1879,0 |
My Invention relates to an improvement in clasps for neckties and it has for its object to provide a simple and convenient means whereby the clasp may be readily attached to the collar stud and retained in position.,GB188406630A,1884,0 |
,GB188702648A,1887,1 |
,GB189407452A,1894,0 |
,GB184008674A,1840,1 |
The object of this invention is to provide automatic machinery by which linoleum and like floor cloths may be made with a pattern surface formed from fine granulated linoleum or like material applied over them with the aid of flat perforated stencil plates according to the system described in the Specification of a former Patent granted to us No. 4482 in the year 1888. The object of this invention is to provide automatic machinery by which linoleum and like floor cloths may be made with a pattern surface formed from fine granulated linoleum of various colours or like material applied over them with the aid of flat perforated stencil plates according to the system described in the Specification of a former Patent granted to us No. 4482 in the year 1888.,GB189400247A,1894,1 |
,GB189412230A,1894,0 |
,GB188104482A,1881,1 |
,GB189509554A,1895,1 |
,GB189619408A,1896,0 |
,GB188204603A,1882,1 |
,GB187202466A,1872,0 |
,GB187701150A,1877,0 |
,GB189113959A,1891,0 |
,GB189909902A,1899,1 |
,GB189106039A,1891,1 |
,GB189620066A,1896,0 |
,GB189405705A,1894,1 |
The object of this invention is to cut or trim the edges of hat brims mechanically after the brims have been curled and set by hand or by a hat curling and setting machine preferably of the kind patented by John Robinson Kelsey on the seventh day of July 1881 N° 2991.,GB188301963A,1883,1 |
,GB186902688A,1869,0 |
,GB187002400A,1870,1 |
,GB187804230A,1878,1 |
,GB189500322A,1895,0 |
,GB189223883A,1892,1 |
,GB187304189A,1873,0 |
,GB188003385A,1880,0 |
,GB188400645A,1884,1 |
,GB189307625A,1893,0 |
,GB189909758A,1899,1 |
,GB189002003A,1890,0 |
,GB189307086A,1893,0 |
,GB187402520A,1874,0 |
,GB183006028A,1830,1 |
,GB184912844A,1849,1 |
,GB185601557A,1856,0 |
,GB189407658A,1894,0 |
My invention has for its object improvements in mail carts which are very quickly adjusted and adapted to the use of one or two children in a sitting position as well as to a flat or lying position for one child or person. By this means 'the needs of families are met with one instead of two or three vehicles which is a great saving and convenience.,GB189622391A,1896,0 |
"""Prominent objects of the invention are to produce a machine which is capable of automatically performing the various operations incident to the formation of any particular part or piece-that is to say, a machine which is capable of receiving stock in a certain condition, of performing on such stock a number of operations of a predetermined character, and of discharging the finished product when the last operation has been completed, without requiring manual assistance from the time the stock enters the machine till the product emerges therefrom; and to make such a machine capable of efficiently and economically making such parts with great rapidity, so that large numbers of them may be turned out in a comparatively short space of time. A further object of the invention is to provide a machine of this kind which is particularly adapted for making nipples, caps or attachments for securing the spokes of bicycle or similar wheels to their rims.""",GB189617756A,1896,1 |
"My invention consists of Improvements in Gas and Lamp Globes and Shades for gas burners &c and has for its object the utilising of a larger portion of the light emitted from gas burners &c, and preventing the blackening of ceilings &c, which results from the burning of gas in ordinary shades or globes. My Invention consists of Improvements in Gas and Lamp Globes and Shades for Gas burners &c and has for its object the utilising of a larger portion of the light emitted from gas burners &c and preventing the blackening of ceilings &c which results from the burning of gas in ordinary shades or globes.",GB188515278A,1885,0 |
"The object of this Invention is to decarbonize cast iron by a mecha- |
nical process instead of by the laborious operation of hand puddling, as |
heretofore. The important object sought by the herein-described construction and |
arrangement of crucibles is to enable large clay crucibles to be used to |
contain large amounts of metal, whereby a great economy of fuel and labor is effected, clay crucibles being better adapted for converting |
purposes than those made of plumbago, as now used. This |
arrangement is also calculated to greatly facilitate charging and |
regulating the process of converting iron.",GB186902050A,1869,1 |
"Now, the object of my Invention is, simply a mode of applying or using a saw guide, set perpendicularly over the cut or cuts to be made in the block under the machines, which is moved horizontally by a screw or screws, that is, backwards and forwards, or vertically, that is, up and down, as the case may be, to suit the position and size of the block of marble or other stone wherein the saw or saws framed is or are worked, and guided thereby backwards and forwards, which is and are balanced by a weight to that degree suspended by a pulley or pulleys perpendicularly over the cut or cuts to raise the saw or saws to allow the sand to fall between the marble and saw or saw plates, by which means the cutting or sawing is continual and regular, and the surfaces of the marble or stone are not stunned or rendered coarse, consequently leaving little or no labor to the polisher or laborer to ""close"" the surfaces of the said marble or stone.",GB184309839A,1843,1 |
