Is it censored?
Is the model helpful or censored?
Quantized is alright it’s got a bug where it’ll say “instinstinst” but it seems alright for the most part. More than likely needs to be fine tuned but I’m extremely limited with what I can do atm
Bug in the model itself or in quantized verion (how can bug creep into quantization if not present in original?)?
It is no fun, you can't even make a plan to rob a bank :( or legalize bank robbing. :P
@supercharge19 i have only tryed q5_k quantized. i dont have the computing power to run models like that. the bug came from merging 2 different models together. It has to be finetuned to Iron this out
what suitable (smallest) opensource dataset to use to "iron this out"?
@supercharge19 to be honest man idk im self taught and trying to learn still. Im really just a autistic dude