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Dataset splits vs. filtered training / test splits

The NAVSIM framework utilizes several dataset splits for standardized training and evaluating agents. All of them use the OpenScene dataset that is divided into the dataset splits mini,trainval,test,private_test_e2e, which can all be downloaded separately.

It is possible to run trainings and evaluations directly on these sets (see Standard in table below). Alternatively, you can run trainings and evaluations on training and validation splits that were filtered for challenging scenarios (see NAVSIM in table below), which is the recommended option for producing comparable and competitive results efficiently. In contrast to the dataset splits which refer to a downloadable set of logs, the training / test splits are implemented as scene filters, which define how scenes are extracted from these logs.

The NAVSIM training / test splits subsample the OpenScene dataset splits. Moreover, the NAVSIM splits include overlapping scenes, while the Standard splits are non-overlapping. Specifically, navtrain is based on the trainval data and navtest on the test data.

As the trainval sensor data is very large, we provide a separate download link, which loads only the frames needed for navtrain. This eases access for users that only want to run the navtrain split and not the trainval split. If you already downloaded the full trainval sensor data, it is not necessary to download the navtrain frames as well. The logs are always the complete dataset split.


The Table belows offers an overview on the training and test splits supported by NAVSIM. It also shows which config parameters have to be used to set the dataset split (split) and training/test split (scene-filter).

Name Description Logs Sensors Config parameters
Standard trainval Large split for training and validating agents with regular driving recordings. Corresponds to nuPlan and downsampled to 2HZ. 14GB >2000GB split=trainval
test Small split for testing agents with regular driving recordings. Corresponds to nuPlan and downsampled to 2HZ. 1GB 217GB split=test
mini Demo split for with regular driving recordings. Corresponds to nuPlan and downsampled to 2HZ. 1GB 151GB split=mini
NAVSIM navtrain Standard split for training agents in NAVSIM with non-trivial driving scenes. Sensors available separately in - 445GB* split=trainval
navtest Standard split for testing agents in NAVSIM with non-trivial driving scenes. Available as a filter for test split. - - split=test
Competition warmup_test_e2e Warmup test split to validate submission on hugging face. Available as a filter for mini split. - - split=mini
private_test_e2e Private test split for the challenge leaderboard on hugging face. <1GB 25GB split=private_test_e2e

(*300GB without history)


The standard splits trainval, test, and mini are from the OpenScene dataset. Note that the data corresponds to the nuPlan dataset with a lower frequency of 2Hz. You can download all standard splits over Hugging Face with the bash scripts in download

NAVSIM provides a subset and filter of the trainval split, called navtrain. The navtrain split facilitates a standardized training scheme and requires significantly less sensor data storage than travel (445GB vs. 2100GB). If your agents don't need historical sensor inputs, you can download navtrain without history, which requires 300GB of storage. Note that navtrain can be downloaded separately via but still requires access to the trainval logs. Similarly, the navtest split enables a standardized set for testing agents with a provided scene filter. Both navtrain and navtest are filtered to increase interesting samples in the sets.

For the challenge on Hugging Face, we provide the warmup_test_e2e and private_test_e2e for the warm-up and challenge track, respectively. Note that private_test_e2e requires you to download the data, while warmup_test_e2e is a scene filter for the mini split.