"My invention has for its object the repeated use of the waste steam escaping from steam-engines, for the purpose of actuating engines, by raising the low-pressure of the escaping steam to high pressure again by an injector supplied with live steam at very high pressure, say, about 100 to 200 atmospheres, obtained from a suitable generator of known construction.",GB189821917A,1898,0 |
"The object of the Invention is so to construct machinery for driving piles that the machinery may travel progressively along the piles which have been driven by such machinery, and by means of a suitable saw to cut off the upper ends of the piles to the height desired.",GB184109096A,1841,1 |
"This Invention relates to a new process and arrangement of apparatus more particularly applicable to the melting of glass, in such manner that by reason of the same being melted in its own material it remains free from the impurities which have hitherto always been taken up by the glass in process of fusion from the clay of which the melting vessels are formed, or with which they are coated or lined. Another advantage arising from the present Invention is the ensuring the pouring out of the molten glass from the melting vessel in a perfectly thin Buid state with mechanical precision in consequence of its greater purity and solidity (the vessels hitherto in use have been found when at the proper heat to be too weak to admit of their being manoeuvered whilst in that state). To effect the pouring off in such a way that the molten stream shall not be too long, and in order to ensure a smoother and more uniform flow, a casting bridge is employed, which may be made of hollow iron, fire brick, or any other suitable material, and may be heated in any convenient manner, and be brought and maintained in the proper position to ensure a slow and equable flow of the glass over this bridge on to the casting plate P, and an equable spreading out on such plate of the glass.",GB187903271A,1879,0 |
"Our present invention relates to multiple drills or boring machines and has for |
its object to construct a new or improved machine which will drill a number of holes |
radially towards a centre or at varying angles simultaneously in effecting the said |
object therefore we employ any number of drills corresponding to the number of |
holes required to be drilled or bored and we secure said drills to a corresponding |
number of spindles which we support in either a circular or partly circular frame |
in such a inanner that the points of the drills are directed or extend towards- |
where desired-one common centre in such a manner for instance that all the radial |
holes in the hub of a bicycle wheel or other similar article where such holes are required may be drilled or bored at one operation.",GB189016004A,1890,1 |
This invention relates to improvements in rocking horses somewhat of that character known as American Hobby horses and has for its object the improved arrangement construction and mounting of the parts whereby obtain additional and novel combination of movements to those hitherto or ordinarily obtained and also such improved rocking horses are capable of being made locomotive if desired part of my present invention being designed as an improvement upon an invention for which George Lundberry received Letters Patent dated the 13th November 1886 No. 14761. The object of these large bearings g¹ is mainly to obtain greater steadiness in the swinging movement.,GB188906173A,1889,0 |
My Invention relates to machinery for turning castor bowls and other articles made from potter's clay and has for its object to provide a machine whereby several castor bowls or other articles can be turned at the same time.,GB188400169A,1884,1 |
,GB188709178A,1887,1 |
,GB188105544A,1881,0 |
,GB188104125A,1881,1 |
,GB183206347A,1832,1 |
,GB189718920A,1897,0 |
,GB186200624A,1862,0 |
,GB188200933A,1882,1 |
By my invention I obviate these defects and inconveniences and make a boot or shoe in such a manner that it will be more pliable and will yield more readily to the natural movement of the foot of the wearer and will therefore insure a greater degree of comfort than a boot or shoe made according to the methods of manufacture heretofore employed and it will be far more durable than those hitherto made; and when made by this method they can be re-soled without using nails or rivitts as is the case in ordinary machine sewn boots and shoes.,GB188709889A,1887,0 |
,GB187303483A,1873,1 |
,GB189806312A,1898,0 |
,GB188614202A,1886,1 |
,GB187501842A,1875,1 |
,GB188304690A,1883,0 |
,GB188917106A,1889,0 |
,GB188613408A,1886,1 |
,GB187501051A,1875,0 |
The object of my Invention is to lessen the cost of production by simplifying the action of the loom and expediting the weaving of the article. The object being to dispense with the necessity for weaving cross strip tapes during the formation of the tape ladders as herein before set forth.,GB188203242A,1882,1 |
,GB185401930A,1854,1 |
,GB189903514A,1899,1 |
,GB187100127A,1871,1 |
,GB189606703A,1896,1 |
The object of this invention is an improved method of constructing transposing pianofortes which can be adapted to either upright or horizontal instruments. The object of having this pin attached to the lever is to prevent the lever being moved before the key bottom raised or thrown out of gear thus preventing any damage being done to the mechanism as until the key bottom is raised the lever that transposes the keys cannot be moved.The object of this invention is an improved method of constructing transposing pianofortes either upright or horizontal:-. The object of having this pin E attached to the said lever D is to prevent the lever D being moved either way before the key bottom A is thrown out of gear and thus preventing any damage being caused to the mechanism as until the key bottom A is raised the lever D that transposes the keys L cannot be moved either way.,GB189406908A,1894,0 |
,GB189806844A,1898,0 |
,GB188808648A,1888,1 |
,GB189113613A,1891,0 |
,GB189914215A,1899,1 |
,GB188406043A,1884,1 |
,GB189120142A,1891,1 |
By introducing the cement material into the rotating chamber as a fine powder the necessity for grinding the cement after burning is entirely obviated. By introducing the cement material into the rotating chamber as a fine powder and by keeping it in continuous movement as it travels through this chamber the necessity for grinding the cement after burning is entirely obviated.,GB188505442A,1885,1 |
,GB188613011A,1886,1 |
,GB188813138A,1888,0 |
,GB187503177A,1875,0 |
,GB189911699A,1899,1 |
,GB188709966A,1887,0 |
,GB188416549A,1884,1 |
,GB188813729A,1888,1 |
,GB185013208A,1850,1 |
,GB186001505A,1860,1 |
,GB189008144A,1890,0 |
,GB187805329A,1878,1 |
,GB189624925A,1896,0 |
The objects of my Invention are to facilitate and lessen the work of stitching the outer part of the hat or other article to the lining and to avoid the unsightly appearance produced by the seams which project on the innerside and to render the tape covering of the said seams unnecessary.,GB188514038A,1885,1 |
,GB188702206A,1887,1 |
,GB187905264A,1879,1 |
,GB187202849A,1872,1 |
,GB189404903A,1894,0 |
,GB187700032A,1877,1 |
,GB189413994A,1894,0 |
The object of our invention is to devise and work an arm which shall deliver a rapid blow as nearly as possible like that given by a stick held in a workman's hand; and that with the greatest amount of elasticity producible in a mechanical apparatus.,GB188805816A,1888,1 |
"The first object of my invention is to provide a suitable lining for the doors and walls of the furnace, which will accomplish two purposes, first, to prevent the parts from burning out, and to resist the tendency of the heat to warp them out of shape; second, to allow a proper admission of air through orifices pierced in the doors and walls, and delivering the air to the furnace-chamber in a partially heated condition thereby increasing the efficiency of the combustion of the fuel. Another object of my invention is to provide suitable means for admitting a graduated or regulated amount of air into the rear of the firo-chamber. To avoid these defects in the construction of the bar, and dis- advantages arising therefrom is a further object of my invention.",GB188704685A,1887,0 |
"The work is very slow and laborious, and the product is imperfect as it is not well beaten. The object of my invention is to grind the syrup into a frothy mass by passing it through a case provided with spirally ribbed rollers.",GB189611389A,1896,1 |
"Its objects are to obtain greater economy of fuel and labour; also increased cleanliness, particularly in respect to boilers used for heating water for domestic purposes.Its objects are to obtain greater economy of fuel and labour; also increased cleanliness and durability, particularly in respect to water-boilers for domestic purposes.",GB189819368A,1898,1 |
"My invention relates to a new or improved method for producing letters and designs upon metallic surfaces in a cheaper and more expeditious way than heretofore, and consists essentially in painting or otherwise forming the letters or designs on the metallic surface in an acid resisting medium and then biting or etching the design by means of a suitable acid.",GB189315192A,1893,1 |
"The object of my Invention is to obtain a circulation of air over the entire surface of the grate, whereby more heat is generated, and the bars of the grate are prevented from becoming burnt or overheated, and consists in constructing furnace and other grates with fire-bars having conical, tubular, or other shaped recesses or grooves formed in them, and arranged in a line with each other in the length and breadth of the furnace, and permitting the circulation of air received from without by suitable openings in the front and around the grate.",GB186102136A,1861,0 |
"My invention is more particularly applicable to the lining of metal tubes for conduit purposes, and its objects are, First, to effect the lining of said tubes with much greater speed than has heretofore been possible; second, to avoid the tearing or rupturing of the paper or analogous lining material as it is drawn into the metal tube; third, to effect the formation of the paper lining in a tube by simply drawing it through a die in the direction of the length of the strip from which it is formed; fourth, to thoroughly expand, and thereby unite the paper lining to the inner wall of the tube to be lined after it is once drawn therein; fifth, to accomplish any and all of the results necessarily attributable to the methods of operation and the mechanism for effecting such operation, as hereinafter described. I am aware that it has also been proposed to line a metallic tube by drawing a paper strip or strips within said tube, and simultaneously coating said strip or strips with paste or other adhesive agent, and then drawing a former or expanding mandrel therethrough so as to cause the two tubes to be firmly united together. These methods of lining tubes, while productive of good results, were not capable of being effected with such speed or efficiency as is possible with my present improvement, and it is with the object of effecting further improvements in the methods of lining tubes that the present invention has been devised.",GB189617121A,1896,1 |
"""Now the object of my invention is to fit painters' brushes with improved adapt- able ferrules or collars, by the use of which the above mentioned defects are entirely obviated. |
The object of this invention is certain new or improved details of Fuel Economizers whether for heating feed water or for generating steam and consists :- |
1 In separating one or more pipes from the others of the series by a partition or diaphragm in the upper box so that the cold water feed pipe which is at the top allows the water to pass down tubes from one side of the partition and up the other tubes at the other side of the partition. This object can be attained also by lisconnecting the range of cold feed pipe at the top end. The tubes up which the water flows are greater in number than that of the feed whereby the water is broken into many streams and is therefore quickly heated before it leaves the apparatus, or is rapidly converted into steam. |
The object of my Invention is to arrange rocking grate bars in such a manner that when any of the bar teeth are broken, burnt, or otherwise damaged the damaged tooth can be repaired without having to dispense with the entire bar; also to arrange the back end, or what is commonly known as the bridge end, of the fire-bars in such a way as to admit more air to the fire, and thus assist the air passing through the air spaces of the grate bars to consume the fuel and smoke. |
My invention relates to improvements in motor roof ladders & has for its object the construction of an apparatus for safe & speedy locomotion along the roofs of horticultural & other buildings & is so constructed as to travel along the said roofs without the use of any laid track; such as metal or wood lines. My invention relates to improvements in motor roof ladders & staging & has for its object the construction of an apparatus of simple structure, combining the uses of a roof ladder & staging for ordinary work on roofs of horticultural buildings and the like, such as painting, glazing &c., and also a means of safe and speedy locomotion along the said roofs, & is so constructed as to travel along the said roofs without the aid or use of any laid track such as wood or metal lines. Fig. II is a detachable extension which may be attached to Fig. I by means of hooks (h) which are fixed on Fig. II, & eyes () which are fixed on Fig. 1, with the object of elongating the ladder. |
Now the object of the present invention is to combine with the feed drum a simple device, by the aid of which the cars will be severed from the sheaves and passed into the machine leaving the straw in sheaf upon the feeding platform, thereby dispensing with the shaking and trussing machinery hitherto employed. |
The object of this Invention is the construction of a machine designed for folding paper in sections of several sheets or in quires with expedition and facility, without regard to adjustment as to the thickness or number of sheets being folded at one time, and the appearance of the paper when folded will be cleaner, neater, and more uniform than when folded by hand. The object of this Invention is the construction of a machine designed for folding paper in sections of several sheets, or in quires, with expedition and facility, without regard to adjustment as to the thickness or number of sheets being folded at one time, and the appearance of the paper when folded will be cleaner, neater, and more uniform than when folded by hand. |
the object of which is partially to heat the ovens; and from these steam pipes there are branches which communicate with the interior of each of the ovens, so that a jet of steam can be thrown on to the surface of the bread while it is baking for the purpose of improving its color. |
This Invention, which consists in the manufacture of matrices for the production |
of stereotype and electrotype plates for printing, has for its object to render |
unnecessary or to dispense with the operation of setting up type. |
The object of our improved arrangement of apparatus is to enable a number of bobbins or wheels to be wound at one time independently of each other, under the superintendence of one person, in such manner that each may be equally filled, that the thread or yarn may be kept steady while being wound on, and be readily cut, and that the reel may be prevented from overrunning. |
This Invention has for its object improvements in the manufacture of pillars, posts, columns, mouldings, and buildings when corrugated metal is employed, and in machinery used in corrugating, moulding, and shaping metal for such purposes. |
Our invention has for its principal object the extinguishing of fires in ship's holds, warehouses and the like; although it may also be used for ventilating and also for the purpose of exterminating vermin.",GB189202684A,1892,0 |
"The great advantage of the ""new skid"" is that it can be put on and taken off when the vehicle is in motion. 1st. The invention of a ""new skid"" that can be easily attached to any description of vehicle and when so attached, can be brought into action or withdrawn, by the driver turning a handle at will, when the said vehicle is in motion thus obviating the necessity and danger of leaving the vehicle to apply a skid.",GB189602483A,1896,0 |
"Our Invention consists in the break blocks being of cast iron perforated, theso perforations being filled with wood so that wood and cast iron can work on the wheels at one time, thereby giving greater power than the ordinary wood blocks, thus enabling the engine and trains to be stopped in a much quicker time. Its durability is much greater than the ordinary blocks, being made of cast iron with holes passing through the face of the blocks nearly to the back, and after wearing down to a certain depth they can be replaced by wood and iron again, being so constructed as to be fitted into the remaining part and without having to destroy the portion we called the block box, thereby a considerable saving is effected.",GB187102341A,1871,1 |
This invention has for its object the simplification of apparatus made for connecting together electrical conductors and at the same time providing good contact surfaces and ensuring the requisite pressure between these surfaces and their certainty of action. This would be especially useful in electric appliances on railway trains which require to be coupled up quickly and securely.,GB189111625A,1891,0 |
"My invention relates to the treatment of textile plants, such as flax, hemp and the like, so as to obtain the fibres ready for the ordinary manufacturing operations in which such fibres are employed, the object which I have in view being to economise time and labour, to avoid waste, and to secure good and uniform quality of fibre.",GB188814100A,1888,1 |
"That in order to remedy in some degree such inconvenience it is very desirable to have the said carriages feathered or beviled off to a sharp edge from the top to the bottom thereof, and it is also desirable that the bottoms or those parts of the said carriages which coincide with the outer circle of the combs should first lead into or enter between the warp threads. It is also very desirable to make a whole hole by six passes of the carriage from side to side, in order that the same may be effected in less time, all of which we have accomplished in the machines made with our improvements.",GB182505067A,1825,1 |
"The side plates or top framing 9, rollers g, h, and i, and endless belt fare capable of adjustment, and the mouth of the feeder, which delivers the tobacco to the knife d, is contracted at the sides as usual, the object being to cut the whole of the tobacco without making ""side pickings,"" thus effecting a great saving in the work performed.",GB186200766A,1862,1 |
"""It consists in enclosing the springs or a spring acting catch within a light metal case in such a manner that it is in condition to retain the runner as desired by merely fixing the caso in a slot in the stick, the upper part of the case and the projecting catch being the only parts visible when so fixed in place thus producing a better retention device and saving considerable time in securing them in the stick, over the present method, which consists in securing a wire spring in an irregular formed slot in the stick requiring considerable adjust- ment and having an unsightly appearance when done""",GB188205206A,1882,1 |
"My invention relates to the method of and machinery whereby pocket flaps and pocket holes may be sewn and secured with greater speed than heretofore, and work executed as hereafter described is neater and more accurate than work hitherto per-forined in the ordinary way.",GB189712503A,1897,1 |
"The object of this invention is to produce a steel cannon or other piece of ordnance, the barrel or tube of which, while in other respects homogeneous, presents upon its interior a cylindrical stratum of steel which is excessively hard upon its concave surface but which gradually diminishes in hardness as the depth from the concave surface increases, and is adjoined by a cylindrical stratum of steel of any desired thickness, which is of considerable toughness, and which is incapable of being hardened so as to be brittle, but which is surrounded by an exterior cylindrical stratum of steel of prescribed thickness, excessively hard upon its convex surface, and also gradually diminishing in hardness from its exterior surface to the place of its union with the tough and comparatively soft steel of which the enclosed cylindrical stratum is composed. The objects of this construction are as follows :- |
Firstly, to provide an interior surface for the tube or barrel which is so hard that it is incapable of being cut or scratched by the action upon it of the projectile when the gun is fired. |
Secondly, to provide a cylindrical stratum of steel which possesses tenacity and toughness without the brittleness which is the unavoidable characteristic of hardened steel. |
Thirdly, to provide upon the exterior of the barrel a cylindrical stratum of steel which is so hardened as to give it the quality of elasticity without excessive brittleness, and which acts as an inextensible hoop, which completely surrounds the body of softer steel and effectively prevents it from being permanently expanded by the force of the explosion when the gun is fired. It is desired that there shall be a comparatively shallow depth of super-carburization of the metal upon the interior surface of the gun-barrel, the object being to make the interior surface of the gun barrel capable of taking so hard a temper that it will not be abraided by the contact with it of the projectile when the gun is fired.",GB189116529A,1891,0 |
"My invention relates to that class of clocks known as alarums which set a bell in motion at any given time at which they may be set to awaken a sleeper, and it is designed, in addition to, or in place of the mechanical bell now usually employed, and which only runs for a limited time, to combine with the clock and alarum movement an electric bell, which shall at the same time be set in operation and continue to ring until the sleeper rises and stops it by breaking an electrical circuit.",GB188601550A,1886,0 |
"The object of this invention is to provide a ready means for moving, with the least possible labor and without injury, unwieldy packages and articles, such as casks, barrels, bales, and merchandise generally, castings and the like, in works, factories, dock quays, and like places.",GB189500017A,1895,1 |
"This Invention presents great advantages, the dyeing operation being effected in a single bath without mordant, and wool dyed in this manner is not injured, as is the case when dyed in the ordinary way, and neither stains or other blemishes are produced. Moveover a considerable saving in time and fuel is effected, and the cost of the coloring matter is but little if any increased.",GB187602534A,1876,0 |
"The object of this invention is to set up or compose letters, numerals or other characters in lines or otherwise and then to produce or print therefrom by means of light a negative or a transparency upon a photographic plate or film. Negatives or transparencies thus obtained are more particularly adapted for the rapid printing therefrom by photography of a number of copies upon a continuous band or strip of sensitized material caused to pass very quickly but intermittently through a printing machine, a print being produced thereon after every intermittent movement. The object of this invention is to set up or compose letters, numerals or other characters in lines and then produce or print therefrom by means of light a negative or a transparency upon a photographic plate or film. Negatives or transparencies thus obtained are more particularly adapted for the rapid printing therefrom by photography of a number of copies upon a continuous band or strip of sensitized material caused to pass very quickly through a printing machine.",GB189507099A,1895,1 |
"The object of my invention is by an improved method, to guide, or direct wire after passing through the rolls, and to dispense with attendants usually called hookers. The object of my invention is by an improved method to guide, or direct Iron, Steel or Metal Wire, of any section whatever, after passing through the rolls, so as to dispense with attendants usually called hookers.",GB188800763A,1888,1 |
"""The object of our Invention is to obtain a concentration of mineral at least as high as that ordinarily obtainable by the separate and consecutive use of the appliances above named, with less labor employed in the mero handling of mineral ore, together with diminished cost of dressing and an increased saving of mineral from the tailings or waste."".""These steep inclinations or falls may be repeated if necessary, to any desirable extent, the object being that the tailings when they are finally washed off the Concentrator shall contain the least possible amount of mineral if any."".""As the ore is liable to be scoured off the surface of an inclined plane if only a slight increase over the proper flow of water takes place, our improvements have also for their object to permit of an occasional increase over the ordinary flow of water, thereby causing a larger quantity of water-borne material to pass over the Concentrator within a given time than permissible with existing appliances without loss of mineral."".""In fact the drag blocks are used by us for the purpose of effecting a concentration of mineral at the head of each section of the surface of the Concentrator similar to the deposits of mineral which are ordinarily found in the stony bed of streams flowing through mining districts."".""Our Invention relates to improvements in machinery for use in dressing or concen- trating Tin and other mineral ores when in a pulverized or crushed condition, the object of our Invention being to obtain such a concentration of mineral as that ordinarily obtainable by the separate and consecutive use of self-acting cleaning frames and buddles, with less labour employed in the mere handling of mineral ore, and a decrease of mineral in the tailings or waste."".""These steep inclinations or falls may be repeated, if necessary, to any desirable extent the object being that the tailings, when they are finally washed off the Concen- trator, shall contain the least possible amount of mineral, if any."".""As the ore is liable to be scoured off the surface of an inclined plane if only a slight increase over the proper flow of water take place, our improvements have also for their object to permit of an occasional or intermittent increase over the ordinary flow of water, thereby causing a larger quantity of water-borne material to pass over the Concentrator within a given time than is permissible with existing appliances without loss of mineral."".""In fact the drag blocks are used by us for the purpose of effecting a concentration of mineral at the head of each section of the surface of the Concentrator, similar to the deposits of mineral which are ordinarily found in the stony bed of streams flowing through mining districts.""",GB188816854A,1888,1 |
The valve consists of a stem fitted with a rubber or cork washer; the object of the washer is to make a joint against the bottom of the stopper or the upper part thereof as the case may be by the interior pressure of the liquid.,GB188610389A,1886,0 |
"Our improved process has the very great advantage over those ordinarily used, in which metal patterns are applied upon the cloth when the latter is passed through the teasing or napping machine, in order to preserve to the required part of them from the action of the machine, of not requiring any special machine, so that the work is very economically and quickly executed, whilst the former processes heretofore ordinarily employed require special machines which turn ont only a comparatively small quantity of work, and are very costly both in themselves and in the multiplicity of the patterns which they require. Moreover by our process of protecting the design, the colours of the parts so protected against the action of the machine being absolutely independent of the colour of the parts not so protected, it is possible to vary infinitely the designs and modifications which it may be desired to produce, and which it is absolutely impossible to obtain by the processes ordinarily employed.",GB189308356A,1893,1 |
This invention has for its object to effect the separation of the bismuth from the lead in a complete and ready manner and this we effect by electrolysis.,GB189522251A,1895,0 |
"The object of my said invention is to obviate the above mentioned defects, that is to say, to ensure more perfect combustion by an even distribution of the blast, and to obviate the necessity of stopping the production of the gas to permit the cleaning out of the apparatus.",GB188714279A,1887,0 |
"""The object of this Invention is to provide means whereby tubs, trams, wagons, or other receptacles containing coal or other substances may be raised from a lower to a higher level, turned over sufficiently to discharge their contents, and again lowered by one continuous operation or series of operations controlled by one man without the aid of an attendant or puller off at the higher level."" |
""We are aware that hoists are in use fitted with platforms which tilt sufficiently to allow the discharge of the contents of open-ended wagons, or of wagons fitted with end doors, and we lay no claim to any such arrangement as previously known or adopted; the object of our Invetion being to provide means for the discharge of the contents of close or ""box-ended"" wagons, as well as those which are open-ended or fitted with end doors.""",GB187700709A,1877,1 |
My Invention is intended to simplify the production and also economise the cost of fingers for mowing and reaping machines.,GB187704475A,1877,1 |
"The invention relates to the class of apparatus employed for indicating at any time the current upon an electric circuit; and the object is to provide convenient means for determining and regulating at a central station the potential upon the work circuit. Instead of the converter Ca resistance may be employed, the object being only to reduce the number of convolutions on 6 to a convenient number.",GB188709732A,1887,0 |
"The principal objects of my invention are to prevent the accumulation of cotton waste in the breaking up room, and to save labor by conveying the same automatically and continuously into the mixing room, and mixing the same without further labor.The principal objects of my invention are to prevent the accumulation of cotton waste in the breaking-up room, and to save labor by conveying the same automatically and continuously into the mixing room or other couvenient place, and at the same time ""mixing"" the cotton waste without further labor.",GB189607499A,1896,1 |